1990 07 10 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
July 10, 1990 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by
Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by
Commissioner Zelles.
A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call.
Present: Commissioners Steding, Zelles, Moran,
Barrows, Mosher, and Chairman Walling.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman,
Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Department Secretary
Betty Anthony.
A. Planning Director Jerry Herman asked the Commission
to approve Resolutions No. 90-030 and 90-031,
resolutions of recognition to be presented to
Chairman John Walling and Commissioner John Bund
thanking them for their contributions to the City
of La Quinta during their terms of office.
Commissioner Zelles moved and Commissioner Steding
seconded the motion to approve Resolutions 90-030
and 90-031 as presented. Unanimously approved.
Planning Director Jerry Herman then presented the
plaques to Chairman Walling and Commissioner Bund.
A. Chairman Walling asked for nominations for the
position of Chairman. Commissioner Zelles
nominated Commissioner Moran. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Steding. Nominations were
closed and Commissioner Moran was elected
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B. Chairman Walling asked for nominations for the _
position of Vice Chairman. Commissioner Zelles
nominated Commissioner Steding. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Moran. Nominations were
closed and Commissioner Steding was elected
C. Chairman Walling turned the gavel and meeting over
to the newly appointed Chairman Moran.
A. Continued Public Hearinq on Internally Illuminated
Addresses for all new residential dwellinqs. A
request of the City to amend the Uniform Building
Code to require internally illuminated address
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in
the Planning and Development Department.
2. There being no questions of Staff, Chairman
No one wished to address the Commission and
3. Commissioner Zelles inquired of Staff if
according to Exhibit "A", residents could
place the illuminated on the current
mailboxes. Planning Director Herman stated
that they would be reviewed on a case by case
basis, but would only be approved where the
pedestal was acceptable for such illumination.
4. Commissioner Steding asked that verbiage be
included to so state that the pedestal could
only be for a single family residence, not
5. Chairman Moran asked that this be recommended
to Council as an Urgency Ordinance.
6. There being no further comments, Commissioner
Steding moved and Commissioner Zelles
seconded the motion to approve Planning
Commission Resolution 90-032 recommending to
the City Council amending the Uniform
Building Code as submitted with the
additional language stating "for a single
family residence only", and that this be
passed as an Urgency Ordinance.
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ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners Zelles,
Steding, Mosher, Barrows, Chairman Moran. Noes:
None. Absent: None. Abstaining: None.
B. Public Use Permit 90-006. A request of the City
for approval to allow construction of a Child
Care/Community Center.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Mosher inquired about the
proximity of the kitchen to the restrooms.
Planning Director Herman explained that due
to the use being for child care there was a
need for this type of visibility.
3. There being no further questions of Staff,
4. Robin Llewellyn, Project Coordinator, spoke
on behalf of the Center.
5. There being no one else wishing to speak,
6. Commissioner Zelles asked if the Design
Review Board had approved the project.
Planning Director Herman stated that the
Board had reviewed the project and had
recommended approval of the architectural
7. Chairman Moran inquired if the Fire Marshal
had any comments. Planning Director Herman
stated that since it was a Child Care Center
it would require approval of the State Fire
8. Following discussion, it was moved by
Commissioner Zelles and seconded by
Commissioner Mosher to approve Minute Motion
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Commissioners Zelles,
Steding, Mosher, Barrows, Chairman Moran. Noes:
None. Absent: None. Abstaining, None.
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A. Audrey Ostrowski, 77-400 Calle Sinaloa, addressed
the Commission regarding her concerns on the
downtown area. She felt the City should be more
sympathetic to the property owner.
B. Mr. Robert Metkus, 79-295 Sunset Ridge, addressed
the Commission regarding his request at the
previous meeting, to have the City establish a
dialog with Coachella Valley Water District. His
inquired as to the status of this request. He
stated that wells were being drilled and well sites
being put aside on the north side of La Quinta.
Homeowners buying property without them knowing
that a well will be built in their backyard. He
stated that La Quinta Palms had already faced this
problem and he wanted the City to prevent this from
happening again. He felt CVWD should be required
to notify developers or homeowners, of their
proposed plans so such things as noise abatement,
size, configuration, vegetation planting,
irrigation, and walls could be discussed in advance.
1. Chairman Moran asked that Staff request a
representative from CVWD attend a Study
Session of the Planning Commission to have a
dialog with them regarding_these concerns.
A. Continued Siqn Proqram for Plaza De La Fuente,
Warren Johnson Office Building. A request of
Warren Johnson for approval of location and design
for overall sign program for a office complex.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department. He noted that a
request for a temporary sign for La Quinta
Mortgage had been received.
2. Chairman Moran stated that the Commission had
requested a more detailed description for the
sign program.
3. Commissioner Steding inquired as to Plan A.
Planning Director Herman stated that by
granting the adjustment to Plan A it would
allow the tenant to have a temporary sign for
two years. He went on to give a description
of what the options were before the
Commission. Discussion followed.
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4. Mr. Jim Daughtry, of La Quinta Mortgage,
tenant in the building, addressed the
Commission as to his need to have a sign as
soon as possible to identify his business.
5. Mr. Warren Johnson, owner of the building,
addressed the Commission and explained his
proposal. He felt he had submitted a very
clear and concise proposal. Commissioners
discussed with Mr. Johnson how many tenants
he currently had and what the potential
number of tenants could be.
6. Planning Director clarified his
recommendation in the Staff report to be an
approval of Plan A for wall signs, Plan H be
denied and Plan I be a monument sign 23
square feet as illustrated. The temporary
sign for Mr. Daughtry is for Commission
consideration as an option either as a wall
or freestanding sign.
7. Chairman Moran stated that in the future the
building could be divided into additional
offices causing requests for additional
temporary signage.
8. Commissioner Steding_ stated that she had no
objection to Mr. Daughtry's request for a
free standing temporary sign for a period of
six months. She was not in favor of
approving Plans A, H, or I because Exhibit
"I" and "H" are confusing as to what they are
attempting to explain. If the goal is to put
a single sign on that structure to identify
the tenants are in occupancy this could be
done fairly easily.
9. Commissioner Zelles stated he concurred with
the idea of one sign identifying all the
tenants on a monument sign, but under no
circumstances should they approve a
freestanding sign for each use.
10. Commissioner Mosher stated that he understood
the need for rapidly approving a sign for the
tenant, but felt the details on the sign
program were difficult. He stated that he
needed to have more knowledge of the City
Codes and at present he lacked that knowledge
due to this being his first meeting.
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11. Commissioner Barrows stated that she was -
concerned with the possibility of having
additional tenants coming in and asking for
temporary signage.
12. Chairman Moran stated that she had the same
concerns as before. The proposed plan does
not clearly state what they are approving.
The Commission needs to clearly see what the
owner is proposing. The tenants need to
advertise in order to conduct business and
this needs to be approved as soon as
possible. She inquired of Staff if there was
any way a temporary sign could be approved.
Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that
Staff could only approve a "Grand Opening"
banner or sign for 30-days.
13. Chairman Moran stated that she was inclined
to continue the matter and require some
dialog between the Applicant and the
Commission during a Study Session.
14. Chairman Moran stated her concern with
putting tenants names on a monument sign, is
that the tenant names would have to be so
small you would not be able to see them.
There should be a monument sign for the
building, with a directory sign for the
tenants on the wall.
15. Commissioner Zelles expressed his opinion
that freestanding signs of any nature should
not be allowed for any period of time.
16. Discussion followed among the Commissions as
to the different options that were possible.
Following the discussion, it was moved by
Commissioner Steding to approve the temporary
sign for the tenant not to exceed six months
and continue the sign program to a later date
for clarification. Commissioner Mosher
seconded the motion. Discussion followed as
to how many tenants were in the building and
the time frame for the permanent sign.
Following this discussion, Commissioner
Mosher withdrew his second. The motion died
for lack of a second.
17. Commissioner Zelles again stated that this
was for a temporary sign and even the owner
did not know when the permanent sign was to
be installed. This would lend itself to
having several temporary signs placed all
around the building. Commissioner Steding
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stated that she felt this would put the
pressure on the owner of the building to put
the permanent sign program in place.
18. Following the discussion it was moved by
Commissioner Zelles and seconded by
Commissioner Steding to continue the matter
to their meeting of July 24th and schedule a
Study Session at 5:30 P.M. on July 24, 1990,
requiring the Applicant to submit a proposal
that clearly states what the Commission is
19. Planning Director Jerry Herman asked of the
Commission to clarify what they were
requesting of the Applicant. Chairman Moran
stated that what they wanted was a proposal
that showed what they would be approving and
the time frame as to when the signs would be
B. Citrus Clubhouse; a request of Landmark Land
Company for approval of revised architecture for
the Citrus Course Golf Clubhouse at Oak Tree West.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Zelles asked what the decision
of the Design Review Board had been.
Principal Planner Sawa stated the Design
Review Board had recommended approval of the ~
project to the Planning Commission.
3. There being no further discussion,
Commissioner Zelles moved and Commissioner
Steding seconded to adopt Minute Motion
90-026 approving the revised architecture
plans for the Citrus Golf Clubhouse as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
C. Tract 23935; a request of GWR Developers for
review of proposed single family dwelling
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information in the Staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
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2. Commissioner Zelles questioned Staff as to
their recommendation on roof tiles.
Principal Planner Sawa stated that Staff felt
there should be more of a variety throughout
the project.
3. Chairman Moran asked if this project had been
before the Design Review Board. Principal
Planner Sawa stated that this project had
been approved before the Design Review Board
was formed.
4. Following discussion regarding detailing on
the right and rear of the second story of
Unit B and the right elevation of Unit C and
two additional roof tiles, it was moved by
Commissioner Steding and seconded by
Commissioner Mosher to adopt Minute Motion
90-027 approving the elevations subject to
the above changes. Unanimously approved.
D. DesiGn review of Avenida Fernando Gatehouse; a
request of La Quinta Joint Venture for review of
relocated gatehouse design and associated
landscaping as required by Condition of Approval
for Tentative Tract 25237.
1. PrinciPal Planner Stan_ Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. There being no questions, Commissioner Zelles
moved and Commissioner Barrows seconded the
motion to adopt Minute Motion 90-028 approving
the gatehouse plans and associated
landscaping as submitted. Unanimously
E. Street Vacation 90-012; a request of the City for
a General Plan consistency finding regarding the
vacation of 54th Avenue west of Jefferson Street.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the Staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Moran asked for a clarification as
to the response from the Kennedy's, property
owners on the north side of 54th Avenue.
Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that at
present the Kennels do not have any problem
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with the vacation, but when the matter goes
before the City Council it will be a Public
Hearing and they can make any comments they
have at that time.
3. There being no further discussion,
Commissioner Steding moved and Commissioner
Zelles moved to adopt Minute Motion 90-029
approving Street Vacation 90-012 determining
that the vacation of 54th Avenue
approximately 1500 feet west of Jefferson as
shown on the Exhibit is in compliance with
the Circulation Element of the General Plan.
Unanimously adopted.
Chairman Moran asked that the Minutes be amended in regard to
the spelling of Mr. Metkus. Commissioner Zelles moved to
approve the Minutes of June 26, 1990 with the above correction.
Commissioner Steding seconded the motion and it carried
unanimously. Commissioners Mosher moved to further amend the
Minutes of June 26, 1990, on page 7, item 6 to read La Quinta
Palms rather that La Quinta Highlands. Commissioner Steding
seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Chairman Moran asked that Staff itemize items for the "Future
Agenda Items" for future discussion.
A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and seconded by
Commissioner Steding to adjourn to a regular meeting on July
24, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle
Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta
Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:46 P.M.
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