1984 12 11 PC Minutes PLANNING COMMISSION A ~1~ ~t~g Held at ~e La City ~11, 78-105 ~lle Estado, ~ ~~~, ~lifo~ia DECEMBER 11, 1984 7:00 p.m. A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Cc~mission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He then called upon Cfmm~ssioner Walling to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roii caii. The Secretary called the roll: Present: Commissioners Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, ~.bran, Walling and Chainman Thornburgh Absent: None Also present were Co~uunity Develoument Director Lawrence L. Stevens, Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Donna M. Velotta 3. HEARINGS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Moved by Cc~missioner Goetcheus, seconded by Ccmmissioner Walling. to approve the minutes of the special meeting held October 30, 1984. 1. The minutes of the special meeting of October 30, 1984, were approved as su~tted. Unanimously adopted. B. Due to the late submission of the minutes for the regular meeting of November 13, 1984, to the Planning Cc~mission, it was determined that they should be held over for discussion until the next regular meeting on January 8, 1985. At this point, C~m]unity Development Director Stevens suggested to Chairman Thornburgh that a new Vice Chairman be elected to serve out the remainder of Juan Salas' term due to his resignation from the Ccmmzission. Chairman Thornburgh opened ncmkinations for the office of Vice Chairman of the Planning Cc~rnission. C~ssioner Goetcheus ncminated John Klimkiewicz for this office. Chairman Thornburgh called for any further ncminations. Cc~ssioner Klimkiewicz ncm/nated John Walling. Cc~raission~ Goetcheus then withdrew his nc~ination in favor of John Walling. Chairman Thornburgh then called for any further ncmzinations and as there were none, he closed the nc~minations for office of Vice Chairman. Chairman Thornburgh then called for a vote. By voice vote, there were five ayes, unanimously electing Cc~ssioner John Walling as Vice Chairman of the Planning .Cc~raission to serve out the remainder of the -1984/85 term of office. 5. BUSINESS A. Chairman Thornburgh requested staff to report on the first item of business. 1. Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner introduced the first item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-086, a request to construct a single- family dwelling along the southwesterly side of San Vicente Street, 315 feet south of Eisenhower Drive; Joseph Foster, Applicant. MINUTES - PLANNING ~SSION December 11, 1984 Page 2. Ms. Bonner stated that the house has 2360 square feet with three bedroc~as and an attached double-car garage. It is located in the La Quinta Golf Course Estates No. 1. The house cc~plies with the standard 17-foot height limit. Therefore, staff recc~r~m~s that the Planning Ccmmzission approve this request based on the findings in the staff report. -- 2. Ccmm~ssioner Walling made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 84-086 based on the findings in the staff report, in accord__~nce with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. B. Chairman Thornburgh requested staff to report on the next item of business. 1. Principal Planner Bonner introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-087, a request to construct a single-family dwelling at the southeast corner of Avenida Carranza and Calle Sonora; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carpini, Applicants. Ms. Bonner stated that this is the same house as built by the Applicants' parents, approximately four blocks away frcm this site. The house has 1290 square feet, with three bedrocms, tv~ baths and an attached double- car garage. The siding and height of the house cc~ply with the City standards for single-family dwellings. Ms. Bonner stated that a point was brought out at the Study Session regarding the garage door design. Therefore, staff is reccnr~ending that an additional condition be added to the conditions of approval stating that the garage door design be ~tted for Planning Division approval. Subject to the findings in the staff report, staff is reccmr~nding that the Planning Cc~aission approve this request as amended. - 2. C~mzissi~ner Goetcheus rode a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 84-087 based on the findings in the staff report, in accord__~_nce with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions, as amended. Ommkissi~ner Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanin~sly adopted. . Commmity Develo~m~t Director Lawrence L. Stevens requested that the Ccmmzission hear the next ten items of business together. The items are ten single-family houses presented by the same applicant and all have the same conditions of approval. Therefore, Chairman Thornburgh requested the report frcm staff on these next ten items. 1. Ms. Bonner introduced the next ten items of business as follows: C, Plot Plan No. 84-089, a request to construct a skngle-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Diaz, 100' south of Calle Colima; Brian Monroe, Applicant. D. Plot Plan No. 84-090, a request to construct a s~ngle-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Diaz, 150' south of Calle Colima; Brian Monroe, Applicant. E. Plot Plan NO. 84-091, a request to construct a smngle-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Mendoza, 100' north of Calle Arroba; Brian Monroe, Applicant. - F. Plot Plan No. 84-092, a request to construct a smngle-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Mer~oza, 50' north of Calle Arroba; Brian Monroe, Applicant. G. Plot Plan No. 84-093, a request to construct a szngle-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Villa, 150' north of Calle Chillon; Brian Monroe, Applicant. ~f. Plot Plan No. 84-094, a request to construct a smngle-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Villa, 100' north of Calle Chillon; MINUTES - PLANNING CQMMISSION December 11, 1984 Page 3. I. Plot Plan No. 84-095, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the east side of Avenida Ramirez, 200' south of Calle Monterey; Brian Monroe, Applicant. J. Plot Plan No. 84-096, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the east side of Avenida Ramires, 150' south of Calle Monterey; Brian Monroe, Applicant. K. Plot Plan No. 84-097, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the east side of Avenida Ramirez, 100' south of Calle Monterey; Brian Monroe, Applicant. L. Plot Plan No. 84-098, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Alvarado, 250' north of Calle Tema~%Lla; Brian Monroe, Applicant. Ms. Bonner advised that Brian Monroe, the Applicant, owns 25 lots in the Cove area and these ten plot plan applications are for ten of those lots. Mr. Monroe is requesting approval of these ten requests at this tin~ in order to begin concurrent construction on the houses in order to cut costs. Estimated construction time for each house is 60 to 90 days. Ms. Bonner noted that there are tw~ concerns with regard to these ten applications. First is the City's policy regarding multiple plot plan requests and second is the house design. Explaining the first concern, Ms. Bonner noted that the stated requirement for the sutm~ittal of multiple plot plan applications for single-family houses in the R-1 Zone as adopted by the City Council in 1982 is as follows: "If a developer is applying for five (5) or more plot plan approvals, he must have no vacant hcmes for sale in La Quinta at the time of application." Adoption of this requirement resulted from t%~ problems which arose in La Quinta in previous years. First, during the period of high interest rates there were a substantial number of vacant hcmes which were unsold or in foreclosure. Secondly, a large number of houses remained unfinished due to contractors losing financing or being unable to find buyers. Both situations led to a blighted condition which adversely affected both the property values and the City's image. Therefore, this requirement was adopted as a way to avoid this situa- tion frcm occurring again. Ms. Bonner explained that since this is the first time that a developer has sutm~tted four or more applications concurrently for houses that have not been presold, the Planning Cc~mission must interpret the intent of the requiremant. Staff interprets the requirement to m~an the limitation is intended to minimize the number of unsold houses under construction which may r~main vacant or unfinished should either the developer fail or the market for single-family houses decline. On the basis of this, Staff is recc~m~nding that these plot plans be approved, subject to the condition that no more than five of the Applicant's unsold houses shall be under construction at any one time. As the houses are presold, then construction may begin on the remaining houses. Explaining the second concern, Ms. Bonner stated that Staff has a - concern about the Applicant's use of a single house design for all ten applications, especially since nine of the requests are grouped on adjacent lots in four locations. Changes in the design, such as reversing the plan, changing the color of the stucco or adding different window or door trea~ts, do not make substantial changes in the overall appearance. Because of the large number of houses with this design built and proposed by both the Applicant and his contractor, Staff recc~m~=_nds that the roof design also be varied in conjunction with the other above m~ntioned changes. This would serve to vary the appearance without causing an undue financial burden on the developer. Staff has discussed this concern with the Applicant, who has agreed and has sutm%~tted examples of three roof designs. MI~~ - PLANNING CC~MISSION December 11, 1984 Page 4. Ms. Bonner further stated that if the Planning Cc~mission determines that another number, other than the five which Staff has recc~x~_nded, ~uld be more appropriate with regard to how many hcmes should be under construction at any given time, then they should change Condition No. 12. With regard to the house design, Director Stevens requested - that the Planning Cc~m%ission give Staff the flexibility to work with the Applicant to determine which roof design should go on which house. Ms. Bonner further stated that in all cases, the houses cc~ply with the zoning requirements and the City's adopted minimum standards for single-family houses and that they are all ccm- patible with the surrounding areas. ~nerefore, Staff is recc~mer~ing approval of these ten plot plans subject to the findings in the staff report and in accor_d~nce with Exhibits A, B and C, and subject to the attached conditions. There was considerable discussion regarding the intent of the requirement for the su~nittal of multiple plot plan applications. Director Stevens stated that Staff would bring scmething back to the Planning Cc~mission in January in the form of a staff report discussing all of the issues related to single-family dwelling plot plan applications, including the level of approval and what- ever standards we want in an ordinance versus a policy. 2. Chairman ~nornburgh called for a motion. Cc~missioner Goetcheus made a motion based upon the findings in the staff reports to approve Plot Plan No. 84-089 through Plot - Plan NO. 84-098 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached c~nditions as amended; the amendment being deletion of Condition NO. 12. Commissioner Walling seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted with Cc~x~issioner Klimkiewicz opposing. M. Chainm3n Thornburgh called upon staff to report on the final item of business. 1. Principal Planner Bonner introduced the last item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-099, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Eisenhower Drive, 100' north of Calle T~ula: Richard Baumhofer, Applicant. Ms. Bonner explained that the house w~uld be 1244 square feet in size, with three bedrocks, two baths and an attached double-car garage with a pedestrian door leading out onto the covered front porch. She noted the house cc~plies with the City's standards for single-family dwellings and is cc~patible with the surrounding development. Therefore, staff is recc~m~=_nding approval of this request based on findings in the Staff Report. There was a short discussion regarding the plans presented by the Applicant not being very clear of detail. Director Stevens advised the Planning Cc~xnission that the Applicant w~uld have to clean up the plans before they were presented to the Building Division for plan check. Ms. Bonner further advised that the Applicant is aware of this. 2. Chairman Thornburgh made a motion based upon the findings in the Staff Report to approve Plot Plan No. 84-099 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Cc~missioner 5bran seconded %he mo~ion. Unanimously Adop%ed. MINUTES - PLANNING C~SSICN December ll, 1984 Page 5. ~nere being no further items of agenda to ccmebefore the Planning ~sion, Chairman~o~~ called for a motion to adjourn. Chairman~ornburghmade a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting of January 8, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, - La Quinta, California. Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. ~ne regular meeting of the Planning Cc~mission of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjoun~ed at 7:40 p.m., December 11, 1984, at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.