1996 01 10 IAB4 Q aa r(A 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico- La Quinta, CA 92253 January 10, 1996 - 5:30 P.M. I CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Roll Call II CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA III PUBLIC COMMENT -(This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.) IV CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of December 13, 1995. V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for November 30, 1995. B. Fiscal Year 1994/95 Management Letter Comments. VI BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS VII INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - Questions B. LAI F Report on Mark to Market Policy. C. Status of Broker/Dealer Selection D. Legislative Action for 1995 pertaining to Investments VII ADJOURNMENT MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 zim�� INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: January 10, 1996 BUSINESS SESSION: A ITEM TITLE Transmittal of Treasury Report for November 30, 1995 ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: Attached please find the Treasury Report for November 30, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Review, Receive and File the Treasury Report for November 30, 1995. Approved for submission to the Investment Advisory Board: J n M. Falcone Fi ance Director u _ OF 0A. OF TNT TO: La Quinta City Council FROM: John Falconer, Finance Director/Treasurer SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report for November 30, 1995 DATE: January 05, 1996 Attached is the Treasurer's Report for the month ending November 30, 1995. This report is submitted to the City Council each month after a reconciliation of accounts is accomplished by the Finance Department. Cash and Investments: Increase of $242,806. due to the net effect of revenue in excess of expenditures. State Pool: ICMA: Decrease of $480,000. due to transfers to and from the cash and investment accounts. No change. Mutual Funds: Decrease of $168,027. due to the net effect of withdrawls from the 95 Series Proceed Fund and interest earned. Total decrease in cash balances $405,221. I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in conformity with the City Investment policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. q7� L�� John M. Falconer Finance Director/Treasurer Date Kr—TTM o CD CD -1 0"-L""� O C co CO CO CO CO cAn C yC' �DD 0wmi!z0 TTl c= O D C C alm -, c < o Cn 2 (n (n C7 Si m o m m ty O fir O o m C7 > > m m CD �+ Qmm3 m cn (n � �ma,mm� cn .N m 2 vr: D`< �yyN" (D C-0 r.... 0 c f m c W co co 00 °1 0 N v °: 0) CD nWi N mooaQ� i W CD CD SCD2 � `0 -n CL a o Q° � c o cn � mo�N y ��1N�;o n c < 3 a 0 O� CL 0 D DVDDoo O 3 NDO 0 a O 7 90 cn N -n 'n TI TI T7 n V 2 22 D cn co cn CD v CD -n -n -n CD N G1 3 0 7 0 0. 0. m a mm `�mz�m� n ZI 0 o o �- d: DOai 9 0 o o ca co O CD CD NNNNN 7 C)1 Cn CJ1 Cn Cn V Cn Cn Nw W 3 CA to 4 OD 44.v C) 00 colzz z�C�D co LC)OD 00 0 AA 0DDoDD CD co y CD oo(D m v vo d 3 3 3 3 � nc.naQ c. c.a DDDDD�� eO� O '0) O C11tV� V_ NN rpOD000 OON p<OO��N� cOONO v�ON COO V NGJv"'�' �-'v N y N �V(VO <OCC in OOCnO"'co0 �NCAW co 14 0 W a)a) 00v� (a 00 0)� W-4 p IV ONE co (A — O a) Cn MWO�� -4 N N Vv A in Oo Cr V Cb a N � 244 4N 0 co t0 -co W -w -CCCA ) OCOO�yN3 O O CA CD W � apr wo wv,o w wrn �°�°cDa CC O°oo�°O°rnrD W ONA DODO .. 00 CO 0 V r- G) N O O O O O O O O 14 O N -bo 4. ? 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CD o� �c 3 o d Com 3 c �D(D �m � — T 90 W �t o n o CD CO c y CDD ca cowN0) -1NVNWL W (o N -cn W'pO�c)CJI �Cn NCn� ODcoy-1�D W OCD-Ic PO O- v c NNOODON 4-ION W.4- OCnNCnNCD -DO-1 CO O00O-O CD (D CD O OD O N -4 CD W � � (11WVOv0 N(WDCOCOn-4 CD _ �l w°�G)OODD-4cr w .p -4 OD " w -x OCnN�avz coN)ONO(CD co -C-" �CCOO��OCD Oa N O co 0 CD 2 3 cr (D C- w W (D rn CD o a c o Ir 0 9 o c m 0,* cc� o_n c�a� r00 t c2—�cw�0wm -I<00r'0 000 — Cr -�su cr .«;, 7 c. (D a,�� w �� Q3 �� N CD O N O (D CD O go (D - C N M Zo Z 3 0 5i Dto � = x — -nC n� < cD ��aQ cc '" c = o •• (D CD 3 r« r 0 T c � w. c = o CA > > o (D = O coCL c N c o. CL c cn Q. Q. cn rj � N O cfCj NcoIV 4 n eo � D V CD CWn��' (D w W T CD WwNCD (D W Cn O (D tlf(D(D -INO ww0)K) D o co W OD m . w O -4;-i NN co —� Cn NW��p�Otn p V O O O co W O N N N N 0) W WO cp W N���cnnK)00)000)(a W V (D 4 N 4 N OD �1 `... zon N OG , ,< (D O c 3 a' -� rt cr o m w o o, p O -h n Im n can co cn 7' Qo CD c 3 CD CD 7 co s+ Qo O w N (7 (D N CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CITY RDA RDA FA BALANCE SHEET 11/30/95 FIXED LONG TERM FIXED LONG TERM FINANCING LONG TERM GRAND ASSETS: CITY ASSETS DEBT RDA ASSETS DEBT AUTHORITY DEBT TOTAL POOLED CASH LQHP CASH 10,292,554.50 4,191,705.36 14,4848425986 . ,25986 BOND REDEMPTION CASH 100,587.75 299,459.10 100,587.75 BOND RESERVE CASH 536,574.44 4,422.80 707,820.13 303,881.90 1,244,394.57 BOND PROJECT CASH 13,501,825.10 13,501,825.10 BOND ESCROW CASH 171,486.35 PETTY CASH 1,000.00 171,486.35 BANK OF THE DESERT M/M 9,708.35 1 . 0 ,0000 ICMA DEFERRED COMPENSATION 279,965.79 , CASH ✓9iINVESTMENT TOTAL 10,583,228.64 18,801,638.10 712,242.93 .35 279,708.00 30,097,109.67 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 182,596.21 87,526.34 LOAN/NOTES RECEIVABLE 67,120.00 270,122.55 DUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES (57,244.84) 67,120.00 DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS (57,244.84) DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS 551,038.04 DUE FROM RDA 6,048,957.20 551,038.04 INTEREST ADVABCE-DUE FROM RDA 252,039.90 6,048,957.20 NSF CHECKS RECEIVABLE 707.59 252,039.90 ACCRUED REVENUE 707.59 TRAVEL ADVANCES 2,462.75 EMPLOYEE ADVANCES 2,462.75 PREPAID EXPENSES RECEIVABLE TOTAL 6,429,518.81 705,684.38 7,135,203.19 WORKER COMPENSATION DEPOSIT RENT DEPOSITS UTILITY DEPOSITS 75.00 MISC. DEPOSITS 2,000.00 .00 DEPOSITS TOTAL 2,075.00 2,07575 2,000.00 .00 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 15,893,519.00 5,879,910.05 21,773,429.05 AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO RETIRE Lff DEBT 2,340,653.00 2,340,653.00 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED FOR L/T DEBT 309,279.00 70,239,577.06 8,360,000.00 78,908,856.06 TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 15,893,519.00 309,279.00 5,879,910.05 72,580,230.06 8,360,000.00 103,022,938.11 TOTAL ASSETS 17,014,822 45 15,893 519 00 309,279.00 19,507,322.48 5,879 910 05 72,580,230.06 712,242.93 8,360,000.00 140,257,325.97 LIABILITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DUE TO OTHER AGENCIES 32,809.86 DUE TO OTHER FUNDS INTEREST ADVANCE -DUE TO CITY ACCRUED EXPENSES 40,000.00 PAYROLL LIABILITIES (45,079.71) STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTS 1,075.37 FRINGE TOED LIZARD FEES 82,417.40 SUSPENSE (1,360.84) DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PAYABLES TOTAL 109,862.08 ENGINEERING TRUST DEPOSITS 35,029.78 SO. COAST AIR QUALITY DEPOSITS ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES DEPOSITS 165,621.91 DEVELOPER DEPOSITS 155,254.40 MISC. DEPOSITS 12,186.62 AGENCY FUND DEPOSITS 850,501.68 ICMA-DEFERRED COMP DEPOSITS 279,965.79 TOTAL DEPOSITS 1,498,560.18 DEFERRED REVENUE OTHER LIABILITIES TOTAL COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTE DUE TO MURPHY, DALES, LANE DUE TO COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DUE TO C.V. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DUE TO DESERT SANDS SCHOOL DISTRIC BONDS PAYABLE TOTAL LONG TERM DEBT TOTAL LIABILITY EQUITY -FUND BALANCE 1,608,422.26 15, 406, 400.19 15, 893, 519.00 32,809.86 551,038.04 551,038.04 386,764.00 426,764.00 (45,079.71) 1,075.37 82,417.40 (1,360.84) 937,802.04 1,047,664.12 35,029.78 165,621.91 155,254.40 12,186.62 850,501.68 279,965.79 1,498, 560.18 309,279.00 309,279.00 6, 300, 998.31 6, 300, 998.31 11,572,687.00 11,572,687.00 12,271, 884.75 12,271, 884.75 1,904,660.00 1,904,660.00 40,530,000.00 8,360,000.00 48,890,000.00 309,279.00 72,580,230.06 8,360,000.00 81,249,509.06 309,279.00 937,802.04 72,580,230.06 8,360,000.00 83,795,733.36 18,569,520.44 5,879,910.05 712,242.93 56,461,592.61 TOTAL LIABILITY & EQUITY 17,014,822.45 15,893,519.00 309,279.00 19,507,322.48 5,879 910.05 72,580,230.06 712,242.93 8,360 000 00 140,257,325.97 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: January 10, 1996 BUSINESS SESSION: B ITEM TITLE Fiscal Year 1994/95 Management Letter Comments ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: Attached please find the Management Letter Comments from Conrad & Associates, CPA's for the year ending June 30, 1995. These comments were directed to the City Manager since they were considered non -reportable conditions. The Finance Departments staff has reviewed the management letter comments and provided the City's response which has also been attached. We are in agreement with the auditors findings. RECOMMENDATION: Review, Receive and File the Fiscal Year 1994/95 Management Letter comments and staffs recommendation. prod for submj,�sior}?to the Investment Advisory Board: Jdtin M. Falconer Fi ance Director INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: January 10, 1996 INFORMATIONAL ITEM: A ITEM TITLE Comprehensive Annual Financial Report ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: At the December 1995 Board meeting the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) was distributed. Staff is available to answer questions the Board may have regarding the CAFR. Approved for submission to the Investment Advisory Board: - 4 fl &, i M. Falconer nce Director INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: January 10, 1996 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: B ITEM TITLE LAW Report on Mark to Market Policy ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: At last months meeting discussion ensued regarding the LAIF mark to Market Policy. Ken AI -Imam, has spoken with LAIF and prepared a report which represents LAIF's policy. Approved for submission to the Investment Advisory Board: CONRAD L ,SSOC11 1TES, L.L.P. A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS John M. Falconer Director of Finance City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 Dear John: CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS January 4, 1996 1100 MAIN STREET, SUITE C IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 (714) 474-2020 In response to a request from the La Quinta Investment Advisory Committee, I spoke to Pat Beal, LAIF Administrator, on December 22, 1995. We had an extensive discussion of how the LAIF accounting system works. She indicated to me the following: • LAIF periodically provides market value information. • However, as required by government accounting principles, investments are recorded at cost. Unrealized market gains or losses are not recorded or reflected in the participant's account balance until the investment is sold. • Monthly account balances reflect only the amount of interest receipted in cash. The quarterly remittance advice reflects accrued interest earned as of the end of that quarter. Our firm has a very good working relationship with Pat. Please let me know if the Committee has any further questions. KA:dac 3207H Very truly yours, CONRAD & ASSOCIATES, L.L.P. Ken Al -Imam, CPA Partner MEMBERS OF AICPA AND CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS PRIVATE COMPANIES PRACTICE SECTION CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1 �SOC 1 TES, L.L.P. A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS August 18, 1995 Mr. Tom Genovese City Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Mr. Genovese: 1100 MAIN STREET, SUITE C IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 (714) 474-2020 During our audit of the financial statements of the City of La Quinta, California for the year ended June 30, 1995, we became aware of certain matters that we believe may provide an opportunity for the City of La Quinta to strengthen its internal controls. The items below do not represent reportable conditions or material weaknesses in internal control. In general, the City has an excellent internal control structure. We offer the following recommendations as suggestions for consideration by the City to further strengthen its internal control structure. (1) Investment Policy During our review of the City's current investment policy, we noted the following: (a) The policy does not require review and approval by the City Council annually. (b) The policy does not prohibit speculative securities such as securities that have rates that vary inversely to prescribed indices. (c) The policy does not identify the conditions under which investment agreements can be used. (d) The City currently has investments in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) only. In the past, LAIF has not provided market value information to the City throughout the year. (e) Before investing in a pool, the policy does not require the City to inquire as to the goals and strategies employed by the pool for the investment of funds to determine that they are consistent with the goals and strategies of the City for the investment of funds. MEMBERS OF AICPA AND CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS PRIVATE COMPANIES PRACTICE SECTION Mr. Tom Genovese City Manager August 18, 1995 Page Two Recommendations Due to the changing investment environment, increasing complexity of investment activity for public entities, and the conditions noted above, we recommend that the investment committee consider the following changes in the investment policy to strengthen internal controls, minimize the risk involved and reduce the exposure of loss to the City: (a) The investment environment and the needs of the City are constantly changing. Therefore, we recommend that the City add a clause to to the policy which requires annual review and approval of the policy by the City Council. (b) We recommend that the committee consider whether or not the policy should prohibit investments in securities that are considered to be speculative such as securities with rates that vary inversely to prescribed indices. The committee should also consider the extent to which zero coupon bonds, interest -only strips, and other securities are used which have market values that are very sensitive to changes in interest rates. (c) If the City is going to allow the use of investment agreements, the instrument should be rated and insured and reasonable in term. (d) The committee should request market value information from LAIF on at least a quarterly basis if available. (e) LAIF currently publishes a pamphlet which discusses the goals and strategies that the pool employs for investment of funds. We recommend that the committee request a copy of this pamphlet, review the document, and determine that the goals and strategies of LAIF are consistent with the goals and strategies of the City. (2) Seg_regation of Payroll/Personnel Functions The payroll and personnel functions are performed by the same person. Internal control standards recommend that these functions be segregated and the payroll clerk should have no access to the payroll master files. Recommendations We recommend that all personnel functions, including personnel file maintenance be performed by a personnel clerk. The payroll clerk should not be permitted to establish or delete employees on the computer system. All updates to the employee master data file on the computer (i.e., new employee additions, employee deletions, pay increases, etc.) should be input by the personnel clerk. Mr. Tom Genovese City Manager August 18, 1995 Page Three (3) Controls Over Business Licenses Business licenses are not maintained by the cashier. receipt form prepared an Recommendation d When new forms are ordered, pre -numbered forms should be purchased. The uninterrupted sequence of these forms should be ascertained by someone other than the cashier in conjunction with the review of the sequence of cash receipt form numbers. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Very truly yours, CONRAD & ASSOCIATES, L.L.P. Ken Al -Imam, CPA Partner KAI:pjm 3240H 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 January 3, 1996 Mr. Ken AI -Imam, Partner Conrad & Associates, CPA's 1100 Main Street, Suite C Irvine, CA 92714 Dear Ken: The following are the City's responses regarding corrective actions planned or taken for the three (3) comments in your letter dated August 18, 1995. The City is always interested in your comments to improve our internal control structure whenever possible. (1) INVESTMENT POLICY (a) The policy does not require review and approval by the City Council annually. Response This will be incorporated in the next revision of the investment policy. Staff anticipates updating the current policy by July 1, 1996 and agrees with your suggestion to update the policies annually. Staff would suggest doing this as part of the annual budget adoption process on an annual basis. (b) The policy does not prohibit speculative securities such as securities that have rates that vary inversely to prescribed indices. Response Staff concurs with the auditors recommendation to specifically exclude speculative securities and will do so in the next investment policy revision. (c) The policy does not identify the conditions under which investment agreements can be used. Response Staff concurs with the auditors recommendation and will identify conditions if any, which investment agreements can be used. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Mr. Ken AI -Imam Conrad & Associates Page 2of3 (d) The City currently has investments in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) only. In the past, LAIF has not provided market value information to the City throughout the year. Response LAIF has been providing market value information on a quarterly basis to the City. We will request that LAW consider providing market value information on a more frequent basis. i.e. Monthly. (e) Before investing in a pool, the policy does not require the City to inquire as to the goals and strategies employed by the pool for the investment of funds to determine that they are consistent with the goals and strategies of the City for the investment of funds. Response The City currently invests in two types of pools which are LAIF and Mutual Funds. LAW - Staffs has obtained the goals and objectives of LAIF and have provided them to the Investment Advisory Board. Staff believes that their goals are consistent with the City in their stress safely, liquidity and yield. Staff believes that they are professionally managed and that generally their trading strategies match the Cities, however they do allow more sophisticated trading techniques than are allowed in the City investment policy. Staff believes these trading techniques represent a small segment of the total LAW pool of $27 billion and are being professionally managed. MUTUAL FUNDS - Staff has reviewed the annual financial statements and annual prospectus on the mutual funds that the bond trustee has invested our bond proceeds and debt service reserves. Staff believes they meet the goals and objectives of the City. (2) SEGREGATION OF PAYROLL/PERSONNEL FUNCTIONS The payroll and personnel functions are performed by the same person. Internal control standards recommend that these functions be segregated and the payroll clerk should have no access the payroll master files. Mr. Ken AI -Imam Conrad & Associates Page 3of3 Response This is a repeat comment from the prior year. Finance will train an individual in the Finance Department, other than the Payroll Technician, to input and maintain the Employee Payroll Master File. This person will be assigned a password that prohibits the Payroll Technician from accessing these files. (3) CONTROLS OVER BUSINESS LICENSES Business licenses are not pre -numbered. Numbers are issued from a listing maintained by the cashier. As a result, two licenses could be issued, but only one receipt form prepared and the related amount deposited. Licenses should be sequentially numbered and the numbers accounted for chronologically by someone other than the cashier. Response This is a repeat comment from the prior year. The City will order business license forms that are pre -numbered sequentially with the implementation of its new Business License Software. We anticipate completing this implementation by June 30, 1996. We want to thank Conrad & Associates for their excellent rating of our internal control structure and welcome these comments in our effort to improve our internal control wherever and whenever possible. Sincerely, Uohn M. Falconer Finance Director/Treasurer cc: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Investment Advisory (Board Members, January Agenda INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: January 10, 1996 INFORMATIONAL ITEM: C ITEM TITLE Status of Broker/Dealer Selection ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: The investment policy requires three bids broker/dealers when government securities are purchased. City staff .has prepared a broker dealer questionnaire and has forwarded investment service agreements for three brokers to the City Attorney for her review. The three firms are: Bank of California International Securities Group Merrill Lynch Staff is prepared to execute these agreements based upon our legal review, and progress toward diversification of the investment portfolio. r submissipn tAthe Investment Advisory Board: ohn Pl. Falcone 'inapice Director INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: January 10, 1996 INFORMATIONAL ITEM: D ITEM TITLE Legislative Action for 1995 pertaining to Investments ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: Attached please find the State Legislative action taken regarding investments for calendar year 1995. Several of these items were addressed in the auditors management letter. Staff will ensure that these items are complied with and incorporated into the next updated investment policy. lvisory Board: NVESTMENTS Reporting Requirements for Local Agency Investments. SR 564 Uohnsronl_ Cban 2U. This bill imposes certain reporting requirements on -state and local agencies. Specifically, the bill: 1) Requires the treasurer or chief fiscal officer of a local agency to submit an annual statement of investment policy to the legislative body. This report shall be considered with any changes at a public meeting. 2) Requires the treasurer or chief fiscal officer to submit a quarterly report to the legislative body containing detailed information on all securities, investments, and moneys of the local agency. It also requires a statement of compliance of the portfolio with the statement of investment policy and a statement of the local agency's ability to meet the expenditure requirements of the pool for the next six months. 3) Permits a local agency to submit its most recent investment statements in lieu of a quarterly report, if the local agency invests only with the state's Local Agency Investment Fund, in a county investment pool, or in federally -insured banks or savings and loans. 4) Requires the State Treasurer to annually prepare and submit to the Pooled Money Investment Board a written statement of investment policy, a quarterly report on investments, and a description of compliance to the investment policy. Local Agency Investments. sn MA (Cra�T This bill places restrictions on the types of investments made by local agencies, allows counties to adopt qualifications for the office of county teasurer and tax collector and enacts requirements for county oversight committees. The bill makes the following changes: 1) Provides that the county treasurer, and each person or governing body investing public funds, is a trustee and therefore a fiduciary mbject to the p nxk mt investor standard. 2) Provides that when investing public funds the primary objective is to safeguard principal, the second objective is to meet the liquidity needs of the depositor, and the third objective is to return an acceptable yield 3) Requires that the delivery of my security purchased or obtained by a local agency shall be by either a book entry, physical delivery or third party custodial agreement. 4) Prohibits investment in inverse Boaters, range notes, interest only strips that are developed from a pool of mortgages, or any security that could result in zero interest accrual if held to maturity. If a local agency currently holds any of these prohibited instruments, the instrument may be held until its maturity date. 5) Provides that investment in repurchase agreements may be made on any investment authorized in stem when the tam of the agreement does na acceed one year. In addition, the market value of securities that underlay a rapu mbm agreement shall be valued at 102 percent or greater of the funds borrowed against those securities and the value shall be adjusted no less than quarterly. 6) Provides that investment in reverse repurchase agreements may be utilized only when either (a) the security was owned or specifically committed to purchase, by the local agency, prior to December 31, 1994 and was sold using a reverse repurchase agreement on December 31, 1994; or (b) the security to be sold on reverse repurchase agreement has been owned and fully paid for by the local agency for a minimum of 30 days prior to We. In addition, the total of all reverse repurchase agreements on investments owned by the local agency not purchased or committed to purchase prior to December 31, 1994, does not exceed 20 percent of the base value of the portfolio; and the agreement does not exceed a term of 92 days, unless the agreement includes a written codicil guaranteeing a minimum earning or spread for the entire period between the reverse repurchase and the final maturity date. 7) Requires each county to establish a county treasury oversight committee to be comprised of three to eleven members. The members shall include the county treasurer, the county auditor or director of finance, up to five members of the public and a representative from a special district and a school district. The county treasurer must prepare an investment policy which the oversight committee will review and monitor.