1986 04 22 PC Minutes .......... -~APPROV£D~,,~,~_
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A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
April 22, 1986 7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m.; he called upon Commissioner De Gasperin
to lead the flag salute.
A.Chairman Thornburgh requested the Roll Call; the Secretary
called the Roll:
Present: Commissioners Brandt, De Gasperin, Moran, Walling
and Chairman Thornburgh
Also present were Community Development Director Lawrence L.
Stevens and Secretary Donna M. Velotta.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first hearing as follows:
A. Plot Plan No. 86-274, a request to construct three, two-story
retail/office buildings totaling 10,216 sq.ft, on a .846-acre
site; John Feld, La Quinta, Ltd., Partnership - Applicant. He
_ then called for the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens informed the Commission that this request
is to construct the three retail/office buildings on the
corner of Avenida Montezuma, Avenida Bermudas and Avenida
Navarro. There are seven existing lots of record that
have been combined for the purpose of this development.
Bldgs. l&2 are identical except that they are reversed.
The 3rd building is a different style. There will be a
mixture of retail and office uses. All 3 buildings are
two-story, with the third building being a partial 2-story
for the office portion and one story for retail use. The
exteriors are to be a medium-textured stucco and the roofs
are to be a concrete, Mission Terra Cotta. Staff does not
have color information on these items at this point and
felt it was the discretion of the Planning Commission as
to whether or not they wished to review the colors or
leave it to staff's judgment. Director Stevens explained
the site plan stating the buildings would be constructed
in an L-shaped configuration. There are three driveways
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Page 2.
proposed - two on Bermudas and one on Navarro and due to
the offset intersections at Montezuma and La Fonda, the
amount of traffic anticipated, and the project's location
at a major corner, Staff feels that only one driveway
access should be allowed to Avenida Bermudas, located so
- as to line up with the centerline of Avenida La Fonda.
Director Stevens stated that Staff has some concerns
relative to the parking layout. In general, however,
it is felt that the project conforms with our require-
ments and Staff recommends approval of Plot Plan No.
86-274, subject to the conditions of approval in the
Staff Report. Referring to the conditions, he stated
that in Condition No. 15.a. the fire flow of 500 GPM
shown should be changed to read 1000 GPM. This concluded
the Staff Report.
Chairman Thornburgh requested any questions/comments from the
Commission. There being none, he opened the public hearing at
7:10 p.m.
John Feld, 2746 Denise, Orange, CA, Applicant - spoke in favor of
the project and thanked Director Stevens for his efforts in this
matter. Mr. Feld informed the Commission that a colored rendering
is being prepared for their review.
Chairman Thornburgh asked the Applicant if his schedule would be
interrupted if the Commission continued this hearing to the next
meeting on May 13, in order that they may review the rendering for
this project.
Mr. Feld replied that it did not.
As there were no further comments from the public, Chairman
Thornburgh closed the public hearing at 7:15 p.m.
During the discussion period, the Commission made the following
Commissioner Moran - felt Building #2 should be pulled back some
so that more landscaping could be added. She felt this being a
major corner in La Quinta, it should be dressed up more.
Commissioner Moran also felt this building should be moved to
provide more visibility with regard to traffic safety at the
Chairman Thornburgh - asked Staff if this project was being built
on one parcel.
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Director Stevens replied that there are seven parcels being merged
to provide the site for this project. He also advised the
Commission that any effort in adjusting the location of the
building would affect parking.
_ Commissioner Moran - requested to know if the Commission could
see landscaping plans along with the colored rendering at the
May 13 meeting.
Director Stevens stated what could be done is to delineate some
landscaping perameters if that were the primary method to open up
or enhance the appearance of the corner.
Commissioner Brandt - requested to know if there would be
landscaping along the buffer wall between the project and the
residences in the area.
Director Stevens advised that there was landscaping along the
buffer wall and explained further how it would be planted in that
Commissioner Brandt - requested to know if the parking lot would
be night lighted.
Director Stevens replied he was not aware of any lighting at this
time, but this would be taken into consideration with regard to
surrounding residences.
Commissioner De Gasperin - felt that we should begin to seek some
commonality in structure style for the Village concept, whatever
- that might be.
Commissioner Walling - felt we should develop some sort of guide-
lines with regard to lighting to provide to developers, as this
has become a very important issue over the past few years with
regard to security, etc.
Chairman Thornburgh reiterated his request to change the wording
in Condition No. 21, which was made at the Study Session.
Director Stevens advised that Condition No. 21 now reads as
"Prior to the issuance of a permit for signs..."
There being no further questions/comments for discussion, Chairman
Thornburgh called for a motion.
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2. Commissioner Brandt made a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Walling, to continue this matter to the next regular meeting
to be held on 5/13/86, to allow the review of colors and to
allow time for additional meetings between Staff/Applicant
regarding discussion of options for opening up of the corner
area by the use of landscaping or minor modifications of the
site plan. Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next two hearings, be be heard
concurrently, as follows:
B. Amendment to Land Use Ordinance, "Special Residential" Zone,
a request for approval to amend the text of the Municipal Land
Use Ordinance No. 348, by adding the new zoning classification
of "Special Residential" Zone; City Initiated.
C. Change of Zone No. 86-022, a request for approval to rezone
certain property located within the City as a "Special
Residential" Zone in order to bring the zoning into compliance
with the General Plan Land Use Plan; City Initiated.
He called for the Staff Reports.
1. Director Stevens reviewed previous discussions by the
Planning Commission regarding this matter. He also
explained the relationship of this new zoning with regard
to the Design Guidelines Manual and described the areas
within the City that would be included in the Change of
After a brief discussion, Chairman Thornburgh opened the
public hearing at 7:40 p.m. The following persons spoke:
* Virginia Garbutt, Indio, CA - stated she owns lots at
Tampico and Desert Club Drive area on Buena Ventura. They
were originally zoned R-2 which allowed more than one
residence. Ms. Garbutt asked if that would be changed now
to allow only single-family residences.
Director Stevens advised Ms. Garbutt to come into the
Community Development Department office and talk to the
Planning Staff, who would be happy to explain the zoning
to her, and also explain how this proposal might affect
her property. Then, if she still had concerns or
questions, she could attend the next public hearing to
present them or submit them in writing prior to the
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* Audrey Ostrowsky, P. O. Box 351, La Quinta - stated she
had a 100'x 100' lot on Avenida Obregon and asked if she
would be able to split that lot to two, 50'x 100' lots if
this proposal was approved.
Director Stevens replied that under current R-1 Zoning
regulations, the minimum lot size is 7200 sq.ft., so an
existing 100'x 100' lot could not be slpit into two lots
because you could not create two, 7200 sq.ft, lots. The
current draft proposed 5000 sq.ft., so if it is adopted
as submitted, a parcel map could be filed for and the
10,000 sq.ft, lot could then become two lots after
approval of the parcel map. Therefore, the answer is, it
would depend on what is determined as minimum lot size
and that is one of the issues the Planning Commission has
asked to be reviewed further.
Ms. Ostrowsky also mentioned concern with the proposed
requirement for fences alogn sides and rears of all
single-family dwellings, reiterating statements made by
law enforcement staff that high fences give criminals a
hiding place. She added that she felt some fences did not
add to the local decor and asked that the fencing require-
ment be reconsidered.
At this point, Chairman Thornburgh stated he did not
realize there were 100' x 100' lots in the Cove area and
requested Staff to bring back any stats they might have
in this regard or to do some research on the matter if
there was none on file currently.
There being no further public comments, Chairman
Thornburgh closed the public hearing at 7:46 p.m.
Chairman Thornburgh then called for a motion.
2. Commissioner De Gasperin made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Moran, to continue the Amendment to the Land
Use Ordinance, "Special Residential" Zone, and Change of
Zone No. 86-022 to the next regular Planning Commission
meeting to be held on May 13, 1986. Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first portion of the Consent
Calendar consisting of 12, single-family dwelling requests for
approval to construct.
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Chairman Thornburgh stated he had concerns with the single-family
dwelling requests identified as items "H" through "L" on the
Consent Calendar. After looking at the plans, there seemed to be
no side nor rear design elevations in keeping with the front
elevations. He called upon Staff for comments.
Director Stevens stated that none of these designs show the sides
or rear upgrades as asked for in the conditions of approval. The
Applicant, Joel Colombo, has stated that he would make those
upgrades in his discussion with Staff. If it is the Commission's
desire to see those upgrades, then it is recommended that you
table the five requests until such time as the Applicant
resubmits the changes. These items would then be reintroduced
to you as Business items on the agenda, rather than Consent
After a brief discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
Commissioner Moran made a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Walling, to approve Items "A" through "G" (Plot Plan Nos.
86-279, 86-280, 86-282, 86-283, 86-287, 86-288, 86-289) of the
Consent Calendar, but moved to table Items "H" through "L" (Plot
Plan Nos. 86-290, 86-291, 86-292, 86-293, 86-294) until such
time as the Applicant resubmits revised plans. Unanimously
Commissioner Moran made a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Walling, to approve the minutes from the regular meetings of
March 25 and April 8, 1986, as submitted. Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the item of business as follows:
A. Plot Plan No. 86-295, a request to construct a 3052 sq.ft.
bank building at the northeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and
Calle Estado; Dan Edgar, Applicant. He then called for the
Staff Report.
At this time, Commissioner Walling advised the Commission that
he had a conflict of interest with this project so he would
step down for the proceedings.
1. Director Stevens stated this is a request to construct a
3052 sq.ft, building which is intended for use as a bank,
at the northeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle
Estado. The building is basically a Spanish Modern style.
He turned the Commission's attention to the wall render-
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ings of the proposed bank building along side Mr. Monroe's
newly constructed office building as a comparison.
In reviewing the proposal, Staff's concerns relate
primarily to circulation, parking, and associated access.
The proposal calls for a driveway access from Avenida
Bermudas to a parking area in front of the bank and from
the public alley and, in addition, a 14-foot-wide, on-site
connecting driveway from the front parking area to the
alley. This design creates a number of conflicts due to
the offset alignment of the Bermudas driveway with
existing Avenida Montezuma, the close proximity of the
Bermudas and alley driveways, and the movement between
two separate parking areas on a relatively small site.
The Bermudas-Estado-Montezuma intersection is an
important part of the Village and Staff feels effort
should be made to avoid major conflicts of the sort that
would result from this plan as submitted, if approved.
This problem is such that it will require substantial
Director Stevens reiterated discussion from the Study
Session regarding the FEMA regulations and the Applicant
has agreed to work on the landscaping, parking, etc., so
that the entire site would not be 3-feet higher than the
crown of the street, as called out by the Federal Flood
Rate Maps.
Another matter discussed was the design of the building
itself. Staff felt that the Planning Commission should
review the architectural style to be sure it was a style
that would be compatible to existing and future develop-
ment in the area. The particular modern design of this
building is different than what we've seen in this area,
and since we do not have our Village standards completely
adopted, Staff feels there is a need for reevaluation of
the building design.
Director Stevens advised that because of Staff's concerns,
it is being recommended that this request be tabled so
that the Applicant may prepare revised plans to consider
the following:
* Elimination of driveway access (other than the alley)
to Bermudas.
* Redesign of the on-site parking and circulation.
* Reevaluation of the building design.
However, Director Stevens stated that since the Study
Session, Staff has done more work with the site plan.
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With this revision, it may be possible for Staff to alter
their decision and support the project subject to some
revisions in the design. Staff would still oppose any
driveway access onto Bermudas other than the alley, but
there may be an option where the remainder of the site
design, with minor modifications, could survive at least
for the purpose of Staff's support. Director Stevens
advised the Commission that Staff has prepared a complete
set of conditions should they feel the Applicant's design
is appropriate for approval.
Director Stevens addressed the additional revision Staff
worked on since the Study Session. Using the Applicant's
rendering, he used an overlay to show Staff's revised
parking plan. He went on to explain the revision in
In short, nine parking spaces would be placed along the
north side of the building in the alley area and parking
spaces in front of the building eliminated, being replaced
by landscaping. The parking area in the alley could be
covered, if the Applicant desired. This concluded the
Staff's report.
Chairman Thornburgh advised that this being a business item, the
public normally does not have an opportunity to speak unless the
Commission feels it applicable. In this case, since there are
so many persons present regarding this matter, we feel it
Loren Lewis - stated he and his son are the principal owners of
this proposed bank, and together with three directors, who are
businessmen in the community, comprise the directorship of the
bank. The three directors being Bob Monroe, Morgan Ward and
Dr. Frederick, a physician in Indian Wells. He advised that
this bank is somewhat different from most in that it is not
borrowing money and is not soliciting from the general public
selling shares or stock, etc. He stated they wanted to be in a
position where they ran a conservative bank, being careful with
their loans so as not to run into the problems so many banks
have had recently.
It will take awhile to make this bank a profitable venture and
it is like any other marketing venture where you must be able to
sell yourself. He noted that he has two very firm beliefs here
that he has not deviated from since the day they started. No. 1
is he does not want people using their bank to have to walk up
steps, and No. 2 is that he just cannot live, in his own mind,
with spending $1.3 million dollars of his own money to have a
facility that is entered from an alley. It doesn't make sense
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to him and he stated he cannot market the facility on that basis
and can't live with it.
Mr. Lewis went on to state they have looked at this plan very
carefully for a long time and have not had any conversation with
Mr. Stevens over this period of time (since last September). We
have had our conversations with Sandy Bonner and assume she has
passed on what was said to Mr. Stevens. But, up until Friday,
when this report came out (which was written by Mr. Stevens), it
was the first we had known in a number of months that there was
opposition to coming off Bermudas. We knew that they (Staff)
didn't like it, but we didn't know that there was any measured
opposition to this. He advised that they originally looked at
an entry off Estado, but not knowing how much traffic would be
parked along the center median at any one time, the only way to
use that entrance would be to drive all the way to the end and
come back around. Mr. Lewis stated he could not see the
difference in coming into the bank off Bermudas or off the
He stated he could see the possibility of a problem existing
entering onto Bermudas, but advised they would be perfectly
willing to sign the Bermudas driveway as "Entrance Only" and
the alley as "Exit Only", along with a "Right Turn Only" at the
alley exit. That was the conclusion of Mr. Lewis' statement and
he expressed his appreciation to the Commission for the oppor-
tunity to speak.
Charlie White, P. O. Box 1030, La Quinta - read a letter from
the Chamber of Commerce, signed by Andy Vossler, President, in
support of the bank project. (The letter was given to the
Secretary for the record.)
Speaking on his own behalf as a businessman in the Community,
Mr. White stated he would like to see the approval of the bank.
He felt we needed the bank, that it might be a nucleus to
getting other businesses growing. He felt the Bob Monroe
building was a good start in getting some development in the
downtown and the bank would be a definite asset.
Morgan Ward, 48-800 San Pedro, La Quinta - stated he is a
director of the proposed bank, a director of the Chamber of
Commerce and also a local businessman, and feels in any down-
town area there are certain keystone businesses which must
happen before anything else happens, and a bank is just one of
them. He stated, yes - there is a busy intersection at this
site and he hoped there would be many more busy intersections
as the town grows; but, unless we accommodate businesses such
as this one, it will be very difficult to have the downtown
area grow. Businesses need closeby financial institutions to
April 22, 1986
Page 10.
bank at so they do not have to run into Palm Desert or down to
Highway 111. Nothing is perfect and he could understand why
Staff would want to point out things to be in a perfect
way, but in this particular instance, where the offset
driveway presents a problem, he felt Mr. Lewis' solution
allowing a one-way ingress onto the site accommodated both
parties. He appealed to the Commission to consider that
approach since he felt this building is so important to the
success of the Village at La Quinta.
Louie Campagna, P. O. Box 1423, La Quinta, owner of the
La Quinta Pharmacy, stated he wanted to extend his support to
Mr.Lewis and this project, as he feels the community needs
something like this. He stated he felt the longer it is
prolonged, the longer other businesses might be delayed coming
into the City.
Chairman Thornburgh stated he felt he could speak for the other
Commissioners in that there is no question about the fact that
we are happy to have a bank like Mr. Lewis' and commended him
for coming to our City.
Chairman Thornburgh agreed with Staff, stating that he felt the
alley entrance could be upgraded so as not to look like an
alley, which would be in conjunction with the development of
the Village concept. Also, he felt that the revisions of the
parking area presented by Staff was more appropriate, allowing
for more landscaping in the front of the building.
**See Commissioner Moran stated she walked the area and felt there
additional would not be enough room for the entryway and the alley and have
tation it safe. She stated she felt the Applicant's original proposal
last with the two entrances would be unsafe for the traffic flow.
ge... She felt Staff's revised parking plan would give the Applicant
a chance to move the building somewhat, if he so desired.
Commissioner Brandt felt that if we were to upgrade the alley,
that the property next to the deli/liquor store wall to the
north should also be landscaped. She stated that the Village
will be a pedestrian oriented community so that perhaps that
extra area in the front of the bank could be enhanced as a
pedestrian walkway.
Commissioner De Gasperin agreed with Staff's revised parking
There being no further discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called
for a motion. ~
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Page 11.
2. Commissioner De Gasperin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Brandt, to approve Plot Plan No. 86-295, subject to conditions
contained in the Staff Report, as amended, and subject to addi-
tional conditions which would require the following:
* Parking moved to the north side of the building
* Deletion of parking immediately west of the building,
which would be replaced with landscaping and give the
Applicant, at his option, the ability to site the
building further to the west; the ability to provide
covered parking; and, would emphasize our efforts to
create an environment in the alley access, through
paving materials, landscaping and other related
features to minimize the so-called "back way" approach.
Unanimously Adopted with Commissioner Walling abstaining.
Director Stevens advised the Applicant that if he wished to
appeal the Planning Commission decision, asking City Council
for a different decision, it is recommended that the appeal
request be submitted to Planning Staff, in writing, either
tomorrow or first thing Thursday morning because that would
still allow the appeal hearing on May 6 because our deadline
date is Friday.
There being no further items of agenda to come before the Planning
Commission, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn.
Commissioner Moran made a motion, seconded by Commissioner
De Gasperin, to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the
Planning Commission to be held on May 13, 1986, at 7:00 p.m., in
the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of
La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 8:45 p.m., April 22, 1986,
in the La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.
** Commission Moran stated she would like the minutes to reflect that
the Applicant did not have an opportunity to review Staff's revised
parking plan prior to this meeting.