1987 05 26 PC Minutes LA qUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION BY DATE' MINUTES -- PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta city Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California May 26, 1987 7:00 p.m. -- I. CALL TO ORDER A. Chairman Thomas Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Walling. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Moran, Steding, Vice Chairman Walling, and Commissioner Thornburgh. A motion was made by Commissioner Walling, seconded by Commissioner Moran, to excuse Commissioner Brandt from the meeting. The motion was unanimously carried. B. Staff Present: Planning Director Murrel Crump, Principal - Planner Jerry Herman, and Department Secretary Mariellen Ratowski. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no Public Hearing items. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT -- No one wished to comment. V. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Steding to approve the Planning Commission minutes of May 12, 1987, as submitted. Unanimously adopted. VI. BUSINESS Chairman Thornburgh introduced the business items as follows: A. A referral from City Council regarding Plot Plan 87-380 (Robert C. Monroe) - consideration of permitting a temporary - driveway to Calle Estado. 1. Chairman Thornburgh initiated the discussion by questioning the wording of condition 4C which specifies MR/MIN05-26.DFT the garden wall to be six feet in height. After a - brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that the restriction of six feet should be removed from the phrasing of condition 4C. Further discussion followed, with Commissioner Steding expressing concerns over allowing driveway access to Calle Estado, disapproving of the inconsistencies of giving plot by plot considerations prior to implementation of the Village Plan. 2. A minute motion was made by Commissioner Walling and seconded by Chairman Thornburgh to add to condition 4C the allowance of a temporary access from Calle Estado until such time as redesign of Calle Estado occurs, based upon the Village Specific Plan. Commissioners Moran, Walling and Chairman Thornburgh voted in favor; Commissioner Steding voted against. The minute motion was passed by a majority vote. 3. A minute motion was made by Commissioner Walling and seconded by Commissioner Moran to modify condition 4C, eliminating the "six-foot" specification to read only "garden wall". All Commissioners present voted in favor of the motion, which was unanimously approved. - B. Future Agenda Items: There were none identified at this time. VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Summer Schedule: The Commission was advised of the City Council's summer meeting schedule. Chairman Thornburgh suggested that, for the summer season, the Commission meetings be held on an as-needed basis. _ B. Draft Sign Ordinance: Principal Planner Jerry Herman presented an overall review of the discussion draft to the Commission. C. Information Item: Planning Director Crump advised the Commission of an administrative approval given for a location modification of the maintenance building of the previously approved Madison Street Facility-Plot Plan 87-378. VIII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Moran to adjourn to a regular meeting on June - 9, 1987, at 7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning commission was adjourned at 8:45 p.m., May 26, 1987. MR/MIN05-26.DFT