1990 03 27 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta city Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
March 27, 1990 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by
Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by
Commissioner Zelles.
A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call.
Present: Commissioners Zelles, Moran, Bund,
Steding and Chairman Walling.
B. Staff Present: Planning and Development Director
-- Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa,
Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
A. Tentative Tract 24950, Amendment #1; a request of
Chong Lee to amend Condition of Approval #33
regarding signalization costs.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Steding asked whether the
project to the east would participate in the
cost of the signalization. Principal Planner
Stan Sawa stated they would be paying the
remainder of the cost.
3. Commissioner Moran asked if the City of Indio
would be contributing to the cost. Planning
Director Jerry Herman stated that the
neighboring cities are notified when it
-- affects their jurisdiction.
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4. There being no further questions of Staff,
Chairman Walling opened the public hearing.
No one wished to address the Commission and
Chairman Walling closed the public hearing.
5. Commissioner Steding moved to adopt
Resolution 90-012 recommending to the City
Council approval of the Amendment to
Conditions of Approval #33 for Tentative
Tract 24950 as recommended by Staff.
Unanimously adopted on a roll call vote.
B. Zoninq Ordinance Amendment 89-009; a City
initiated revision of the current fencing
regulations within the SR Zone.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department. The proposed
revisions as discussed at Study Session were
2. Commissioner Bund asked regarding fence
heights and setback requirements in the
frontyard area.
3. Chairman Walling opened the public hearing.
No wished to address the Commission and the
public hearing was closed.
4. Commissioner Zelles asked if when vegetation
is used for screening on chainlink fences if
a means of maintaining this vegetation is
provided. Commissioner Steding stated that
Section 4.a. provides for this.
5. Commissioner Bund asked Item 3.g. be changed
to require a metal frame be used for all
6. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated the
Planning Commission Amendments proposed to
the Fencing Regulations as revised by the
Planning Commission.
7. Based on the Amendments noted, Commissioner
Zelles moved to adopt Resolution 90-013
recommending to the City Council adoption of
Zoning Ordinance Amendment 89-009 revising
the current fencing regulations within the SR
Zone. Commissioner Moran seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
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C. Change of Zone 90-052 and Tentative Tract 25691.
A request of Richard Deman for a change of zone
from R-1 12,000/PD to R-1 and the creation of 39
single family lots on +9 acres on the north side
of Miles Avenue 1/4-mile west of Jefferson Street.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Bund questioned the minimum
width/depth allowed on each lot.
Commissioner Steding the number of units
allowed in regard to the density. Planning
Director Jerry Herman responded that the
tract was just incrementally over the four
dwelling units per acre permitted, and that
such minor deviations have been allowed in
the past. Further, it was felt this was
acceptable since the project has no direct
access to Miles Avenue.
3. Chairman Walling opened the public hearing.
There being no one wishing to address the
Commission, the public hearing was closed.
4. Following discussion, Commissioner Moran
moved to adopt Resolution 90-014 recommending
to the City Council approval of Change of
Zone 90-052 and adopt Resolution 90-015
approving Tentative Tract 25691 subject to
conditions. Commissioner Zelles seconded the
motion and it unanimously passed on a roll
call vote.
Commissioner Moran moved and Commissioner Steding
seconded the motion to approve the minutes of March 13,
1990, with the following changes: Page 3, Steve Ream be
changed to Steve Rein, Commissioner Steding and Zelles'
objections to the street name changes being stated and
the vote corrected from 4-1 to 3-2,and Commissioner Bund
and Steding's comments in regard to th'e Hillside
Conservation Committee's report and recommendation to
City Council be stated. Unanimously approved.
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A. Tentative Tract 24774. A request of Vista
Development (Bud Furman) for a minor change to a
previously approved tract map on the northwest
corner of 54th Avenue and Madison Street.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Following discussion regarding the location
of the well site and shape of the
park/retention basin, Commissioner Moran
moved to adopt Resolution 90-016 recommending
to the City Council approval of the minor
change for Tentative Tract 24774 to reduce
the number of lots from 136 to 119, enlarge
lot sizes and relocate CVWD well site.
Commissioner Bund seconded the motion and it
passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
A. Mr. Bill Brown, representing the Friends of Thermal
Airport, spoke to the Commission regarding the
Master Plan for the airport during the next twenty
A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by
Commissioner Bund to adjourn to a regular meeting on
April 10, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall,
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting
of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at
8:10 P.M., March 27, 1990.
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