1986 11 25 PC Minutes APPRO~
A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
November 25, 1986 7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Thomas A. Thornburgh called the Planning Commission
meeting to order at 7:10 p.m., and then led the flag salute.
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary
called the roll.
Present: Commissioners Brandt, Moran, Steding, Walling, and
Chairman Thornburgh
Absent: None
Staff Present: Planning Director Murrel Crump, Principal
Planner Jerry Herman, and Secretary Donna
The Study Session, regularly held the day prior to Planning
Commission meetings, was cancelled; therefore, the Planning
_ Commission reviewed this matter during the regular meeting session.
Chairman Thornburgh turned the discussion of street section detail
over to Vice Chairman John Walling, as he had a conflict of interest
regarding Tentative Tract No. 21880.
The Applicant requested that Conditions Nos. 13 and 14 of Specific
Plan Nos. 85-005A and 85-005B be clarified or modified to meet
current conditions as they relate to Tentative Tract No. 21880.
After discussion of this matter, it was the consensus of the Planning
Commission that the project, as proposed, satisfies the intent of
Condition Nos. 13 and 14 of Specific Plan No. 85-005A and 85-005B, as
they relate to Tentative Tract No. 21880. No motion is required.
Vice Chairman Walling returned the meeting to Chairman Thornburgh.
- A. Motion made by Commissioner Moran, seconded by Commissioner
Walling, to approve the Planning Commission minutes of
October 28, 1986, as submitted. Unanimously adopted.
B. Motion made by Commissioner Brandt, seconded by Commissioner
Moran to approve the Planning Commission minutes of
November 12, 1986, as submitted. Unanimously adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the item of business as follows:
A. CONSIDERATION OF SIGN APPEAL - Appeal of Signage Conditions
for Sign Approval No. 86-038; Applicant, George Balch - Roger
Dunn Golf Shop, 78-267 Highway 111, La Quinta, CA. He called
for the report from Staff.
1. Planning Director Murrel Crump advised the Commission that
the Applicant had informed Staff by phone, with a letter
request to follow, that he would be unable to attend this
meeting and, therefore, has requested a continuance to the
next meeting to be held December 9, 1986.
2. Commissioner Steding made a motion, seconded by
_ Commissioner Walling, to grant a continuance regarding
this matter to the next regular Planning Commission
meeting to be held December 9, 1986.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first item of discussion as
A. Discussion of residential and non-residential uses in the
High Density Land Use Designation. He called for the report
from Staff.
1. Director Crump summarized this matter from information
submitted in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on
file in the Planning Department. He advised the
Commission that they, as an advisory body, had the
option to initiate an ordinance amendment that would
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delete non-residential uses if any were believed
inconsistent with the intent of the land use category
or to further regulate certain activities by conditional
use permit. Therefore, Staff would like a Commission
consensus of the approach they wish to be taken.
2. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the
Planning Commission to have Staff prepare a draft
amendment to the current residential zones with the
permitted uses portion to exclude those items noted by
the Commission at this meeting. Also, the amendment
should indicate, under the Conditional Use Permit
category, other non-residential activities that are
presently allowed. No motion was required.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item of discussion as
B. Identification of subjects/issues the Commission wants to
discuss with the City Council at a formal Council/Commission
retreat sometime in January, 1987. He called for a report
from Staff.
1. Director Crump advised the Commission that the retreat
may not occur in the month of January, but sometime
within the next few months. He advised that this
discussion is just to introduce the Commission to the
subject so that they can start thinking of topics and
issues to bring up at the retreat.
2. The Commission discussed this matter briefly stating
they would submit the forms provided by Staff, with
each of their suggested topics, at the next meeting.
No motion required.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item of discussion as
C. Review of draft "Compact Car Parking Standards". He called
for a report from Staff.
1. Director Crump reiterated that at the October 28th
meeting discussion was raised concerning compact car
parking standards and the appropriateness of estab-
lishing the standards in our Municipal Land Use Ordinance.
Staff, in doing some background research regarding this
matter, found that only Palm Springs and the County in
our immediate area have allowance for compact spaces; but
neither establish a threshold or a minimum size parking
lot before you can have compact spaces. Director Crump
advised the Commission that Staff has drafted language
for an amendment (a copy of which is in their agenda
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packets) and the Commission has the discretion of
selecting the numbers that might go into a text amendment
should they elect to carry one forward.
2. During a brief discussion, the Commission chose the
numbers they believed to be appropriate in a text amend-
ment, with regard to minimum parking lot size before
compact car parking spaces would be allowed and compact
car stall dimensions. No motion required. Staff was to
bring the amendment back to the Commission as a public
- hearing item.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the last item of discussion as
D. Request for input on policy issue regarding street lights.
He called for the report from Staff.
1. Director Crump advised the Commission that Staff has
identified a need to have formal City policy on street
lighting requirements. Policy questions are:
- Does the City want to start requiring street lights
along the right-of-way of public and/or private
streets; and/or,
- Does the City want to start requiring street lights
at major intersections; or,
- Does the City want street lights at all.
Director Crump informed the Commission that it would
be appropriate for them to offer comments on this subject
for purposes of Council input. Council will subsequently
consider this matter for specific policy direction.
2. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the
Commission that there are different needs in
different areas of the City and they felt perhaps the
subject of lighting requirements should be brought to the
Council/Commission retreat for review. No motion
Motion made by Commissioner Walling, seconded by Commissioner
Moran, to adjourn to a meeting on December 9, 1986, at 7:00 p.m.,
in La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission
was adjourned at 8:35 p.m., November 25, 1986.
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