1989 08 08 PC Minutes MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California August 8, 1989 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Zelles. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Zelles, Bund, Steding, Moran, and Chairman Walling. B. Staff Present: Planning and Development Director, Jerry Herman, and Principal Planner Stan Sawa. C. The first order of business was the election of new officers for the Commission. Commissioner Steding nominated John Walling as Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Bund. Unanimously appointed. Commissioner Zelles nominated Lucia Moran as Vice Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Steding. Unanimously appointed. III. HEARINGS Chairman Walling introduced the Public Hearing items as follows: A. Continued Public Hearing - Zoning Ordinance Amendment 89-0908 and Change of Zone 89-043 (Hillside Conservation Ordinance); a City-initiated request to amend Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, relating to Planning and Zoning, adding Chapter 9.145, Hillside Conservation Zone, and to re-zone those properties which meet the criteria set forth in the proposed Ordinance to HC from various residential zoning designations; affecting all hillside areas above the toe-of-slope of the Santa Rosa Mountains. MR/MIN08- 08. DFT - 1- 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information relating to the continuance of the request. 2. A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Bund to continue discussion to September 1'2, 1989. Unanimously adopted. B. Variance 89-007; a request by Carol Cleek to create a lot which is more than 2-1/2 times its width (variance to Section 9.42.050 B(2).); located at 53-120 Herrera. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Carol Cleek, the Applicant, addressed the Commission to explain the request. There being no further comment, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing. 3. The Commission discussed the item as presented. A Motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Bund to adopt_ Resolution 89-036, concurring with the environmental assessment and approving Variance 89-007, subject to attached conditions, and contingent upon submission to the Commission, at the Study Session level, of a plot plan, landscape plan, and proof of compliance with all City Codes. Following roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. c. Variance 89-009; a request by Michael Tuvell for the approval of a' variance from the front yard setback requirement of 20 feet in the SR (Special Residential Single-Family) zone to allow a 15-1/2 foot front yard setback for residence constructed in error; located at 51-701 Avenida Martinez. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. MR/MIN08- 08. DFT - 2- 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Michael Tuvell, the Applicant, addressed the Commission to answer any questions they might have. There being no further comment, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing. 3. The Commission discussed the request as presented. A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to adopt Resolution 89-037, approving Variance 89-009. Following roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. D. Tentative Tract 24774; a request by Bud Furman for approval to subdivide 40 gross acres into 136 single-family lots, one park site/retention basin, and other miscellaneous lots in the A-l-20 zone (Riverside County zoning - to be annexed into the City of La Quinta); located on the northwest corner of Madison Street and 54th Avenue. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Bob Smith, the Applicant's Engineer, addressed the Commission on behalf of the Applicant to explain the project. Mr. Bob Kull and Ms. Dorothy Collin addressed the Commission in opposition to the density of the proposal. The Commission also received a comment letter from Ms. Dorothy Papazian in protest of the proposal. There being no further comment, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing. 3. The Commission discussed the request as presented. It was the consensus of the Commission to include a condition for meandering perimeter walls with varying setback, averaging 20 feet. A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and seconded by Commissioner Moran to adopt Resolution 89-038, recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract 24774, subject to conditions as amended; and concurrence with the environmental assessment. Following roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. E. Tentative Tract 24507; a request by Steven Brummel for the division of +35 acres into 25 single-family estate lots and one well site lot; located on the north side of Avenue 52, ~2,650 feet east of the Jefferson Street centerline. Commissioner Zelles announced that he had a potential conflict of interest, and abstained from discussion of the request. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, including minor modifications to the Conditions of Approval, copies of which are on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Steve Brummel, the Applicant, addressed the Commission urging approval of the proposal. Gabriel Papp, the Applicant's planning consultant, addressed the Commission stating concurrence with Staff's amended conditions. There being no further comment, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing. 3. A motion was made'by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Bund to adopt .Resolution 89-039, recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract 24507, subject to conditions as modified. Following roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted, with Commissioner Zelles abstaining. F. Public Use Permit 89-004; a City-initiated request to allow conversion of an existing single-family residence into an office for governmental purposes in the R-V-5445 zone; located at 51-351 Avenida Bermudas. Commissioners Moran and Bund abstained from discussion of this item, due to conflicts of interest. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. John Bund, representing the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Commission to explain the Chamber's plans for refurbishing the MR/MIN08-08.DFT -4- building. There being no further comment, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing. 3. A Minute Motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and seconded by Commissioner Steding to approve Public Use Permit 89-004, subject to attached conditions. Unanimously adopted, with Commissioners Moran and Bund abstaining. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT No one wished to address the Commission. V. CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to approve the minutes of the June 13 and June 27, 1989, Planning Commission meetings. Unanimous. vi. BUSINESS Chairman Walling introduced the Business Items as follows: A. Tentative Tract 21939/Variance 87-003; a request by Cody and Brady/Giannini for an extension of time; for a location generally south of the west terminus of Avenue 54, along the west side of the All-American Canal right-of-way. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. The Commission discussed the request as presented. A motion was made by Commissioner Bund and seconded by Commissioner Steding to adopt Resolution 89-040, recommending to the City Council approval of a one-year Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 21939/Variance 87-003, subject to attached conditions. Following roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. VII. OTHER 1. Commissioner Steding announced that she would not be able to attend the second meeting in August due to vacation. VIII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Steding to adjourn to a regular meeting on August 22, 1989, at 7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:30 p.m., August 8, 1989. MR/MTN0 8- 0 8, DFT - 6 -