1985 11 26 PC Minutes
A Regular Meeting held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
November 26, 1985 7: 00 p.m.
- A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Comnission meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. He then called upon Cc~nissioner Walling to lead the flag salute.
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roli cai1. The Secretary calied the roli:
Presen%:Cc~ssioners Brandt, De Gasperin, ~ran, Walling and
Chairman Thornburgh
Absent: None
AlsO present was C~t,ll~t~ Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens, Principal
Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Donna M. Velotta.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first hearing item as follows:
A. Tentative Tract Map No. 21120 ("Santa Rosa Cove"), a request to divide 14+
acres north of Avenida Fernando, within Santa Rosa Cove, approximately 3600
feet west of Eisenhower Drive at Avenue 50, into 37 lots for custom, single-
family housing; Anden Corporation, Applicant. He then called for the Staff
J_ 1. Director Stevens advised that this is a request by Anden Corporation to
divide 14 acres into 37 lots for the purpose of constructing custom,
single-family houses. This property is located within Specific Plan 121-E
(La Quinta Cove Golf Club) which was approved by the County a number of
years ago. It is in essence a resubdivision of an area previously desig-
nated for condos typical of those constructed within the Santa Rosa Cove
project. The approved density under the tentative tract that implemented
this particular portion of the property is 5.09 dwellings per acre. In
this case, the proposal would reduce this density down to 2.51 dwellings
per acre. The design of the project was referred to on a rendering by
Director Stevens who explained that this is a cul-de-sac extension of some
existing improvements. A series of lots are proposed generally between
11 and 12,000 square feet in size and it v~uld be intended that individual
purchasers of the lots would then approach the H~wners Association and
then the City with their plans for approval to build custom homes on the
lots. Director Stevens stated that Staff has reviewed the proposal with
the affected public agencies and their co~ts have been incorporated
into the Staff Report. It is Staff's judgment that the proposal is con-
sistent with the previously approved Specific Plan and that it otherwise
complies with applicable zoning regulations and with the requir~ts of
· the Subdivision Map Act. Based upon the findings in the Staff Report,
Staff recc~mends that the Co~ssion approve Tentative Tract Map 21120
subject to the 25 conditions contained in the Staff Report, most of which
are relatively standardized. Director Stevens directed the Planning
Com~ssion's attention to Staff's suggestion that there be an Architectural
Review Cc~n~t~, if one is not currently established within the CC&R's.
- He advised that this is being added because Staff is not certain of one's
existence, although we know that there is a Hcmeown~'s Association. He
stated that this concluded the Staff Report.
Chairman Thornburgh asked for any questions of Staff. There being none,
he opened the hearing for public ccmm~/nt at 7:05 p.m.
Mike Smith, 78-760 Runaway Bay, Bermuda Dunes, CA, representative of the
Applicant, stated the Applicant and he had reviewed the conditions of
approval and found no problem with any of them.
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Page 2.
There being no other public comments, Chairman Thornburgh closed the
public hearing at 7: 09 p.m.
There being no questions or discussion from the Cc~mission, Chairman
Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Conm%issioner Walling made a motion, seconded by ~ssioner Moran, to
approve Tentative Tract Map No. 21120 based on the findings in the Staff
Report in accordance with Exhibit A' and subject to attached conditions.
Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item of hearing as follows:
B. Change of Zone No. 85-010, a request for a zone change from R-l-12,000 (One
Family Dwellings, 12,000 Square Foot Net Lot Area Per Dwell~g) to R-3 (General
Residential) on a 40.2-acre site; Morris and Grayson/Rufus Associates; Applicants
He called for the Staff Report.
At this time, Cc~missioner Walling info~ those present that he has a business
relationship with the Applicant in this matter so therefore must exclude himself
frcm the discussion and ruling of the request.
1. Director Stevens info~ the Cc~x~ission that this is a request filed by
Morris and Grayson/Rufus Associates requesting a change of zone on a 40-acre
parcel located on the southwest corner of Jefferson and Avenue 50. Several
of the Cc~issioners may recall that almost a year ago they considered a
zone change on this property frcm A-l-10 to R-l-12,000 and that reqUest was
approved, based upon the General Plan and densities in effect at the time.
In this case, the Applicant is requesting a change to R-3, although in
discussion at the Study Session, the Applicant indicated they w~uld be
willing to change that request to C-T rather than R-3. Director Stevens
addressed, the fact that this site had been the subject of some discussion
throughout the General Plan process and is included within the area designate
in the new General Plan as Special Cc~mercial. The Special Cc~mercial cate-
gory was-basiclly intended to facilitate some hotel and/or recreation
development, essentially when it was determined that there was a cc~mitted
user and developer for a project and w~uld also allow scme office and retail
cc~x~ercial uses, with the understanding that our initial priorities related
to development of the Village area as opposed to the Jefferson area for
those types of uses. The site is undeveloped, it is ~iately east of the
30-acre site designated for The Orchard at La Quinta project, which is a
much lower density hotel/spa resort activity. DireCtor Stevens noted that
it is Staff's understanding, based upon discussions with the Applicant, that
their intention is to .develop a 300-room hotel with related accessory
facilities on this 40-acre site and that is the purpose for which they are
requesting the zoning. At this tim~, there have been no develo~t plans
submitted, although effort has been made to prepare at least some preliminar~
plans relative to the development of the site. In reviewing the request, it
is clear to Staff that the General Plan intends to acconm~ate this type of
use and intends to accc~modate change of zoning from R-l-12,000 to an
appropriate zone.
Director Stevens stated he believes there is scme question, particularly
in light of Policy 6.20 in the General Plan, as to whether or not this is
the time to grant that zoning. Policy 6.20 states, "Prior to obtaining
develo~r~nt approval and zoning, it shall be the responsibility of the
developer to demonstrate that a cc~x~itted user and construction funding
are available". The text of this policy was not available to the Applicant
.at the time of ~3_hmittal of this application, but Director Stevens stated
he believed that it is still appropriate for the Cc~mission and subsequent
Council consideration relative to this request. Staff's concern is that the
request is simply premature until we get more information about the
ccmmi%%ed user and abou% the i~minence of cons%ruc%ion as i% rela%es %o the
availability of funding. For that reason, it' is Staff's recc~men~~on
that this matter be continued to allow the Applicant additional time to get
this information together for our consideration. Director Stevens stated
that Staff is requesting continuance to the January 14, 1986 meeting.
November 26, 1985
Page 3.
Staff has also suggested that C-T Zoning w~uld be more appropriate than
R-3. Previously, we used the R-3 Zoning for "The Orchard" site because
we did not want to use a cc~mercial zone since the General Plan was
residential in nature. Now that the General Plan is Special Cc~ercial,
we should use a more appropriate cc~m~rcial designation, such as C-T,
which would generally permit most of the uses being proposed. 5here may
be scms office and related facilities, which ~Duld not strictly fall within
the C-T Zone, but they may end up being part of a phase program, etc.
Right now,~ however, Director Stevens advised that C-T is the best zoning
we have available, based on our understand~g of the basic nature of the
development- He went on to state again that it ~uld be Staff's recc~menda-
tion to continue this matter to allow the Applicant to put together addition~
information to respond to the concern of prematurity. He noted that this
concluded the Staff Report.
As the Cc~mlission had no questions of Staff at this ~, Chairman
Thornburgh opened the hearing to public comment at 7:15 p.m.
'Lawrence Spector, P. O. Box 867, La Quinta, CA, Applicant, advised the
Planning Ccmmissi~n that they are in agreement with the C-T Zoning over
the R-3. He noted that the situation being addressed by them at this time
really relates to the question of timing. In the Staff recc~mendation,
the question is one of prematurity and available funding with a conm~tted
user sufficient to this purpose. He info~ the Cc~z%ission that their
response to this is that they feel this is the appropriate time for th~
to get the zoning for the hotel. He went on to say that they are not in
La Quinta to be land speculators; they have an ongoing project which has
been ongoing for quite some time. He felt there was scme question as to
whether they had just quickly developed some plans in the last few weeks
and advised that statement is incorrect. They have been ~rking on this
project since March and they do have a cc~m~tted user and have really been
wrestling with the question of funding. He stated they simply are not
strong enough to finance the preliminary expenses of this project without
a cc~mitment frcm a user and advised that their reality is those joint
venture developers with them need to know that they have the zoning for
the hotel pinned down before they will finance or begin to finance enormous
costs. Mr. Spector stated they were astonished at the costs of developing
plans for The Orchard, which they had financed before successfully getting
the zoning they requested.
Mr. Spector stated that they are taking note of the fact that they are
really the only other people within that Special or Tourist Cc~mercial
Zoning, other than neighboring Landmark, who have been granted that zoning,
so they don't really see it as a precedent and they do not see it as a loss
of control by the Planning Co~nission because they will be c~g back with
a Specific Plan for review and approval.. He directed the Ccm~ission's
attention to the wall render~g of the proposed use, a 300-roc~ hotel, and
advised that they are not displaying nor are they approaching at this time,
the intended cc~anercial use. It is the hotel that they are seeking zoning
for. Mr. Spector stated that they do have a plan develoPed and they find
that this cart or the horse probl~n of which comes first, the zoning or
the' putting in position of their people and venture capital, they have found
that they need to be able to say to their co-venture partner, we have the
zoning in hand, we have the 'General Plan in hand, we have the specific zonin¢
in hand, so we now ccme before you for the Specific Plan approval~ He went
on to state that the City's 8% on this represents, at a reasonable occupancy~
$980,000 in tax base. Mr. Spector reiterated that they do not see the
Planning Cc~x~ission losing control and they see the Specific Plan protected.
In conclusion, he stated that for them it is not premature at all, it is a
matter of being able to move forward.
There being no further public cc~nents, Chairman 5hornburgh closed the
public hearing at 7:21 p.m.
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Page 4.
Chairman Thornburgh cc~nented that he felt this request is a proper use for
the requested zoning. It is not a proper use for the R-l-12,000 zoning we
approved previously and he stated he would hate to see it developed into
one-acre parcels. Chairman %hornburgh felt that the hotel ~ould be a proper
use at this time; he noted that we are zoning the property and to his
recollection, the only other time we got into this was .concerning having a
valid tenant or financial feasibility study and somebody as a tenant would
be under the Special Cc~nercial.
Director Stevens responded by noting that in trying to assess those policies
for the Special Cc~anercial land use category, there is no question that the
hotel and related uses are appropriate at any time without benefit of
supportive market analysis. He believes that was clearly oriented toward
the retail/office uses. Director Stevens stated he believes the concern
that Staff is trying to convey is that maybe we need a little more informa-
tion before we grant this zoning. He reminded the Cc~mission that they had
a debate on this property when the R-l-12,000 was requested, in that they
felt they reallY needed a develo~t plan or a preliminary developmmnt plan
or more information. He advised the Con~ission that the plan (rendering) the
Applicant presented this evening was initially seen by Staff the day before.
He felt that sc~e of this type of information is really pertinent to the
Conmtission's consideration of the zoning. As an example, the zoning for The
Orchard has been in place for three years and nothing has happened. Will
that be the samm situation on this parcel? Director Stevens stated he felt
the General Plan gives potential financial supporters clear evidence that
the City would support ccmnercial, tourist, hotel type developmmnt on the
site and that we want to retain our zoning control and consider processing
zOning changes with develotm~n~t plan approvals rather than separately. If
you grant the zoning now, and he stated he was not saying this is the
Applicant's intention, but you have seen it with other applications that the
minute you grant the approval, the Applicant puts up a "For Sale" sign.
Director Stevens advised that Staff is looking for more of a c~tmmnt from
the Applicant in terms of what is going to be there and the nature of what
is going to be there before we grant the zoning.
Chairman Thornburgh again reiterated his feelings that this corner should
be for a Tourist Cc~nercial type use and that this hotel should be built
Cc~nissioner Moran questioned Staff as to whether or not a developmmnt
agreement of some sort would work in this situation.
Director Stevens responded that the problem you run into with that is what
you call conditional zoning which has generally been frowned upon by the
California courts. As Chairman Thornburgh indicated before, the zoning
is really based on the characteristics of the property, not who owns it.
Even if we had a development plan and we use %hat as criteria for granting
the zoning, that is not to say that the plan cannot change and the developer
cannot change, so that issue is still there.
Cc~xmissioner De Gasperin stated she tended to agree with Staff's recc~ne~n~-
tion that this matter be continued to January 14. Her reason is that the
property in question is vacant, undeveloped property and she preferred to
have a tighter control on how the City controls the developmmnt of that
property. This particular Applicant does have a small history of speculation
with regard to this corner. There is a history of a previous request for
zoning and apparently the Applicant was not able to follow through, for
whatever reasons. Co~nissioner De Gasperin went on to cc~n~nt that we have
now designated this corner Special Co,mercia, which should tell the financie~
in what direction the City is going, so that Mr. Spector should be able to
becomm more firm. She advised that she would like to know exactly what is
going to happen on this property to the extent that Mr. Spector can tell us
before we shift everything and call it a particularly zoned area, to avoid
losing ccntrol. To give Mr. Spector the benefit we can, she advised she
would prefer to see this request continued, so the Applicant can firm up his
plans before we ccnmtit ourselves to a zone change.
November 26, 1985
Page 5.
Cc~mission~ Moran cc~ent~ that she is inclined to agree with Chairman
Thornburgh. She felt that in order for Mr. Spector to go to his lenders,
he will need to show- the zoning for this property in order to get financing.
Commissioner Brandt advised that she w~uld like to see more information
and therefore agreed with Staff's recc~x~en~~on of continuance.
Chairman Thornburgh requested of the Cc~x~issioners what they felt the
Applicant should bring back to them at the January 14 meeting to justify
this request.
Cc~missio~r De Gasperin stated she w~uld like to have a feeling from
Mr. Spector of the direction he is going; what efforts he has made to get
financing, etc.
Chairman Thornburgh requested Director Stevens to clarify what the Applicant
should bring back to the Cc~mission.
Director Stevens responded by advising that the Applicant should at least
bring back a preliminary plan, so w~ can evaluate that and make son~ general
cc~nents on a concept basis. The second thing he w~uld expect is scme
written description or material frc~ the Applicant indicating who the
intended developer is (he noted that there was scme discussion at the Study
Session that M~rris and Grayson or Rufus Associates w~uld be the developer)
and then he would look for additional information as to what financing
efforts, if any, have been sought.
There was further discussion regarding the zoning and then Chairman
Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Cc~issioner De Gasperin made a motion to continue Change of Zone 85-010
to the January 14, 1986 meeting of the Planning Con~ission to allow the
Applicant additional tim~ to provide information demons~a~ng that a
c~tted user and construction funding are available. Cc~missioner ~Brandt
seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted with one abstention.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the last item of hearing as follows:
C. Plot Plan No. 85-217, a request for aPProval to construct an 88,575-square-foot
ccmm~rcial/office plan made up of four separate structures on 5.58 acres, in
conjunction with the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2;
Landmark Land ~y, Applicant. He called for the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens cc~mented that he believed everyone was familiar with this
piece of property as the Cc~nission had just recently finished processing a
Change of Zone, Specific Plan and General Plan ~dment on it, and it was
also the topic of considerable discussion during the course of the ~eral
Plan process as to whether it should be included within the Village Cc~ercia~
area. At the end of the General Plan process, it was the consensus that it
should be included in that category. We granted C-P-S zoning to this area
in the interim to allow deVelopment of a Village Commercial Zone and the
Applicant has prepared a develo~t plan to actually start construction on
the site. ~his develo~t plan that is before you is actually a request to
.construct office building #1 which is located in the northeast corner of the
site and for a general layout approval of the site. Subsequent plot plans
will be necessary for the remaining buildings and Director Stevens felt, when
the conditions of approval have been cc~pleted, that we will probably be
looking for scme additional modifications of the overall site plan itself
before we reach a final conclusion. He advised that this application was
structured this way for two basic reasons. First, we don't have any detailed
information on the other three buildings and that makes it difficult to grant
any approvals. Secondly, the Applicant has a very strong desire to begin
site develo~nt because of an agreement with the developer of the site prior
to January 1. so, by getting this building approvaI and general concept
approval of the site plan, Staff is confident that it will be enough of an
approval so they can begin the grading w~rk prior to that deadline date.
This will necessitate, however, based on some of the issues raided in the
report and the conditions, a little give and take on both sides as we get
farther down into the detailed plans of the subsequent buildings.
November 26, 1985
Page 6.
Director Stevens advised that he felt it ir~po~t for the Ccnm~ssion to
understand what they are approving, which is basically building #1 and a
basic concept of the site plan.
He went on to advise the Cc~nission that Staff has sent the development
plan out on a relatively short notice to various agencies and their c~ts
are incorporated in the Staff Report and the conditions. Staff sees a number
of concerns with regard to this matter. Generally, it will fit into our
General CcnTaercial concept. There are some detailed items relative to pedes-
trian access, etc., but he felt they were workable with the proposed site plat.
There are scme concerns with buffering the residential area, but again he fel~
this a soluble problem. Staff is a little concerned with the nature of
pedestrian orientation on the site - we have identified in the conditions of
approval some additional amenities felt to be appropriate which will probably
impact the parking area to some degree, but not significantly. Staff is not
overly concerned with building design, particularly as it relates to the
Village Commercial and the architectural w~rk we are doing because we anti-
cipate several different architectural styles within the overall village
concept and this, in fact, is one that already exists. Director Stevens
stated that he felt we could w~rk around landscaping and pedestrian and other
amenities that one w~uld expect to use as our principal link for within the
village. We really are not being restricted by granting this approval with
regard to those issues.
Director Stevens went on to address one of Staff's major~ concerns which
relates to parking. He stated that Staff is concerned that the amDunt of
building square footage being proposed is excessive in light of what we
expect the parking demands on the site to be. For exauple, both of the
office buildings at the rear of the parcel are designated office/commercial.
There can be considerable variation in what the requir~ts are based on
how much of that square footage is used for office versus how much is used
for comTercial. This really makes it pretty difficult without precise
information, particularly on the larger of the tw~ buildings, to come to~
real conclusions on parking. The restaurant parking is an additional example
based on the amount of serving area. There is a 7500-square-foot pad, but
we haven't the foggiest idea of how much serving area will ultimately end up
in the restaurant. What we are really saying is that there are some details
of those three additional buildings that we really need in order to give fina~
· site plan approval and we may come down to approving the medical building,
which will probably be the next plot plan we'll see, and the restaurant, whirl
will probably be the third plot plan; and may have to limit the square footag~
of building #4 based on the available number of parking spaces. There may be
some opportunities of joint use of parking, but Director Stevens felt we real]
need to know more about the uses before we can evaluate that joint use oppor-
tunity. He advised that, at this point in time, we can give a concept approw
but with the understanding that as we see future buildings and we start to ti(
down the planning requirements more specifically, w~ may need to impose addi-
tional limitations; and the Applicant needs to be aware that, in fact, those
limitations may cause him to reduce the building area from what is shown. If
that becomes critical to their financing, that they need to be more specific
before they can get the level of commitment that we can give them under our
regulations.. This is not a probl~ with the proposed .building, 'as we can
f/nd the number of parking spaces for it, but it could become an issue with
future buildings.
Director Stevens addressed another issue regarding circulation; basically,
what kind of access is appropriate for the property and what type if improve-
ments are appropriate. Calle Tampico has three different category designatio]
in the General Plan. One is Primary Arterial, which is a designation used fo~
many streets and basically establishes its width and whether or not a median
is required; second designation is Secondary Image Corridor, which means we'll
set scme more detailed landscaping standards relative to the type of material:
etc., and the last designation is a Ceremonial Street, which ~uld anticipate
additional standards relative to landscaping and related aesthetic type feat~
These designations do not d~d more road width or those types of things, bu~
woUld affect the design of the road and particularly the aesthetic character-
istics. Again, Director Stevens reiterated that Staff may have some detail
November 26, 1985 .
Page 7.
disagre~nents with the Applicant, but he does not believe they are substantiv~
in light of building ~1 requested. Staff does, however, suggest- because of
the nature of the street - that median openings should be limited. The
General Plan suggests, on Primary Arterials, that medians be sited at inter-
sections, and we would perceive a median opening as an intersection, should
be spaced at intervals of 1200 feet. The site is 600+ feet across, so Staff's
suggestion is that there be one ~an opening. We feel that we can anticipa~
other users on the west side of Desert Club Drive, so the median should be at
Desert Club Drive and not at the project driveway entrance. ~his is one of t~.
issues that Staff and the Applicant do not agree upon, so we will leave the
decision to the Corm%ission. Staff is recc~m~_nding that the tw~ driveways on
each street be approved.
Director Stevens also addressed Staff's request that Desert Club Drive be
improved, as a local street along the west side of the property and what we
envision, primarily because of the depth and amount of cc~m~rcial property
on the north side of Tampico, that we will probably need some kind of a limit~
collector road system within that area north of Tampico, so this is the
beginning of that. We are not certain as to the appropriate design since we
have no development proposals to the west, but we need to reserve that oppor-
tunity. We may decide, based on the phasing plan, not to construct that
improve~_nt right away and see what happend with adjacent property.
Director Stevens advised the Applicant and the Cc~mission that they were
given sc~e revised conditions based on additional discussion Staff had with
the Applicant's representative this date. A lot of the changes were editorial
in nature, son~ were just coming to an agreement on con~on language. He
then briefly reviewed those changes.
Condition No. ll.a. was changed to note exact road width relative to Tampico
and Desert Club Drive.
Cc~dition~ No. 12.b. changed to show the requir~t of a 20' landscaped
parkway along the frontage of the project on Calle Tampico. What that does
to the project is take out the first tier of parking or at least requires
substantial redesign relative to that front tier of parking. The Applicant
shows a three-foot setback and the landscaping is within the City's parkway.
That is a long way from what we anticipated in terms of the General Plan
issues and the appropriate designation along ~alle Tampico. Within that
Condition 12.b., you will probably hear a disagre~ant from the Applicant
regarding a~meandering sidewalk. ~
The rema~g issues relative to parking and landscaping are not major
concerns and generally reference existing regulations and set som~ standards
for parking lot landscaping. Director Stevens stated that from Staff's
perspective and based upon discussion with the Applicant this date, there
are only three issues:
1. Setback- whether it should be 20' or not.
2. Meander~g sidewalk
3. ~ether or not an additional n~ian opening
on Calle Tanpico should be permitted.
Based on the discussion at the Study Session, Director Stevens addressed an
additional c~ncern frcm the Planning Cc~mission. It relates to the design
and location of the covered parking, particularly the parking along the
Tampico frontage. The Commission expressed a concern of whether or not
that really created an appropriate visual environment along Calle Tampico
and whether or not it should be redesigned, deleted or scme~~ else. It
is possible because we are reserving scme additional review of the site plan
that the issues related to that, particularly the setback, could be something
we could defer final approvem~nt on; for example, to the second building, and
let the Applicant start the project if we felt that issue warranted more
consideration or tiros before we reached a final conclusion.
In conclusion, Director Stevens stated that it is Staff's recC~menda~on that
the Cc~mission approve the plot plan subject to the revised conditions sub-
mitted to them tonight.
November 26, 1985
Page 8.
Chairman Thornburgh asked for any questions of Staff.
Conmtissioner Brandt asked if Staff knew what improvements would be done in
conjunction with the first building.
Director Stevens responded that generally there would be a general site
grading, they would provide a minimum of 89 parking spaces and an access
directly to Tampico. ~H~ noted that , in fact, it may be the City's desire
that all of the improvements not be made because Staff is %~0rking on the
Village Specific Plan.
Cc~ssion~ Walling asked if signalling was antiCipated between Washington
Street and Eisenhower on Tampico.
Director Stevens responded that no signalling was anticipated at the present
time, although ultimately we will probably have scmething at Tampico and
Conn~ssioner Walling asked if stop signs are anticipated.
Director Stevens replied that there probably would be a two-way stop sign
at Desert Club Drive.
After a discussion period, Chairman Thornburgh opened the hearing for public
cc~mlent at 8:30 p.m.
Kaye Chandl~, P. O. Box 1000, La Quinta, CA- representing Landmark as a
seller, representing Skip Fonner. and his associates as a buyer, and repre-
senting Dixie Federal who are involved in approving a loan, and also
representing themselves as they will be occupying one of the buildings.
Mr. Chandler discussed the issue of parking explained earlier as a concern
of Staff. With regard to improvements to Desert Club Drive, he agreed with
Staff's request. On Staff's request for only one median cut on Tampico, he
did not feel he could agree. On the issue of the 20' setback on the Tampico
frontage, which would el intinate the covered parking proposed there currently,
Mr. Chandler felt if they did give it up, it could be moved elsewhere on the
site. He further felt that the 20' setback brings up the problem of going
back to try to maximize the site. Mr. Chandler stated that he always has a
problem with cities that say they want a 100' right-of-way or 120' right-of-wa
so they design to that right-of-way and later find there are setbacks on top
of that. He suggested that in future, if the City wants a 100' right-of-way
for a street that is one thing, but if they want the setbacks on it, they
should call for 150' outright. This would make it a lot clearer to developers
and this issue would not be a concern at this point in the application process
With regard to the 20' setback requirement, Mr. Chandler advised they must go
back to the buyer, Skip Fonner, and his associates, to see what that does to
his 'financial plan in reducing the building size. He addressed the issue of
pedestrian access stating they did not believe the central tk%rk~g area in
this size of a project is really large enough to warrant installing pedestrian
sidewalks. He stated that the key matter is~ theY need a ruling on this matter
tonight in order to go fo~d with the next step of going into a grading plan
Part of their agreement with the group is that Landmark would produce build__~bl
pads on such and such a date. Obviously, they do not want to mass grade the
site and conl0act it, put utilities in and then find out that none of the
buildings in the front will ~ork because of the way the parking lot is laid ou
So, when we say we are going to get a conceptual approval, we should all have
some understan~g conceptually of what will change and what will not.
Bruce Cathcart, P. O. Box 346, La Quinta, spoke in behalf of the Applicant.
He info~ the Cc~n~ssion that he could almost assure them that the medical
building, ~k's building and probably the restaurant would all start
construction at the .same time. He felt that the 20' setback would be an
issue, but stated what we are dealing with here is aesthetics and aestheticall
he felt it inl0ortant to consider the difference of 12' and 20' and the Viabili
of making this project work and go forward. Addressing the median requirement
.he felt it important that the project have access from. both directions.
November 26, 1985
Page 9.
Mike Smith, 78-760 Runaway Bay, Bermuda Dunes, CA, addressed Condition
No. 18.a., where it states the Applicant shall provide a 40' easemsnt to
the district parallel to the west property line. He stated that exceeds
the right-of-way provided for Desert Club. (Mr. Stevens advised that this
is Condition 17.a. on the revised set of conditions. ) Mr. Smith went on to
state that they would like to have the opportunity to negotiate with the
district on this matter, rather than having this condition direct them.
The 40' eas~t requirement extends into the parking lot area. ~ne road
is only a 30'-wide dedication and probably 10' of that will be parkway-
Director Stevens advised that it w~uld be agreeable with Staff to delete
the "40'" notation in the condition, so the condition w~uld just require
the Applicant to provide an easement to the district.
There being no further public co~ts, Chairman 5hornburgh closed the
public hearing at 8 :.50 p.m.
Chai~ 5hornburgh requested Director Stevens to clarify exactly what the
Cc~mission should rule on tonight and what could be attached to future
applications for the project.
Director Stevens advised the Cc~ission they could procrastinate on the
covered parking issue and insert a condition that you want to review the
location and final design. On the setback, he felt the Corm%ission should
cc~ up with a number or range of a number so they know what to design it
to, as that is critical to the .building square footage and the design.
Regarding the median openings, he felt it could be deferred, but w~uld
rather have a decision tonight. He also felt they should make a decision
on the meandering sidewalk, but noted that it is not a critical issue.
Cc~missioner Walling stated he felt it possible to move the parking tier,
proposed on Tampico, back to provide the 20' setback and with ~ minor
building changes, it shculd w~rk without losing the parking spaces.
Cc~missioner M~ran felt that the setback is a major issue as Tampico is
the entrance into the Village area. She suggested a msandering setback
where you Could utilize parking area and then give up a portion.
After sc~e discussion, it was the consensus of the Planning Cc~anission to
require an average 15' setback along the Calle Tampico frontage.
After discussion of the parking issue, it was the consensus of the Con~ission
that there be no covered parking along Tsapico. It was also determined that
a 6-foot-wide sidewalk be incorporated into the parkway.
After discussion of median openings, it was the consensus of the Conm%ission
that m~an openings on Calle Tampico shall be allowed at the westerly
driveway and at Desert Club Drive. A maxinum of t%~ driveways each on
Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive shall be permitted.
All discussion concluded, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Cc~missioner Walling made a motion, seconded by Cc~ssioner Brandt, to
approve Plot Plan No. 85-217, in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and
subject to revised c~nditions per consensus of the Planning Conm%~ssion.
Unan~sly Adopted.
Director Stevens advised the Commission that this matter will go to City
County. hearing at their December 3, 1985 meeting.
A. Cc~m~ssioner De Gasperin made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular
meet~g of November 12, 1985. Commissioner Moran seconded the motion.
1. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 1985, were approved as
~!__bn%itted. Unanimously Adopted.
November 26, 1985
Page 10.
Chai~ Thornburgh introduced the four items of business as follows:
A. Plot Plan No. 85-211, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
_ west side of Avenida Herrera, 50' north of Calle Madrid; David Mittleholtz,
B. Plot Plan No. 85-218, a request to construct a singl'e-family dwelling on the
north side of Horseshoe Road ak the cul-de-sacs; Joe S%er~aer, Applicant.
C. Plot Plan No. 85-219, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
west side of Avenida Velasco, 294' south of Calle Ensenada; Roy D. ~rris,
D. Plot Plan No. 85-220, a request to construct a single-family dwelling fronting
on Avenida Madero, 150' north of Calle Tem~a; Rick Johnson Construction,
He then called for the Staff Reports.
1. DireCtor Stevens stated that all of the requests are consistent with the La Quint2
General Plan, are consistent with the standards of the R-1 Zone and the City's
adopted policies for single-family houses, their design as modified by the condi-
tions of approval is cc~pat~le with area development, and the conditions of
approval provide adequate mitigation of possible significant adverse impacts on
the enviro~t.
He addressed a minor concern for Plot Plan No. 85-218 with regard to roof pitch,
but after a short discussion with the Conm%ission, it was their consensus to delete
Condition No. 12 for that plot plan.
There being no further discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Commissioner De Gasperin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner ~bran, to
approve Plot Plans Nos. 85-211, 85-218, 85-219, and 85-220, in accordance with
Exhibits A, B and C, and subject to conditions of approval as ~ded.
Unan~sly Adopted.
There being no further items of agenda to ccme before the Con~ssion, Chairman
Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn.
Cc~missioner Walling made a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the
Planning Cc~m%~sion to be held December 10, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA. Ccmmissioner Moran seconded the
motion. UnanLmously Adopted.
The regular mseting of the Planning Con~ssion of the City of La Quinta, California,
was adjourned at 9:'20 p.m., November 26, 1985, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105
Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.