1986 01 14 PC Minutes
A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
January 14, 1986 7: 00 p.m.
A. Chairman %hornburgh called the Planning Conn~ssion meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.;
- he called upon Cc~nissioner Brandt to lead the flag salute.
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call; the Secretary called the Roll:
Present: . Cc~m~ssioners Brandt, De Gasperin, Moran, Walling and Chairman
Absent: None
Also present were Ommmnity Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens and
Secretary Donna M. Velotta.
Cc~nissioner Walling stepped down at this t/me due to his business association with the
Applicant.' Chairman Thornburgh introduced the item of hearing as :follows:
A. Change of Zone No. 85-018, a request for a zone change frc~ R-l-12,000
(One Family Dwellings, 12,000 Square Feet Net Lot Area Per Dwelling) to
R-3 (General Residential) on a 40.2 Acre Site; Morris and Grayson/Rufus
Associates; Applicant.' (Continued)
He called for the Staff Report:
- 1. ~ity Develotm~_nt Director La~ence L. Stevens reiterated that this
matter had been before the Ccmmtission at their meeting of 11/26/85, and
at that time, the Con~ssion voted to continue the matter. At the November
meeting a number of issues were discussed related to the requested rezoning,
such as the relationship of the request to the newly adopted General Plan
and several policies contained therein. At that meeting, there was also
scme concern by Staff and some members of the Cc~mission that more informa-
tion was needed regarding the develoF~rent; therefore, the continuance of
the matter to this meeting.
That additional information consisted primarily of preliminary plans for
the project, giving scme basic develoDment date (number of rocms, square
footage, etc. ), which information was received yesterday. The Cc~mission
received blueprint coDies of that plan.
The second item of infoi~ation requested of the Applicant was related to
the proposed developer, ~3~,clu~]ing timing of development.
The third item of information r~luested was availability of financing or
efforts to secure financJ~9-. Attached to the Osmmtission's agenda materials
is a letter from Mr. Spector, t/~e Applicant, outlining the status relative
to these issues.
Also attached to the agenda materials is a copy of a letter frc~ Laventhol
ar~ Horvath to Mr. St0ector. They are doing a market study for the site and
this letter indicates the timJ_ng of that study.
Director Stevens advised that Staff has taken this additional material and
discussed key factors that were felt relative to those issues noted above;
the nature of the conmzitted user/construction ~unding issue and how those
are affected by this additional information. He felt it fair to state that
Staff still has reservations based on the General Plan policy as to whether
it is appropriate to grant zoning at this time. He felt that this was rein-
forced to a degree by Staff's concern of how the zoning on this site relates
to the construction financing for the adjacent "Orchard" project. He noted,
that relationship has created a degree of discomfort in his mind.
January 14, 1986
Page 2.
Director Stevens stated that the Applicant has taken efforts to at least
illustrate what their current intentions are relative to the site develorm~nt.
He then went over the site plan submitted by the Applicant using the rendering
received from them. The main cc~ponent being the hotel cc~%olex at Avenue 50/
Jefferson Street. The hotel consists of approximately 300 rooms and would
vary from 1-3 stories depending on the location within the site. There will
also be the related facilities such as a dining lounge, offices, ballroom,
- etc. The hotel itself will be scattered around a large lake which gives it
a low density approach. There are scme facilities provided in the form of a
health club/tennis club, an additional th~me type restaurant and some cc~x~_r-
cial and office space of a lesser defined type. Director Stevens felt it
fair to say that, to a large degree, the intentions expressed here will be
impacted by who the developer is, what the market study says and then how
the financiers finally end up being involved in the package.
As noted in the Staff Report, the purpose of having a site plan and additional
develo~nent information was not to have a plan that everyone thinks they are
approving, but to graphically illustrate what the intentions are for site
development and show that there was more effort than simply asking for a
change of zone in their thinking. With that purpose in mind, obviously Staff
did not do a detailed review of the site plan, although we did have scme
input with the Applicant's architect as he was developing this plan relative
to these issues.
Within the report, Staff has identified three alternatives which the
Cc~mission has in reaching a conclusion. ~ney are:
1. Determine that the additional information demonstrates sufficient
consistency with the intent of the General Plan policies and grant
the Change of Zone. (Requires m~tion to approve Zone Change to
C-T and direct Staff to prepare appropriate Findings. )
- 2. Determine that approval of the Zone Change is not consistent with
the intent of the General Plan and deny the Change of Zone.
(Requires motion to deny Zone Change and direct Staff to prepare
appropriate Findings. )
3. Continue the request until the market study is available to better
evaluate the opportunity for and timing of hotel and related
develo~E~_nt on this property. (Requires motion to continue to
specific date. )
Director Stevens stated to the Cc~mission that Staff's reservations are
evident and they will leave it to the ~ssion as to how they wish to
conclude this process. He also info~ the Cc~mission that he was not
able to discuss with the City Attorney how the ~ssion's r~dation
would be described in the event of a tie vote. However, from past experience,
the C~ssion can conclude their process even though there may be a 2-2 vote.
In the case of a Change of Zone, the Council makes the final decision, so we
would simply report to them that there was a tie vote and explain to them
the reasons for each side of that vote. This concluded Staff's report.
Chairman Thornburgh called for any questions of Staff.
Cc~x~issioner ~Dran: Asked Director Stevens if they could approve the C-T
Zoning making a notation that the ~ssion would not allow items 1 and 2.
Director Stevens: Responded negatively to the question, stating that ~Duld
_ be, in essence, conditional zoning. Conditional zoning is basically not
pen~itted in California. We do not have the ability to make a special
zoning because we must go through hearings to do that. Therefore, we must
rely on the stated and understood position that those first t~D uses, auto
sales and gasoline stations, would be denied if a development application
came in for those on the premise that those uses were not consistent with
the general description of the land use category contained in the General
Plan. We would rely on our General Plan consistency_ authority to turn down
that type of application.
January 14, 1986
Page 3.
Cc~uissioner Moran: Requested if the Conmission could request a C-T/SP.
Director Stevens: Again responded negatively.
Chairman Thornburgh: Thought it ~ould be automatic, if this matter was
approved for C-T, that there would be a site plan required prior to any
development anyway.
Director Stevens: Responded that was correct and felt that the Cxmwnission
would remedy the probl~u of reviewing those plans with the consideration at
the next meeting relative to your review of ~cial developments, even
though they may not, under the current ordinance, require your approval, he
felt the ~ssion would rema~y that at their next m~eting. Therefore,
you will have an opportunity to review all ~cial development plans
until we get the Zoning Ordinance rewritten and you decide how you want to
do it at that time.
Ommzissioner De Gasperin: Asked Director Stevens what made him feel
uncc~fort_mble regarding the connected financing.
Director Stevens: Responded that he was concerned that the increased value
of the zoning on a separate piece of property is sc~ehow the substantial
basis for being able to develop a separate, adjacent project. In essence,
the zoning is all that is important to being able to proceed with that
project and the way he (Dir. Stevens) reads the plan is that the development
of that corner site should be more important than the zoning. We (Staff)
wanted to tie those two as closely together with that policy, by having scxne
conmzitments before we granted the zoning. It seems that if it is so tied
to the other develo~t project, that it is really the financing of that
project that is important rather than the conmzi~t on this site. He noted
that is where his lack of cc~fort is.
There being no further questions of Staff, Chairman Thornburgh opened the
hearing for public ccmm~_nt at 7:15 p.m.
Lawrence _Spector, Rufus Associates, P. O. Box 299, La Quinta, California,
the Applicant, advised the Cc~mzission that they now have an investor who
came in and picked up the balance of the equity that they had involved in
this project. He informed the ~ssion that they now have $8.5 million
dollars in cash equity in this project. Also, they have been advised by
the lender whc~n they have been working with, that their (the lender's) senior
loan cc~mzittee had confizmed the financing for the "Orchard". Therefore,
the "Orchard" project is cc~plete as far as financing is concerned. Mr.
Spector explained why it had taken such a long time to get to this point with
the project. He further advised the ~ssion that it is very possible that
they may do this project themselves. They hope to break ground for the
"orchard" project within 60-90 days and hope to open in September of 1986.
~ssioner De Gasperin: Requested of the Applicant the types of businesses
that would be attracted to the office space.
Mr. Spector: Stated that they would be attracted, as they need office space;
that there may be sc~e retail shops, space for the arts, architects, ~ity
involved space, etc. He advised that whatever they may be, they must knit
together with the resort or they will not be there.
Ccmmzissioner De Gasperin: Noted that the third alternative for the ~ssion
was to wait for the return of the market study being done for the Applicant.
She requested of the Applicant how that would have an adverse effect on them.
Mr. Spector: Responded that it would stop the project for them.
There being no further public con~nents, Cha~ Thornburgh closed the public
hearing at 7: 27 p.m.
Cxmm~ssioner Moran: Felt the Applicant should have the C-T Zoning.
January 14, 1986
Page 4.
Ccam~ssioner Brandt: Felt ccmfort~ble with the additional information
sutmmitted by the Applicant since the matter was last heard. She felt the
Applicant should be .granted the C-T Zoning. Her only concern was with the
ccam~m~ial and office uses proposed within the project property, as it is
not consistent with the C-T Zone as it stands.
Director Stevens: Responded that we w~uld probably have a new Zoning
- Ordinance done before we have a develo~r~nt plan for this site.
Chairman Thornburgh: Stated he felt the intent of the zoning that they did
on the General Plan will designate this as a use for a hotel. He noted that
what they w~uld be doing tonight, if they select Alternative No. 1, would be
to approve it for hotel uses and it would give the Applicant the option at
a later date to ccme in under Policy 6.19 and 6.20 to justify that there was
some office or cc~nercial necessary.
Cca~nissioner De Gasperin: Thanked the Planning Staff and Mr. Spector for
their efforts and stated she felt the C~ssion was at a junction where
they just had to take a leap of trust. She felt comfortable granting the
C-T zoning.
There was a short discussion regarding the interpretation of policies 6.19
and 6.20 of.the General Plan. Chairman Thornburgh stated he appreciated
Staff's efforts in this matter, but felt they were sc~ewhat tough on this
There being no further discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Cc~missioner Moran made a motion, seconded by Ccam%issioner Brandt to approve
Change of Zone 85-018 to C-T (Tourist ~cial) and directed Staff to
prepare the appropriate Findings. Unanimously Adopted with one abstention.
A. Cc~missioner Moran made a motion, seconded by Cc~m%issioner Walling to approve
the minutes from the regular meeting of November 26, 1985.
The minutes of the regular meeting of November 26, 1985, were approved as
submitted. Unanimcusly Adopted.
B. Cc~ssioner Moran made a motion, seconded by Ccamtissioner Walling to approve
the minutes from the regular meeting of December 10, 1985.
The minutes of the regular m~e~g of December 10, 1985, were approved as
sutmmitted. Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the items of business as follows:
A. PLOT PLAN NO. 85-242, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
east side of Avenida Diaz, 200' south of Calle Potrero; Larry McMachen/
Derrick Kramer; Applicants.
B. PLOT PLAN NO. 85-243, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
west side of Avenida Alvarado, 50' north of Calle Potrero; Larry Mc~-~chen/
Matt Roberts, Applicants.
- C. PLOT PLAN NO. 85-245, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
east side of Avenida Navarro, 160' north of Calle Nogales; Robert L. Harmon/
Linda Josie; Applicants.
D. PLOT PLAN NO. 85-246, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
west side of Avenida Madero, 200' south of Calle Chillon; Rick Johnson
Construction, Applicant.
E. PI//f PLAN NO. 85-247, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
west side of Avenida Juarez, 100' north of Calle Madrid; Rick Johnson
Construction, Applicant.
January 14, 1986
Page 5.
F. PLOT PLAN NO. 85-248, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on
the north side of Fiesta Drive, 740' west of Jefferson Street; William Hartung,
G. PLOT PLAN NO. 85-249, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on
the west side of Avenida Herrera, 250' north of Calle Nogales; Larry Rogers/
Jim Pettus, Applicants.
He called for the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens informed the ~ssion that all of the requests would not have
a significant adverse impact on the environment, that they were consistent with
the requirements of the R-l*++ Zone and goals and objectives of the La Quinta
General Plan, and that the building designs were cc~pa~le with the area develop-
m~nt contingent upon the conditions of approval. He noted that there were a few
minor concerns with a couple of the applications, but they were all being solved
through the conditions of approval.
There being no questions or discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Cc~missioner Walling made a motion, seconded by ~ssioner De Gasperin to
approve Plot Plans Nos. 85-242, 85-243, 85-245, 85-246, 85-247, 85-248 and
85-249, based upon the findings in the Staff Reports, in accordance with Exhibits
A, B and C for each application, and subject to the attached conditions.
Unanimously Adopted.
At this time, Director Stevens informed the Planning Cc~mission that the Washington
Street S~ific Plan w~uld not be on the January_ 28th agenda because of notice require-
ments. He advised that Staff must notice the entire length of Washington Street and
there is not enough tim~ to do that prior to that meeting. Therefore, the hearing will
be rescheduled to the meeting of February 11, 1986.
There being no further items of agenda to ccme before the ~ssion, Chairman
Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn.
Chairman Thornburgh made a motion, seconded by Cc~missioner M~ran to adjourn to the
next regular meetir~ of the Planning Cc~ssion to be held January 28, 1986, at
7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.
Unanimously Adopted.
The regular meeting of the Planning Cc~x~ission of the City of La Quinta, California,
was adjourned at 7:45 p.m., January 14, 1986, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105
Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.