1984 06 21 PC Minutes · ,,n APPROVED LA QSI~ITA PI.~NNING
An Adjourned Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
June 21, 1984 7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Klimkiewicz called the Planning Cc~ssion meeting to order
at 7:00 p.m. He then called upon Cc~missioner Salas to lead the flag
salute o
2. ROLL C~T,T,
A. Chairman Klimkiewicz requested the roll call. The Secretary called
the roll:
Present:Cc~ssioners Imkamp, Thornburgh, Salas and Chairman
Absent: Comtissioner Goetcheus
Also present were Planning Director Lawrence L. Stevens, Principal
Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Donna Velotta.
Before the hearings began, Planning Director Stevens announced the appointment
of John G. Walling and the reappointment of Tom Thorr~urgh by the City Council
to the Planning Cc~mission. Mr. Walling was present and introduced to all.
Planning Director Stevens informed the Cc~ssion that the RFP's for the General
Plan had been mailed and the deadline for receipt of proposals was this week.
He noted that we had received nine (9) proposals and hope to get a recc~r~___ation
to the Council by the second meeting in July.
_ A final item of note that Planning Director Stevens brought to the attention of
the C~ssion was that at the next regular meeting, we will have the reorganiza-
tion for C~aJ_rman and Chairman Pro Tern as provided in the rules and regulations
of the Planning Co~ssion.
Chairman Klimkiewicz advised that the following two hearing items were
regarding the Pscmas Associates project and would be heard concurrently
as follows:
A. Change of Zone Case No. 84-010, a request by Pscmas and Associates
to change the existing zoning frcm R-l-12,000/PD to R-l-10,000/PD
to allow for a planned residential development in accordance with
a proposed tentative tract.
B. Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1, a request for approval
of a 140-unit, detached, single-family dwelling, planned residential
develoEx~ent located at the northwest corner of Miles Avenue and Dune
Palms Road; Pscmas and Associates, Applicant.
He then called for the report frc~ staff.
1. Principal Planner Bonner stated that consideration of the related
Change of Zone and Tentative Tract cases was continued frc~ the
- June 12, 1984 meeting to allow the Planning C~sion additional
time to review the proposed project design and density. Concern
was expressed about project and area density and for the tightness
of the site design in several locations. She stated that the
Applicant has redesigned a portion of the site to increase the
minimum separation between the rears of scme dwelling units frcm
25 feet to 42 feet. ~nis was accc~plished by the shifting of
the locations of the units and the parking bays. She stated that
the Planning Cc~ssion has three alternatives regarding this
project. They are:
June 21, 1984
Page 2.
1. Denial of the Change of Zone, Redesign of the Project.
2. Approval of the Change of Zone, Approval of Project with Redesign.
3. Revise Change of Zone, Redesign of Project.
Principal Planner Bonner explained the alternatives to the Commission
in detail.
_ There has also been discussion concerning the improvement of, or
participation in the improvement of Dune Palms where it crosses the
Whitewater Storm Channel to the south of the project. Principal
Planner Bonner explained two alternate conditions which staff is
suggesting to the Commission if they detennine such an improvement
is appropriate for this project.
Staff is recc~m~_nding that the requested Change of Zone and the
Tentative Tract be approved.
Chairman Klimkiewicz then called upon the Applicant for his presentation.
Bill Tackabery, Pscmas and Associates, 150-A Paulerino, Costa Mesa, CA,
Applicant, stated that they have collected several letters frcm
surrounding property owners supporting this project. This project is
of lesser density than those around it, and therefore, Mr. Tackabery
feels that there should be no problem with its approval. The entire
plan was prepared frc~ a market study for which they paid a substantial
amount of money. The .hemes are to have a selling price of approximately
$100,000 to $117,000. If they ~uld have to drop units, naturally, the
prices would have to escalate and, therefore, could perhaps take th~
out of the market niche they believe exists at this time. Mr. Tackabery
urged the Planning Commission to approve this request for zone change
as suhnit~.
After a very lengthy disCUSSion regarding what alternatives they had
to w~rk with for the zone change, the Ommission determined that they
would deny the zone change as requested, and approved a zone change
to R-i-ll, 000.
Regarding the tentative tract, the Ccmm%ission requested the following
revisions. Add Conditions 5. (a) and 5. (b), and 25. to read as follows:
"5. (a) The number' of dwelling units shall be reduced to
a maximum of 130 units."
"5. (b) The revised site plan shall be subject to review
and approval by the Planning Oum~ssion and shall
cc~ply with the following performance standards:
(1) Minimum distance betw~=_n rears of buildings
shall be 40 feet.
(2)Mininum distance be~ sides of buildings
shall be 10 feet.
(3)Minimum setback frcm interior property lines
shall be 20 feet.
(4) Min/mum distance bet~n the side of one building
and the rear of an abutting building shall be 15
- "25. Applicant shall contribute to the cost of improving
Dune Palms Road as it crosses the Whitewater Storm
Channel. Said contribution shall be made prior to
recordation of a final map and shall be based on the
estimated cost of the improvements as determined frcm
a plan prepared by a P~gistered Civil Engineer and
approved by the City. The amount of the contribution
shall be determined by the City Council."
June 21, 1984
Page 3.
Chairman Klimkiewicz called for a motion.
2. ~ssioner Thornburgh made a motion to approve Change of Zone
Case No. 84-010 frcm R-l-12,000 %o R-l-il,000 subject %o %he
findings in the staff report. Cc~m~ssioner Imkamp seconded the
motion. Unanimously adopted.
Cc~m~ssioner Imkamp made a motion to approve Tentative Tract Map
- No. 20016, Amended No. 1, based on the findings in the staff
report and subject to the attached conditions, as amended.
Unanimously adopted.
Chairman Klimkiewicz advised that the following tw~ items were regarding
the Horizon Palms project and would be discussed concurrently.
A. Change of Zone Case No. 84-008, a request by General Management
Corporation dba "Horizon Palms" to change the existing zoning frcm
R-i-12,000/PD %o R-i-10,000/PD to allow for a planned residential
development in accordance with a proposed tentative tract.
B. Tentative Tract Map No. 19903, a request to subdivide a 40.4 gross
acre site into 168 lots for the purpose of constructing a 160-unit,
single-family, planned residential development, located at the south-
west corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road alignment;
General Management Corporation dba "Horizon Palms", Applicant.
Planning Director stevens explained to the Planning Cc~mission that these
two items were brought back to them for further consideration due to the
City Council's concern that there was an inconsistent r~dation before
them. He noted that if the ~ssion feels their prior recon~endation
does not need to be altered then these items can be dismissed without any
- further recc~nendation. Planning Director Stevens advised the Cc~mission
that there have been changes in the unit floor plans and in the distribution
of the units within the project. The actual number of units, however, has
not been changed. He further advised the Commission that they have the
prerogative to change their previous recc~r~n~tion. He stated that the
City Council did not deny the Change of Zone, but referred it back to staff
and directed the Applicant to modify the floor plans to cc~ply with Condition
NO. 38, which the Applicant has done.
Mike Buccino, Landscape Architect, 340 S. Farrell, Palm Springs, CA, spoke
as a representative of the Applicant and stated that the smaller units in
the project are being upgraded to 1000 square feet, the project has 71%
open space and there is approximately 320 acres that are ccmpletely
surrounded by densities in excess of what these two projects before the
Cc~m~ssion this evening are zoned. He stated he could see no reason why
these two project could not be zoned to 4 units per acre.
After a lengthy discussion, the Planning Cc~missi~n detezmined that they
w~uld like to change their previous motion regarding the change of zone.
Chaizman Klimkiewicz called for a motion.
Cc~missi~ner Thornburgh made a motion to approve Change of Zone Case No.
84-008 frem R-l-12,000/PD to R-i-ll, 000/PD. Chairman Klimkiewicz seconded
- the motion. Unanimously adopted.
6. ADJ~
There being no further items of agenda to ccme before the Planning Cc~mission,
Chairman Klimkiewicz called for a motion to adjourn.
Cc~missioner Thornburgh made a motion to adjourn to the regular meeting of
July 10, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado,
The adjourned meeting of the Planning Cc~mission of the City of La Quinta,
California, was adjourned at 8:45 p.m., June 21, 1984, at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.