PCMIN 02 26 1991 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California February 26, 1991 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Steding. The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Barrows. II. ROI.L CAI J, A. Chairperson Stealing requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Barrows, Mosher, Ladner, Dowd, and Chairperson Stealing. B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Assistant Planner Glenda Lairds, and Department Secretary Betty Anthony. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Continued Public Hearing on Development Agreement 90-002; a request of Washington Adams Limited Partnership for approval of a Development Agreement pursuant to Section 65854 et. sec., of the California Government Code, relative to Specific Plan 89-014, which was approved by City Council on April 17, 1990. 1. Chairperson Steding opened the public hearing and as no one wished to address the Commission Mosher moved and Commissioner Dowd seconded the motion to continue the Public Hearing as recommended by Staff to the regular meeting of March 26, 1991. Unanimously approved B. Tentative Tract 26281; a request of Ray Troll to subdivide 14 acres into 52 single family lots. 1. Chairperson Steding opened the public hearing and as no one wished to address the Commission Barrows moved and Commissioner Dowd seconded the motion to continue the Public Hearing as recommended by Staff to the regular meeting of April 23, 1991. Unanimously approved -- C. Continued General Plan Amendment 90-034; a request of the City to change the General Plan Land Use designation from single family residential with the density of 2-4 and 4-8 units per acre to "Major Community Facility". 1. Chairperson Steding opened the public hearing and as no one wished to address the Commission Dowd moved and Commissioner Barrows seconded the motion to continue the Public Hearing as recommended by Staff to the regular meeting of March 12, 1991. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT - None V. BUSINESS SESSION A. Tentative Tract 23971; a request of Deane La Quinta Limited Partnership for approval of a one year extension of time for Phases 2, 3, 4, and 5. 1. Assistant Planner Glenda Lainis presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairperson Steding inquired if Phase 1 was complete. Steve Taylor, Applicant stated that 29 of the 80 units were complete. 3. There being no further questions, Commissioner Mosher moved and Commissioner Barrows seconded a motion to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 91-003 recommending to the City Council concurrence with the Environmental Analysis and approval of Tentative Tract 23971, First Extension of Time subject to conditions. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Dowd, Ladner, Mosher, Barrows, Chairperson Steding. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINING: None. B. Sign Application 91-139; a ~equest of Circle K to permit a gas price sign attached to the existing free standing sign on Calle Tampico. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairperson Steding asked which signs were pre-existing. Discussion followed as to what signs were existing and what the City was recommending. 3. Commissioner Barrows asked if the existing signs would remain. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated as recommended the roof sign would be removed, the free standing pole sign lowered four feet and the free standing price sign would be removed. The new gas sign would be placed on the pole. PCMIN2-26 2 4. Commissioner Dowd asked if Circle K had responded to the Staff report. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that the City had not received any response from the Applicant although we had left messages with them. 5. There being no further discussion, Commissioner Mosher moved ~ and Commissioner Barrows seconded the motion to adopt Minute Motion 91-006 approving Sign Application 91-139 subject to conditions. Unanimously approved. C. Street Alignment concept for Avenida Montezuma; a request of the City for review of the proposed street alignment concept. 1. Senior Civil Engineer Steve Speer presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairperson Steding asked if the citizens in the area had been notified. Mr. Speer stated they had not been notified, but would be prior to the matter going before the City Council. 3. Commissioner Barrows asked if the area to be vacated would remain a dirt road. Mr. Speer stated that at present, definite plans had not been made, but it probably would. 4. Chairperson Steding inquired if the road at the south end would be barricaded. Mr. Speer stated that some thought had been given to this, but as most of the traffic in the area avoided this strip it might not be necessary. 5. Discussion followed as to the notifying of the residences in the area. 6. Chairperson Steding stated that she understood the reasoning behind the alignment, but stressed the importance of making sure the residents in the area are notified. 7. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Barrows and seconded by Commissioner Mosher to adopt Minute Motion 91-007 recommending to the City Council approval of the street alignment concept for Avenida Montezuma at the intersections of Avenida Madero, Avenida Juarez, and Calle Ensenada. UnaNimously approved. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR There being no corrections to the Minutes of January 22, 1991, it {vas moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Ladner to approve the Minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. PCMIN2-26 3 VIII. ADJOUR~ A motion was made by Commissioner Dowd and seconded by Commissioner Ladner to adjourn to a regular meeting on March 12 1991, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 7:29 P.M. PCMIN2-26 4