A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hali
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
May 23, 1989 7:00 p.m.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by
Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by
Commissioner Moran.
A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call.
Present: Commissioners Bund, Zelles, Steding,
Moran, and Chairman Walling.
B. Staff Present: Planning and Development Director,
Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Ted Bower, and
Associate Planner Wally Nesbit.
Chairman Walling introduced the Public Hearing
items as follows:
A. Continued Hearing - Plot Plan 89-411; a request by
John Bund to convert an existing 3,500-square-foot
single-family dwelling into a 4,800-square-foot
restaurant on a 1.57-acre site; located on the
northeast corner of Calle Barcelona and Avenida
Commissioner Bund, being the Applicant, stepped
down from consideration of the request.
1. Associate Planner Wally Nesbit presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
The Applicant, John Bund, addressed the
Commission to explain the request. There
being no further comment, Chairman Walling
closed the Public Hearing.
3. The Commission discussed the request as
presented. It was the consensus of the
Commission to revise Conditions 6.a. and
6.b., and 12.a. and 12.b. to allow for
bonding; and Condition 9, to allow parking in
the space, with restricted hours of use
posted (no parking 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.).
4. A Minute Motion was made by Commissioner
Moran and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to
approve Plot Plan 89-411, subject to
conditions as revised. Unanimously adopted.
B. Continued Hearing - Zoning Ordinance Amendment
89-008, Change of Zone 89-043; a City-initiated
request to amend Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal
Code relating to planning and zoning, adding
chapter 9.145, Hillside Conservation Zone, and to
re-zone those properties which meet the criteria
set forth in the proposed ordinance to HC;
affecting all hillside areas above the toe-of-slope
of the Santa Rosa Mountains.
1. Principal Planner Ted Bower presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Richard Meyer and Jack Beckler, property
owners, and John Crist, representing Mr.
Meyer, addressed the Commission, asking for
continuance to allow more time for review and
input. There being no further comment,
Chairman Walling closed the Public Hearing.
3. Following Commission discussion, a Minute
Motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Bund to continue
discussion of the item for 30 days to allow
for further input from and meetings with
citizens, and to direct Staff to send out the
Hillside draft with a letter to property
owners. Unanimously adopted.
C. Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment No. 2, and Change
of Zone 89-041; a request by Landmark Land Company
for approval to expand the PGA West Specific Plan
by 21.5+ acres and change the zoning from A-i-10
to R-2 to permit the expansion of PGA West
development; located south of Avenue 54, east of
the All-American Canal, and north and west of the
current PGA West Specific Plan boundaries.
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1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of whiCh is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
There being no comment, Chairman Walling
closed the Public Hearing.
3. The Commission discussed the request as
presented. A motion was made by Commissioner
Zelles and seconded by Commissioner Steding
to adopt Resolution 89-020 and Resolution
89-017, recommending to the City Council
approval of Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment
No. 2, subject to conditions; Change of Zone
89-041, A-l-10 to R-2; and concurrence of the
environmental determination. Following roll
call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted.
D. Tentative Tract 24208 and Change of Zone 89-042; a
request by La Quinta Associated II to divide a
20~ acre portion into 68 single-family lots and
to change the zoning from R-l-12,000 to R-l;
located on the east side corner of Dune Palms Road,
Zone-quarter mile south of Fred Waring Drive.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, -a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Mrs. Cash addressed the Commission, favoring
the project, but asking that great
consideration be given to traffic on Fred
Waring Drive. Chairman Walling noted that
Mrs. Cash's comments are directed to the
Public Hearing on Tentative Tract 24517, to
follow, not on this item. The Applicant,
Elizabeth Williams, addressed the Commission,
explaining the project. There being no
further comment, Chairman Walling closed the
Public Hearing.
3. Following discussion by the Commission, a
motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Commissioner Zelles to adopt
_ Resolution 89-021 and Resolution 89-022,
recommending to the City Council approval of
Tentative Tract 24208, subject to conditions;
Change of Zone 89-042; and concurrence with
the environmental analysis. Following roll
call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted.
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E. Tentative Tract 24517 and Change of Zone 89-044; a
request by Waring Adams Venture to divide a
27.62-acre portion into 91 single-family lots, and
to change the zone from R-1-12,000 to R-l; located
on the southeast corner of Fred Waring Drive and
Adams Street.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department. Fire Marshal, Dennis
Dawson, answered various questions from the
Commission for clarification.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
The Applicant, Elizabeth Williams, addressed
the Commission regarding the location of
ingress/egress. There being no further
comment, Chairman Walling closed the Public
3. The Commission discussed the items as
presented. It was the consensus of the
Commission to add a new condition stating
that Lot 87 be reserved for temporary access
until such time as two permanent access
points are provided.
4. -A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Commissioner Zelles to adopt
Resolution 89-023 and Resolution 89-024,
recommending to the City Council approval of
Tentative Tract 24517, with conditions
modified to include the new condition as
stated above; Change of Zone 89-044; and
concurrence with the environmental analysis.
Following roll call vote, the motion was
unanimously adopted.
F. Tentative Tract 24545; a request by Northstar
Development to subdivide 269.82 acres into 276
single-family lots, six golf course lots, and
various other street and landscape buffer lots;
located generally east of Washington Street, north
of Avenue 50, south of Avenue 48, and west of
Jefferson Street.
Chairman Walling stated he had a conflict of
interest and stepped down from discussion of the
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1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Moran opened the Public
Hearing. Mr. David Howerton, representing
the Applicant, addressed the Commission
regarding Conditions 6. and 8.d. There being
no further comment, Vice Chairman Moran
closed the Public Hearing.
3. The Commission discussed the request as
presented. It was the consensus of the
Commission to change Condition No. 6,
eliminating the phrase "...just north of
Eisenhower extension." It was also the
consensus of the Commission to change
Condition No. 8.d., to add the phrase "...or
require fire sprinkler systems on those
houses along the cul-de-sacs, subject to
final approval by the Fire Marshal."
A motion was made by Commission Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Steding to adopt
Resolution 89-025, recommending to the City
Council approval of Tentative Tract 24545,
subject to conditions as modified; and
- concurrence with . the environmental
determination. Following roll call vote, the
motion was unanimously adopted.
No one wished to address the Commission.
A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Commissioner Moran to approve the April
25, 1989, Planning Commission minutes. Unanimous.
Chairman Walling introduced the Business Item as
A. Specific Plan 85-006, Oak Tree West; a request by
Landmark Land Company for a first time extension,
for a location generally one-quarter mile south of
Avenue 50, bounded by Jefferson Street, Avenue 54,
the Heritage Club project, Avenida Ultimo, and the
easterly portion of the Duna La Quinta project.
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1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. The Commission discussed the request as
presented. During the discussion, Forrest
Haag, representing Landmark Land Company,
requested reconsideration of Condition No.
41, to add that it may be modified at the
time of Tentative Tract review in conjunction
with the Specific Plan, consistent with this
Condition. The Commission concurred with the
3. A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Moran to adopt
Resolution 89-035, approving the extension of
time for Specific Plan 85-006, subject to
revised conditions of approval. Following
roll call vote, the motion was unanimously
VII. OTHER - None.
A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Commissioner Moran to adjourn to a
regular meeting on June 13, 1989, at _7:00 p.m., in
the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La
Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta
Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.,
May 23, 1989.