1985 04 23 PC Minutes
A ~~ ~t~g Held at ~e ~ ~ta
City Hall, 78-105 ~lle Es~do, ~ ~~,
APRIL 23, 1985 7:00 p.m.
- A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. He called upon Comissioner Moran to lead the flag salute.
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll:
Present: Commissioners Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, 5bran, Walling and Chairman
Absent: None
Also present were ~ty Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens,
Associate Planner Gary W. Price and Secretary Donna M. Velotta.
Chaiznmmn Thornburgh identified the public hearing as Tentative Tract Map No. 20717,
a proposal to divide 132+ acres into 109 lots with 23 single-family dwellings on
individual lots and 488 condcminium units on the remaining lots on the south side
of Avenue 54, along the proposed alignment of PGA Boulevard; Sunrise Company,
Applicant. He called for the staff report.
1. Lawrence L. Stevens, Cc~munity Development Director, advised that this project
- is the first ~hase of the implementation of the PGA West Specific Plan, which
is a 5,000-unit project with a resort core, commercial and four major golf
ccurses. At present c~nstruction has already begun on the Pete Dye stadium
golf course, Avenue 54 and Madison Street have been improved and accepted by
the City. Plans for PGA Boulevard. have been approved and the ~rk will begin
on that shortly. The Cc~munity Development Department has other plans in
process for other ccmponents of the project, which the Cc~mission will be seeing
shortly. This is the first residential cc~ponent and consists of 511 units
around the stadium course and around part of the Arnold Palmer course, for which
a grading permit has been issued. The units are mixed and include 488 condc~iniums
which are broken into duplex, triplex and fourplex units. The overall development
plan is consistent with the PGA West Specific Plan. The number of recreation
facilities is in excess of our /mum standards. The units are of fairly good
size and are tentatively priced frcm $120,000 to $650,000 depending upon the group
of units. In general, we have very little problem with the proposal. A number
of concerns which were discussed at the Study Session included, the current con-
flict regarding school district boundary lines, circulation - principally as it
was necessary for emerg~ vehicle access and interior access with regard to
how off-street parking ~Duld be ~rked into the narrow street system. However,
for the most part, the conditions of approval resolved the majority of these
c~ncerns. Therefore, Staff reccmm~_nds that Tentative Tract Map No. 20717 be
approved based upon the findings in the Staff Report and subject to the conditions
of approval, as amended. Director Stevens related the four minor changes in the
conditions of approval to be as follows:
o Traffic Signal at Jefferson, PGA Boulevard and Avenue 54 - The
consensus at the Study Session was that the timing of the
installation of this signal should be related to the City
traffic monitoring program which we will be starting in the
next fiscal year, but at minimum we will review the traffic
here at the time building permit No. 250 of the 511 units
is issued, using that as a control point. The language in
Condition No. 14 will be modified to accc~plish %his.
o In Condition No. 15.c', Staff has deleted the reference to
Lot 30 because we were able to provide a temporary, continuous
loop at that point.
April 23, 1985
Page 2. ·
o In Condition No. 19, Staff added an additional cc~anent that would
allow the Fire Marshal to approve alternate means of ccmpliance
with his requir~_nts hOW he de,ms it appropriate and determines
them to be equivalent to the detailed standards listed.
o In Condition No. 31, Staff added an additional cc~ment noting
that a change in the total number of units ~uld not exceed 10% of
the approved total of 511, shall be deemed ccmpat~le with approved
unit designs, and shall be consistent with the overall character of
the project. In addition to this, Director Stevens requested that
the Cc~ission give him authority to approve changes in unit mix
rather than having to cc~ back to them. The purpose of this is to
allow the Applicant flexibility to adjust to the market, both up and
down, without having to go through the formal review process.
This concluded the Staff Report.
Chairman Thornburgh opened the public hearing at 7:14 p.m.
Jim Resney, Vice President_, Sun~_ ise Cc~Pany - _Applicant, 75-005 Country Club_
Drive, Palm Desert, stated to the Cc~m~ssion that his ccmpany is very excited
about starting their first project in our City. He noted that in working so
closely with Staff, most of the concerns they had with the City's conditions
have been worked out to everyone's satisfaction.
Robert Altevers, Architect for the project, 2915 Redhill Avenue, Costa M~sa,
gave a descriptive presentation of the design of the project.
There was a brief disCUssion period.
Kevin Manning, Landmark Land Cc~pany, P. O. Box 1578, La Quinta, spoke in
favor of the project.
Charles Schultz, Attorney, 3800 Orange Street, Riverside, spoke for his client
(Mr. Giannini), a property owner in~ the area of the project, who was concerned
with access to their propertY. These concerns were satisfactorily solved.
Chairman Thornburgh closed the public hearing at 7:38 p.m.
There was a discussion among the ~sioners. All w~re in favor of the
project with the exception of Cc~m~ssioner Goetcheus, who was concerned with
the zero lot lines.
Conditions of approval that were amended or added were Nos. 14, 15, 19, 19.a.,
31 and 31.b.
Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
Cc~missio~r Walling made a motion based on the findings in the Staff Report
to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, subject to attached conditions, as
amended. Cc~m%issioner MDran seconded the motion. Chairman Thornburgh called
for a Roll Call. The Secretary called the roll as fOllows:
Cc~missioner Goetcheus - Nay
Ccmmissioner Klimkiewicz - Aye
~ssioner Moran- Aye
Cc~missioner Walling - Aye
Chairman Thornburgh - Aye
Unanimously adopted with one objection.
A. & B. ~ssioner Klimkiewicz made a motion which was seconded by Cc~ssioner
Walling to approve the minutes of the regular n~=etings of March 26, 1985,
and April 9, 1985.
1. The minutes of the regular meetings of March 26, 1985, and April 9,
1985, were approved as submitted. Unanimously adopted.
April 23, 1985
Page 3.
~nere being no further items of agenda to ccxne before the Ccrcmission, Chairman
5hornburgh called for a motion to adjourn.
Chairman Thornburgh made a motion to adjourn to the adjourned meeting of April 30,
1985, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.
Ccmmzissioner Walling seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California,
was adjourned at 8:00 p.m., April 23, 1985, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle
Estado, La Quinta, California.
A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
April 9, 1985 7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Thornbur~h called the Planning ~ssion ~eeting to order at 7:00
p.m. He called u~on C~n~issioner Kiimkiewicz to lead the flag salute.
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roil call. The Secretar~ called the roil:
Present: Commissioners Goetcheus, Kiimkiewicz, ~ran, Wailing and Chairman
Absent: None
Aisc present were ~ity Deveiot~nent D~rector Lawrence L. Stevens, Principal
Planner Sanara L. Bonner, Assistant Planner Tamara J. Campbell, City Manager
Frank M. Usher and Secretar~ Donna M. Veiotta.
Chairman Thornburgh annclinced that he ~z)uid turn the n~eeting over to Vice Chairntin
John Wailing due to the fact that he owns property adjacent to the projects under
discussion at this meeting. He stated that after discussion with the City Attorney,
it was felt there may be a conflict of interest in this matter.
vice Chairman Walling explained to ali those present the procedures foiiowea during a
public hearing.
He continued by stating that there were four public hearings before the ~ssion at
this meeting that are directly reiatea. He noted that the ~ssion would hear the
first t~ items separately and the third aha fourth items concurrently. He also
announced that the Sand Pebble Countr~ Club project is now known as Cr~stai Canyon of
A. Vice Chairman Walling introauced the first item to be heara as Specific Plan
No. 83-001, Ane_n~t No. 1, a proposal to amend the previously approved
sl~ific Plan for Duna La ~uinta reducing the acreage from 246 to i79 acres,
and reducing the approved ntm~er of units from 1,277 to 979 for the area
generally bounded by Avenue 50 on the north, Calie Tan~ico and Avenue 52 on
the south, Aveni~ Bermuaas aiigmemt on the west and Aaams Street alignment
on the south; ~k Land ~y, Applicant. He called for the Staff Re~ort.
i. Sahara Bonnet, Principal Planner, advised that this S~ecific Plan had been
previously approved on my i5, i98~ by City Council Resolution No. 84-34.
The project area is bounded on the north by 50th Avenue, Washington Street
goes through the center, Avenida Tampico and Avenue 52 currently go through
the top of Phase 9 of the project. The Applicant's original request was to
delete Phase 9 and i0 acres of Phase 8. This ~uid reduce the total acreage
frcm 246 to 179 acres, and the total number of approved units frown 1,277 to
979. Principal manner Bonner stated, however, that on April 8, i985, Staff
received a request from the Applicant to change the ~roposed amenament from
deleting any property to just showing the proposed, realigned Avenue 5~
going through the property. She noted three options to the Ccmm~ssion for
acting on this request:
o To act on the Applicant's original request just adciressed. If this is
done, then the property ~uld revert to the underlying General Plan
designation which is Ver~ Low Density Residential and limits it to
three units per acre.
o To act on the Applicant's new red, est adaressea a~ove. This would leave
the iana use designations on this Sl~cific Plan as they are at 4.4 units
~er acre on Phase 9 ana ~.6 units per acre on Phase 8. Aisc, to just
show the Avenue 52 reaiigme_nt running through Phase 9.
o To ~i~ the request by modifying the densities or whatever else the
~ssion feels appropriate.
April 9, 1985
Page 2.
Principal Planner Bonner turned the remainder of the Staff Report over
to ~ity Develo~t Director Lawrence L. Stevens.
Director Stevens explained that with the revised request received on
April 8, 1985, it is the Applicant's intention to maintain, in effect,
the extra units by simply accepting the fact that there l.will~ be ~a~major
highway bisecting portions of Phase 9. He believes that the'Applicant
is doing this in recognition of the fact that there will shortly be before
the Cc~nission a revised Specific Plan which will ultimately change the
densities in those areas, and in effect, delete the Phase 9 area from the
Duna La Quinta Plan and add it to the Oak Tree West Plan. The Applicant
as Director Stevens understands it, has scme concern that if some problem
erupts during this interim period, that they have essentially lost units.
That is the reason for the Applicant's revised request.
Director Stevens advised the Ccnmlission that the way the conditions are
written on the Duna La Quinta ~Specific Plan leaves rocm for very little
modification of the conditions except for perhaps a couple of procedural
items. He noted that Staff does not object to approving the Applicant's
revised request. Staff ~ould, however, suggest that the portion of Phase
9, which would end up being south of the realigned Avenue 52, density be
est~_blished at the zoning density rather than the Specific Plan density,
which would be three units per acre rather than 4.4. Director Stevens
noted that concluded the Staff Report.
Vice Chairman Walling asked for any questions from the Cc~xnissioners.
Cc~ntissioner Klimkiewicz asked Staff why they would suggest the density
in this manner.
Director Stevens replied that it was simply because you cannot put public
roads through these types of projects with the Specific Plan density noted.
The zoning density would physically divorce this portion from how the
Applicant proposed to develop the remaining project and as a result, the
density transfer that you get from being part of a Specific Plan really
should not apply to that area. He noted that because there will be a major
highway going through it (Avenue 52), it really changes its relationship to
the Specific Plan. You may note that Washington Street goes through the
Duna La Quinta project, but that project is being developed in phases which
are not as small as this 18-acre section we are referring to here. Therefore,
Staff feels it is more typical of the surrounding residential rather than
the density allowed in the Specific Plan. Director Stevens advised the .
C~ssion that if they were not comfortable with that condition, they have
the option of letting the Applicant retain the Specific Plan density in that
Vice Cha~ Walling asked Staff if the Conmtission did take the third
option and modify the densities, would not there be a need for an actual
plan frcm the Applicant.
Director Stevens replied that Staff could condition it and follow the
Cc~nission's direction in modifying the exhibits appropriately.
Vice Chairman Walling asked about the future extension of Calle Tampico.
Director Stevens replied that Staff would recc~nend deletion of the reference
to Calle Tampico at the present time on all three of the options before the
- Cc~ntission.
Vice Chairman Walling opened the public hearing at 7:41 p.m.
Kaye Chandler, representative for the Applicant, Landmark Land ConR0any,
apologized for the last minute sutmtission of the revised request, but noted
after reviewing Staff's cc~nents and the conditions of approval, the
Applicant felt the application as originally submitted was premature. He
stated that they felt this application's set of conditions were more appro-
priate to the Oak Tree West Specific Plan which has now been submitted to
April 9, 1985
Page 3.
the City. He stated that Landmark was sutm~tting their request with
regard to the realist of Avenue 52 at this time instead of with the
Oak Tree West Specific Plan simply to accc~rodate the Crystal Canyon
project and the City. He noted they %~uld not have submitted the original
request in the first place if they ~uld have realized it meant down zoning
the property. He stated that the Applicant w~uld like the ~ssion to
act strictly on the realignment of Avenue 52 and delete any reference to
- reducing the densities in the portion of Duna La Quinta Specific Plan
referred to at this meeting.
As no one else wished to be heard, Vice Chairman Walling closed the public
hearing at 7: 25 p.m.
After a short discussion period, Vice Chairman Walling called for a motion.
2. Cc~missioner Goetcheus made a motion based on the findings in the Staff
Report to adopt Planning ~ssion Resolution No. P.C. 85-006, with
attached conditions, as amended. Cc~m%issioner Klimkiewicz seconded the
motion. Unanimously Adopted with one abstention.
B. Vice Chairman Walling introduced the second item of hearing to be Specific
Plans Nos. 85-005A and 85-005B, proposals to amend an existing specific plan
of alignment for Avenue 52 be~ Jefferson Street and Desert Club Drive;
William Young and Landmark Land Cc~pany, Applicants. He called for the Staff
1. Assistant Planner Tamara J. Campbell advised that additional information
has been received since this hearing was last presented at the March 26,
1985, Planning Cc~a~ission meeting. This information is regarding noise
impacts and traffic concerns. The acoustical study received concluded
that increased noise ~Duld impact residents north of the proposed ali~t.
- The ~iate impact ~Duld be approximately three times greater than existing
noise levels. Over the years, noise levels ~uld gradually increase in that
the final noise levels may be approximately seven times the current noise
level. She advised that it should be noted that the area ~uld experience
increased traffic noise over the ccming years regardless of whether Avenue
52 is realigned or not. The acoustical study provided several scenarios
for several methods of mitigation. The most effective of these methods
would be to construct a 12' wall between Avenida Nuestra and the proposed
Avenue 52, and also to replace the previously proposed perimeter wall of
Crystal Canyon with a berm so that noise would not bounce back to residents
on Avenida Nuestra. With these tw~ barriers, the acoustical engineer deter-
mined that the existing noise levels would be replicated. Assistant Planner
Cantobell stated that the 12' wall presented sc~e aesthetic problems, there-
fore, Staff consulted with the acoustical engineer regarding a cc~bination
6' berm and a 6' wall, which would have the same effective acoustical
qualities as the 12' wall, but provides a more pleasant appearance. ~he
Applicant has agreed to this ccmbination on a 35' parkway between the
streets. She identified this 35' parkway on a rendering displayed for the
Cc~mission. Assistant Planner Campbell went on to state that there is a
10' setback along Avenida Nuestra so the nearest resident ~uld probably
be 77' frc~ the curb of the proposed Avenue 52 and approximately 47' from
the wall.
5~Dving on to the traffic concerns, Assistant Planner Campbell advised that
the proposed realist of Avenue 52 would necessitate the closure of
Avenida Nuestra at Washington Street to restrict access, as recc~x~=~nded by
a report received frcm Berryman & Stephenson. In addition, 12' will be
added to the Avenida Nuestra right-of-way to provide for t~D travel lanes,
with parking. The Berryman & Stephenson report also commented on the need
for a bicycle/pedestrian path on Avenida Nuestra to minimize conflicts
between autos, bicycles and pedestrians. Staff recc~mends that the Applicant
be required to provide both bicycle and pedestrian paths to mitigate these
safety hazards. Sat the Applicant has proposed is a 6' msandering bike
trail. Currently, we have 8' minimum standards for a cc~b~tion bike/
pedestrian path. Staff is reconm~nding that an additional 5' path be
provided on the south side of proposed Avenue 52. In contact with the
April 9, 1985
Page 4.
City Engineer, he recon~ner~s that the radius of the easterly curve of
proposed Avenue 52 be increased to 2000', based on the California Highway
Design Manual Standards for anticipated speed limit of 55 mph. Due to
the anticipated lower spccd limit for the westerly portion of proposed
Avenue 52, the proposed 1200' curve radius is adequate. Staff is reconlnending
that the proposed realignment be revised according to the City Engineer's
Assistant Planner Campbell stated there were concerns raised by local
residents, the Planning Cc~ssion and Staff regarding the aesthetic
impacts. These concerns included the height of the wall, the design and
materials of the wall and the proposed landscaping along the south side of
Avenida Nuestra. Essentially, there is a trade-off between constructing
a barrier to mitigate noise while still maintaining a low profile, all to
retain the view of the mountains to the south. Even though the combination
berm a~d wall will be a total of 12' high (it is set back 47' from the
nearest property line), this should allow for a view of the mountains to
even those closest to the barrier. The int0act on the southerly view
decreases as the distance of the barrier increases.
As explained earlier, Assistant Planner Campbell stated the Applicant is
proposing a 25' wide, 6' high berm, with a 6' high block wall on top.
There will be a 12' wide, landscaped berm with parkway between Avenida
Nuestra and the wall. This will be fully landscaped. In addition to the
trees planted along Avenida Nuestra, the trees planted along Avenue 52
parkways and center median will also be visible frc~ the subdivision. The
use of both the berm and extensive landscaping will serve to minimize the
height and soften the appearance of this noise barrier. All landscaping
and wall plans shall be approved by the City prior to installation.
With regard to light and glare, Assistant Planner Campbell stated that the
proposed noise barrier should screen direct light and glare. Along the
south side of Avenue 52, the Applicant proposes to install wrought iron
fencing with extensive landscaping in order to minimize light and glare
affecting the Crystal Canyon project.
She went on to note other points which should be noted such as the fact
that Avenida Nuestra will only be improved from Calle Rondo to Washington
Street. Also, the intent of the proposal is to cc~pensate for changes in
cc~munity flood control. Assistant Planner Campbell turned the Staff
Report over to Director Stevens for the flood control report.
Director Stevens stated that at the Study Session on April 8, the Cc~ntission
had indicated a desire to see if a representative of the Coachella Valley
Water District could be requested to attend the meeting this date (4/9/85)
to discuss scme of the rationale that went into the flood control design
that necessitated these changes. Unfortunately, no one from CVWD could
attend at such short notice due to other cc~nti~ts. Director Stevens
stated he spoke with a couple of CVWD representatives, however, and ~ould
try to relate what they told him. He stated, however, that the important
think to point out is that Staff perceives, in our support for the Applicant's
request, that the flood control is really this cc~nunity's highest priority
concern and actions which will facilitate the implementation of that flood
control program in the most cost effective fashion are reasonable and
Director Stevens went on to explain that the prinicpal reasons that the
project had to be redesigned and, ultimately, Avenue 52 realigned to
accc~rodate flood control are these. Staff imposed a condition on the
previous tentative tract relative to requiring the developer to accept
drainage from the Cove area. In designing the flood control system, it
was determined that this, in fact, meant the entire Cove - because the
design of the Bear Creek system on the west side of the Cove could not
accon~te any additional flows from local street drainage from the Cove
area. This, in essence, meant that ultimately a storm drain system is
going to have to bring that drainage to the east to this project, and we
April 9, 1985
Page 5.
needed to ensure that the design of this project could acute those
flows. So, the engineers w~rked out an analysis of the 100-year flood,
which ~Duld impact those streets and determined how much capacity they
needed for retention to make the hydrolics of the system w~rk. You must
remember that, ultimately, there is a connection bet~n the Bear Creek
system and the east Cove drainage syst~n at the evacuation channel, so
you are really talking about basins that have storage and then control the
time of flow to ultimately move all the water out. ~nerefore, large areas
are needed for storage. That necessitated more than the 39 acres we saw
in the tentative tract, and when we finally ended up ~Drking out the details,
we needed 82 acres of land area to store, and yet still allow some reasonable
use of that land area as part of the golf course development, which has been
a cc~mon design approval in the valley. Therefore, we had to increase the
area substantially to allow ccmpliance with the Cove drainage system we
ultimately expect to be installed there, and we needed the land area now.
The second major reason that the flood control necessitated changes related
to differences in elevation be~ the area ultimately receiving the water,
which is the La Quinta Stouter Evacuation Channel, and the site itself.
You nust be equal to or higher than the elevation where you are emitting
the water to the evacuation channel and, when you look at the volume that
required storage and the depths you would be required to have to store that
water, you are getting to the point where the bottc~ of the storage areas
would be lower than the evacuation channel. As a result, you have to make
sure you have an appropriate relationship between those elevations and that
is what resulted, essentially, in this design.
Director Stevens noted that at the Study Session, there was discussion of
the possibility of leaving the project as previously approved and using
that portion of the boc~erang parcel (where the current bend is) for a
storage basin. This alternative created two major problems. The first
being the requirement of a large dike (similar to that at Eisenhow~r and
Tampico) all along that portion of Avenue 52 and in order to obtain the
necessary elevation difference be~ that area and the evacuation channel,
that storage basin would have been scme 12 to 14' deep and contain sufficient
amount of acre-feet of water to subject the project to the requirements of
the California Bureau of Dam Safety. The California Bureau of Dam Safety
requirements would have added approximately one million dollars, or there-
abouts, in cost to the flood control project and w~uld have likely delayed
that project as much as a year while the design was going through their
approval process. Therefore, we tried to find a design which would allow
the avoidance of time delays in going through the Bureau of Dam Safety.
~nis led to the early rejection of a large basin on the north side of the
former alignment of Avenue 52.
Director Stevens stated that we are now able, with this design, to handle
all local street drainage with the Cove up to either Durango or Sinaloa.
All of that area would be able to use this east Cove drainage system. We
still need to find a soluticn for the area north of that, which is presently
in the works. One of our additional goals and also trying to work within
the project was that the cost of the flood control project was significantly
cheaper if the City did not have to pay for the land that we were doing the
storage on or if the City did not have to at least acquire ~ type of an
easement right, if n~t outright fee purchase of the land. Trying to ~Drk
all of this into the frame~rk of a development plan, the City saved a
considerable sum of money to the ultimate cost of the flood control project
by securing, at no cost to the City or Redevelopment Agency, the necessary
easements upon which this retention will occur. In return, the City allows
multiple use with the golf course, but that has been c~n practice with
the District as a flood control agency and Staff thinks it is an appropriate
multiple use in light of the nature of the storms we usually get. Therefore,
Staff sees significant benefits to the City, principally to its flood control
project, by the realignment of Avenue 52. Director Stevens stated that this
concluded the Staff Report regarding flood control and asked the Cc~mission
for any questions.
April 9, 1985
Page 6.
Co~ssioner Bran ~ted that in looking at the plans, she only saw
a 36-inch drainage pipe going to the evacuation channel and wondered if
that was correct.
Director Stevens advised that it is not correct. It will be a 60-inch,
underground culvert that would go essentially along the alignment of
Desert Club Drive frcm the project to the evacuation channel.
~ssioner Goetcheus asked how many feet high the dike is at the north-
west corner of Avenida Tampico and Eisenho~r Drive.
Director Stevens stated that Lloyd Watson (who was present at the meeting)
of Landmark Land ~y advised that the dike was 15' or more above the
Con~sioner Goetcheus went on to comment that looking at the corner of
Avenue 50 and Eisenhower Drive, we have a beautiful view of Landmark
property. He noted that he has always been after as good a view from the
Cove side as there is from the other side. He stated he has always wanted
sidewalks, landscaping, etc., and the developer had good plans three or four
years ago, but it has not been improved to date. Con~ssioner Goetcheus
stated he feels this is an example of where we have not insisted that the
plans be what people in the Cove would like. He noted that it bothered him
that we might start over on sc~ething else here that will be as bad as what
we have done already. He advised that he was referring to the tw~ sides of
Avenida Bermudas where there will be berms and walls because of flood control,
which, try as he will, he does not understand.
Assistant Planner Ca~ll continued her Staff Report by noting scme changes
in the written report. On Page 9, under Findings, Item 4 should read:
"4. The project will not have a significant impact on the
environment if adequate mitigation m~asures are required
as conditions of approval."
On the first page of the Conditions of Approval, under Noise, Item 14 should
"14. The Applicant shall provide a 35-foot-wide, 6' to 8'
high berm on the south side of Avenue 52 to mitigate
noise impaction. Any wall on the south side of Avenue
52 shall be subject to City approval."
On Page 2 of the Conditions of Approval, under Miscellaneous, Item 16 should
"16. The Applicant shall provide a meandering, 6-foot-wide,
bicycle path on the north side of Avenue 52, and a
5-foot-wide, meandering pedestrian path on the south
side of Avenue 52."
Director Stevens followed by stating that Staff's recc~x~_ndation to the
Cc~ssion is adoption of the Resolution with the modifications to the
Cc~ssioner Klimkiewicz asked for a review of the dimensions of proposed
Avenue 52.
Assistant Planner Campbell did so by using the displayed rendering of that
Vice Chariman Walling opened the hearing at 8:00 p.m.
J. B. Gold, Vice President of the Crystal Canyon project, Applicant, spoke
in reference to the flood control concerns which ~ssioner Goetcheus
related earlier. He spoke also on the acoustical report received which
gave them a difficult task trying to develop noise mitigation for the
residents on Avenida Nuestra. He went on to explain the project to the
April 9, 1985
Page 7.
Kevin Manning, Planner for Landmark Land Company, Applicant, advised
the Conm%ission that the Applicant had no problems with the Conditions
of Approval in the request for the realist that pertained to them.
Specifically, Conditions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 12. However, they do have
a problem with Condition No. 10. They had proposed a 1000' radius.
Landmark feels that the 2000' radius is a safety hazard and wish to
compose by proposing a 1200' radius at the curve. He stated that
the Berryman & Stephenson report proposed a 900' radius, which was
ignored by Staff. The City Engineer proposed the 2000' radius which
was prcmoted by Staff.
Director Stevens replied to Mr. Manning's report that Berryman &
Stephenson did indeed show that a 900' radius ~Duld be adequate. But
because that was in conflict with the recc~x~endation we received frc~
the City Engineer, who recc~mended the 2000' radius, Staff talked to both
parties. The City Engineer indicated he was trying to avoid a super
elevated road, which means a banking situation in order to maintain the
type of spc~ that will occur on Avenue 52 (55 mph). In discussing this
point with Berryman & Stephenson, they stated they did not take into
consideration the impact of having to super elevate. Therefore, Staff
r~ded the 2000' radius because it basically avoids the need to do
the super elevation. He noted that the super elevation or banking procedure
is more of a highway design and we do not presently have any roads with
this type of design.
Dr. Sodikoff, Rt. 1, Box 134, Del Mar, California, an Avenida Nuestra
property owner, spoke against the realist.
Karen Sodikoff, Rt. 1, Box 134, Del Mar, California, an Avenida Nuestra
property owner, spoke against the realist.
Audrey Ostrowsky, La Quinta, California, a La Quinta property owner,
spoke against the realist and Staff.
Bill Young, President of Crystal Canyon, Applicant, responded to the
concerns of area residents who had just spoken.
Vice Chairman Walling closed the public hearing at 8:30 p.m.
Co~ssioner ~bran stated that she feels the residents of Avenida Nuestra
are benefiting by the proposed plans for their street with regard to all
the landscaping and the fact that it will be closed frem Washington Street
traffic, etc. She feels that the Applicant has also done a very good job
with regard to the noise mitigation measures they have proposed for Avenue
Cc~missioner Goetcheus stated he feels the Applicant has a very good project
and that everything on the inside of it is fine. He stated he does not like
the Avenue 52 realist and felt the project was fine as developed
previously. He stated he does not like the Avenida Bermudas develo~r~nt
with regard to the wall and berm. He further stated that if he voted yes
on this project that he hoped the City Council, in their wisdom, ~uld say
that this project is ~Drth it to the City by changing the water affairs to
gain a project. He noted he is not satisfied that the water has to be
handled in the way it has been given to the Cc~mission and even though
Director Stevens explained the plans, he wished a representative frcm CVWD
had been present to answer any questions.
~sioner Klimkiewicz stated that if this was just a request of an
Applicant, he w~uld say no to the request. But, since it is a way to
solve scme of our flood control concerns, and b~ving reviewed our alterna-
tives as far as the impaction on the houses in the area, it sc~s like the
best solution we have cc~e up with. La Quinta is not going to remain as
it has been for the past 30 years.
April 9, 1985
Page 8.
Vice Chairman Walling stated he tends to agree with ~ssioner
Klimkiewicz. He noted that sc~e people may not realize it, but if
Avenue 52 is not moved and there was a project to the south of Calle
Nuestra, the people there would probably still be subjected to a large
wall system, and perhaps not with such a thorough landscaping design as
this. This also provides for ample open space between Avenida Nuestra
and any buildings. This seems to be the most equitable means of obtaining
flood control for the City.
Vice Chairman Walling called for a motion.
2. ~ssioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to adopt Planning Ccmm%ission
Resolution No. 85-005 with modifications to the Conditions of Approval
as recc~l~ended by Staff. Ccmm%issioner Mmran seconded the motion.
Unanimously Adopted with one objection (with friendliness) and one
Director Stevens made a ~t for the record. Staff disputes Mrs. Ostrowsky's
recollecton of the facts regarding the availability of information. He noted that you
cannot read a person's mind when they cc~e in asking for the Staff Report and try and
understand that to mean the acoustical study. He noted that several of the residents
who spoke at the last meeting and who are here tonight had copies of the acoustical
study as soon as it was available to the public, which was eight days ago. Dr. Sodikoff
made arrangements to receive a copy and paid for it and Mrs. Higgs made arrangements to
receive a copy. We cannot read peoples' minds in terms of the information they want
and we do the best we can. He stated again for the record that the acoustical study was
available to anyone who wished to receive a copy.
Vice Chairman Walling advised that the next twD items of hearing would be heard
C. Change of Zone Case No. 85-015, a proposal to change the zoning frcm R-l*,
R*:: 1-10,000, R*-2-20,000, and N-A* to R*++-i-10,000, R*-2-20,000, and N-A*
on a 746-acre site easterly of Avenida Bermudas and southerly of Avenida
Nuestra; Sar~ Pebble Country Club, Applicant.
D. Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, Revised No. 1, a proposal to approve a planned
residential development with 843 condcndnium units, 47 single-family lots, a
tennis and country club and an 18-hole golf course on a 417-acre portion of
a 731-acre site easterlY of Avenida Bermudas and southerly of Avenida Nuestra;
Sand Pebble Country Club, Applicant.
Vice ChaLrman Walling requested the Staff Report.
1. Principal Planner Bcnner stated that this is the same Change of Zone Case
as presented at the previous Planning Ccnm~ssion meeting. Due to the
addition of 57 acres, the Applicant is requesting a Change of Zone frcxn
R-l* to R-2~20,000. That is the same zoning as placed on the remainder
of the project. The Applicant has made minor modifications to the single-
family lot area and, therefore, has adjusted that boundary for the R-l*
zoning. The southeast corner of the project has a 17' height limit, a
mininum 1200-square-foot dwelling size and minimum 10,000-square-foot lot
size. The next change is due to more engineering infonaation the Applicant
has received. He has made minor modifications on the boundary be~ the
mountains and the units and has actually lost a minor amount of land to
keep away frcm the toes of the slopes. Staff is recc~m~_nding approval of
this Change of Zone based on findings that the proposed zoning is consistent
with the general plan, that the proposed zoning ~Duld reduce the densities
- allowable under the existing zoning, that it is cc~patible with the
surrounding area and, in fact, has a density approximately 3 to 4 units
per acre less than the surrounding area and that the approval of the request
will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment.
Moving on to the Tentative Tract, Principal Planner Bonner stated she
would just review additional information and changes Staff has received
since the last hearing on this case. She noted concerns brought up at
the previous hearing regarding the single-family units. Specifically,
the t~D-story units around the perimeter of the project. The concerns
April 9, 1985
Page 9.
were in regard to the height of the units, the fact that they were clustered
along the perimeter, the majority of the units were in larger buildings
having four units and, therefore, they had substantial bulk. Also, the fact
of the close spacing and clustering of units seemed to increase the mass of
them. At the last hearing, Planning Ccmmtission conxnents and c~ts frcm
the audience requested that the Applicant redesign or modify his plans to
modify these concerns. Therefore, last Friday, the Applicant sutmzitted a
revised plan showing different treatment for the perimeter units. He has
eliminated scme of the units on Avenida Bermudas, he has mixed units be~
one and tvx>-story units, he has decreased the building size by going frc~n
fourplexes to duplexes, he has removed scme units frcm the northwest corner
to allow a window into the project. Principal Planner Bonner pointed out
the areas where changes have occurred by use of colored renderings submitted
by the Applicant. Staff still has concerns with scme of the two-story
buildings along Avenida Bermudas and Avenue 52. On Avenida Bermudas, the
view frc~ the single-family dwellings on the west side ~ould allow the entire
second floor to be visible on the east side. Staff feels that the height
limit being 17 feet on the west side, that the two-story structures on the
east side should be kept away frc[n this area, particularly in the interest of
~tibility and not blocking the view from adjacent residents. ~nerefore,
Staff is reccmm~ending that the units be dropped back approximately 100' from
the right-of-way line. The units involved ~ould just be reduced to one story.
The Applicant has agreed to three th/rigs in regard to the tennis clubhouse.
First, he has agreed to set back the building an additional 20 feet; second,
he will modify the wall design and third, the overall height of the building
will be limited to 20 feet.
Regarding Avenue 52, Principal Planner Bonner stated it is a different
situation than on Avenida Bermudas. Right now, the distance frcm the property
lines on the west side of Avenida Bermudas to the wall on the east side as
_ proposed by the Applicant is about 100 feet. On Avenue 52, when you take
into consideration Avenida Nuestra, the extra setback for landscaping, etc.,
you are looking at approximately 200 feet to the wall (this is from property
line of Avenida Nuestra to perimeter wall of the project). Because they are
not adjacent to any other single-family units that are one-story and will
not be imposing on anyone's privacy or viewscape, Staff feels that the units
on Avenue 52 would have the opportunity to mix one and two-story units more
than proposed by the Applicant. Staff feels they can work with the Applicant
as far as revising the plan with this point in mind.
Principal Planner Bonner stated that ~ts made at the previous mmeting
tended toward the fact that we wanted more views into--the~ project and this has
been a standard the City has tried to encourage in develotmnmnts so that we
do not have a solid wall. As Assistant Planner Campbell m~ntioned earlier,
any requests for solid walls are all going to be conditioned upon. The
acoustical engineer will look at any of these plans to determine any
"bouncing" back of noise. Principal Planner Bonner noted that Staff has
not sho~ these plans to the acoustical engineer at this point.
Regarding the maintenance building, the Applicant has set back the building
from the Desert Club and the adjacent street. He has broken up the roof
lines to be ccml0atible with surrounding area and plans to recess the parking
area also.
With regard to concerns raised on the Japact of the project to the wildlife
habitat, it is noted that 314 acres of the mountainous portion of the site
will remain in natural open space. %he Conditions of Approval prohibit the
installation of fencing which will restrict wildlife access frc~ this area
into the project. In addition, the sandy wash habitat area in the southeast
area will be incorporated into the design. The biologist who prepared the
section within the La Quinta Flood Control Redevelopmmnt Project Environmmntal
Impact Report on flora and fauna reviewed the project with respect to the
mitigation measures adopted as a part of the flood control project. He
stated that although any project affects existing h_~bitat and foraging areas,
the design of this project and Conditions of Approval would reduce these
impacts significantly. Staff will also take extr~ care in reviewing the
landscape and tree retention plans to ensure that Jat0acts on wildlife will
be minimized to the extent feasible.
April 9, 1985
Page 10.
Principal Planner Bonner went over the Conditions of Approval that
were being added to or changed.
Add to Condition No. 9:
"9. (d) All two-story units will be set back a minimum of 100 feet frcm the right-of-way line."
Add additional condition under "Building and Site Design":
"Staff recc~r~nds that the maximum number of allowable units,
including single-family and condominiums, be reduced from
889 to 850."
Principal Planner Bonner noted that this concluded her Staff Report to
the Cgnmtission on the t~o items being heard concurrently.
Director Stevens noted that Staff is recc~n~nding approval of Tentative
Tract Map No. 20328, Revised No. 1, subject to the Conditions of Approval,
as amended, and based on the findings in the Staff Report.
Vice Chairman Walling opened the public hearing at 9:13 p.m.
Bill Young, President of the Crystal Canyon project (formerly known as
Sand Pebble Country Club), Applicant, reviewed the project as a whole,
speaking in favor of same.
J. B. Gold, Vice President of Crystal Canyon, representative of the
Applicant, replied to scme of the concerns addressed along Avenida
Bermudas. He also spoke in favor of the project.
Homer Davis, 52-211 Avenida Bermudas, La Quinta, questioned whether there
~ould be a bike lane, a gutter and a sidewalk on the west side of Avenida
Director Stevens replied to this by noting that these type of improvers
would be done by the Applicant on the east side of Avenida Bermudas only.
Robert Craven, 53-125 Avenida Bernudas, La Quinta, questioned the height
of the two-story units on Avenida Bermudas, as to how much would be seen
by the hcmeowners on the west side.
Principal Planner Bonner explained to Mr. Craven that with the additional
setback being requested, only the roof of the closest building should be
seen by those residents on the west side of Avenida Bermudas.
Vice Chairman Walling closed the public hearing at 9:25 p.m.
Cc~nissioner Klimkiewicz stated that most of his concerns have been
satisfied, with the exception of the northeast corner density of units.
Director Stevens advised that Staff could add a condition that particularly
indicates the northeast corner be evaluated to minimize the appearance of
bulk to the exterior of the project. If Staff cannot work out the details
of this with the Applicant, they will bring it back to the ~sion.
Cc~nissioner Goetcheus again stated that he has no objections to anything
- inside the walls.
Cc~mtissioner Moran stated she would like to see 100' to 150' setbacks frc~
the wall for the two-story units on Avenida Bermudas. In the putting clock
II area, she stated she would like to see the units that are right on Avenue
52 either pulled back or have them not all two-story as shown. She agreed
with ~ssioner Klimkiewicz that the density of the northeast corner
should be changed. She also had concerns with the location of the golf
course maintenance building with regard to noise, smell, etc., to the nearby
residents and made several suggestions for relocation. Co~nissioner Moran
asked the Applicant who they would have to maintain the golf course in the
event of flooding.
April 9, 1985
Page 11.
Bill Young replied that there will be an easement where the water will ccme
through and CVWD will take care of any bad damage in the easement area and
the developer will maintain the golf course.
Vice Chairman Walling felt that the tw~-story units on the northwest corner
and the northeast corner are too dense. He feels a 100' setback on the
east should be provided. His major concern is the two-story units on the
highway. He also felt that anything on the golf course maintenance building
and the two-story units should come back to the Planning ~sion for
After a short discussion, it was decided to change Condition 9. (d) which
has been added previously in the meeting, as follows:
"9. (d) All two-story units shall be set back 100' frcm perimeter
roads as well as the common property line along Desert
Club area."
The ~ssion would like to review final plans regarding the above.
With regard to the location of the golf course maintenance building,
Director Stevens stated he would attempt to discuss other options with
the Applicant when he gets to the point of final design.
After a brief discussion, Vice Chairman Walling called for a motion.
2. ~sioner Goetcheus made a motion based on findings in the Staff Report,
to approve Change of Zone Case No. 85-015, and Tentative Tract Map No. 20328,
Revised No. 1, subject to Conditions of Approval, as amen~. Cc~mtissioner
Klinkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted with one abstention.
At this point, Director Stevens advised those present that the City Council hearings
on these items is scheduled for next Tuesday, April 16, 1985, at 7:30 p.m., in these
A. Vice Chairman Walling introduced the first item of buisness as Street Vacations
Nos. 85-007A and 85-007B, a request to determine General Plan consistency of a
proposed vacation of Avenue 52, generally between Jefferson Street and Desert
Club Drive; William Young and Landmark Land Cc~pany, Applicants. He called for
the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens advised that on road vacations, the Planning Cc~mission's
responsibility is to determine whether or not they are consistent with the
General Plan and make a report to the City Council as to that consistency.
Regarding these requests, we essentially envision that the vacations will
occur, if they are approved, upon the coT~letion of the improvemants on the
realigned right-of-way. You can expect, across the frontage of the project,
that it will be a full-width right-of-way and those areas through the Landmark
Land Cc~pany portion of the property, which would be to the east of this
project, would be replacing initially that section with an equivalent road
section. It would be a two-lane, paved road to Jefferson and as Landmark
developed the adjacent property, then it would beccme a full-width, four-
lane road. It is Staff's recoTmendation that the Cc~x~ission adopt Planning
Cc~mtission Resolution NO. P.C. 85-004 which determines that the vacations
are consistent with the La Quinta General Plan essentially since it is the
realignment of a road through an area. With regard to the conditions
Add Condition 1. (a) as follows:
"(a) If satisfactory arrangements for a private street access cannot
be worked out, provisions shall be made for a public street
access along the easterly side of the Desert Club."
April 9, 1985
Page 12.
Change 3. (6) adding Avenida Nuestra after Avenue 52.
Vice Chairman Walling called for a motion.
2. Cc~ssioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to adopt Planning Cc~ssion
Resolution No. P.C. 85-004 and r~ded support of the attached
conditions. ~ssioner Moran seconded the motion. Unanimously
Adopted with one abstention.
Vice Chairman Walling called upon Staff to report on the five plot plan requests for
construction before the Planning Cc~m~ssion.
D~rector Stevens stated that as these requests had been reviewed at the study session
the day prior, he would identify each request and the Planning Cc~mission could rule
on th~ as a whole. He stated that Staff is recc~x~ending approval of each of the
requests. Director Stevens identified each of the five requests as follows:
B. Plot Plan No. 85-137, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
west side of Avenida Bermudas, 300' north of Calle Nogales; Desert Design
Development, Applicant.
C. Plot Plan No. 85-139, a request for approval of tw~ classroc~ buildings in
conjunction with Public Use Permit No. 84-001 at the northwest corner of
Miles Avenue and Adams Street alignment; Family Heritage Church of the Valley,
D. Plot Plan No. 85-140, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
west side of Avenida Diaz, 180' south of Calle Potrero; Rick Johnson
Construction, Applicant.
E. Plot Plan NO. 85-141, a request to c~nstruct a single-family dwelling on the
east side of Avenida Obregc~, 200' south of Calle Chihuahua; Rick Johnson
Construction, Applicant.
F. Plot Plan NO. 85-142, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
west side of Avenida Martinez, 150' south of Calle Madrid; Rick Johnson
Construction, Applicant.
Vice Chairman Walling called for a motion.
Cormmissi~er Goetcheus made a motion based on the findings in the Staff Reports
to approve Plot Plan NO. 85-137 and Plot Plans 85-139 through 85-142, subject
to the Conditions of Approval. Cc~missioner Klimkiewicz seconded the motion.
Unanimously Adopted.
6. ADJ~
There being no further items of agenda to con~ before the Cc~mmission, Vice ChaLrman
Walling called for a motion to adjourn.
Chairman Thornburgh made a motion to adjourn to the next regular m~eting of
April 23, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
California. Vice Chairman Walling seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted.
The regular meeting of the Planning Cc~sion of the City of La Quinta, California,
was adjourned at 10:15 p.m., April 9, 1985, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle
Estado, La Quinta, California.