1984 11 13 PC Minutes
A Regular ~eting Held at the La Quanta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
November 13, 1984 7:00 p.m.
A. Chalnnan Thornburgh called the Plannang ~sslon meeting to order
- at 7:00 p.m. He then called upon Cc~xn~ssioner Klim~iewicz to lead
the flag salute.
A.Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary_ called
t~e ro11:
Present: Cc~missloners Goetcneus, Klim~lewlcz, Walling and
Chairman Thornburgh
Absent: None
Also present were Comunlty. Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens,
Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Donna M. Velotta.
A. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first public hearing as Tentative
Tract Map No. 18765, Revised No. 1, a request to approve a revlslon
of a previously approved tentative tract reducing the dwellings from
108 to 72 unlts on 19.1 total acres; Landmark Land COT~y, Applicant.
He called for the staff report.
1. Principal Planner Bonner explained that the Applicant was proposing
this revision to the tentative tract map to reduce the number of units
frcm 108 to 72 and mn their place they are adding to the numDer of
tennis courts. This tract was originally approved Dy the City Council
in November of 1982 and this first phase (23 un~ts) has been constructed
and intend to begin construction on the remaining tw~ phases at the
beginning of 1985. In addition to reducing the number of units and
adding additional tennis courts, the Applicant has changed their building
designs frcm all single and duplex structures to single, duplex, tri-
plex and fourplex structures. Also, to change the driveway locations
and designs to acconmodate the change in building locations. Principal
Planner Bonner noted that a couple of points were brought out at the
study session. First, were the improvements to Avenida Obregon. Staff
is recc~mending, on the basis that thms street serves not only this
subdivision and the tennis club, but also the adjoining hotel w~ich
will be expanded to the west. In addition, this is the entrance to
Santa Rosa Cove. Secondly, the Applicant was concerned with Condmtion
No. 12 whmch requires, prior to issuance of a Duilding permmt, the
Applicant to provide written clearance frcm IID stating, in fact, that
he had electrical power. Tom Hill of IID called the City this date
stating that he would issue such a letter. However, Staff is still
recc~mlending that this condition be included on the basis that we have
required it for all the tracts since Duna La Quinta, when the issue
was Drought up about the substation. Staff ~eels for equity and s~nce
it will be no problem for the Applicant that this condition remain.
- Principal Planner Bonner continued stating that Staff did go out and
look at Avenida Obregon and in light of what improv~r~nts are ~n the
area, we feel that the street could be reduced to 24 feet, which is
the minimum width allowed by the Fire Department. Also, in talking
to the City Engineer this date, Staff still recks that curb and
gutter be a required condition, particularly since Obregon leads into
Santa Rosa Cove which has curb and gutter, qlnere was scme question
whether to require rolled curb or straight face curb and the City
Engineer r~ded that we just request curd and gutter, and after
he sees the hydrology report, then the design of the curb can be
determined. Therefore, Staff is requesting that the Ccaxnission consider
revising Condition No. 7.a. changLng the width frc~ 32 to 24 feet and
requesting that the street De marked for no parking to guarantee a fire
November 13, 1984
Page 2.
Therefore, Staff is r~ding that the Planning Ccxnnission
approve the revised map ~n accordance with the findings in the
Staff Report and subject to the conditions.
After a short dmscussion, Chairman Thornburgh called upon the
Applicant for hms presentation.
Andy Vossler, Landnmrk Land ~y, P. O. Box 1000, La Quinta,
spoke ~n behalf of the Applicant. He stated that there are only
two condmtions that he wished to address. First, Condition No. 7.a.
relating to Avenida Obregon. The Applicant feels that reducing
Obregon to a 24-foot width would be a fair condition. Secondly,
Condition No. 12 - to bring the Cc~l~lsslon up to date where the
Applicant stands with Imperial Irrigation Dmstrict - t~e Applmcant
is continuing to work with IID to try to solve the substation site
needs in the vicinity of Avenue 51 and Jefferson Street. The Applicant
has been dealing with IID on a w~_kly basis, but are stroll not to the
point of a written agreement, however progress ms being rode. Mr.
Vossler stated that the Applzcant still feels that the electric situa-
tion was dealt with when the mp was approved two years ago and thezr
preference would be that this condition should De elJntknated.
Chairman Thornburgn then opened the hearzng for public cohort. There
being none, he closed the public hearing.
There was a brief discussion regarding Avenida Obregon and Imperial
Irrigation District. Chairman Thornburgh then called for a motion.
2. Commissioner Goetcheus made a motion based upon the fzndangs in the
Staff Report and subject to the condmtions, as revised, to approve
_ Tentative Tract Map No. 18765, Revised No. 1. ~ssioner Walling
seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
B. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next hearing item as a Publmc Use
Permmt NO. 84-002, a request by Desert Sands Unified School Distrmct to
construct three schools on a 43+ acre site. He called for the Staff
1. Ccmnunlty Development Dmrector Lawrence L. Stevens advised that the
school site is at the northwest corner of Avenue 50 and the A~ams
Street aligm~t. %he K-2 and 3-5 would be the first schools built.
In the future, a 6-8 school would be constructed. We have structured
this public use permit as a roster concept plan approval. It should
be noted that we are dealing with a separate gove~t entity that
has its own operating authorities and that, to scme extent, restrmcts
the City's zoning authority over how they might develop the site and
also over any conditions we might impose. However, in working w~th
the District, they have indicated that they wish to work with us to
provide the type of environment that the City wants. As a point of
~nformation, the City does not issue a building permit for a school
nor does it do the plan check. This is all done through the State
agencies. Director Stevens noted that the conditions the City has
imposed speak for the~nselves and there are no major issues raised by
th~n nor any objections indicated to Staff by the Distrmct ~n the
meetings that we have had with them. One of the issues addressed in
the conditions is related to trying to create a streetscape in terms
of the type of fencing, landscaping and walkways that would be con-
sistent with the types of frontage appearances we are creatzng on
surrounding residential projects.
Staff is recking approval of Public Use Permit No. 84-002 based
on the conditions and findings in the Staff Report and v~uld also
rec~d f_hah your motion specifically Lndmcate %hat the project is
in conformance with the general plan since that is a specific require-
ment of the goverm~nt code.
Dmrector Stevens advised the Ccxmtission that there is one condition
that was omitted from the Staff Report and that ms that we need a
road vacation for the remaining half-street of Adams in the event
that Ad___m_ms does not go through.
NovEm~Der 13, 1984
Page 3.
Discussion among the Cxanaission and Staff addressed bicycle paths
frcm the Cove area of town to the school site.
Cha~ Thornturgh then called upon the Applicant for his presentation.
Richard Beck, Facilities Planner for the Desert Sands Unified School
District, 82-138 Sierra, Indio, CA, spoke as representative for the
Applicant. Mr. Beck reiterated what D~rector Stevens had said earlier
with regard to w~rking together to get the best plan possible for the
City. He also thanked Landmark Land Cc~pany for their help and informa-
tion about the school site and other potential sites. In addressing the
conditions, Mr. Beck advised the Cc~mission t~at they are recc~mendations
and that there may be scme that the District cannot comply with due to
State restrictions on Wnere the money can be put. He advised everyone
that the Superintendent of the Desert Sands Unified School District has
written a letter to the La Quinta City council regarding the _Ad___~_ms Street
situation and also the potential park dedication. In short, Adams Street
being extended would not benefit this project and the additional 10-acre
park would be of benefit as an extension of the recreational area already
planned for the school.
There was discussion among the Cc~n~ssion and the Applicant regarding
the fur~ing of the project, the expected time schedule for beginning
of construction to operhlng {possiDly ~n January 1987).
Chairman Thornburgh opened the hearing to puDlic ccmaent. 'lhere being
none, he closed the hearing.
2. Cc~ssioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to approve Public Use Permit
No. ~4-002 based on the fact that it is in conformance with the City's
General Plan, and based on the findings in the Staff Report, and subject
to the conditions of approval, as amended. Ccmaissioner Goetcheus
seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
A. The minutes of the special meeting of October 30, 1984, were not available
for approval.
A. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first item of business as an extension
of time request for Tentative Tract Map No. 1~765, a request for approval
of a one-year extension of time in w~ich to file the final map; Landmark
Land ~y, Applicant. He called for the Staff Report.
1. Principal Planner Bonner explained that the Applicant is requesting
the first one-year extension of time in which to record the fknal map
for th~s tentative tract for the La Quinta Hotel Tennis Club Villas.
Th~s develo~xnent was approved Dy the La Quanta City Council on
NovEm%ber 2, 1982. Although the expiration date was November 2, 19~4,
this request was received by St~__ff prior to this date, therefore the
extension of time would make the new expiration date November 2, 1985.
Staff is r~ding that the Planrung Cc~mission recc~aend approval
of this one-year extension to the City Council based on the findings
in the Staff Report.
2. Cc~missioner Walling made a motion to recc~mend approval to the City
Council of this request for a one-year extension of ~ in which to
file the final map for Tentative Tract Map NO. 18765 to November 2,
1985. Oumaissioner Goetcheus seconded the motion. Unanimously
B. Cha~m~%n Thornburgh ~ntroduced the next item of business as a General
Plan Consistency Review of proposed projects by the Coachella Valley
Water District. He then called for the report frcm staff.
November 13, 19~4
Page 4.
1. Principal Planner Bonner explained that mn accordance wit~ the
requirements of Section 65401 of t~e Government Code, Coachella
Valley Water District has advised t~e City of three projects
proposed for construction in the fiscal year 1984-19~5. They
are as follows:
_ o An elevated water storage facility to be located on the
hillside due west of the downtown area and near Southern
california Water cc~pany's existing storage facility.
o Phase one of the 30" water transmission mamn eastward
extending frcm the above mentioned w~ter storage facilmty
along Calle Tampico to Washington Street.
o Phase two of the La Qumnta Stormwater Project for constructmon
of the flood control channels, trairn_ng dikes, retentmon and
debris basin, and other related flood control improvements
along the east, west and south sides of the Cove area.
Ms. Bonner advised the Con--sion that the proposed projects cc~ply
with the goals of the La Quinta General Plan. Regarding the proposed
dcmestic water facilities, a goal of the current Cmty General Plan is
to "achieve a high quality water and sewer system ~or the Cove cc~muni-
ties by the year 1990". With respect to flood control, the goal is
to establish stormwater and drainage facilities. In addition to
cc~plying with these goals relating to publmc facilitmes, all three
projects will comply with the objectives to encourage new develo~nent
within existing urbanized areas and to protect and promote the health
and safety of the residents of the ccnmunmty.
Based on the findings in the Staff Report, the Cc~nunity Development
Department reco~n~J~s that the Planning ~ssion determine that the
projects proposed by Coachella Valley Water Dmstrict are consistent
w~th the goals and policies of the La Quznta General Plan.
After a short discussion, ChaJmanan Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Cc~ssioner Walling made a motion determinLng that the three projects
proposed by the Coachella Valley Water District are consistent with the
goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan based on the findings
in the Staff Report. Cc~mtissioner Goetc~eus seconded the motion.
Unanimously adopted.
C. Cha~ Thornburgh introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan No.
84-073, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west
side of Avenida Navarro, 100' north of Calle Chihuahua; Michael Head,
Applicant. He called for the Staff Report.
1. Principal Planner Bonner advised that the floor plan, height and
siting of the house cc~ply with the R-i'++ Zonmng requirements and
the City's adopted ~ standards for single-fammly houses. The
design of the house is very similar to the existing houses along the
block. 'ibis will be the only house with ast~halt shingle roofing;
however, this should be compatiDle with the existing housing.
Therefore, Staff is r~dmng that the Plannmng Cc~ssion approve
this request.
- Ms. Bonner further advised that it is now a standard condition of
approval that all Applmcants of single-family housing shall pay a
school mitigation fee as determined by the Desert Sands school
District in accordance with the school mitigation agr~ament as approved
by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a Duilding
Ms. Bonner stated that the Applicant has changed hms plans with regard
to roofing materials frc~ the asphalt shingle to concrete tile.
After a short discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
November 13, 1984
Page 5.
2. Cxannissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion based upon the fLndings in
Staff Report to approve Plot Plan No. 84-073 in accordance with
Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions.
cc~nissioner Goetcheus seconded the motion. Unann~cusly adopted.
Chaimm%n Thornburgn advised that the next three single-family houses are of
- the same design and are being constructed by the same Applicant, therefore
they would De reviewed concurrently as follows:
D. Plot Plan No. 84-075, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
along the east side of Avenida Madero, 100' north of Calle T~necula;
Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant.
E. Plot Plan No. 84-076, a request to construct a single-family dwellLng
along the west side of Aven~da Ramirez, 250' south of Calle Monterey;
Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant.
F. Plot Plan No. 84-077, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
along the east side of Avenida Martmnez, 250' south of Calle Monterey;
Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant.
He then called for the report frcm Staff.
1. Principal Planner Bonner stated t~at all three houses are consistent
wroth city standards as far as ~ room size, height and sitLng.
Plot Plan No. 84-076 is the only one that will be situated adjacent
to a house that the Applicant has built in the past, so we have
requested that scme modifications be made to the exterior design so
there will De sc~e variation. Ms. Bonner info~m~=_d the Cc~sion
that Conditmon No. 8 needs to be revised as follc~s:
"8. The driveway shall be surfaced w~th concrete and have asphaltic
concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing
street pavenent."
This condition should be so reflected for all three of the proposed
Staff is reccam~nding that the Planning Conmtission approve Plot Plan
No. 84-075, Plot Plan No. 84-076 and Plot Plan 84-077 based on the
findings ~n the Staff Report and subject to the approved conditmons,
as amended.
chairman ~nornburgh called for a motion.
2. C~ssioner Goetcheus made a motion based upon the findings in the
Staff Reports to approve Plot Plan NO. 84-075, Plot Plan No. 84-076,
and Plot Plan No. 84-077 Ln accord__~_nce with Ex~ibmts A, B and C and
subject to the attac/aed conditions, as amended, ccamtissioner Walling
secor~ed the motmon. Unanimously adopted.
G. Cha~ Thornburgn introduced the next item of busLness as Plot Plan No.
84-078, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west
side of Avenida Madero, 160' south of Calle Madrid; Tcm Ba~er, Applicant.
He called for the Staff Report.
1. Principal Planner Bonner stated that this Applicant ~as received one
- prior approval and that house ms located directly on the next lot.
Therefore, Mr. Baker has made exterior modifications to provide
variety. The Applicant has not "flipped" the house plan because the
main yard area is on the side of the house. By keeping the same site
plan, the patios keep their southerly exposure and also remain private.
Based upon the findings in the Staff Report, the Cc~mn~ity Develo~xnent
Department recc~mands that the Planning Commission approve this request.
November 13, 1984
Page 6.
Ms. Bonner noted that Condztion No. 8 needs to be revzsed to shc~
the 2" x 4" header.
2.Chairman ~hornburgh made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. ~4-078
based on the findings zn the Staff Report in accordance with Exhibits
A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions, as amanded. Cc~nzssloner
_ Klimki~cz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
H. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next it~n of business as Plot Plan No.
~4-079, a request to construct a single-family dw~llzng along the west
side of Eisenhower Drive, 50' south of Calle Monterey; Frank Roberts,
Applicant. He called for the Staff Report.
1. Principal Planner Bonner advised that the Applicant has received
one prior approval. ~ne previous house is approximately one block
away and has the same floor plan as th~s dwelling. T~is house is in
three sections with the two szdes being modular and moved onto the
site with the center, or livzng roc~ area, site built. The floor
plan is consistent with our standards. In t~is particular area, there
is a very wide variety of house designs. Therefore, whzle some variety
is desirable, this ~iate area has such a wide range of styles that
the proposed flat roo~ should be changed to maintazn a th~ne or design
consistency which is similar to the existing. By doing t~is, some
design cohesiveness is given to t~is neighborhood. Therefore, Staff
recc~m~_nds that the roof design be changed to a peaked roof.
Based upon the findings in the Staff Report, the Cfmm%knity Development
De~t recc~mer~s approval of this request.
2.After a short discussion period, Chairman Thornburgn made a mot_ton
to approve Plot Plan No. 84-079 based on the finda3~s in the Staff
- Report in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the
attached condztions. Commissioner Goetcheus seconded the motion.
Unanimously adopted.
I. Chairman Thornburg~ introduced the next item of buszness as Plot Plan No.
~4-081, a request to construct a single-family dw~llzng along the west
side of Eisenhower Drive, 200' south of Calle Hidalgo; Desert Design and
Develo~nent, Applicant. He then called for the Staff Report.
1. Princzpal Planner Bonner advised the Commission that this is the
first request by this Applicant. The Applicant has stated t~at this
is a "Moroccan" style with stucco siding, a flat roof with minnnum
tw~-foot eaves. The eaves will be wrapped and stuccoed to match the
siding. As part of the plan, a swinmting pool will be znstalled zn
the front yard and will be enclosed within a szx-foot-hzgh masonry
wall stuccoed to match the house. What the Applicant ~as done is
move the entire house back to the 10-foot rear setback line to have
the space in front for the pool. She noted that Conditzon No. ll
should be deleted as a notation "Not to Scale" was noted on t~e plans
and was overlooked. The Applicant ~as also agreed to change the
driveway frcm AC pavement to concrete.
Staff is recc~mending that Plot Plan No. ~4-081 De approved.
After a short discussion, Chairman Thornburg~ called for a motion.
2. Cc~missloner Goetcheus made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. S4-081
based on the findings in the Staff Report in accord_~nce with ExhiDits
A, B and C and subject to the attached c~nditions, as amended.
Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimo~ly adopted.
J. Chazrman Thornburgh zntroduced the last item of business as Plot Plan No.
84-083, a request to construct a szngle-fan~ly dwelling along the south
side of Calle Monterey, 60' west of Avenzda Madero; Stuart Wood, Applicant.
He called for the Staff Report.
November 13, 1984
Page 7.
1. Principal Planner Bonner stated that this is another house with a
different design. ~ne Applicant has combined flat roofs with slant
roofs and ~as made a really interesting looking house. It does not
look boxy and because of the building style and t~e intention of the
builder to maintain clean lines without the side overhangs, Staff
r~ds t~at this roof style be determined to De consistent wit~
_ the intent of the city's standards.
Staff is requesting that the Planrn_ng cc~ssion approve t~is request
with t~e cringe to Condition No. 8 requiring the 2" x 4" header.
After a brief discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. conm%issioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to approve Plot Plan No.
S4-083 based on the findings ~n t~e Staff Report in accordance
with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to t~e conditions of approval,
as amended. Conm~ss~oner Goetcheus seconded the motion, unanimously
A. Chairman Thornburgn introduced this it~ as a review of revised site plan
for Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1. He called for the Staff
1. Principal Planner explained that a condition o~ approval on Tentative
Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1 {Pscmas Associates), was that t~e
site plan be reviewed and approved by the Planning ~ss~on for
cc~pliance with the following performance standards:
o Ma_n~ distance between rears of bulldLngs shall be 40 feet.
_ o Minimum d~stance betw~=_~ s~des of buildings shall be 10 ~eet.
o ~ setback frcm ~nterior properly lines shall be 20 ~eet.
o ~ distance between the side of one building and the rear
of an abutting building shall be 15 feet.
Ms. Bonner stated that Staff has reviewed the revised site plan with
respect to the above mentioned requirements and has determined that
the plan ccmplies with the setback requ~r~ts.
Therefore, Staff reccIN~_r~s that the Planning Cc~m~ssion approve the
site plan for this tentative tract.
After a brief discussion, Chairman ~nornburgh called for a motion.
2. Cc~missioner Walling made a motion to approve the site plan Eor
Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1, as revised. Chairman
Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
There being no further it~ns of agenda to ccme before the Planning Cc~mlss~on,
Chainm3n Thornburgn called for a motion to adjourn.
Cc~missioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to adjourn to the next regular meetuag
of Dec~mber 11, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado
La Quinta, California. Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unarn~ously
The regular meeting of the Planning Cc~mission of the City of La Quinta,
california, was adjourned at 9:05 p.m., November 13, 1984, at the La Quinta
city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, california.