1988 07 12 PC Minutes Ai~I~V~ V · MINUTES -- PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta city Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California July 12, 1988 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. by Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Zelles. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Zelles, Moran, and Chairman Walling. Commissioner Bund arrived after the roll call. Absent: Commissioner Steding. A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Chairman Walling to excuse Commissioner Steding from the meeting. Unanimous. B. Staff Present: Planning Director Murrel Crump, Principal Planner Jerry Herman, and Principal Planner Ted Bower. III. HEARINGS - None IV. PUBLIC COMMENT No one wished to address the Commission. V. CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to approve the minutes of June 14, 1988. Unanimously approved. VI. BUSINESS Chairman Walling introduced the Business Items as follows: A. Tentative Tract 21555; A request by Dennis Freeman/Freeman Realty & Development for a one-year extension of time for the filing of a final map MR/MIN07-12.DFT -1- concerning the subdivision of 40.33 gross acres - into 150 single-family lots plus one storm water retention/common recreation lot; for a location at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Sagebrush Avenue. 1. Planning Director Murrel Crump presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. The Commission discussed the request as presented. 3. A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 88-014, recommending to the City Council a one-year time extension for Tentative Tract No. 21555, subject to conditions. Upon roll call vote, the motion was unanimously approved. B. Plot Plan 87-380; A request by Rick Johnson Construction for approval of a Planned Sign Program for the Monroe Building, 78-080 Calle Estado. -- 1. Planning Director Murrel Crump presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. The Commission discussed the request as presented. 3. A minute motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Bund to approve the Planned Sign Program pursuant to the conditions/findings in the Staff Report. Unanimously adopted. C. Plot Plan 83-394/Sign Application 88-067; The Applicants, Roland J. Mitlolina and William H. Wollson, propose to establish a restaurant, which requires additional parking; and also add a canopy and sign to the front of the building. 1. Planning Director Murrel Crump presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and - Development Department. 2. The Commission discussed the requests as presented. MR/MIN07-12.DFT -2- 3. A minute motion was made by Commissioner - Moran and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to approve Plot Plan 88-394/Sign Application 88-067, pursuant to the conditions and findings in the Staff Report. Unanimously adopted. VII. OTHER Discussion Draft of Village Zoning Text; Commission authorization/direction for Hearing Draft and meeting schedule. 1. Principal Planner Ted Bower presented an introductory report on the item. 2. The Commission reviewed the Discussion Draft, denoting various passages for clarification. 3. A minute motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and seconded by Commissioner Moran to direct Staff to generate the Hearing Draft, reflecting the comments of the Commission, and to schedule for Public Hearing before the Commission on August 23, 1988. Unanimously approved. -- VIII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Bund and seconded by Commissioner Moran to adjourn to a regular meeting on July 26, 1988, at 7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:05 p.m., July 12, 1988. MR/MIN07-12.DFT -3-