1984 08 14 PC Minutes PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California August 14, 1984 7: 00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. C~al~ ~ho~q~b~gh calle<t tJ~e Pla~ing C~/~slon n~etir~j to orde~ - at 7:00 p.m. He then called upon ~ssioner Klimkiewicz to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL A.Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. ~ne Secretary called the roll: Present:Cc~missioners Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, Walling and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: Cc~nissioner Salas Chairman Thornburgh requested a motion to excuse ~sioner Salas. Cc~missioner Klimkiewicz moved to excuse ~ssioner Salas frcm this meeting of August 14, 1984. Cc~ssioner Walling seconded. Unanimously adopted. Also present were Ommunity Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens, Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Donna M. Velotta. 3. HEARINGS A. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first hearing as Public Use Permit Case No. 84-001, a request by the Family Heritage Church of the Valley - to construct church facilities at the northwest corner of Miles Avenue and Adams Street alignment; Family Heritage Church of the Valley, Applicant. He called for the staff report. 1. Principal Planner Bonner explained that this was a request to construct a church with a school and related facilities on an 8.7-acre site. Construction to occur in two phases with the first being an assembly hall with a seating capacity of 770 people. Within an estimated 5 years, the sanctuary building and classrooms will be constructed, with the original building reverting back for use as a gymnasia. Regarding cc~m~nts frcm the City Engineer, Fire Marshal and other agencies affected, the main topic of concern is the traffic generation. Staff has requested that the driveway onto Miles Avenue be deleted due to a serious sight distance problem created by a rise in the grade of Miles Avenue east of the entry. She noted that the general layout and design is consistent with City standards. Based on the findings in the staff report, Staff is recc~mending approval of Public Use Pezmit Case No. 84-001, subject to the attached conditions. Chainman Thornburgh then called upon the Applicant for their presentation. Allan Levin, Engineering Services Corporation, 74-303 Highway 111, - Palm Desert, CA, Civil Engineer for the project, spoke in behalf of the Applicant. He requested clarification of Condition No. 10.b. He stated that the Applicant would like separate bonds be allowed for the portion of A~__a_ms Street to be constructed with Phase I of the project and separate bonds for the remainder of Adams Street to be ccnstructed at a later date. Cc~munity Develoument Director Stevens responded by advising that the condition would allow that to occur. MINUTES - PIANNING CC~$1ISSION August 14, 1984 Page 2. Mr. Levin went on to address Condition No. 28. He stated that the Applicant would like to amend the last sentence to read, "Applicant agrees to pay set fees in effect at the time of issuance of building permits." In response, ~ty Development Director Stevens advised that Staff recc~a~ends the language not be changed as the condition was written and approved by the City Attorney and we feel that it is clear. Ron Finch, Pastor - 47-921 Sundance, Indio, CA, spoke in behalf of the project requesting that the mitigation fee for the fringe-toed lizard be waived as this project is a religious institution and a non-profit organization. ~ty Development Director Stevens again responded by stating that the City's position is that the habitat preservation plan for the fringe- toed lizard has not yet been adopted or accepted by any of the cities affected by it. The cities have informally agreed to, in conjunction with discretionary approvals, Uut the generalized condition here indicating that the project would be subject to whatever mitigation fees develop. Tentatively, it appears that the fee will be $600+ an acre. Mr. Stevens stated that at the study session he advised it would be our intention that if the ultimate adoption of the plan exempts for such facilities or establishes an effective date where this project would not be affected, then this condition would not apply to this project. The City has not yet decided how it will accept fees under this program and it could opt for scme sort of deposit or similar approach pending the actual adoption of the preservation program by affected cities and that would allow the Applicant, through a Certificate of Deposit or similar method, to generate the interest on that money. In conclusion, Mr. Stevens stated that Staff understands the Applicant's concern, but given the nature and situation relative to the habitant plan, it makes it difficult to give a more concrete answer than this. Wendell Veith, 67-660 Bonito Road, Cathedral City, CA, Architect for the Applicant, addressed the Planning Ccammission stating that he was present to answer any questions that they might have regarding this project. There was a short discussion regarding the deletion of the driveway onto Miles Avenue. There being no further persons wishing to speak on this matter, Chairman Thornburgh closed the public hearing. There was a discussion regarding the construction of buildings in phase t~o. The Planning Ccmmtission stated they would like to approve those plans before the construction. Relative to this, ~ty Development Director Stevens stated Condition No. 7 would be revised to read: "7. This approval authorizes the construction of a sanctuary building and classrocm buildings. The buildings's design, location, size and height shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Cc~mission." Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Cc~nissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to approve Public Use Permit Case No. 84-001, subject to the findings and conditions, as amended, in the staff report. Ccam~ssioner Walling seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted with one absentee. At this time, Chainnan Thornburgh turned the meeting over to ~ssioner Klimkiewicz for the following two public hearings, as the City Attorney felt there may be a conflict of interest. (Vice Chairman Salas was absent. ) MINUTES - PLANNING CCMMISSION August 14, 1984 Page 3. Acting Chairman Klimkiewicz advised all present that the next two hearings w~re regarding the same planned residential develot~nent project and therefore would be heard concurrently as follows: B. Change of Zone Case No. 84-012, a request by Utopian Design and Develo~nmnt to change the existing zoning frcm R-l*, R-3'-4000, and NA to R-2-20,000/PD to allow for a planned residential develop- merit in accordance with a proposed tentative tract. -- C. Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, a request for approval of a Planned Residential Developmmnt consisting of 672 statutory condcminiums, 51 single-family dwelling lots, an 18-hole golf course and a tennis club on 360 acres located at Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas; J. Burton Gold, Utopian Design and Develo~nent, Applicant. He called for the staff report. 1. Principal Planner Bonner advised all present that the Applicant is proposing a Planned Residential Develo~nent consisting of 672 statutory condcntiniums, 51 single-family dwelling lots, an 18-hole golf course and a tennis club on 360 acres of a 674-acre site. With the exception of 5 proposed single-family house lots, all dwellings will be located on the flat portions of the site and will not extend onto the hillsides. Dirt removed frcm the flood channel and water retention basins, during con- construction of cc~nunity flood control improvements, will be placed in the easterly portion of the site and will be used to create terracing for the single-family house lots. Approximately 76% of the 360-acre development will be developed in open space and recreational uses. Under the current General Plan, the area to be developed can have a maxiaum density of 5 units per acre, with a small area adjacent to the Desert Club allowing up to 10 units per acre. The proposed project will have an overall density of approximately 2 units per developable acre. -- %he project is consistent with the standards of the municipal zoning and land division ordinances. 2he location and appearance of the proposed dwelling units are cc~patible with the area. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment provided that appropriate mitigation measures are incorporated into the project approval. Principal Planner Bonner went on to address the request by the Applicant for a change of zone frcm R-3'-4000, R-l* and N-A* to R-2-20,000 and N-A* for the 360 developable acres of the 674-acre site which is intended to facilitate proposed Tentative Tract Map No. 20328. The requested R-2 zoning would allow a maximum of 8 dwellings per building which does not seem out of character with either the area or typical golf and tennis club develo~nent. The requested zoning does not propose to retain the existing designation for the 1200 square foot min~ dwelling size, although all of the proposed dwelling units exceed this floor area criteria. Because of this, it seems advisable to incorporate this in the approved zoning to assure that the standard will apply to other projects if this one does not proceed, and to assure cc~pat~ility with other residential zoning in the area. There are tv~ factors that need to be questioned with respect to the requested zoning: 1. Should the area shown for individual single-family lots be zoned other than R-2-20,0007 These lots are approximately 10,000 square feet in area. With the proposed zoning, the area could be redesigned - for the duplex-type units which are existing for the rest of the project, although this would require an ammnded tract map. Further- more, the lot sizes are less than the 20,000 square feet specified. 2. Should the zoning line along the mountains be adjusted frc~ that proposed? While it is desirable to maintain "squared-off" and regular lines, it appears that the mountainous area included in the R-2 zoning should be reduced. MINUTES - PLANNING CC~b~ISSION August 14, 1984 Page 4. In general, the basic zoning requested seems satisfactory, although, several minor adjustments are suggested in the Staff Recc~m~_ndation. ~ity Devel~t Director Lawrence L. Stevens reviewed the conditions of approval that were of concern as follows: Condition No. 5 - Refer to Exhibit "D" in approved exhibits. Condition No. 6 - Modify to require Planning Cc~mission approval of various buildings. Condition No. 9 - Modify to establish building height limits with the project and delete min/mum roof overhang requirement. Make minor modifications in requirements of Fire Marshal. Ad_d_ a Condition No. 19 providing more specific information about acceptance and construction of stormwater facilities to accept local drainage. Clarify that the $100,000 contribution for a fire station may be used as a credit. Condition No. 25 - Modify to require approval by the Planning Cc~missi~n and modify sidewalk requir~_nts along Avenue 52. ~quire tree retention plan by the Planning Cc~mission. ~d_d_ a condition to require approval of lighting plan by the Planning ~sion. Based upon the findings in the staff reports, Staff recc~nends approval of the Change of Zone Case No. 84-012 as revised, in accord_~nce with the attached Exhibit entitled "Staff Recc~m~_nded Zoning" and approval of the Tentative Tract.Map No. 20328, subject to the attached conditions, as amended. Cc~m~ssioner Goetcheus requested information frc~ Staff regarding the width of Ben~udas and the traffic situation there. Mr. Stevens responded by stating that Avenida Bermudas is designated as an 88' wide collector. The Applicant is voluntarily donating 50' instead of the minimum 44'. This is to a~te the ultimate configuration of 2 lanes in each direction as well as the ability to get turning lanes in to create a safer situation for turning movements. This extra width helps because it is not likely that we will get the full right-of-%-~y width on the opposite side of the street where we have houses fronting along the street, and if we take the additional 14' or so of right-of-way that beccmes necessary to get the full 88' width, essentially that ~uld be the front yards of most of the hcmes. Therefore, the 6' that the Applicant is providing significantly increases the opportunity to get a full and adequate width of road and provide for necessary turning move- me~ts. There was further discussion regarding the bicycle/pedestrian path along Avenue 52 and the drainage system to be installed along Bermudas. There was also sc~ne discussion of the donation of acreage by the Applicant for park facilities. Acting Chairman Klimkiewicz then requested the Applicant's presentation. J. B. Gold, Utopian Design and Development, 9454 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite M-l, Beverly Hills, CA, designer of the project, spoke in behalf of the Applicant. He advised the Cc~m~ssion that all of his questions had been answered during the previous discussions. One thing he asked was clarification of Condition No. 18 regarding the installation of the dry stormdrain system along Avenida Bermudas. MINORIES - PLANNING C~SSION August 14, 1984 Page 5. Mr. Stevens responded to Mr. Gold's concerns to his satisfaction. Acting Chairman Klimkiewicz then opened the hearing for public cc~nent. Chris Gwozdziowski of La Quinta had concerns regarding the additional traffic on Washington Street. He stated the noise frcm the traffic is considerable at the present time and he felt it would get much - worse with this project. Acting Chairman Klimkiewicz informed Mr. Gwozdzi~i that the traffic on Washington would increase and that the street will be widened to accc~modate that traffic. He noted that the traffic would increase on Washington over the next few years irregardless of this project. William lorenz, 4595 California Avenue, long Beach, CA, stated he owns a piece of property off La Fonda about a half block away frc~ Washington. His concern was whether the small streets in that area would be improved also as a result of this project. Principal Planner Bonner responded that there would be improvements to Washington Street be~ the south side of Mr. lorenz's subdivision where La Fonda is located down to 52nd. This is approximately a 600' portion of Washington Street. Therefore, the improvements would not affect the streets in question. As there were no further cc~nents, Acting Chairman Klimkiewicz closed the public hearing. Cc~nissioner Walling stated he would like to amend Condition No. 6 to include, as well as the association maintenance building and the golf maintenance building, perimeter walls on both streets and tree retention plan be subject to Planning C~mtission approval. -- Acting Chairman Klimkiewicz stated he would also like to see the land- scaping plans ccme back to the Planning C~ssion for the south side of Avenue 52 where the eucalyptus trees will be retained. Further discussions were had addressing lighting on Washington Street, the status of the Washington Street Specific Plan, Washington Street bridge improvements and mitigating benefits such as donations of land to the City for a school or park, etc. Acting Chairman Klimkiewicz then called for a motion. 2. Cc~ssioner Walling made a motion to approve Change of Zone Case No. 84-012 based upon the findings in the staff report as revised in accordance with the attached exhibit entitled "Staff ~ded Zoning"; and a motion to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 20328 based on the findings in the staff report and subject to attached conditions, as amended. Conntissioner Goetcheus seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted with one absentee and Chairman Thornburgh not voting. At this point, Acting Chairman Klimkiewicz turned the meeting back to Chairman Thornburgh. 4. CONSENT CALWNDAR _ Moved by Cc~nissioner Goetcheus, seconded by Cc~ntissioner Walling to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 10~1984. '~ A. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 10~=!984~ .~ were approved as sutmtitted. Unanimously adopted with Cc~lnissioner Salas absent. 5. BUSINESS A. Chaizman Thornburgh introduced the first item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-059, Amended, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Roudel Lane, 180-feet south of the end of the street; Chris Caras, Applicant. He called for the staff report. MINUTES - PLANNING CQMMISSION August 14, 1984 Page 6. 1. Principal Planner Bonner advised the Cc~nission that this case was first considered at the June 12, 1984 meeting. At that time, the Planning Conmtission directed the Applicant to work with staff and redesign the house to address their's and staff's concerns, which were as follows: a. The width and bulk of the house was not consistent with existing develof]nent; _ b. The front elevation with only a garage emphasized the narrowness of the building and was not consistent with the street elevations of other houses on the street; and c. The house had no identifiable front door visible frcm the street o The Applicant has su___hntitted revised house plans which address these concerns. The size of the house has been increased, it now has an identifiable front entrance visible frcm the street, the garage has been turned so that the entry is on the side of the house, and the width is still 22 feet, however, the bend in the house creates the appearance of greater width and bulk. The design of the floor plan ccmplies with the City's adopted standards, the proposed roofing and siding materials will be cc~patible with the existing houses in the area, and the building's setbacks from the lot lines are consistent with the requirements of the municipal zoning ordinance. Therefore, staff is r~ding approval of Plot Plan No. 84-059, based upon the findings in the staff report and in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. After a short discussion period, Chairman Thornburgh~ called for a motion. 2.Chairman Thornb~rgh m~___d_e a motion based on the findings in the staff report, in accordance with Exhibits A, B ar~ C, to approve Plot Plan No. 84-059, subject to the attached conditions. Conmtissioner Goetcheus seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted with one absentee. B. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-067, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Vallejo, 150-feet south of Calle Durango; Desert Affordable Housing, Applicant. He called for the staff report. 1. Principal Planner Bonner advised the Ccmmission that with the exception of the 16-inch overhangs, the floor plan and elevations comply with the City's adopted standards for single-family houses. The approval will be conditioned to require mininum 18-inch eaves. The request is consistent with the requiren~nnts of the R-1 Zone, the building design is compatible with area development and the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, staff is recc~m~nding approval of Plot Plan No. 84-067. After a short discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Conmtissioner Goetcheus made a motion based upon the findings in the staff report, to approve Plot Plan No. 84-067 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Ccmmtissioner Walling seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted with - one absentee. Cc~n~unity Development Director Stevens informed the Planning Cc~nission that the City Council is going to appoint members to a General Plan Advisory Cc~nittee and wanted one of the Ccnmtissioners appointed to same. He asked the Conmtission to choose who they wanted for this assignment so that he could report back to the City Council. After a short discussion, ~ssioner Walling was chosen to be assigned to the GPAC. MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION August 14, 1984 Page 7. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further items of ager~___a to ccme before the Planning Cc~nission, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn. ~ssioner Goetcheus made a motion to adjourn to the next regular mmeting of September 11, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. Conmtissioner Walling seconded. Unanimously - adopted with one absentee. The regular meeting of the Planning Cc~nission of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 9:25 p.m., August 14, 1984, at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.