1989 09 12 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta city Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
September 12, 1989 7:00 p.m.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by
Commissioner Bund.
A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call.
Present: Commissioners Bund, Steding, Moran,
Zelles, and Chairman Walling.
B. Staff Present: Planning and Development Director,
Jerry Herman, and Principal Planners Stan Sawa and
Ted Bower.
Chairman Walling introduced the Public Hearing
items as follows:
A. Continued Public Hearing - Zoning Ordinance
Amendment 89-008, Change of Zone 89-043 (Hillside
Conservation Ordinance), and Transfer of
Development Rights; a City-initiated request to
. amend Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code,
relating to Planning and Zoning, adding Chapter
9.145, Hillside Conservation Zone, and to re-zone
those properties which meet the criteria set forth
in the proposed Ordinance to HC from various
residential zoning designations; affecting all
hillside areas above the toe-of-slope of the Santa
Rosa Mountains.
1. Principal Planner Ted Bower presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
There being no comment, Chairman Walling
closed the Hearing and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
3. Following discussion, a motion was made by
Commissioner Steding and seconded by
Commissioner Zelles to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution No. 89-041,
recommending to the City Council acceptance
of the Negative Declaration based on
Environmental Assessments 89-122 and 89-135,
and the adoption of the Hillside Conservation
Ordinance (ZOA 89-008), the Transfer of
Development Rights Ordinance (ZOA 89-010),
and Change of Zone 89-043. The motion was
carried by the following roll call vote:
Commissioners Steding, Zelles, and Walling
voting yes; Commissioner Bund voting no;
Commissioner Moran abstaining.
B. General Plan Amendment 89-028 and Preannexation
Zoning CZ 89-048 for Annexation No. 5; a
City-initiated request to designate with City of La
Quinta zoning and land uses consistent with current
County designations the property located east of
Jefferson Street, south of 50th Avenue, west and
east of Madison Street, and north and south of 54th
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department, and advised the
Commission that Staff was requesting a
continuance of the Public Hearing to
September 26, 1989, on the advise of the City
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Steve Brummel and Mr. Jeff Cole addressed
the Commission, speaking in favor of the
proposal. Mr. Herman advised the Commission
that three additional letters of comment were
received, two in favor and one against.
There being no further comment at this time,
a motion was made by Commissioner Bund and
seconded by Commissioner Steding to continue
the Public Hearing to September 26, 1989.
C. General Plan Amendment 89-026, Change of Zone
89-045, and Specific Plan Amendment 85-006, No. 1
(Oak Tree West); a request by Landmark Land Company
to redesignate a 36.5-acre site from Commercial to
Low Density Residential on the City's General Plan
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Land Use Map; change the zoning from C-P-S to R-2;
and amend the Specific Plan to eliminate the
commercial land uses (except club house), relocate
a golf tunnel from 52nd Avenue to Jefferson Street,
and other minor changes.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Forrest Haag, representing Landmark Land,
addressed the Commission to explain the
request. There being no further comment,
Chairman Walling closed the Hearing, and
opened the matter for Commission discussion.
3. Commissioner Moran indicated that she would
like to see the Conditions of Approval
modified to restrict any maintenance
buildings from being seen from the street.
4. A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Commissioner Zelles to adopt
Planning Commission Resolutions 89-043,
89-044, and 89-045, recommending to the City
Council approval of General Plan Amendment
89-026; Change of Zone 89-045; Specific Plan
Amendment 85-006, No. 1, subject to
conditions modified as follows: No. 8 - All
maintenance buildings and areas shall be so
sited or screened by decorative block wall
and/or landscaping so that they cannot be
seen from public streets; No. 9 - On the
project site south of 52nd Avenue (new
alignment), decorative wrought iron or steel
tube fencing shall be utilized in place of a
perimeter block wall, to allow views into
greenbelt areas of prOject; No. 10 -
Condition No. 23 (Conditions dated June 20,
1989) shall be amended to require that
lighting plans be subject to the draft "Dark
Sky" Ordinance; and also recommending to the
City Council concurrence with the
environmental determination for a Negative
Commissioner Moran restated that the motion
included the screening of the maintenance
buildings. Commissioner Zelles then
retracted his second of the motion.
Commissioner Moran then seconded the motion.
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Upon roll call vote, the motion was adopted
with Commissioner Zelles voting against.
D. General Plan Amendment 89-027, Change of Zone
89-046, and Public Use Permit 89-005; a request by
Landmark Land Company to redesignate a 47.2-acre
site from Low Density Residential to Commercial on
the City's General Plan Land Use Map, to change the
zoning from A-l-10 to C-P-S, and to construct a
140-child day care center on a one-acre site
located in the southwest corner of the site;
located northwest of the Jefferson Street and 50th
Avenue intersection.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Forrest Haag spoke on behalf of the
Applicant, Landmark Land Company. Mr.
Campagna addressed the Commission, asking why
there should be two commercial areas. There
being no further comment, Chairman Walling
closed the Hearing, and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
-3. Commissioner Moran felt that changing to a
Commercial designation would not be
compatible with surrounding uses.
Commissioner Steding would like to see a
better analysis; needs more justification for
commercial at that location. Commissioners
Bund, Moran, and Chairman Walling concurred.
Commissioner Zelles felt there was no need
for such a delay.
4. A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Commissioner Moran to continue
the Hearing to October 10, 1989, to allow
time for compilation of a more in-depth
analysis on the designation of Commercial at
that location. Following roll call vote, the
motion was adopted with Commissioner Zelles
voting against.
E. Tentative Tract 24889; a request by Landmark Land
Company for approval to divide 426 acres into 108
lots (54 numbered and 54 lettered lots) for
financing and conveyance purposes in the R-2 zone;
located at the northwest corner of 52nd Avenue and
Jefferson Street (Oak Tree West).
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1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of Which is~ on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Forrest Haag addressed the Commission on
behalf of the Applicant, Landmark Land
Company, suggesting various changes to the
proposed Conditions of Approval. There being
no further comment, Chairman Walling closed
the Hearing and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
3. Following discussion, a motion was made by
Commissioner Zelles and seconded by
Commissioner Bund to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 89-046, recommending
to the City Council approval of Tentative
Tract 24889, subject to conditions revised to
add to Condition No. 22 the wording "...shall
make an effort...", and to delete conditions
19 and 27. Following roll call vote, the
motion was unanimously adopted.
-- F. Tentative Tract 24890 and Variance 89-010; a
request by JM Peters Company for approval to divide
404+ acres into 562 residential lots and 99
miscellaneous lots; and for a variance to allow
some lots to be 55 feet wide rather than 60 feet
wide, allowing duplexes in the R-2 zone; for a
location at the northwest corner of 52nd Avenue and
Jefferson Street (Oak Tree West).
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Stan Morris addressed the Commission on
behalf of the Applicant, JM Peters Company.
Forrest Haag of Landmark Land Company
addressed the Commission to request that only
minimal road improvements be required. There
being no further comment, Chairman Walling
closed the Hearing and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
3. Following discussion, a motion was made by
Commissioner Moran and seconded by
Commissioner Steding to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 89-047, recommending to
the City Council approval of Tentative Tract
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24890, subject to conditions, with Condition
37 revised to include the phrase, "...prior
to issuance of building permits to construct
tunnel", and a revision to Condition 48 to
add the phrase, "...decorative wrought iron
or steel tube fencing shall be used to allow
views into project, if in conformance with
acoustical study"; and to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 89-048, approving
Variance 89-010, subject to conditions.
Following roll call vote, the motion was
unanimously adopted.
G. Tentative Tract 24950 and Change of Zone 89-047; a
request by Chong B. Lee to divide a +8.9-acre
portion into 37 single-family lots, and to change
the zoning from R-l-12,000 to R-l; for a location
at the northeast corner of Miles Avenue and Dune
Palms Road.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
There being no comment, the Chairman closed
the Hearing and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
3. A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Commissioner Zelles to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 89-049,
recommending to the City Council approval of
Tentative Tract 24950, subject to conditions;
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
89-050, recommending to the City Council
approval of Change of Zone 89-047; and
recommending concurrence with the
environmental analysis. Following roll call
vote, the motion was unanimously adopted.
H. Specific Plan 87-009 (Amendment No. 1), Change of
Zone 89-040, and General Plan Amendment 89-025
(partial); City-initiated requests for a zone
change from R-3 (General Residential) to C-V-T
(Commercial Village Tampico) on +5.6 acres; a
General Plan Amendment from High Density
Residential to Urban Mix (part of GPA 89-025); and
an amendment to the Village Specific Plan (SPA
89-009, No. 1); for an area generally bounded by
Avenida Tampico to the north, Avenida Navarro to
the east, Avenida Villa to the southeast, Avenida
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Martinez to the southwest, and Eisenhower Drive to
the west.
1. Principal Planner Ted Bower presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Ms. Kathy Mitten of Terra Nova Planning,
representing Mr. Eddie Nicholson, addressed
the Commission in favor of the proposals.
Mr. Louis Campagna addressed the Commission
in favor of the proposals. Ms. Audrey
Ostrowsky addressed the Commission, saying
she has mixed feelings about the matter.
There being no further comment, Chairman
Walling closed the Hearing and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
3. Commissioner Zelles said that the proposed
changes are appropriate to that area and
should be done. The rest of the Commission
concurred. A motion was made by Commissioner
Bund and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 89-051,
_ recommending to the City Council the approval
of Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan 87-009;
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No.
89-052, recommending to the City Council
approval of Change of Zone 89-040; and
Resolution 89-053 to recommending concurrence
with the Negative Declaration. Following
roll call vote, the motion was unanimously
I. General Plan Amendment 89-025; City-initiated
requests as follows:
Text Amendments
1. Redesignating the area north of La Quinta back
to "Urban Mix", allowing both commercial uses and
high density residential uses.
2. Adding as Primary Street Image Corridors Fred
Waring Drive and Jefferson Street.
3. Adding as Secondary Street Image Corridors
Miles Avenue, 48th Avenue, and Adams Street between
48th Avenue and Highway 111. Striking Jefferson as
a Secondary Image Corridor.
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4.a. Allowing Cadiz, Barcelona, and Amigo to
remain as 50-foot rights-of-way to preserve
the pedestrian emphasis of the Village and to
protect long-established landscaping material.
b. Redesignating Avenida Bermudas from a
Secondary Arterial to a Collector between the
new alignment of 52nd Avenue to Tampico, to
protect the pedestrian emphasis of the
5. The revision of the recently- adopted 1989
Housing Element to incorporate improvement
suggestions from the State Office of Housing and
Community Development.
Map Amendments
A. Redesignating the following as Major Community
Facilities: La Quinta Park, Fritz Burns Park, the
U.S. Post Office, Riverside County Fire Station
No. 70 at PGA West, and Station No. 32 on 52nd
B. Creating in the Land Use Map Legend a new
category of "Urban Mix" and redesignating the area
north of the Park to "Urban Mix".
C. Revising the Circulation Plan with respect to
right-of-way widths and cross-section through
coordination with adjacent jurisdictions:
Jefferson, 52nd Avenue, 54th Avenue, Airport
Boulevard, 58th Avenue, 60th Avenue, Monroe Street,
and the redesignation of Avenida Bermudas to a
Specific Plan Amendments (87-009, #1)
Amending the Village at La Quinta Specific Plan to
redesignate the area north of the Park to Urban Mix
as a fifth commercial/residential segment of the
Village Plan, and presenting development standards
for that area.
Title 9 of the Municipal Code
Amending Chapter 9.90, "Commercial Village (C-V)
Zone" to incorporate the area north of the Park as
an "Urban Mix" area, to specify permitted uses, and
to specify development standards for that area.
(ZOA 89-007)
Chanqe of Zone 89-040
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Rezoning the area north of the Park bounded by
Calle Tampico, Eisenhower Drive, Avenida Villa, and
the mid-block line east of Avenida Navarro to C-V
(Commercial Village), Subzone C-V-T (Tampico).
1. Principal Planner Ted Bower presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
There being no comment, the Chairman closed
the Hearing and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
3. Commissioner Moran stated for the record that
she has a problem with the minimum five
percent affordable requirement on all
multi-family projects and that she is
concerned that it will cause the loss of high
quality projects.
A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Commissioner Moran to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 89-054,
recommending to the City Council concurrence
--. with the Negative Declaration and approval of
General Plan Amendment No. 89-025. Following
roll call vote, the motion was unanimously
J. Amendment of Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal
Code; a City-initiated request to add Chapter 9.210
"Outdoor Light Control" (also known as the "Dark
Sky Ordinance"), which restricts the permitted use
of outdoor artificial illuminating devices emitting
undesirable light rays which have a detrimental
effect on astronomical observations, and/or which
inefficiently utilize scarce electrical energy,
and/or which create a public nuisance; mercury
vapor lights would be prohibited one year from the
effective date of the Chapter; other sources of
lights would require shielding or filters.
1. Principal Planner Ted Bower presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Ernie Webb addressed the Commission in
opposition to the amendment. There being no
further comment, Chairman Walling closed the
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Hearing and opened the matter for Commission
3. Commissioner Moran suggested that the
condition prohibiting the use of searchlights
be modified to read, "...unless allowed by
Special Advertising Device Permit approved by
the City Council."
A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and
seconded by Commissioner Steding to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 89-055,
recommending to the City Council concurrence
with the Negative Declaration and approval of
the "Dark Sky Ordinance", including the
change regarding the use of searchlights.
Following roll call vote, the motion was
unanimously adopted.
No one wished to address the Commission.
A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Moran to approve the
minutes of the August 22 and August 29, 1989,
Planning Commission meetings. Unanimous.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and
seconded by Commissioner Steding to adjourn to a
regular meeting on September 26, 1989, at 7:00
p.m., in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle
Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the
La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at
10:25 p.m., September 12, 1989.
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