1989 10 10 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta city Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
October 10, 1989 7:00 p.m.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by
Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by
Commissioner Bund.
A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call.
Present: Commissioners Bund, Moran, Zelles, and
Chairman Walling. Commissioner Steding was absent.
B. A motion was made by Chairman Walling and seconded
by Commissioner Bund to excuse Commissioner Steding
from this meeting. Unanimous.
C. Staff Present: Planning and Development Director
Jerry Herman and Principal Planner stan Sawa.
Chairman Walling introduced the Public Hearing
items as follows:
A. Continued Hearing - General Plan Amendment 89-027,
Change of Zone 89-046, and Public Use Permit
89-005; requests by Landmark Land Company to
redesignate the 47.2-acre site from Low Density
Residential to Commercial on the City's General
Plan Land Use Map; to change the zoning from A-l-10
to C-P-S; and to construct a 140-child day care
center on a one-acre site located in the southwest
corner of the site.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department. Mr. Herman also
informed the Commission that the Applicant
had requested that the request for the Public
Use Permit be continued.
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2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Forrest Haag of Landmark Land Company briefly
addressed the Commission, then introduced
Barry Ingleman who addressed the Commission
to explain the request for commercial on the
site. Ann Melvin addressed the Commission
with concerns regarding traffic impacts.
There being no further comment, Chairman
Walling closed the Hearing and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
3. Commissioner Zelles commented that the area
makes sense to be commercial, that commercial
development on Highway 111 and the downtown
area will come on its own and doesn't need to
be forced. Commissioner Bund agreed with
Commissioner Zelles' comments. Commissioner
Moran commented that she was not comfortable
with the reference to "neighborhood"
commercial, that it was an inappropriate term
in this situation.
A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Moran to adopt
Planning Commission Resolutions 89-058 and
89-059, recommending to the City Council
approval of General Plan Amendment 89-027 and
Change of Zone 89-046, with the resolutions
revised to delete the word "neighborhood" _ in
all references to the commercial land use;
recommending concurrence with the
environmental determination; and continuing
the consideration of Public Use Permit
89-005. Following roll call vote, the motion
was unanimously adopted, with Commissioner
Steding absent.
B. Tentative Tract 21846 (Revision No. 2); a request
by the Sunrise Company for a revision to the
Tentative Tract Map to modify unit types, their
locations, and increase total number of dwelling
units within the tract from 367 to 434 on 56.51
acres (including lakes) in the R-2 zone.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department. Mr. Sawa also called
the Commission's attention to two letters of
protest which were handed to them prior to
the meeting.
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2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
Allen Levine, representing Sunrise Company,
addressed the Commission to explain the
request. The following citizens addressed
the Commission in protest of the request:
Phil Chandler, Ivan Simivitch, Geraldine
Hall, Kristy Franklin, Marshall Johnson, Mrs.
Harbert, Bebe Sanoff, John Triana, George
Richards, Pete Morithroe, Robert Pruett, Ted
Harbert, Charles Swartz, Frank Pierson, and
Bob Shaeffer. They raised concerns regarding
two-story units, density, traffic,
congestion, views, property values, and
emergency access. Mr. Philip Smith,
representing Sunrise Company, addressed the
Commission to further explain Sunrise
Company's approach to PGA West and to further
explain the request. There being no further
comment, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing
and opened the matter for Commission
3. Commissioner Moran commented that she feels
some misinformation was given to present
owners when they bought; that street widths
should be looked at; and that she would not
be comfortable recommending an approval at
this time. Commissioner Zelles commented
that he agreed with Commissioner Moran and
that a balance needs to be found.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and
seconded by Commissioner Zelles to continue
the Public Hearing for Tentative Tract 21846
(Revision No. 2) to October 24, 1989, and to
schedule a Study Session for the week of
October 16, 1989, with representatives from
Sunrise Company, PGA West Homeowners,
Planning Division, and City Council.
Unanimously adopted.
A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Bund to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 89-060
recommending approval of a one-year time
extension for Tentative Tract 21846,
extending the approval expiration date to
October 7, 1990. Following roll call vote,
the motion was unanimously adopted, with
Commissioner Steding absent.
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C. Specific Plan 121-E, Amendment No. 2, and Plot Plan
89-041; a request by Landmark Land Company for
approval of a Specific Plan Amendment to allow
elimination of a tennis court and construction of
additional hotel units; and Plot Plan approval to
allow construction of 77 hotel units in a two-story
structure on the site where a championship tennis
court now exists, in the R-3 zone on 1.7~ acres;
on the west side of Avenida Obregon, approximately
midway between Avenida Fernando and Calle Mazatlan
(championship tennis court site).
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa and Planning
Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing.
The following citizens addressed the
Commission in opposition to the request:
Melissa Layton, representing the Santa Rosa
Cove Homeowners Association, Ellie Dowd, John
Lissberger, Nels Sandstrum, Elaine Lloyd, Ed
Warnsides, John Lucas, Ann Melvin, Toni
Warnsides, and Judy Blum. They expressed
various concerns regarding parking problems,
traffic, security, density, drainage, and
emergency access. John Curtis addressed the
Commission to urge both sides to reach a
compromise. Forrest Haag and Greg Abadie,
representing Landmark Land Company, addressed
the Commission to state Landmark's position
on some of the matters raised by those in
opposition. There being no further comment,
Chairman Walling opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
3. Commissioner Bund commented that he is
disappointed with this situation and does not
like the lack of communication between
Landmark and the residents. Commissioner
Zelles commented that the residents have to
expect other development, that it would be
unrealistic to think that such progress
should not occur.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and
seconded by Commissioner Bund to continue the
Public Hearing on Specific Plan 121-E,
Amendment No. 2, and Plot Plan 89-041 to
October 24, 1989. Commissioner Moran also
suggested that the parties involved get
together to discuss their concerns, and
inform the Planning Commission of the
outcome. Commissioner Zelles said he felt
the Hearing should not be continued, but
rather the requests be approved and sent to
the City Council for further resolution. A
roll call vote was held for the motion on the
floor, Commissioners Bund, Moran, and
Chairman Walling voting aye, and Commissioner
Zelles voting no. The motion was carried by
a 3-to-1 vote, with Commissioner Steding
IV. Due to the fact it was now 11:30 p.m., a motion was
made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by
Commissioner Zelles to continue the remaining
agenda items to the next regularly-scheduled
Planning Commission meeting on October 24, 1989.
Unanimously adopted.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and
seconded by Commissioner Zelles to adjourn to a
continued regular meeting on October 24, 1989, at
7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle
Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the
La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at
11:32 p.m., October 10, 1989.
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