June 12, 1996
F{egular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board waS Called to order at the
I'~our of 5'30 P.M. by Vice Chair Brown, followed by the Pledge of AJIlegi~nce.
F~RESENT: Board Members Brown, Frame, Irwin, Osberne, Sales and
. Chairman Lewis (5:37) i
' I
,~,BSENT: Board Member Rodriguez
(:)THER PRESENT: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager, Jo[ n F~ Iconer, Finance
Director, Dawn Honeywell, City Att)rne and Debbie
'~ DeRenard, Secretary
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on April 10, 1996 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Genoves.= advised that the
Investment Advisory Board can agendize the minutes a.~ a business session
item at any time. He further advised that the City C0 Jncil will consider a
comprehensive package that will address a standard f0~'mat for the minutes
at their July 20, 1996 meeting.
MOTION -It was moved by Board Members Sales/Osb ~rne to approve the
Minutes of April 10, 1996 as submitted. Motion Carriec~ Unanimously.
B. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of May 8, 1996 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
MOTION -It was moved by Board Members Brown/S;lles to approve the
minutes of May 8, 1996 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
investment Advisory Board June 1 2, 1 996
[ I~/linutes~'
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for April 30, 1996.
Board Member Frame suggested that a column be inserted in the Treasurers
Reports next to the investment percentage that indicates the type of
MOTION -It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Frame to accept, receive
and file the Treasury Report for April 30, 1996. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Consideration of approval of Investment Policy for the City of La
Mr. Falconer advised that the City Manager, Thomas Genovese and the City
Attorney, Dawn Honeywell are present at the meeting as part of the
Investment Policy adoption process, as stated in Section XX of the
Investment Policy Adoption. He further advised that if the Investment Policy
is approved, it will be submitted to the City Council for their consideration.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that he has met with the City Manager and
City Attorney regarding the Investment Policy. He indicated that on Page 15
of the policy there are clarification changes in the Footnote 1 section.
Mr. Genovese advised that staff has been following the Investment Advisory
Board and is aware that one of the major issues is diversification of
investments. He advised that a large amount has been diversified. One of
the other issues that is being reviewed is the management of the portfolio.
The current budget that will be transmitted to the City Council has a request
that if approved will upgrade one of the Account Technicians position to a
Financial Services Assistant position. The intent of the position is to be
consistent with the diversification of the portfolio. As the City enters into
instruments that need more monitoring, this position will have that
requirement to assist the Finance Director with this process. This position
will enable the City to diversify more in the coming year.
Mr. Genovese advised that the LAIF percentage is currently at 48% and it is
the City's intent to lower the percent to 20 to 30% and use LAIF as a clearing
account. The City will always need a place to temporarily place funds, such
as LAIF and because LAIF is an on-demand account it is wise to use them
in some cases. In the long term it would be wise to invest less in LAIF as an
nvestment Advisory Board June 1 2, 1 996
investment and more in Treasuries consistent to wha~ the City had done in
the last two months. In the future the maximum perce~ to invest in LAIF can
be reduced, but at this point in time without authoriza~tion of the position, it
would not be wise to reduce LAIF.
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Genovese ~dvised that staff can
eXplain the intent to reduce LAIF to 20 to 30% in the ~taff Report.
Chairman Lewis advised that the policy states 50% maximum of it's portfolio
can be invested in LAIF. The staff report cannot ovE:rride the Investment
In i response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Genovese advised that staff can
exPress the intent to reduce LAIF if it's the Boards desire to do that.
Chairman Lewis advised that at this point in time the majority of the Board
hals expressed the desire to reduce the investment ir~ LAIF to 50% of the
portfolio. If the Board feels it's appropriate to lower the percentage in the
future, the Board will communicate that to the City Council.
BOard Member Sales advised that the next order of business is to develop
an investment plan. Reducing LAIF would be part of the plan.
Ms. Honeywell advised that the basic definition of surplus funds is those
monies that the City has in the treasury that is not required for immediate
need. The reference in the policy minus the bond proceeds was an attempt
to include Section L of the 53601 overall restrictions. By just saying "bond
proceeds" it would under-include fiscal instruments that don't need to follow
all of the prior rules and in other instances it's over-inclusive.
MOTION-It was moved by Board Members Osborne/Frame to approve the
InVestment Policy as amended. Motion carried with Board Member Irwin
voting NO.
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Genovese advised that if its the
consensus of the Investment Advisory Board to allow a minority report, one
can be included with the Staff Report.
After requesting the opinion of the Board, Chairman Lewis advised that the
InVestment Advisory Board Members have no problem with Board Member
I~in filing a minority report to be attached with the Staff Report.
'nvestment Advisory Board June 1 2, 1 996
M~'. Genovese advised Board Member Irwin that he would need to have the
mlnority report delivered to the Finance Department by June 13, 1996 at 5:00
A. Inl:ormation regarding Sweep Bank Account
The Board concurred to continued this item until the November 1996
B. la.IF Pooled Money Investment Board Report - March 31, 1996
Received and filed.
C. Di~,ersification of Portfolio
Re ;eived and filed.
MOTION It was moved by Board Member Brown/Sales to adjourn the meeting.
Motion ca ried unanimously.