1990 03 13 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta city Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
March 13, 1990 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by
Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by
Commissioner Bund.
A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call.
Present: Commissioners Zelles, Moran, Bund,
Steding and Chairman Walling.
B. Staff Present: Planning and Development Director
Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa,
Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
Chairman Walling turned the meeting over to Vice
Chairman Moran due to a possible conflict of
interest. Vice Chairman Moran introduced the
Public Hearing as follows:
A. Tentative Tract 25237; a request of La Quinta
Joint Venture to re-subdivde +26.81 acres within
recorded Tracts 14496-6 and 14496-7, from 13
condominium lots and 127 units to 54 single family
lots for detached custom homes.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. There being no questions of Staff, Vice
Chairman Moran opened the public hearing.
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3. Tom Hill, representing the Applicant, La
Quinta Joint venture, spoke briefly regarding
the project and asked the Commission to make
modifications regarding Conditions of
Approvals ~5, 13, 28, and 29.
4. Mr. James Lloyd, Mr. Harry Guise, Mr. Ronald
Patton all addressed the Commission on the
matter of traffic safety due to number of
cars traveling on Obregon through the
Mazatlan gate. They stressed the need to
have the Obregon gate installed now.
5. Vice Chairman Moran closed the public hearing
and the Commission questioned the Applicant
regarding the excessive traffic, the Obregon
gate, and the timing of all the gates. It
was stated by the Applicant that the funding
for the project and the street (gate)
improvements were all tied together and trey
were unable to proceed until there funding
was received.
6. Discussion followed regarding the Conditions
of Approval. It was recommended that:
a. The reference to 5he Santa Rosa Cove
Homeowner's Association contained in
Condition #5 be deleted.
b. Condition #12.c. be amended as requested
by the Engineering Department.
c. Condition #13 be amended to reflect
"prior to Final Map" and address the
d. Condition #28 be amended to allow two
stories and 24-feet in height.
e. Condition 929.a. be amended to read
"6-months after pulling grading permit".
f. Condition #29.b. be amended to read
"7-months after pulling grading permit".
g. Condition #29.c. be amended to read
"3-months after pulling grading permit"
and language to the effect that no legal
action regarding the gates would prevent
the continued construction of the
7. Following the discussion, Commissioner Zelles
moved to adopt Resolution 90-010 recommending
approval of Tentative Tract 25237 subject to
the amended conditions. Commission Steding
seconded the motion and on a roll call vote
passed unanimously with Chairman Walling
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Vice Chairman Moran returned the meeting to
Chairman Walling who introduced the next public
B. Public Hearing for street name chanqes for 50th
Avenue, 52nd Avenue, and 54th Avenue. A referral
of the City Council for consideration of possible
name changes for the above streets.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff report a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Walling opened the public hearing.
The following addressed the Commission in
opposition of the street name change:
Sharon Kennedy, Richard Moreno, Fred Wolfe,
Gary Stone, and Steve Rein.
3. The following addressed the Commission in
favor of the street name change:
Stormie Fairweather, Mark Simon, Howard
Nelson, Fred Rice, Jim Montgomery
4. Chairman Walling closed the public hearing
and opened the matter for discussion.
Commissioner Moran pointed out that 84
signatures had been received in favor of the
name change and only 6 against. She stated
that she felt the community was in favor of
the name change, and that the suggestions
made tonight for streets to be named for
historical persons should be considered by
the Community Services Commission.
5. Commissioner Zelles stated that he had been
in favor of the name change but after
listening to those speaking tonight he felt
that the name change should not be changed.
Other areas should be considered for honoring
these men.
6. Commissioner Steding also stated that she was
not in favor of changing the names. She felt
that there were two movements. One to thank
prominent people for contributing their
· -- talents for local causes. She felt that
everyone in the community owed their time and
energy and should not need to have streets
named after them. Second, to use public
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figure names as a commerce developer and
would be more of a fad. She felt there were
other historical names that could best be
7. Chairman Walling suggested that a list of
names be compiled of those who had made
contributions to the City and that streets,
parks, statues, etc., be considered for these
8. Following the discussion, Commissioner Moran
moved to adopt Minute Motion 90-006 and
recommend to the City Council that 50th
Avenue be changed to Andy Williams Boulevard,
52nd Avenue be changed to Frank Capra Drive
and that the City Council request the
Community Services Commission consider names
of historical people for streets, parks,
e~c. Commissioner Bund seconded the motion
and on a roll call vote passed on a 3-2 vote
with Commissionera Steding and Zelles voting
Commissioner Steding moved and Commissioner Moran
seconded the motion to approve the minutes of February
27, 1990, with the change to the time of adjournment.
Unanimously approved.
A. Tentative Tract 25389; a request of M. J. Brock &
Sons for architectural review of plans for a 254
lot subdivision generally located on the south side
of 50th Avenue and west of the La Quinta Evacuation
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Moran questioned the distance
from 50th Avenue for the two story units.
3. Following discussion, Commissioner Moran
moved to adopt Minute Motion 90-007 approving
the architectural elevations. Commissioner
Steding seconded the motion and it passed
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B. Specific Plan 87-011; a request of the Washington
Square Group for a one year time extension for a
Specific Plan and AnnUal Review of the Specific
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Jamie L. Davidson, representing the Applicant
spoke regarding the Staff's concern about
Condition #10. He stated that the deed was
in process and would be to the City within
30-days. Planning Director Jerry Herman
requested that a condition be added to the
approval that if the deed is not received
within 30-days the extension approval becomes
null and void.
3. Following discussion, Commissioner Steding
moved to adopt Resolution 90-011 recommending
approval of Specific Plan 87-011 for a one
year extension of time and approval of the
Annual Review subject to the modified
conditions and new condition. Commissioner
Moran seconded the motion and on a roll call
vote passed unanimously.
C. Environmental Conservation Committees
recommendation on the Hillside Conservation Zone.
A report of the Committee as requested by the City
Chairman Walling and Vice Chairman Moran stepped
down due to a possible conflict of interest.
Commissioner Steding chaired the item.
1. Fred Wolfe presented the extensive report of
the Committee to the Commission. The report
reflected the need to preserve the hillsides
of La Quinta from development.
2. Commissioner Steding questioned regarding the
City Attorney's responses regarding a
moratorium or inverse condemnation.
3. Commissioner Bund thanked the Committee for
their extensive work, but philosophically he
disagreed with it. Primarily because if one
person objects then you have a majority and
there are some people who own property in the
hillside who object to this. Also, in lieu
of this, he did not know how developing this
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property would erode our O-Zone. He felt
this could be an opportunity for some very
creative developments to at least be
proposed. He felt there was a way to develop
the hillside without spoiling them and it
would be a real challenge to have the owners
do that without denying them the right to
develop their property.
4. Commissioner Steding stated she agreed with
Commissioner Bund and the Commission did
struggle with the creation of the Hillside
Ordinance and felt they had reached a good
compromise. She greatly appreciated all the
efforts of the Commission but felt the City
should consider any development that is
5. Following discussion it was moved by
Commissioner Zelles to recommend approval of
the report to the City Council and recommend
a one year moratorium. The motion died for
lack of a second.
6. Following further discussion and applauding
the efforts of the Committee, it was moved by
Commissioner Bund to adopt Minute Motion
90-008 and forward to the City Council a
recommendation that no action be taken at
this time. Commissioner Steding seconded the
motion and it carried on a two to one vote
with Commissioner Zelles voting no.
D. A request for a ten foot qarden wall on Washinqton
Street by Larry Deason.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Following discussion regarding the height of
the fence and the Oleanders, it was moved by
Commissioner Steding and seconded by
Commissioner Moran to adopt Minute Motion
90-009 approving the block wall with the
stipulation that if the current Oleanders are
ever removed or destroyed that the owner must
plant Oleanders between the owners wall and
the perimeter wall. The motion carried
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A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by
Commissioner Bund to adjourn to a regular meeting on
March 20, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta city Hall,
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting
of the La Quinta Planning commission was adjourned at
9:08 P.M., March 13, 1990.
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