1987 10 13 PC Minutes MINUTES -- PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California October 13, 1987 7:00 p.m. -- I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by Chairman Walling. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Steding, Bund, Zelles, Vice Chairman Moran, and Chairman Walling. B. Staff Present: Planning Director Murrel Crump and Principal Planner Jerry Herman. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearing items. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by _ Commissioner Zelles to approve the Planning Commission minutes of September 22, 1987, subject to amending the adjournment time from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Unanimously adopted. V. BUSINESS Chairman Walling introduced the business items as follows: A. Continued review of exterior remodel - Plot Plan 87-383, Rick Johnson Construction - a request to enclose the existing covered walkway and use the area as an enclosed public corridor for an existing building located at 77-836 Avenida Montezuma. - 1. Planning Director Crump presented background data on the matter per the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. MR/MIN10-13.DFT 1 2. Chairman Walling opened the matter for Planning Commission discussion. The Applicant's representative, Brian Monroe, was recognized to address the Commission. Mr. Monroe indicated that, rather than have their request continued, the Applicant is willing to comply with conditions to satisfy any Commission concerns. The Commission reviewed the project relating to signage, parking, future use of the area and setbacks. _ 3. A motion was made by Commissioner Bund and seconded by Commissioner Moran to approve Plot Plan 87-383, subject to the finding in the staff report and conditions as modified. 4. The motion was unanimously adopted. B. Identification of future agenda items: List of items over which the Planning Commission exercises approval and those items which are administratively reviewed by Staff. VII. OTHER A. Review of a proposed Large Family Day Care facility. _ 1. Chairman Walling and Commissioner Moran excused themselves from the discussion on the case due to a potential conflict of interest. Commissioner Steding assumed the Chair on the matter and requested the staff report. 2. Planning Director Crump presented background data on the request per the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and _ Development Department. 3. Commissioner Steding indicated that this is not a public hearing, but rather a forum to permit the surrounding property owners to present their concerns regarding this request. 4. The Applicant presented a letter of support signed by immediate neighbors of the facility. No other public present addressed the Commission. 5. The Commission discussed the request and indicated to Planning Director Crump that they had no additional input on the request. - 6. Planning Director Crump indicated that a letter of approval would be sent, based upon the information presented and the staff report. B. Clarification of Home Occupancy review criteria. MR/MIN10-13.DFT 2 1. A presentation was made to the Commission by Planning Director Crump. The Commission, after discussion, could not reach a consensus on the matter. The Commission indicated that, if the Applicant for the Home Occupation Permit which generated this discussion should appeal the staff decision, then the Commission would be in a position to review the case on its merits. C. Village Specific Plan Update. -- 1. The Commission was informed by Planning Director Crump that the first public joint Council and Commission presentation of the Specific Plan draft would be at 7:30 p.m. on October 27, 1987, in the La Quinta community Center. The first Commission formal public hearing is anticipated for November 10, 1987. D. Highway 111 Specific Plan Subcommittee. 1. After discussion, Subcommittee membership was established to include Mr. Tom Thornburgh, Commissioners Moran, and Commissioner Zelles as Chairman. The Subcommittee will be meeting in the near future. VIII. ADJOURNMENT -- A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Moran to adjourn to a joint City Council and Planning Commission meeting on October 27, 1987, at 7:30 p.m., in the La Quinta community center, 77-861 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning commission was adjourned at 8:46 p.m., October 13, 1987. -- MR/MIN10-13.DFT 3