1989 10 24 PC Minutes CC
A regular.meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
October 24, 1989 7:00 p.m.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
Vice Chairman Moran. The Flag Salute was led by
Commissioner Steding.
A. Vice Chairman Moran requested the roll call.
Present: Commissioners Bund, Zelles, and Steding;
Chairman Walling was absent.
B. A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Bund to excuse Chairman
Walling from this meeting. Unanimous.
C. Staff Present: Planning and Development Director
Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and
Principal Planner Ted Bower.
D. A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Bund to re-order the
Agenda, moving Business Session items 1, 2, and 3
and Public Hearing item 3 to the beginning of the
Agenda. Unanimous.
Vice Chairman Moran introduced the Business Items
as follows:
A. Continued Item - Park Proposal; a request by
ESCO/Deane Homes for approval of a parkland
proposal for Tentative Tract 23971; located on the
northeast corner of Washington Street and Miles
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. The Commission discussed the matter as
presented. Commissioner Bund inquired of
Staff if there are any requirements for a
barrier along Bradford Circle where the
elevation changes along the sidewalk and the
drainage area. Planning Director Jerry
Herman responded that the slope is 5:1 and
considered gentle enough to be safe.
3. A minute motion was made by Commissioner
Steding and seconded by Commissioner Zelles
to approve the plans for the park as
presently designed, subject to attached
conditions. Unanimously adopted.
B. Time Extension for Tentative Tract 21880; a request
by I.D.G. Development for a second one-year time
extension for the filing of a final map for a
330-1ot subdivision on 736+ acres; located at the
southeast corner of Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas.
1. Dr. Steven Carter of the Desert Trails
Association -addressed the Commissign,
requesting the consideration of a 12-foot
easement along the back of the project along
the mountain for a trail.
2. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
3. The Commission discussed the request as
presented. Commissioner Steding questioned
whether this was the proper forum to address
Dr. Carter's request. Commissioner Zelles
responded that Dr. Carter was just asking for
a dialogue with the Developer, and it could
be made a part of the Resolution.
4. A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Steding to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 89-061,
recommending approval of a second one-year
time extension for Tentative Tract 21880,
subject to attached conditions and that an
in-depth dialogue be held with Dr. Carter.
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Following roll call vote, the motion was
unanimously adopted, with Chairman Walling
C. Time Extension for Tentative Tract 21123; a request
by Landmark Landmark Land Company for a final
one-year extension of time for the filing of a
final map for a 20-lot subdivision on 6.74+ acres
within the Duna La Quinta specific Plan; located
generally west of Washington Street, 2800 feet
south of Avenue 50.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Bund to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 89-062,
recommending approval of the one-year time
extension for Tentative Tract 21123, subject
to attached conditions. Following roll call
vote, the motion was unanimously adopted,
with Chairman Walling absent.
Vice Chairman Moran introduced the Public Hearing
items as follows:
C. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 89-012; a City-initiated
request for revision to the current Parking
Ordinance, Municipal Code Chapter 9.160; effective
1. Principal Planner Ted Bower presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Moran opened the Public
Hearing. No one wished to address the
Commission at this time.
3. A motion was made by Commissioner Bund and
seconded by Commissioner Zelles to continue
the Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Amendment
89-012. Following roll call vote, the motion
was unanimously adopted, with Chairman
Walling absent.
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A. Continued Hearing - Tentative Tract 21846 (Revision
No. 2); a request by the Sunrise Company for a
revision to the Tentative Tract Map to modify unit
types, their locations, and increase total number
of dwelling units within the tract from 367 to 434
on 56.51 acres (including lakes) in the R-2 zone.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Moran opened the Public
Hearing. Allen Levine, representing Sunrise
Company, addressed the Commission to explain
the request. Commissioner Steding asked the
Applicants if the Medalists are higher
density than other areas of PGA; if they are
the highest density in PGA West. Mr. Levine
responded affirmatively. Commissioner
Steding asked why that particular location.
Mr. Levine responded that it was a marketing
decision. Commissioner Zelles asked the
Applicants why can't these units be placed
elsewhere in PGA vacant area. Mr. Levine
responded that there is no other area that is
not on a fairway. Commissioner Bund asked
the Applicants if a site line study has been
done. Mr. Levine used an illustration to
explain the site line impact.
The following citizens addressed the
Commission in protest of the request: Laurie
Arrants, Pete Morithroe, Kristie Franklin,
William Walter, Sonny Frolin, Karen
Pelletier, Robert Percibal, Mrs. Moses, Bob
Pruett, Mr. Grayford, Richard Lenhardt, Anna
de Lorta, Geraldine Hall, Gordon Davis, Ralph
Halley, Jane Pruett, Ted Klien, Trisha
Walter, Phil Pelletier, Art Markowitz. They
raised concerns regarding two-story units,
density, traffic, congestion, views, property
values, and emergency access. Mr. Philip
Smith, representing Sunrise Company,
addressed the Commission to further explain
the request.
Commissioner Steding asked Staff if the
Medalists were to be denied, would the Greens
approval still be in effect. Mr. Herman
responded yes. Ms. Steding asked what has
been the total percentage density increase
for this tract since November 1988. Mr.
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Herman responded that it has been about 40
percent. Ms. Steding asked whether the
Medalist unit type models were approved for a
specific tract. Mr. Herman responded no.
Ms. Steding noted that the Findings state
that the Medalists' fewer curb cuts will
allow more parking; she inquired that since
density is higher, isn't the need for parking
greater? Mr. Herman responded that it is
essentially a wash.
There being no further comment, Vice Chairman
Moran closed the Hearing and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
3. The Commission discussed the matter in depth
and determined to summarize their comments
during the roll call vote on the following
A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Vice Chairman Moran recommending
denial of Planning Commission Resolution
request 89-063 for Tentative Tract 21846,
Revision No. 2. Roll call vote was held, as
Commissioner Bund: AYE. Wants to see better
product design for the area. Also, stated
earlier - that there were traffic safety
concerns, and that he did not agree with
Resolution Findings 6 and 8.
Commissioner Steding: AYE. Unable to agree
with Resolution Findings 6 and 8.
Commissioner Zelles: NO. Feels the
Applicant has fulfilled all requirements.
Says that when a density problem is
addressed, it is something that exists
throughout the whole area -- to say you don't
want these people here and move them
somewhere else and intensify another area is
not a solution. Feels that the Medalist
structure, in comparison to the structure
that will eventually go there, is much more
Vice Chairman Moran: AYE. Doesn't like such
density increase on small streets; a 40
percent increase with no additional
amenities. Is not comfortable with an
approval without seeing the total negative
impact. Cannot agree with Resolution
Findings 6 and 8. Also noted that she wants
a Study Session with the City Council on the
entire PGA West Specific Plan.
Chairman Walling: ABSENT.
The motion was carried as a denial of the
request by a vote of 3-1-1; 3 for, 1 against,
and 1 absent.
B. Specific Plan 121-E, Amendment No. 2, and Plot Plan
89-041; a request by Landmark Land Company for
approval of a Specific Plan Amendment to allow
elimination of a tennis court and construction of
additional hotel units; and Plot Plan approval to
allow construction of 77 of the 80 requested hotel
units in a two-story structure on the site where a
championship tennis court presently exists, in the
R-3 zone on 1.7+ acres; on the west side of
Avenida Obregon, approximate ly midway between
Avenida Fernando and Calle Mazatlan (championship
tennis court site).
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff Report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Moran reopened the Public
Hearing. Forrest Haag and Alej andro
Mar tinez, representing the Applicant,
addressed the Commission to explain the
request. Melissa Layton, Property
Association Manager for Santa Rosa Cove,
addressed the Commission and read a statement
from the Association' s Board of Directors
asking for a 30-day continuance, and a letter
of protest from the President of the Board.
Eleanor Dowd, Judy Blum, Elaine Lloyd, Nels
Sandst rom, Genevieve Lucas, and Wa lter
Freidis addressed the Commission in
opposition to the request. Ms. Dowd also
presented to the Commission photos of parking
and through-traffic/emergency access problems
on Avenida Obregon.
Commissioner Steding asked Staff what is the
required additional parking for a 77 -room
addition. Planning Director Herman responded
that the parking meets the minimum
requirement for the total project.
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Commissioner Moran asked if the location of
required parking spaces is regulated. Mr.
Herman responded no. Commissioner Moran
asked if additional employee parking was
addressed. Mr. Herman responded yes. Ms.
Moran asked if the type of hotel is
considered. Mr. Herman responded no.
Commissioner Bund asked if the parking
analysis takes into account additional hotel
expansion. Mr. Herman responded that a new
analysis was done for this expansion.
Commissioner Bund asked the Applicant if the
parking analysis takes into account the
parking at the tennis club. Mr. Haag
responded yes. Commissioner Zelles commented
that growth in the area is inevitable.
Vice Chairman Moran polled the Commission for
a consensus regarding continuing the Hearing
versus making a recommendation. The
consensus was unanimously against
continuance. There being no further comment,
Vice Chairman Moran closed the Hearing and
opened the matter for Commission discussion.
3. Commissioner Steding stated that she had no
problem with approving the project, and that
the problems aired need to be addressed at
the management level with all involved
agencies. Commission Zelles stated that he
agreed with Commissioner Steding. Vice
Chairman Moran also agreed, and stated that
parking seems to be a problem - that the
hotel needs to take a hard look and consider
additional parking. Commissioner Bund also
agreed, and recommended to all involved to
get together, and if that results in no
satisfaction, bring the issue to the City
Council and City Staff.
A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and
seconded by Commissioner Steding to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 89-064,
recommending approval of Specific Plan 121-E,
Amendment No. 2. Following roll call vote,
the motion was unanimously adopted, with
Chairman Walling absent.
A Minute Motion was made by Commissioner
Steding and seconded by Commissioner Zelles
to recommend approval of Plot Plan 89-041,
subject to conditions modified to specify in
Condition 1 that the approval is for 77
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units, and an addition to Condition 9 to
include a golf cart/pedestrian access.
Unanimously adopted.
No one wished to address the Commission.
A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Commissioner Bund to approve the
minutes of the September 12, September 26, and
October 10, 1989, Planning Commission meetings.
Commissioner Moran asked that the Specific Plan for
PGA West be the subject of a future discussion.
Commissioner Bund asked that a review of the City's
life-safety support design, including access and
circulation, public and private, be the subject of
a future discussion.
A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and
seconded by Commissioner Bund to adjourn to a
regular meeting on November 14, 1989, at 7:00 p.m.,
in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La
Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta
Planning commission was adjourned at 11:15 p.m.,
October 24, 1989.
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