1985 05 28 PC Minutes MINUTES
A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado,. La Quinta,
May 28, 1985 7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning C~ssion meeting to order at
7-00 p.m.. He called upon Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner to lead the
flag salute.
2. ROLL C~T,'I',
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the
Present: Can~issioners Moran, Walling and Chairman Thornburgh
Absent: None
Chairman Thornburgh advised that two Conm~ssioners had recently resigned
and City Council would be selecting replacers at their meeting of
June 5th.
Also present were Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner
Gary W. Price and Secretary Donna Velotta.
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A. Conm%issioner Moran made a motion, seconded by Ccxnmissioner Walling to ....
approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 14, 1985.
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1. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 14, 1985, were approved
as submitted. Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first 'item of business as follows:
A. Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, Amend~ No. 1, reconsideration of a proposal
to divide 132+ acres into 109 lots with 19 single-family dwellings on
individual lots and 528 condaminium units on the remaining lots on the south
side of Avenue 54, along the proposed alignment of PGA Boulevard; Sunrise
Company, Applicant.
He then called for the Staff Report.
1. Associate Planner Gary W. Price explained that the Applicant, the Sunrise
Company, proposes a revision in unit mix to a previously Planning Commission
approved Tentative Tract Map No. 20717. He noted that the revisions include
an increase in 36 dwelling units (the Staff Report shows 26 which is a
clerical error) with a cumulative total of 547. This is ccmpared to the
previous total of 511 from the previous map. He stated that as explained
in the Study Session, the most significant increase in the revision is the
88 Fourplex West Type-A units and the decrease of 48 Fourplex East Type-B
units. Parcels 22 through 27, as previously proposed containing 64 Type-B
units, have been revised to incorporate 88 Type-A units within Parcels 22
through 28; a net increase of 24 units. This was done by the Applicant to
provide more affordably priced, smaller units within the Stadium Golf Course.
With regard to density, Associate Planner Price advised that the revised
map has a slightly higher overall density of 4.13 units per acre as campared
to 3.86 units per acre on the old map. He advised that the 4.13 figure has
been revised frcm 4.06 noted in the Staff Report due to the addition of 10
units noted earlier as the result of clerical error.
May 28, 1985
Page 2.
Associate Planner Price stated that overall, the proposed revisions to
the tract map and changes in the conditions of approval are, in Staff's
jud~t, acceptable, and therefore, the intent of the Specific Plan has
been achieved through the tract map design. Staff rec~ds approval
of Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, Amend~ No. 1, subject to the conditions
of approval previously recc~an~nded by the Planning Cormlission with the
following revisions:
Condition No. 15.b revised to read as follows:
"15.b. That the minor residential collector street serving Lots 22
through 32 be continued and improved to an all-weather street
to connect intO the residential island portion of the project
(Lots 33 through 110) prior to building permit issuance on
Lots 22 through 32."
Subsection b. to be added to Condition No. 31 as follows:
"31.b. A change in the total number of units shall not exceed 10%
of the approved total of 547, shall be deemed compatible
with approved unit designs, and shall be consistent with
the overall character of the project."
Chairman Thornburgh called upon the Applicant for any cc~nents.
Jim Resney, Vice President of Sunrise Conloany, the Applicant, advised
he felt Staff did an excellent job explaining the revisions in the Staff
Report and at the Study Session. He stated he would an~ any questions
of Staff or the Conntission at this time.
There being no questions, Chairman Thornburgh called upon the Cc~mtission
_ for their cc~m~nts.
Cormtissioner Walling felt the densities had not been affected by the
revisions and felt the actual site has been improved by the changes.
He stated he was in agre~nent with the request.
Connuissioner ~bran stated she felt ccmfortable with the revisions.
Chairman Thornkurgh called for a motion.
2. Concessioner Walling made a motion based on the findings in the Staff
Report, reccn~ending approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, ~ded
No. 1, subject to the conditions of approval previously recc~anended, as
~ded. Conmtissioner Moran seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted.
B. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan No.
85-155, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the south side
of San Timoteo Street, approximately 380' east of Avenida Fernando; Robert
Ricciardi and Associates, Applicant.
He called for the Staff Report.
1. Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner explained that this house will be
located in the La Quinta Golf Estates II Sufftivision. It will be built
for the personal residence of the property owner. It is similar to
other houses in the area. Ms. Bonner noted that the floor plan and
height of the building cc~plies with the City's adopted standards.
However, the plan as proposed does not comply with the City's adopted
setback requirements which prohibit pool and other mechanical equipment
in the setback areas. Staff recc~nends the addition of a condition
requiring all mechanical equifz~nt to be relocated outside of the front
20' setback and the sideyard 5' setbacks. In addition, the site plan
indicates that the garage encroaches one-half foot into the front yard
setback. Staff reccn~nends that approval be conditioned to prohibit any
encroachment into the setback.
May 28, 1985
Page 3.
Ms. Bonner advised the Planning Cc~mission of a new condition which
has been added due to the response of a change in the Building Code.
The new condition, Condition No. 11, which is requiring all structures
%o have a Class "A" roof covering is being added as a standard for all
single-family dwellings.
A point of concern is that the Applicant is proposing to extend som~
of the concrete walkways and driveway out to the street. Since this
is a private street and the road right-of-way in essence belongs to the
property owners' association, we have added a condition that any improve-
m~nts within the San Timoteo Street right-of-way shall be reviewed and
approved by the La Quinta Golf Estates Cu~,nunity Association prior to
issuance of building permits.
Ms. Bonner stated that this concluded the Staff Report. Staff is
recc~nending approval based on the findings in the Staff Report and
subject to the conditions, as amended.
Chairman Thornburgh asked Ms. Bonner if a proposed house is to be located
on a private street are we not requiring the same code requirements that
we do on non-private streets. In other words, w~uld we allow them to
build right up to the property line or build within their 20-foot setback
because it is a private street.
Ms. Bonner advised~ that they w~uld still have the same setbacks (they
being the homsowners' association) and, in fact, they are more strict
than the City regarding their setback requir~ts. They have the same
building restrictions on the lot; the only differences are that in the
Cove, we require an asphalt connecting driveway between the property line
and the existing street because we anticipate in future to have concrete
curb and gutter, where in this location they already have a 28' wide
street and everyone has concrete driveways out to the street. Instead
of going through an encroachment permit with the City where we approve
anything in the right-of-way, the property owners' association takes
over that responsibility. Ms. Bonner advised the Conm~ssion that because
of this, Condition No. 8 should be amend~ to read as follows:
"8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete to the
existing street pavemant."
There being no further cc~a/~nts, Chairman Thornburgh requested a motion.
2. Cc~x~issioner Walling made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 85-155 based
on the findings in the Staff Report, in accordance with Exhibits A, B and
C, and subject to the conditions of approval, as amended. Cc~mlission~
M~ran ~seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh called upon Staff to rePort on the next three items of business
which were as follows:
C. Plot Plan ~. 85-158, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the east side of Avenida Villa, 50' south of Calle Temecula; Desert
Design and Development, Applicant.
D. Pl°t Plan No. 85-159, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the west side of Avenida Rubio, 250' south of Calle Temecula; Desert
Design and Development, Applicant.
E. Plot Plan No. 85-160,. a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the east side of Avenida Carranza, 150' north of Calle Tecate; Desert
Design and Development, Applicant.
1. Associate Planner Price advised the Cc~ssion that Staff had tw~ concerns
regarding these three homes. First, the 24" perimeter roof truss is massive,
delineating trite detail. To avoid this visual problem, a tile detail
trea~t or a ~th texture, dark-colored detail should be incorporated
betw~_n the relief lines of the roof truss. Secondly, the perimeter wall
should be a required portion of the project. The wall should be coated
with a colored plaster to match the exterior color of the house. Based on
May 28, 1985
Page 4.
the roof truss and wall treatment requirements, the proposed house will
be compatible with the surrounding development. Therefore, Staff is
recc~mending approval of Plot Plans Nos. 85-158, 85-159 and 85-160.
There being no discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Chairman ~no~rgh made a motion to approve Plot Plans Nos. 85-158,
85-159 and 85-160 based on the findings in the Staff Report and in
accordance with Exhibits A, B and C, and subject to conditions of approval.
~ssioner Walling seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh called upon Staff to report on the last tw~ items of business which
were as follows:
F. Plot Plan No. 85-164, a request to construct a single-family dWelling
on the west side of Avenida Madero, 180' south of Calle Sonora; Jim Reed,
G. Plot Plan No. 85-165, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the west side of Avenida Madero, 130' south of Calle Sonora; Jim Reed,
1. Principal Planner Bonner explained that Mr. Reed is a new developer in
our City. He has done most of his building on the coast. These
hcmes are located on larger, 6,773-square-foot lots in the Cove area.
Mr. Reed will be changing the exterior design of the hemes by using a
different color scheme; one house will be yellow with white trim and the
second will be gray with a brown roof. These homes comply with the City's
standards and are consistent and c~tible with the surrounding houses.
Therefore, Staff is recommending approval of Plot Plans Nos. 85-164 and
There being no ccxmr~nts, Chai~ Thornburgh called for a motion.
Cc~m~issioner Moran made a motion to approve Plot Plans Nos. 85-164 and
85-165 based on the findings in the Staff Report, in accordance with
Exhibits A, B and C and subject to attached conditions. Conmzissioner
Walling seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted.
Principal Planner Bonner advised the Planning ~ssion that there were tw~ more
items of discussion not shown on the Agenda.
First, the appoin~t, if the Czamnission wished to do so, of a Commissioner to the
Downtown Planning Advisory Cc~nit~ to replace John Klimkiewicz who had resigned his
place on the Planning Cc~ssion, therefore no longer eligible to serve on the DPAC.
After a short discussion, the Cc~nission decided to postpone discussion of this matter
to the next meeting, June 11, 1985.
Ms. Bonner advised that the second item was a review of the Washington Street Specific
The Ommzissioners stated that they agreed with the general focus and direction of the
report and recc~mended no substantial changes. They had no cc~m~_nts on the exhibits,
although they requested to see the overall plan/aerial photos again which show the
probl~n areas, proposed changes, etc. Specific items which the Cc~ssion requested
additional clarification and/or detail in the draft plan were the following:
o How will access be provided to the Point Happy Ranch property?
Need overall plan of area from church to Highway 111 so that
relationship between all the access points and frontage roads
can be properly assessed.
o Will the noise barrier along the w~st side of Washington Street
be extended the full length bet~ Eisenhower Drive and Avenue
50? While the Co~raissioners recognized the space constraints
as Washington Street nears the La Quinta Stormwater Channel
bridge, they wanted consideration of ways to provide noise walls
for the Montero Street area.
May 28, 1985
Page 5.
o Will interim improvement plans be provided?
o What will the star~ards be for the proposed developmmnt within
Indian ' Wells south of Fred Waring? Will our plans be compat~le
with those of Indian Wells?
o Will the plan establish design standards for walls along Washington
Stree%? Of concern is whehher %he plan will set specific criteria
for providing wall openings for views into projects.
o Regarding landscaping, will the plan establish a palette of plant
materials to allow the developers flexibility? Will the plan set
specific criteria for the size and spacing of street trees?
The C~ssion requested that the draft report include reductions of all the exhibits
and that an overall index map be provided for the details and cross sections.
There was no further discussion on the matter.
There being no further items of Agenda to cc~e before the Cc~xnission, Chairman
Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn.
Commissioner Walling made a motion to adjourn to the next regular m~eting of
June 11, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
California. Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted.
The regular meeting of 'the Planning Cc~mission of the City of La Quinta, California,
was adjourned at 8:05 p.m., May 28, 1985, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle
Estado, La Quinta, California.