1986 08 26 PC Minutes ...... :APPROVED~
A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
August 26, 1986 7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting
to order at 7:00 p.m.; he then led the flag salute.
A.Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call; the Secretary
called the roll.
Present: Commissioners Brandt, Moran, Steding, Walling, and
Chairman Thornburgh
Absent: None
Also present were Community Development & Redevelopment
Administrator Lawrence L. Stevens, Planning Director
Murrel Crump, and Secretary Donna Velotta.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first three items of hearing,
to be heard concurrently, as follows:
A. SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 86-007, AMENDMENT #1, a request to amend
Specific Plan No. 86-007, the Washington Street Corridor
Specific Plan, relating to access requirements; Drew Wright
& Associates, Applicant. (CONTINUED)
B. CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 86-021, a request to rezone approximately
40.3 gross acres from R-3*, R-2-8000, and R-l, to R-l;
Drew Wright & Associates, Applicant. (CONTINUED)
C. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21555, a request to subdivide approxi-
mately 40.3 gross acres into 151 single-family lots;
Drew Wright & Associates, Applicant. (CONTINUED)
He called for the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens briefly highlighted each of the items
starting with the specific plan amendment. The Applicant
has raised the issue of the appropriateness of
cul-de-sacing three streets just south of his project
(Saguaro, Sagebrush, Bottlebrush). The Washington Street
Corridor Specific Plan calls for Bottlebrush to remain
open to Washington Street as an access for the area, and
Saugaro & Sagebrush to be cul-de-saced. The Applicant has
requested that we cul-de-sac Saguaro & Bottlebrush and
leave Sagebrush as the main access to Washington Street.
Staff feels this is an appropriate change and is recom-
mending approval of the specific plan request.
Referring to the change of zone request, Director Stevens
advised that the Applicant is requesting to change the
three current zoning designations (R-l, R-3*, R-2-8000) to
R-1 for the entire parcel. This is being implemented to
the Lower Density Residential designation of the General
Plan and to facilitate the Applicant's tentative tract
design. He advised the Commission that other options are
available such as the Special Residential Zone, the R-1
Zone with a height limit, and they could also establish a
minimum lot size. Staff recommends approval of the
Applicant's request for the R-1 Zone.
Regarding the tentative tract map request, Director
Stevens advised the Commission it is a request to divide
the approximately 40-acre site into 151 single-family lots
varying in size from 7200 sq.ft, to a little over 13,000
sq.ft. He described the subdivision design with the aid
of wall renderings.
Director Stevens explained the two (2) major issues
raised at the meeting two weeks ago, which were the
reasons for the continuance to this meeting, regarding
these matters. Briefly, they are:
- access and primary access to abutting property to
the east; and
- building height limits.
He advised the Commission that options of imposing more
restrictive standards are through the design approval
associated with the tract map or by, in approving the
zoning, placing the 17' height limit we have imposed on
much of the subdivided sections of the City. This con-
cluded Staff's report.
Chairman Thornburgh opened the public hearing at 7:20
Speaking for approval of the requests were:
- Drew Wright, President of Drew Wright & Associates,
P. O. Box 1876, Indio, CA
- 2 -
- Dan Cavin, Senior Analyst, Goodkin Group, 3252 Holiday
Court, La Jolla, CA (Appl's Repr.)
- Wayne Garalnick, Attorney, 74-399 Highway 111, Palm
Desert, CA (Appl's Repr.)
Speaking in opposition of the requests were:
- Bob Lotito, KWL Associates, 712 Eugene Road, Palm
_ Springs, CA (Repr. for Dr. Judd Marmor)
- Howard Tons, 49-450 Avenida Montero, La Quinta, CA
(Repr. of 60 residents of Montero Estates)
- Margaret Miele, 78-454 Calle Seama, La Quinta, CA
(Montero Estates resident)
- Jacques Abels, 49-990 Avenida Montero, La Quinta, CA
(Montero Estates resident - presented Commission/Staff
with a letter of opposition for the record)
Drew Wright spoke in rebuttal to those in opposition.
There being no further public comments, Chairman
Thornburgh closed the public hearing at 7:50 p.m.
As a result of the Planning Commission discussion that
followed, the consensus regarding the specific plan was
to approve it as recommended by Staff; there was a 3-2
vote to deny the change of zone to R-1 and in lieu
thereof recommended R-2++-14,000 for the property
(commissioner Brandt preferred the R-1 to remain on the
property rather than the R-2, and Commissioner Steding
preferred simply to deny the Applicant's request and did
- not want to recommend another zoning in its place); and
to deny the tentative tract map adopting the appropriate
Findings prepared by Director Stevens at this meeting.
Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Commissioner Brandt made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Walling, to approve Specific Plan No.
86-007, Amendment #1, subject to recommended text changes
in Exhibits "A" and "B". Unanimously adopted.
Commissioner Moran made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Walling, to deny (on a 3-2 vote) Change of
Zone No. 86-021 requesting an R-1 Zone, but in lieu
thereof, recommended R-2++-14,000 Zoning (Multiple
Family Residential, 17' Height Limit, 14,000 Sq. Ft. Net
Lot Area Per Dwelling) for the subject property.
- 3 -
Chairman Thornburgh made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Moran, to deny Tentative Tract Map
21555, adopting the appropriate Findings to support
this denial. Unanimously adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh called a recess at 8:25 p.m.; meeting recon-
vened at 8:30 p.m.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item of hearing as
- follows:
D. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21609, a request to subdivide approxi-
mately 40 gross acres into 34 single-family residential lots,
plus additional street and landscaping lots; Rufus Associates,
At this time, Commissioner Walling advised Chairman Thornburgh
that he must step down, as he had a conflict of interest in
regard to this matter. Commissioner Walling was excused from
participating in the discussion regarding Tentative Tract Map
No. 21609.
Chairman Thornburgh called for the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens described the project per information
submitted in the Staff Report and by use of wall render-
ings submitted by the Applicant. He reiterated comments
from the Study Session regarding height limits which was
the only issue of concern in this matter. Therefore,
based on the Findings, Staff recommends approval of this
tentative tract, subject to conditions of approval.
Chairman Thornburgh opened the public hearing at 8:45 p.m.
Speaking for approval of the request were:
- Gregg Linder, 53-178 Avenida Obregon, La Quinta, CA
(Repr. of Rufus Associates)
- Warren Bradshaw, P. O. Box 299, La Quinta, CA (Repr.
of Rufus Associates)
There being no further public comments, Chairman
Thornburgh closed the public hearing at 9:01 p.m.
As a result of Planning Commission discussion that
followed, the consensus was to revise Condition No. 14.(c)
designating Lot "O" as a common lot, and to revise
Condition No. 18 to read as follows:
18. Buildings and related improvements on Lots #1, 2,
3, 4, and 29 shall, as part of the City's approval
- 4 -
process, be evaluated to assure that the building
and site design, and particularly the building
height, are appropriately designed to minimize
adverse visual impacts along 50th Avenue.
Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Commissioner made a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Moran to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 21609 in
_ accordance with Exhibit "A" and subject to the conditions
of approval, as amended. Approved by a 4-0 vote with one
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item of hearing as
E. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21846, A request to divide 105 acres
into 22 lots to accommodate 308 residential condominium units
within the PGA West Specific Plan project area; Sunrise
Company, Applicant.
Commissioner Walling rejoined the Planning Commission for
further hearing discussions at this time.
Chairman Thornburgh called for the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens described the project per information
contained in the Staff Report noting that this request is
another extension of the PGA West project. He reiterated
discussion from the Study Session regarding changes in
a few of the conditions of approval. Therefore, Staff is
recommending approval of this request subject to the
conditions of approval, as amended.
- Chairman Thornburgh opened the public hearing at 9:15 p.m.
Speaking for approval of the project was:
James L. Resney, V.P., Sunrise Company, 75-005 Country
Club, Palm Desert, CA
There being no further public comments, Chairman Thornburgh
closed the public hearing at 9:17 p.m.
As a result of the Planning Commission discussion that
followed, the concensus was to have Staff review the
language contained in Conditions 6 and 13 prior to the
City Council hearing; to add the following to Condition
- 5 -
"(NOTE: Hydrological analysis is complete and its
recommendations shall be considered with improvement
Further, to revise Condition 914(d) to read as follows:
"A plan showing proposed parking along the private road
system shall be submitted for review and approval to the
Planning Department. The plan shall designate
_ "no parking" areas and indicate the method of identifying
Add the following at the end of Conditions 26 and 27:
"(NOTE: Noise analysis is complete and its recommendations
shall be considered in building and wall plans.)"
And lastly, to change the reference in Condition 35 from
Parcel Map No. 21055 to Tract No. 21640, and delete
Condition 936.
Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Commissioner Brandt made a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Moran, to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 21846 subject to
the Conditions of Approval, as amended. Unanimously
At this time, Chairman Thornburgh stated that he must step down
for the next item of hearing as he had a conflict of interest.
He therefore turned the meeting over to Vice Chairman Walling.
Chairman Thornburgh was excused from discussion regarding
Tentative Tract Map No. 21880.
- Vice Chairman Walling introduced the next item of hearing as
F. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21880, a request to divide 417 acres
into 340 lots to provide for 324 single-family residential
lots and an 18-hole golf course, with the remaining 314 acres
of the 731-acre site remaining in a natural, mountainous,
open space; Sunrise Company, Applicant.
He called for the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens described this project per information
in the Staff Report and the use of wall renderings. He
reiterated issues of concern brought out at the Study
Session regarding some of the conditions. Therefore,
he stated that Staff recommends approval of this request
subject to conditions of approval, as amended.
- 6 -
Vice Chairman Walling opened the public hearing at
9:35 p.m.
Speaking in favor of the project were:
James L. Resney, V.P., Sunrise Co., 75-005 Country Club,
Palm Desert, CA
Mike Smith (Engineer on the project), Office Manager of
- J.F. Davidson Associates, Palm Desert, CA.
Letters are also on file in the Planning Department from
nearby property owners who have some concern with the
project. The letters received are from:
Richard E. Bell, 180 Crown Point Drive, Carson City,
Nevada; and
Charles & Karen Sodikoff, Route 1, Box 134, Del Mar, CA.
There being no further public comments, Vice Chairman
Walling closed the public hearing at 10:00 p.m.
As a result of the Planning Commission discussion that
followed, the consensus was to grant the Applicant a
continuance to allow additional consideration of the
location of the maintenance facility (Cond. #18.(a)),
and the need for and access to "B" Street. The Commission
also concurred to revise a number of the conditions as
Conditions 6 and ll(c): Review final language with City
Engineer for intent.
- Delete Condition 14(a) regarding realigning "B" Street.
Condition #17(c) to be revised as follows:
"A Landscape Maintenance and Lighting District shall be
formed to maintain medians on 52nd Avenue and landscape
and wall improvements on the northerly side of 52nd.
Applicant shall establish, through its Homeowners
Association, provisions to maintain the parking and
setback areas along the south side of 52nd and the east
side of Bermudas contiguous to the project. These
provisions shall allow the City to take over maintenance
if not adequately performed."
Condition #20 to be revised as follows:
- 7 -
"Provision shall be made for a significant viewing
opportunity on both sides of the main project entrance
at 52nd and Washington through the use of landscaping,
lakes, fence design, and setbacks. Provision shall also
be made on Avenida Bermudas near both intersections of
"I" Street with "C" Street for extensive wall setback
and landscaping to enhance views, but open fencing shall
not be required."
Condition ~22 shall be revised as follows:
"22 ..... of the Fire Marshal, who may approve alternate
means of compliance where deemed appropriate and
equivalent to these standards."
Condition #22 shall be modified by adding the underlined:
"a ..... no less than 25 feet from any buildinq nor more than .... "
Vice Chairman Walling called for a motion.
2. Commissioner Brandt made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Moran to continue this Tentative Tract Map
No. 21880 request to their next regular meeting of
September 9, 1986. Approved on a 4-0 vote with one
Chairman Thornburgh returned to his seat at this time; Vice
Chairman Walling turned the meeting back to him.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the last item of hearing as
G. PLOT PLAN NO. 86-274, a request to construct three (3),
two-story, retail/office buildings totaling 10,216 sq.ft.
on a .846-acre site; John Feld, La Quinta Ltd., Partnership,
He called for the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens described this project per information
in the Staff Report and advised that this matter had been
continued from a previous hearing because of issues
concerning the need for more complete information on
colors and materials and the Planning Commission's request
that a revision be made to the site plan to provide more
openness at the Bermudas/Montezuma corner. He reiterated
issues raised at the Study Session regarding the Planning
Commission's desire to review (on an informal basis) the
landscape plan and their concern regarding Avenida
- 8 -
Bermudas road improvements. Director Stevens advised the
Commission that Staff recommends approval of this request
based on the revised plot plan.
Chairman Thornburgh opened the public hearing at
10.35 p.m.
Speaking in favor of the project was:
- John Feld, 2542 Denise Street, Orange, CA.
There being no further public comments, Chairman
Thornburgh closed the public hearing at 10:37 p.m.
The results of the Planning Commission discussion which
followed was their consensus to approve this request
subject to the conditions of approval, as amended:
Modify Condition #6 by adding the following:
"Applicant shall further upgrade the exterior building
elevations through the use of additional plant-ons,
building offsets, material and color variations and/or
similar architectural features. Final b~ilding eleva-
tions shall be subject to review and approval by the
Planning Commission."
Add a new condition to the section entitled "Building
Design" as follows:
"Applicant shall further revise the site design to
provide additional setback, up to approximately 10 feet,
at the Montezuma/Bermudas corner. Final site plan shall
be subject to review and approval by the Planning
- Commission."
Add subsection "n" to Condition #10 as follows:
"Applicant shall cooperate with the City in providing
transitional road improvements, as required by the City
Engineer, for the intervening 100 feet between the
subject property and other full-width improvements on
the west side of Avenida Bermudas. The City shall be
responsible to acquire any necessary right-of-way and
shall arrange reasonable reimbursement for any off-site
road improvements."
Add the following at the end of Condition #19:
"(Landscape plans shall be forwarded to the Planning
Commission for comment on an informal basis.)"
- 9 -
Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Commissioner Walling made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Steding, to approve Plot Plan No. 86-274
based on the revised plot plan in conjunction with
Exhibit A and Exhibits B and C and subject to the
original Conditions of Approval, as amended.
Unanimously adopted.
There being no further items of agenda to come before the Planning
Commission, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn.
Commissioner Steding made a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Brandt, to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held on September 9, 1986, at 7:00 p.m., in the
La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of
La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 10:45 p.m., August 26,
1986, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
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