1987 01 28 PC Minutes MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINT~ A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta California January 28, 1987 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Chairman Thomas A. Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., and then led the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The acting Secretary called the roll. Present: Commissioners Brandt, Moran, Steding, Walling and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: None Staff Present: Planning Director Murrel Crump, Principal __ Planner Jerry Herman 3. HEARINGS Chairman Thornburgh identified the hearing-item as follows: - A. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 87-001, Compact Car Parking Provisions adding new Section 18.12(b)(8). He called for the staff report. 1. Planning Director Murrel Crump presented this matter per the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. No public testimony was offered to the Commission on this ~ matter. 2. After discussion, Commissioner Brandt made a motion; seconded by Commissioner Moran, to adopt Resolution No. 87-001, recommending to the City Council amendment of the La Quinta Municipal Land Use Ordinance by adding thereto new section 18.12(b)(8). Unanimously adopted. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT None 5. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Chairman Thornburgh requested a change to the Minutes of November 25, 1986 by inserting "may have" instead of "had" in the second paragraph under the Study Session item. No other discussion. A motion was made by Commission Steding, seconded by Commissioner Walling to approve the minutes of November 25, 1986(as amended) and December 9, 1986. Unanimously adopted. 6. BUSINESS Chairman Thornburgh introduced the matter as follows: A. Plot Plan 87-375 - addition to the La Quinta Arts Foundation building at 78-080 Avenida La Fonda, and called for the staff report. 1. Planning Director Murrel Crump presented this matter per the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. 2. After discussion, Commissioner Steding made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Moran, to approve Plot Plan 87-375 subject to Conditions as presented in the staff report. B. Planning Commission Review of Plot Plans for Single Family Homes. 1. In response to discussion at a prior meeting, staff research concluded that review of Single Family homes is a ministerial action. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Commissioner Steding, seconded by Commissioner Walling, to adjourn to a meeting on February 10, 1987, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning commission was adjourned at 7:33 p.m., January 27, 1987. -2-