1990 06 12 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quints city Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quints, California
June 12, 1990 7=00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by
Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by
Commissioner Moran.
A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call.
Present= Commissioners Zelles, Moran, Steding and
Chairman Walling. Commissioner Bund arrived at
7:15 P.M.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman,
Princi~al_ Planner Stan S&wa,_ Department Secretary
Betty Anthony.
A. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 90-015 & Change of
Zone 90-058 regarding Equestrian Overlay Zone;
consideration of a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment
and Change of Zone to allow the keeping of horses
in portions of Annexation %5.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioners discussed with Staff whether or
not there were any sites within the proposed
area having less than 1.5 acres. It was
determined there were none. Staff responded
to questions regarding the number of horses
that current City zoning will allow, what the
County currently allows, and what the Overlay
Zoning would allow.
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3. Planning Director Herman stated that he had
received a letter from Mr. Steve Bru~_mmel
expressing his objection to the Overlay Zone.
4. There was discussion regarding where horses
are currently located within the annexation
5. Commissioner Moran asked if the CC & R's of
the Green Valley Ranches stipulated that
horses were allowed. Planning Director Jerry
Herman explained that the CC & R's did allow
horses and there had been two attempts to
eliminate horses from the CC & R's and both
attempts were defeated.
6. Commissioner Steding questioned the uses of
the horses in the area and which homeowners
had requested the change of zone. She also
questioned if these people had been notified
of the original change of zone during the
annexation hearings and why it was not dealt
with at that time. Planning Director Jerry
Herman stated that upon completion of this
process, property owners did approach the
Council and inquire about a change of zone to
allow horses. He also clarified what uses
were allowed.
7. Chairman Walling opened the hearing for
public comment. Mr. Keith Reese, a property
owner on 50th Avenue spoke in favor of the
Overlay Zone and noted he bought his land 15
years ago so that he could have horses.
8. Mr. Joe Polzin, a property owner in Green
Valley Ranches stated he had also bought in
this area for the purpose of keeping horses
and this was how the project has been and is
being advertised for sales.
9. Mr. Gary Blecka, a property owner in Green
Valley Ranches, stated that he is on the
Board of Directors for the Ranches and that
this was and is the purpose of the
development to have ranches with horses. He
confirmed the regulations in the CC &
regarding horses. He further stated that the
only ones who were objecting to the horses
were the developers in the project, not the
property owners.
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10. Mr. William Zacker, a property owner in Green
Valley Ranches, inquired whether his house he
had built WOuld be allowed horses as he felt
it was less that 1.5 acres. Planning
Director Jerry Herman clarified that he
entire lot was more than 1.5 acres and would
be allowed to have horses. Mr. Zacker also
stated that he also owned a 8 acre parcel in
the same area and he owned horses and wished
to continue to do.
11. Mr. Sunny Kanlian, a property owner on
Jefferson Street, spoke in objection to the
Overlay Zone. He stated that he bought the
land as agriculture and he had given up
farming the land due to the difficulty of
some of the nuisances of horses. He felt the
horses had affected his quality of living.
He did not object to the horses, but felt
that the number allowed should be reduced.
At the present time, he was in the process of
selling his land and felt that this overlay
might affect the value of his land.
12. Mr. Jeff Cole, a property owner at the
southeast corner of 50th Avenue and Jefferson
Street, inquired as to the ti~e that he would
have to conform to the zoning if the Overlay
Zone did not pass. He asked whether this was
an all or none issue or could property owners
make a choice. Planning Director Jerry
Herman stated that as long as the property to
be zoned was more than 2.5 acres the property
owner could request to have the Overlay
Zone. Mr. Cole did not express an opinion.
He requested additional time to study the
13. Julie Reese, a resident on $0th Avenue,
stated that her livelihood was based on the
training and boarding of horses and that
without the Overlay Zoning she would be
unable to continue on with her work.
14. Chairman Walling closed the hearing and
opened the matter up for discussion.
15. Commissioner Zelles was concerned about the
issue of the manure and how clean-up of it
would be enforced. Planning Director Jerry
Herman explained that the Ordinance carried
regulations for the maintenance of the manure
and that it would fall under City Code
Enforcement jurisdiction and enforcement.
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16. Commissioner Moran stated that she was glad
to see this Overlay Zone to allow the
continuing of this lifestyle. She questioned
the number of horses that were allowed under
the current zoning and what it would be under
the Overlay Zoning. She also asked what
method would be used to enforce the
compliance with the Ordinance. Planning
Director Jerry Herman stated that Code
Enforcement would have the authority to
enforce it.
17. Commissioner Steding stated that she
questioned the overlay at the corner of 50th
Avenue and Jefferson especially with C-P-S
Zoning. She felt that there were not enough
property owners in this area who had
expressed a favorable opinion. There were
only three property owners out of six
represented, and out of those one was for,
one was against and one did not have an
opinion at present.
18. Commissioner Bund reiterated what
Commissioner Steding stated. In addition, he
felt the enforcing of the Ordinance could be
a problem. He felt they should be allowed
the opportunity to continue.
19. Wanda Reese, a property owner on 50th Avenue
clarified that those who were in objection to
the zoning were selling their property and
she was planning to stay.
20. Discussion followed among the Commissioners
regarding the number of horses that would be
allowed under the current zoning versus the
Overlay Zoning and the u~es in the
surrounding areas.
21. Chairman Walling stated that with all of the
development occurring around this area that
time would cause the natural elimination of
the horse uses, but did not feel that the
Commission should force the issue at this
time. The nature of the market would happen
at its natural pace. He asked if at so~e
time the uses surrounding the area were
developed could there be some method of
forcing the horse uses to conform. Planning
Director Jerry Herman stated that in that
area, especially with the Polo grounds on
Madison that the uses would be there. He
stated that there are other areas throughout
the Valley where the two uses were blended
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together and were working well together, such
as Clancy Lane. The people buying around
them know what uses are there.
21. Discussion followed as to areas that had
intermingled horse uses with the golf
community and how that added to the
desirability of the city.
22. Commissioner Steding stated that this should
have been addressed during the Annexation
process and felt this Overlay Zoning was
impacting one property owner favorably and
one negatively.
23. Discussion followed regarding zoning and
areas that had blended the uses of horses
into residential areas.
24. Commissioner Zelles moved to approve
Resolution 90-021 and 90-022 recommending
approval to the City Council concurrence with
the Environmental Analysis and approval of
Change of Zone 90-058 and Zoning Ordinance
Amendment 90-015. Commissioner Moran
seconded the motion. The vote was as follows~
Commissioners Bund, Moran, Zelles, and
Chairman Walling voted Yes. Commissioner
Steding voted no for the reasons as stated
Commissioner Moran moved to approve the Minutes of May 22, 1990
as submitted. Cc~missioner Zelles seconded the motion and it
carried unanimously.
1. Principal Planner Stan Saws presented the Staff report
regarding a request for a code amendment regarding
building heights in the SR Zone. A copy of which is on
file in the Planning and Development Department.
A. Discussion followed as to what was being asked of
the Commission. In essence by allowing a
subterranean garage they would be allowing two
story units in the Cove under the current codes.
Commissioner Bund felt that it would certainly lend
itself to some creative designing. Commissioner
Moran felt it would open up too many problems.
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B. Commissioner Bund stated he felt this could provide
an opportunity for creative design work and should -
be considered. He also had no objection to two
story houses as long as they did not exceed the
17-foot height limit. Commissioner Zelles felt it
gave the City some diversification for
architecture. He also had no objection to the two
story houses as long as they were controlled.
C. Following discussion regarding City policy, flood
regulations, and problems that would be incurred by
allowing the subterranean garages, it was moved by
Commissioner Steding to approve Minute Motion
90-020 to not pursue the amendment. Commissioner
Moran seconded the motion and it carried on the
following vote=
Commissioners Steding, Moran, Walling voted Yes.
Commissioners Bund and Zelles voted No.
2. Commissioner Bund requested that the issue of satellite
dishes in Commercial Zones be put on the next regular
meeting of the Commission.
3. Commissioner Moran asked Staff to request Imperial
Irrigation District to agpear before the Commission to
discuss the underground of utility lines in the City at
the next regular meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by
Commissioner Moran to adjourn to a regular meeting on June 26,
1990, at 7=00 P.M. in the La Quinta city Hall, 78-105 Calls
Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta
Planning commission was adjourned at 8=15 P.M., June 12, 1990.
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