1984 01 20 PC Minutes
An Adjourned Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
January 20, 1984 3:30 p.m.
A. Chairman Klimkiewicz called the Planning CC~T~ission meeting to order
at 3:30 p.m. He called upon Sandra Bonner to lead the flag salute.
A. Chainnan Klimkiewicz requested the roll call. The Secretary called
the roll:
Present:CCmlnissioners Goetcheus, Imkamp, Thornburgh, Salas and
Chainm~n Klimkiewicz.
Also present were City Manager Frank Usher, Principal Planner Sandra
Bonner and Secretary Donna Velotta.
A. Chainm3n Klimkiewicz introduced the first public hearing regarding
Change of Zone Case No. 83-005, a request to change zoning frcm A-i-10
to R-2-12,000 and R-3 (SP) for a 78.3 acre site located along the south
side of 50th Avenue, one-quarter mile west of Jefferson Street; ~brris
and Grayscn, Inc., Applicant - in conjunction with public hearing as
B. A public hearing regarding Specific Plan No. 84-003, a request to construct
a 60-unit resort hotel on a 28.8 acre site located along the south side of
50th Avenue, one-quarter mile west of Jefferson Street; Mmrris and Grayson,
Inc., Applicant. He then called for the staff report.
- 1. Sandra Bonner, Principal Planner, brought to the Ommissioners'
attention a m~ro frcm Ray Ott, City Attorney with regard to the
use of the "SP" zoning suffix. She noted that based upon the
findings in the staff report in regard to the request for change
of zone, the proposed zoning is consistent with the General Plan,
is consistent and cc~patible with the surrounding existing zoning,
will allow development which is ~tible with approved or proposed
develo~x~t within the vicinity and approval of the request will not
result in a significant adverse enviro~tal impact. Therefore,
staff is reccmlnending that the Planning CcmT~ssion rec~d to the
City Council approval of Change of Zone Case No. 83-005.
Regarding Specific Plan No. 84-003, based upon findings in the staff
report, the proposal is consistent with the standards of the proposed
R-3 (SP) zoning, the project as designed will maintain the rural agri-
cultural character of the area, the project as designed will be
~tible with future residential development in the vicinity and
approval of the project will not result in a significant adverse
impact on the environment.
January 20, 1984
Page Two.
Therefore, staff is recc~_nding that the Planning Cc~ssion
recc~znend to the City Council approval of Specific Plan No. 84-003.
Chairman Klimkiewicz opened the hearing for public ~t.
__ David Irwin, Attorney, 74-090 E1 Paseo, Palm Desert, representative
for ~brris and Grayson, Inc., stated that he has reviewed the msmo
frcm Mr. Ott, City Attorney, and am in agrc~n~_nt. He then introduced
Larry Spector, President of MDrris and Grayson, who is presenting
the plans to the Cc~ssion.
Mr. Spector presented the develo~m~_nt to the Planning C~ssion
by discussing what the facility was bringing to the City (a hotel,
spa, restaurant) and displayed renderings of same. He wished this
to be a resort where people would park their cars and never have to
use them again until they left. The resort will also have a 40-50
person amphitheatre. He briefly explained what each of the buildings
c~nta~ed and where they w~uld be located on the property. The resort
will be open the year round. The orange orchard will remain on the
premises and will be maintained by the DeBonne Ranch Management.
He explained that they have been a year in developing the spa and
there will not be another one like it in the valley. The spa will
be open for memberships to the public. There will be a jitney bus
to transport residents to the La Quinta Hotel so they may use the golf,
tennis and restaurant facilities if they wish.
William P. Cam~, 49-847 Coachella Drive, La Quinta, stated that all
of his c~ncerns regarding this project have been satisfied since the
last hearing. He felt that the worthwhile presentatic~ made today
alleviated any concerns that he had previously. He stated that he
shares the developers enthusiasm over the project. He stated that he
- has had a chance to look over the area where the project will be built
and feels it will not have any adverse affects on the surrounding area.
He still feels that the City should not grant any further rezoning
requests until it has developed a master plan.
Bernard DeBonne, DeBonne Ranch Management, spoke in favor of the
As there were no further public cc~ments, ChaLrman Klimkiewicz closed
the public hearing.
There was a brief discussion, after which Chairman Klimkiewicz called
for a motion.
2. Cc~ssioner Imkamp made a motion based upon the findings contained
in the staff report, to r~d to the City Council approval of Change
of Zone Case No. 83-005 from A-l-10 to R-2-12,000 and R-3(SP), in
accordance with Exhibit "A"; and adoption of the negative declaration
prepared for Environmental Assessment No. 83-013. Ccmmissioner Thornburgh
seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
Cc~missioner Thornburgh made a motion based upon the findings contained
in the staff report, to recc~xnend to the City Council approval of Specific
Plan NO. 84-003 in accordance with the exhibits and subject to the