1985 08 13 PC Minutes MINUTES
A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta
AugusT 13, 1985 7: 00 p.m.
A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Cc~aission meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. ChaLmaan Thornburgh called upon ~ssioner Lucia Moran to
lead the flag salute.
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call.
Present: C~ssioners Brandt, De Gasperin, Moran, and Chairman
Absent: Cc~missioner Walling
Moved by Chairman Thornburgh, seconded by Cc~ssioner Moran to
excuse Cc~mis sioner Wall ing.
Als_o present_wa_s C~~t~ Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens
and Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner.
A. Moved by Cc~ssioner De Gasperin, seconded by ~ssioner Brandt
to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 23, 1985.
~- 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 23, 1985, were approved as submitted. Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman 5hornburgh introduced the first item of business as follows:
A. Street Vacation No. 85-009, a request to detez~e general plan
consistency of a proposed vacation of portions of Calle Yucatan;
1) Calle Yucatan west of Avenida Juarez, and 2) Calle Yucatan at
intersection of Avenida Rubio; Coachella Valley Water District,
Chairman Thornburgh then called for the Staff Report.
1. Sandra L. Bonner, Principle Planner, explained that the vacations
of Calle Yucatan west of Avenida Juarez and a portion of Calle
Yucatan at Avenida Rubio are consistent with the Circulation
Element of the General Plan. Also, the portions of Calle Yucatan
requested for vacation are not needed to serve any substantive
public benefit associated with traffic circulation or emergency
vehicle access. The anticipated area traffic and related circula-
tion needs within the area are not sufficient to indicate that the
roads proposed for abando~t are necessary for future public use
as road rights-of-way. Portions of the abandoned road rights-of-way
will be used for future public benefit as part of flood control
improv~ts to the area and the proposed abando~ts will accc~modate
this need. Approval of the requested street vacation will not cause
a significant impact on the enviro~t and the preparation of an
Enviro~tal ~ct Report is not necessary. Based on these findings,
Ms. Bonner stated that the C~mmnity Development Department recc~m~_nds
that Resolution No. P.C. 85-007 determining that this street vacation
is consis%en~ wi%h ~he La Quin~a General Plan be adop%ed, and further
reccm~ends that the Planning Con~nission support the attached conditions
if Street Vacation No. 85-009 is approved by the City Council.
August 13, 1985
Page 2.
During a discussion .period, the Planning Con~ssion reviewed the
proposed conditions of approval, including Staff's recc~m~_ndation
for a modifi~tion of the area proposed for vacation west of
Avenida Juarez. Their consensus was to support Staff's recon~/~n-
dation to vacate the entire full width of Calle Yucatan west of
Avenida Juarez, with the exception that a portion of the right-of-
way will be ~re~ained for road purposes to allOW for the future
construction of standard knuckle street improvements at the corner
intersection. The Planning Cc~ission also agreed that the City
should retain ownership of that portion of the vacated roadway w~st
of Avenida .Juarez not required by Coachella Valley Water District
until such future time that the City Council determines the appro-
priate use for the land. Deferring the decision on the ultimate
use of this property will enable the City to expedite the recordation
of this vacation and the transfer of the title to that portion of
the property necessary for the construction of Bear Creek Stormwater
Channel. It was the Planning Con~ssion's consensus to also support
the proposed vacation of that portion of Calle Yucatan located at
Avenida Rubio.
There being no further discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for
a motion.
2, Cc~m%issioner Moran made a motion based on the findings in the Staff
Report to adopt Resolution No. P.C. 85-007 determining that Street
Vacation No. 85-009 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan,
subject to the attached conditions if Street Vacation No. 85-009 is
approved by the City Council. Cc~x~issioner Brandt seconded the
motion. Unanimously adopted with Cc~mission~ Walling absent.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next three items of business as follows:
B. Plot Plan No. 85-194, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the west side of Avenida Mendoza, 250' south of Calle Colima;
Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant.
C. Plot Plan No. 85-195, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the southeast corner of Calle Colima and Avenida Obregon:
Arthur Anderson, Applicant.
D. Plot Plan No. 85-196, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the west side of Avenida Vallejo, 150' south of Calle Nogales:
Leonard M. & Kerry A. M~ier - Kam Construction Co., Inc., Applicants.
Chairman ThornbUrgh then called for the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens explained that the three plot plan requests are
consistent with~ the requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals and
objectives of the La Quinta General Plan, their building designs
are cc~pat~le with area develo~t and the projects will not have
a significant impact on the enviro~t. 5herefore, based on these
findings, Staff recc~mends approval of these plot plans subject to
the attached conditions.
There being no further discussion on these matters, Chairman ~nornburgh
called for a motion.
2. Cc~m~ssioner De Gasperin made a motion based on the findings in the
Staff Reports to approve Plot Plans Nos. 85-194, 85-195 and 85-196,
in accordance~ with Exhibi%s A, B and C and subject %o the attached
conditions of approval, with the following revisions:
Add Conditions Nos. 12 and 13 to Plot Plan No. 85-195 as follows:
"12. Prior to issuance of a building permit for Plot Plan No. 85-195,
the Applicant shall ~3_hmit to the Co~xm~ty Develo~nt Director
for review and approval, a master plan with specific information
or details on stucco color, texture, trim, .roof design, other
architectural features, and landscaping which will vary the
appearance from nearby dwellings having the same design as approved
under Plot Plans Nos. 85-191, 85-192, 85-193 and 85-197.
August 13, 1985
Page 3.
"13. ~ne interior garage dimensions shall have mininum 20' width
and 20' clear depth."
Add Condition No. 12 to Plot Plan No. 85-196,~ as follows:
"12. The interior garage dimensions shall have a minimum clear width
of 20 ' 'and clear depth of 20'."
Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted with
Cc~ssioner Walling absent.
There being no further items of Agenda to ~ before the Conmlission, Chairman
Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn to a Study Session.
Ccmmissioner Brandt made a motion to adjourn to a Study Session at this time.
Co~ssioner Moran seconded the motion. Unan~usly adopted with CommiSsioner
Walling absent.
The regular.meeting of the Planning Cc~mission of the City of La Quinta, California,
was adjourned at 7:20 p.m., August 13, 1985, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105
Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.