1986 03 25 PC Minutes pAPPR~ED~
M I N U T E S ~ ~
A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
March 25, 1986 7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting
to order at 7:00 p.m.; he called upon Commissioner
De Gasperin to lead the flag salute.
A.Chairman Thornburgh requested the Roll Call; the Secretary
called the Roll:
Present: Commissioners Brandt, De Gasperin, Moran, Walling,
and Chairman Thornburgh
Also present were Community Development Director Lawrence L.
Stevens and Secretary Donna M. Velotta.
A. Commissioner De Gasperin made a motion, seconded by Chairman
Thornburgh to approve Plot Plans Nos. 86-273, 86-276, and
86-277. Unanimously Adopted.
B. Commissioner Brandt made a motion, seconded by Chairman
Thornburgh to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of
March 11, 1986, as submitted. Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the item of business as follows:
A. 1986 General Plan Review - Cycle I. He called for the Staff
1. Community Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens
reiterated that this was a new procedure stating that
approximately six or eight weeks ago, we adopted a proce-
dure to coordinate the review of General Plan Amendments
by setting up a three-cycle-a-year system. That was to
assure compliance with the government code provision which
limits general plan amendments to a maximum of four times
a year. In essence, we set up three general plan
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application deadlines of December 15, April 15 and August
15, with essentially a four-month review. Part of the
review that we provided for was that upon submittal of
applications, the Planning Commission and City Council
would review the applications on a preliminary, non-
hearing basis to make sure that the scope of what we were
considering was appropriate, since a particular applicant
could only ask to amend his particular piece of property.
This would maintain a General Plan approach rather than
looking at our General Plan as a colored zoning map.
In addition, the purpose of the review was to also give
the Commission the opportunity to identify other changes
not related to applications that might be appropriate for
consideration of amendment to the General Plan. There-
fore, the purpose of this preliminary review is to
establish a scope for each of the applications received
and then to determine if there are other areas that
should be considered for amendment beyond those raised
by the applications.
Director Stevens advised that this year only, Cycle I is
done outside of the normal review period since we did not
set up the schedule until February, we are using a modi-
fied review for the first cycle this year. And, as you
can see, one of the reasons we set up a coordinated review
for General Plan amendments is that we now have three
such applications and if we assessed them independently,
we would have used up three of our four amendment reviews.
So, there is a good reason for setting up this type of
review schedule.
Director Stevens then referred the Commission to the memo
provided them regarding the three applications received
which gives a general background of each and asks the
Commission to determine the scope they feel should be
considered for each. He then briefly explained each of
the applications.
General Plan Amendment No. 86-009 is an application from
the Western Corporation. This affects 30 or so acres
within the Duna La Quinta specific Plan area and what the
Applicant is requesting is that we amend the text of the
Community Development Element to create a new land use
category entitled "Very High Density Residential" which
would permit 16 to 24 units per acre. At the present
time, the maximum density we would allow would be 16 units
per acre in our "High Density Residential" category. Then
the Applicant is asking, in addition, that should you
create a "Very High Density Residential" category that a
particular 30-acre parcel be so designated for the purpose
of a allowing a 688-unit apartment project. They intend
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to process the zone change and the plot plan associated
with that, as well as a specific plan amendment to the
Duna La Quinta Specific Plan simultaneously with the
General Plan amendment application. Director Stevens
informed the Commission that looking at the factors,
there are two factors to consider in evaluating this
request. The first factor is the text change to "Very
High Density Residential" and I think it should be
understood that we are going to have to define it and
we probably will have some policies associated with
that. He thought that merely the initiation of a text
change gives us an adequate range to raise those poli-
cies as part of the review. Therefore, should the
Commission and Council approve this request, we will
have a text describing what "Very High Density
Residential" means and probably a number of policies
telling us about how and when we will use it. However,
if the Commission has some particular interest in areas
of concern, you may raise those now and we will make sure
they are addressed in the preparation of our report and
the evaluation of possible policies under that text. The
second issue is whether or not the land area under consid-
eration should be larger than the land area for which the
Applicant has applied - the 30-acre parcel. Director
Stevens stated that he feels there may be reason to look
at a larger area than the 30-acre parcel. It may make
some sense, but he felt you could look at this project as
a transition from commercial on Tampico to Very High
Density to High Density so, in this case, we are not
recommending that you consider anything other than the
_ Applicant's land area.
Director Stevens addressed the second application as
General Plan Amendment No. 86-010 from Drew Wright
and Associates. It is a 40-acre parcel at the northeast
corner of Washington and Sagebrush. As noted in the
Staff Report, in addition to the land use amendment which
would be from "Low Density Residential" (2-4 units per
acre) to "Medium Density Residential" (4-8 units per
acre). There are associated requests relative to a
change of zone to a new zoning district to be developed
that would make provision for some components of the
development. In addition, there is a tentative tract
map and a change of zone. Again, it would be our inten-
tion to process these relatively simultaneously. In
evaluating General Plan issues, we think there are
several. The first one we discussed is surrounding land
use and it is Staff's judgment that it would really be a
"spot zoning" issue if we talked merely about the 40-acre
parcel, as it would be an island of Medium Density
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surrounded by Low Density. Therefore, Staff feels it
would be appropriate to expand the area of consideration
to include the existing Sagebrush area tract coming all
the way down and actually pick up the small parcel on the
southeast corner of Avenue 50 and Washington down to the
channel. It would create a more logical land use pattern
should you choose to approve this request. Other General
Plan related issues include the suggestion to consider
whether or not you wish to have a policy included in the
Infrastructure Element of the General Plan regarding
private versus public streets. Currently, the Applicant
is proposing that all local streets within the subdivision
be dedicated as public streets. And, as of the present
time, the City has not established any policy in this
regard. Staff is concerned that long-term.maintenance
requirements on the City for public streets means that it
should be an issue for us and we should consider estab-
lishing a uniform policy in the General Plan for these
types of projects and consider having a policy requiring
these streets to be private. Staff believes that this
would be an appropriate issue to consider with this pro-
ject since this is the first such application that we
have received. We also have some problems with this
application relative to the Washington Street Specific
Plan, although we make no recommendation nor think it
appropriate to amend that plan or for the Commission to
initiate such an amendment. We think that the issue can
be dealt with in conditions of approval for the project.
It is our understanding that, based on some recent dis-
cussions with the Applicant, that this application may be
withdrawn in favor of a development that would be in
compliance with the General Plan Density of 4 units per
acre. If that is the case, obviously we would not to
proceed with any of the other issues at this time.
The last application is General Plan Amendment No. 86-011
from M. B. Johnson Properties for property at the north-
east corner of Washington and Avenue 48 which is the site
of the "Isla Mediterranea" project. The Applicant is
requesting a change from "High Density Residential" to
"Mixed-Use Commercial". This property is bordered by the
"Mixed-Use Commercial" both on the north and the east and
has major streets on the opposite sides. In terms of the
land area, Staff does not think it of any use to look at
a larger land area than for what the Applicant has
applied. We do think however, based on discussions with
the Applicant related to the Highway 111 Bypass issue,
that this may be the time to go ahead and consider the
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upgrading of Adams Street from a Secondary to a Major
street and resolve that bypass issue. Director Stevens
reiterated that the policy in the plan says that we will
conduct a further study to determine whether Adams or Dune
Palms between Avenue 48 and Highway 111 should be widened
- to accommodate this bypass.
In summary, Director Stevens advised the Commission that
Staff's recommendation with regard to this 1986 General
Plan Review - Cycle I is as follows:
a. GPA 86-009:
* Consider amending the text of the Community
Development Element to include a Very High
Density Residential (16-24 units per acre) land
use category including pertinent supportive
* Consider amending the Land Use Plan for the
land area as requested by the Applicant.
b. GPA 86-010:
* Consider amending the Land Use Plan for the land
area as requested by the Applicant and for the
land area south of the Applicant's to and
including the southeast corner of Washington
Street and Avenue 50.
* Consider amending the Infrastructure Element
to establish a policy concerning public or
private streets in new single-family subdivisions.
c. GPA 86-011:
* Consider amending the Land Use Plan for the land
area as requested by the Applicant.
* Consider amending the Circulation Plan and
associated policies concerning the roadway classi-
fication for Adams Street and the Highway 111
Director Stevens advised the Commission that one of the
things he did try to point out in the report that this is
really a scoping type of session to make sure that we are
dealing with the right scope of the General Plan issues.
It is not really intended to be a pro or con discussion
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of the projects and Staff, very carefully, in the Staff
Report tried not to indicate positions on any of the
applications. He noted that Staff is also recommending
that the Commission not initiate any amendment to the
General Plan beyond those associated with these appli-
cations so that we can get them through the process.
This concluded Staff's report.
There was a brief discussion among the Planning Commission
concerning policies for the Very High Density Residential
category, the Highway 111 Bypass and the expanded land area
related to the Wright Associates application. It was the
consensus of the Planning Commission to concur with the
recommendations from Staff.
Commissioner Moran stated in the "Very High Density" designa-
tion, she would like to see the percentage spelled out with
regard to the open space/recreational area on a case-by-case
basis. She would also like to see a buffer between the
"Mixed-Use Commercial" and single-family zoned areas.
There being no further discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called
for a motion.
2. Commissioner De Gasperin made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Walling, to agree with the Staff recommenda-
tion as to each of the three General Plan Amendments, with
the understanding that if any of the three Applicants
withdraws their request, the Community Development
Department not proceed to continue to consider that
- withdrawn application. Unanimously Adopted.
There being no further items of agenda to come before the Planning
Commission, Commissioner Brandt made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Walling to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the
Planning Commission to be held April 8, 1986, at 7:00 p.m., in the
La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of
La Quinta, CA was adjourned at 7:37 p.m., March 25, 1986, in the
La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.