1984 03 27 PC Minutes ~ : - ~-- APPROVED '"~-'
By ,~'/~
An A~journed M~eting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
March 27, 1984 7:00 p.m.
1. C. AT,T, ~ ORDER
A. Chairman Klimkiewicz called the Planning ~ssion meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. He then called upon City Manager Frank Usher to lead the flag
A. Chairman Klimkiewicz requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll:
Present:Conm~ssioners Goetcheus, Imkamp, Thornburgh, Salas and Chairman
Absent: None
Also present were City Manager Frank Usher, City Attorney Jim Longtin,
Planning Director Lawrence Stevens, Principal Planner Sandra Bonner and
Secretary Donna Velotta.
Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the four items of hearing to be heard concurrently
as follows:
A. General Plan Amendment No. 84-002, a request to amend the Land Use Element
frcm Very Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential, the Open Space
and Conservation Element frcm Agriculture to Urban and the Circulation
Element deleting Jefferson Street between Avenues 54 and 58 and deleting
Airport Boulevard (Avenue 56) between Jefferson and Madison Street.
B. Specific Plan No. 83-002, a request by I~L Development Corporation of
_ California to construct a private cc~munity on 1,665+ acres with 5,000
residential dwellings, four 18-hole golf courses, 35 acres of office and
retail general cc~mercial and a 65-acre resort village. The resort village
will contain 400 hotel units, 250 apartment/cond~ium units and a major
fitness and recreation center. Total buildout is projected to occur in
ten phases over a fifteen-year to twenty-year period.
C. Change of Zone Case No. 84-007, a request by LML Development Corporation of
California to change the existing zoning frcm A-l-10, A-l-20 and W-2-20 to
R-2, R-3, R-3 (75' Height Limit), R-5 and CPS.
D.Request for Consideration of the Enviro~tal Impact Report prepared by
I~L Development Corporation of California for Specific Plan No. 83-002.
The Chairman then called for the report frc~ staff.
March 27, 1984
Page TWo.
1. Principal Planner Sandra Bonner referred the Conmmission to the reports
in their packets regarding information they had requested at the previous
meeting which was; 1) sizes of coam~rcial centers in the area; 2) estimated
costs for improvements on Madison Street between 50th and 52nd Avenues, and;
3) construction and operational costs for a ccammmity swinmting pool.
Ms. Bonner further explained to the Planning Ccammission the three new condi-
tions added to the original list. The three new conditions are #43, #44 and
#45. She then went on to explain revisions made to the original list of
conditions. Revisions were made by staff to the following:
Cond. #2 - Added
Cond. #18 - Expanded
Cond. #19 - Expanded
Cond. #27 - Changed
Cond. #35 - Expanded
Cond. #40 - Expanded
Cond. #42 - Changed (Dollar amount still under negotiation)
There was discussion between the Planning Cc~nission and the Principal
Planner regarding the revisions.
Ms. Bonner advised the Conm%ission that before staff w~uld reconmend approval
of this project to the City Council, there would be a signed agreement between
the AppIicant and the Parks Department regarding a list of improvements to be
made at Lake Cahuilla. This agreement has not been reached as yet.
Chairman Klimkiewicz called upon the Applicant for his response.
Kay Chandler, Vice President, IxML Development Corporation of California,
expressed the Applicant's concern with the following conditions:
Cond. #2 - Applicant is not sure what the "precise development plan" should
Cond. #18 - Applicant has no problem with this condition as expanded by the
Cond. #19 - Applicant has no problem with this condition as expanded by the
Cond. #20 - Applicant noted that this condition had not been mentioned in the
report frcm staff, but they would like the condition to read:
"Prior to the closure of Jefferson Street, the Applicant shall
fund and install the necessary off-site street improvements .... "
Cond. #27 - Applicant requested this condition be deleted.
Cond. #30 - Applicant requested this condition be deleted. They feel it
is covered in Condition #38.
Cond. #32 - Applicant requested this condition be deleted.
Cond. #34 - Applicant is requesting the ccam~_rcial area remain at 35 acres.
Cond. #35 - a. The Applicant wished to determine the location of the fire
f. Applicant wished the following to be added: "...providing
that the district include other property served by the
g. Applicant requested this item be deleted.
March 27, 1984
Page Three.
Cond. #36 - Applicant stated they feel the ~Drds "Applicant" and "City"
should be reversed.
Cond. #40 - a. Applicant would like to add the w~rds "and Applicant"
to the end of the sentence.
b. Applicant would like the following words deleted; "including
undergrounding of sam~, and which is a direct result of the
Oak Tree West development, .
Cond. #42 - Applicant wished to have the following words deleted, "or other
recreational facility".
Conds. #43, #44 and #45 - The Applicant was opposed to all three of these
After a brief discussion, the Principal Planner advised the Planning ~ssion
that most of the Applicant's requested changes were minor and cculd be revised
easily. Therefore, she suggested that the Conm~ssion review the conditions in
question once again. The ensuing discussion resulted in the revision of the
following conditions:
Cond #2. - Amended to read: "Prior to the issuance of a building permit for
construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant
shall first obtain approval of plot plans and tentative maps in
accordance with the requir~_nts of the Municipal Land Use and Land
Division Ordinances."
Conds. #18 and #19 - Would remain the same.
Cond. #20 - Amended to read: "Prior to the closure of Jefferson Street, the
Applicant shall fund and install the necessary off-site pavement
improvements... "
Cond. #27 - Would remain unchanged.
Cond. #30 - Delete the following words at the end of the paragraph: "...in
accordance with City standards and the requirements of Riverside
County Parks Department."
Cond. #32 - Amend second paragraph as follows: "In addition, "one-story
structure" shall be defined as a structure in which the garage/
carport is substantially on the sam~ level as the living area."
Cond. #34 - Amend as follows: "The ~rcial area shall be reduced to a
maximum total of 20 acres for the future develo~nent of a
cc~ercial center and offices."
Cond. #35 - a. Amended to read: "Applicant shall dedicate a one-acre, fire
station site within the priject boundaries to the City, at a
location to be determined by the City.
f. ~ded to read: "The Applicant shall agree to participate
in an assessment district for financing operations, mainte-
nance and persc~nel costs, providing that said district
includes other assessable property if served by said district."
h. Amended and Added to Cond. #35 (originally Cond. #36): "City
shall enter into a reimbursement agreement with Applicant,
whereby City shall agree to reimburse to Applicant those costs
of fire station construction and equipment, which are properly
attributsble to service recipients located outside the project
March 27, 1984
Page Four.
Cond. #40 - a. Expanded to read: "Applicant shall provide a 2.5-acre site
for an electrical substation on, or adjacent to, the develop-
ment at a location approved by Int0erial Irrigation District,
the City, and the Applicant."
b. Changed to read: "Any relocation of existing overhead power
facilities within or adjacent to the project shall be per
District regulations applicable to the said conditions thereof."
- Cond. #42 - Add the following sentence to the end of paragraph: "This contri-
bution is specifically intended to mitigate the closure of Jefferson
Cond. #43 - Add the following to the end of paragraph: "To the extent Applicant
constructs specific facilities included within the fee structure
(i.e., fire station), it shall receive appropriate credit, as
detennJ~ed by the City Council. If said fee shall include financing
of permanent or tempo~ school facilities, Condition No. 37
(school development fee) shall be deleted."
Conds. #44 and #45 - Would remain the same. Applicant still opposed these
As there was no further discussion, Chairman Klimkiewicz called for a motion.
2. Ccxm~ssioner Thornburgh made a motion to certify the Environmental In/oact
Report prepared for Oak Tree West subject to findings 1 and 2 of the staff
report. Cc~nissioner Salas seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
Conmissioner Thornburgh made a motion to approve the General Plan Amendment
84-002 as recommended by staff, including the appropriate findings; specifically
including the finding of overriding consideration that states that "the
irreversible loss of agricultural land to urban use is warranted due to the
land ownership pattern and due to the current disproportionate land costs for
the subject property ccmpared to other agricultural land in Coachella Valley
with the advent of urban services, particularly oumunity sewers into the
area". Cc~m%issioner Goetcheus seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
O0mmissioner Salas made a motion to approve Specific Plan No. 83-002 subject
to findings contained in the staff report, including the overriding considera-
tions stated, subject to the Exhibits of the Specific Plan and the attached
conditions contained in the staff report, as amended. Chairman Klimkiewicz
seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
Conmtissioner Thornburgh made a motion to approve Change of Zone Case No.
84-007 in accord with Exhibit A as amended to incorporate 20 acres CPS,
which is attached to the staff report, including findings and including
the overriding considerations. Commissioner Salas seconded the motion.
Unanimously adopted.
March 27, 1984
Page Five.
There being no further items of agenda to ccme before the Planning Con~ission,
Chairman Klimkiewicz called for a motion to adjourn.
Commissioner Thornburgh made a motion to adjourn to a regular meeting on May 8,
1984, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
- California.
The adjourned meeting of the Planning Cc~nission of the City of La Quinta,
California, was adjourned at 9:15 p.m., March 27, 1984, at the La Quinta City
Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.