1990 11 13 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
November 13, 1990 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Steding.
The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Mosher.
A. Chairman Steding requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners
Barrows, Mosher, and Chairman Stealing.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan
Sawa and Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
A. Tentative Tract 25462; a request of George Burkey for division of 20
acres into 63 lots for single family dwellings.
1. Chairman Steding asked ff anyone wished to speak regarding the
matter. No one wished to address the Commission, Chairman
Steding read a letter from the Applicant asking that the matter
be tabled at this time. Commissioner Barrows moved and
Commissioner Mosher seconded the motion to table the matter at
this time. Planner Director Jerry Herman stated that the matter
would be re-noticed when it was brought before the Commission
at a later date.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Barrows, Chairman Steding; NOES:
B. Tentative Tract 25700; a request of Steve Brummel for division of +16.5
acres into 53 lots for single family development.
1. Chairman Steding asked if anyone wished to speak regarding the
matter. No one wished to address the Commission, Chairman
Steding read a letter from the Applicant asking that the matter
be tabled at this time. Commissioner Barrows moved and
Commissioner Mosher seconded the motion to table the matter at
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this time. Planner Director Jerry Herman stated that the matter
would be re-noticed when it was brought before the Commission
at a later date.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Barrows, Chairman Steding; NOES:
C. Tentative Tract 26148; a request for Amcor Realty Fund III, Robert
Wright to subdivide ]4 acres into 54 single family residential lots with
a proposed retention basin lot.
1. Assistant Planner Glenda Lairds presented the information
contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning and Development Department.
2. Discussion followed between the Commission and Staff regarding
when the Desert Club originated, internal circulation problems,
the right-in, right -out accesses onto 50th Avenue and
Washington Street, routes to and from the schools, and lot size
3. Chairman Steding opened the hearing. Mr. Bob Mairdero, 596 N.
Farrell, Palm Springs spoke representing the Applicant. He
stated that they supported Staff's recommendations and would
not oppose eliminating the access to the northern tract.
4. Mrs. Helen Nelson, 78-707 Saguaro, addressed the Commission
regarding the access to the northern tract. She stated that
those in the Desert Club Tract #1 were opposed to the access
from Tract 26148, she questioned the elevations of the houses
being built, the closing of Saguaro, and the route school children
travel to and from school. Planrdng Director Jerry Herman and
Chairman Steding explained the reasoning behind the City's
decisions regarding some of Ms. Nelson's questions.
5. Mr. Steve Nelson, 78-784 Saguaro, presented a petition to the
Commission from property owners in the Desert Club Tract #1
who objected to the access from Tract 26148. He stated their
reasons were that it was not beneficial to the contractor, nor was
it of any benefit to the Desert Club Tract #1, if the access were
not allowed it would help to reduce the crime in the area and it
also provided a safer environment for the children in the area to
play. He further stated that the Fire Marshal had no objections
to the street being closed. He then read the petition into the
record and presented it to the Commission.
6. Mr. Mairdero addressed the Commission regarding reconfirming
the pad elevations.
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7. There being no further questions, Chairman Steding closed the
-- public hearing and opened the matter for Commission discussion.
8. Commissioner Mosher restated the homeowners objections and
inquired what the Fire Marshal's opinion was.
9. Dennis Dawson, Fire Marshal stated that the minimum cul-de-sac
distance is 1320 feet. This cul-de-sac would be longer and could
slightly reduce response time, therefore it was not a good
practice to allow cul-de-sacs of this length, but there was no real
objection. Discussion followed among the Commissioners and Mr.
Dawson regarding the different directions the fire trucks would
respond from.
10. Commissioner Barrows questioned regarding the traffic impact of
not having the additional access routes to 50th Avenue and
Washington Street.
11. Commissioner Mosher questioned how many property owners were
notified. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that the
requirement was to notify everyone within a 300 foot radius.
12. Discussion followed among the Commissioners and Staff regarding
the.design of the u-turns, traffic circulation, and the concerns
of the property owners.
13. Following the discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Barrows
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 90-040 approving
Tentative Tract 26148 subject to the revised conditions as
a. Deletion of Condition #20 and add "The Applicant shall
amend the Tentative Tract Map to eliminate the portion of
"F" Street extending from Street "B" to Saguaro Drive."
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Barrows, Chairman Steding; NOES:
C. Variance 90-014; a request of William and Leslie Puget for Variance from
Section 9. 204.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to maximum
wall height for a relocation of an existing 6-foot wall and an increase in
height of 9-feet at an existing residence.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Steding questioned Staff as to what was on the
-- property to the west.
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3. Chairman Steding opened the public hearing. Mr. John Bund,
architect for the Applicant addressed the Commission regarding
the Applicant's reasons for the request. He stated that the need
for the 9-foot wall was based on the noise caused by traffic
to/from the Hotel and the lighting of the Hotel parking lot.
4. Mr. William Puget, 77-600 Avenida Fernando, owner of the
property addressed the Commission regarding the problems he
was facing due to the expansion of the Hotel. Discussion
followed with the Commissioners regarding the height of the wall,
the distance length of the wall on the west and east side of the
house, and the problems created by the Hotel.
5. Mrs. Loeb, owner of the property to the west, spoke in favor of
the request for the wall.
6. Chairman Steding closed the public hearing and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
7. Commissioner Mosher stated he understood the request of the
Applicant but was concerned about setting a precedent by
allowing a 9 foot wall.
8. Commission discussion followed regarding the existence of the
problem, each request for a variance would be on a case by case
basis, and options for the length of the wall for the east and west
9. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and
seconded by Commissioner Barrows to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 90-041 approving Variance 90-015 with the revised
a. All additional trees/landscaping as shown on Exhibit "A"
shall be installed as shown, and shall be automatically
b. All improvements required by these conditions shall be
made within one year of the effective date of this approval,
pursuant to Chapter 9.164 of the La Quinta Municipal
Code. A final inspection shall be arranged with both the
Planning and Development Department and Building
Department, a minimum of 24 hours prior to the requested
time of inspection.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Barrows, Chairman Stealing; NOES:
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A. Minor Temporary Ou .tdoor~:~,E~.!~t~ 90-023; a request of Thunderbird
Artists for approval of an art show at Plaza La Quinta.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Steding questioned Code requirements regarding
Temporary Outdoor Events. Discussion followed regarding
recommendations for signs.
3. Judi Combs, Applicant 417 E. Redman, Tempe, Arizona,
addressed the Commission regarding the proposed art show.
4. Discussion followed regarding problems that had been
experienced by other shows.
5. Chairman Steding stated that they preferred the Indian logo sign
and the locations would be at the west entrance to the Plaza and
at the Washington Street entrance only.
6. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Barrows and
seconded by Commissioner Mosher to adopt Minute Motion 90-043
-- approving Minor Temporary Outdoor Event 90-023 subject to
modified conditions as stated below:
10. Two portable 2' X 3' high "Art Show & Sale" signs shall be
allowed during art show hours. One sign to be adjacent to
Washington Street entrance and one sign to be adjacent to
the westerly Highway 111 entrance. Signs to be placed far
enough back from roadway so as to not obstruct traffic
13. Violation of any of these Conditions of Approval or
unresolved problems arising from operation of shows, shall
be cause for immediate closure by the Sheriff's
Department. Thereafter, Planning Commission or City
Council shall review the violation or problem to ensure that
it is resolved prior to shows being allowed to continue.
Unanimously approved.
B. Specific Plan 83-002; a request of Sunrise Company for approval of a
new unit type.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
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2. There being no questions or discussion, it was moved by
Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Barrows to
adopt Minute Motion 90-044 approving "The Trophies" unit type
as submitted. Unanimously approved.
C. Specific Plan 89-014; a request of Transpacific Development Company
for approval of a sign program for a commercial center.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Chairman Steding asked for clarification as to which signs were
going where and what Staff's recommendation was.
3. Mr. Peter Adams, representing Transpacific Development
Company as well as Washington Adams, LPD. owner of the
property, addressed the Commission regarding the sign program
and stated the importance of obtaining the signs as requested
due to the importance of the signs to the occupants.
Mr. Adams stated that he felt the Sign Ordinance, when written,
did not address a project of this size. He went on to explain
their proposal.
4. Chairman Steding asked for a clarification of who was requesting
a "standard signs" and their location. Mr. Adams stated these
were the major retail chain tenants and each tenant would have
different locations on the pad. Discussion followed regarding
traffic flow and visibility of the signs.
5. Mr. Rob Sanford, Marketing Consultant for the project, spoke to
the Commission regarding the need for clustering of some of the
freestanding signs in order to get the exposure needed.
6. Discussion followed regrading the center identification signs and
the number of tenants to be advertised on them, the setback of
the signs, and the number of anchor tenants per phase.
7. Following discussion it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and
seconded by Commissioner Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 90-045
approving the sign program with the following amendments:
a. Center Identification signs: four signs (one for
Washington Street, one for Adams Street, and two for
Highway 111), with a limit of three tenants, size and
height as recommended in the Staff report.
b. Monument signs: four subject to further Planning
Commission and design review as to specific location, and
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c. Albertsons sign: approved as requested with the omission
of "Liquor" and "Food-drug" sign.
d. Payless Drug sign: approved as requested.
e. Wal-Mart: Wal-Mart sign and the Auto Center sign (facing
Adams Street) approved as requested, no other
miscellaneous signs to be allowed.
f. Other Major Tenant signs: to be reviewed when
g. Minor Tenant signs (primary): to be approved as
requested. The size proposed by the applicant is
approved for those businesses in main building along
north property line and the City recommendation would
apply to those businesses in pad structures with all sign
to be 24 inches in height.
h. Minor Tenant signs (secondary) and Price signs for
Service Stations: as requested for the minor tenant and
one sign for each service station is approved.
Unanimously approved.
Commissioner Mosher asked that the Minutes of November 23rd be corrected as
follows: on Page 3, #16, last sentence be changed to read, "Perhaps the commercial
should be more of a convenience store type center." In addition, on page 6,
adjourned to a regular meeting on November 13, 1990. There being no further
changes, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner
Barrows to approve the Minutes of October 23, 1990, as corrected.
A. Planning Director Jerry Herman gave a brief explanation of a proposal for a
Dance/Nightclub which is brought before the Commission for their review and
comments only.
Mr. Paul Smith, 44-100 Monterey Avenue, Suite 216, Palm Desert, gave a brief
synopsis of his proposal for a sophisticated Dance/Nightclub at the southeast
corner of Highway 111 and Adams Street. Mr. Smith stated that the club
would be targeted to the upper income cliental and the hotel guests.
Chairman Steding stated that she would be a "hard sell" for this use in La
quinta. She felt that a marketing study should be done. Her concerns
regarding drugs, prostitution, and other crimes that seem to congregate at
these establishments irregardless of what class of people you target.
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Commissioner Mosher was impressed with Mr. Smith's background and -
experience but has the same concerns about the cliental. He felt the location
was as a good location but was concerned with this type of business in La
Commissioner Barrows was concerned about the marketability. She questioned
whether the City could support such an enterprise. She also expressed
concern with the crime element.
B. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that the City Council was creating an
Environmental Conservation Committee and a Planning Commissioner would be
requested to serve on this Committee and the Commission needed to appoint
a member. Commissioner Mosher moved and Chairman Steding seconded the
motion to appoint Commissioner Barrows to serve. Unanimously approved.
C. It was moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Barrows
to cancel the December 25, 1990, Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously
A motion was made by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Chairman Steding to
adjourn to a regular meeting on November 27, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta
Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:47 P.M.
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