PCMIN 05 14 1991 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quints, California
May 14, 1991 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Stealing.
The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Mosher.
A. Chairperson Steding requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners
Mosher, Dowd, Barrows, Ladner, and Chairperson Steding.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan
Saws, and Secretary II Cristal Spidell.
A. Continued Public Hearing on Development Agreement 90-002; a request
of Washington Adams Limited Partnership for approval of a Development
Agreement pursuant to Section 65845 et. seq., of the California
Government Code, relative to Specific Plan 89-014, which was approved
by the City Council on April 17, 1990.
1. Chairperson Stecling opened the continued public hearing and as
no one wished to comment on the subject; it was moved by
Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Barrows to
continue the hearing to May 28, 1991, as recommended by Staff.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Dowd, Mosher,
Barrows, & Chairperson Steding.
NOES: None. ABSENT: None
B. Plot Plan 91-457 (EA 91-191); a request of J. Paul Smith for approval
of a plot plan application to show the construction and operation of a
10,000 square foot dance nightclub in the C-P-S (Scenic Highway
Commercial) Zone on a 4.5 acre site.
1. Chairperson Steding opened the public hearing and as no one
wished to comment on the subject and as the Applicant requested
the item be continued to May 28, 1991, it was moved by
Commissioner Dowd and seconded by Commissioner Ladner to
continue the hearing to May 28, 1991.
C. Tract 26016, Amendment #1; a request of Chateau Estates (Bajada) for
approval of amendment to a condition restricting the building heights
to one story units along 50th Avenue for a previously approved tract
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Mosher asked why Staff recommended cutting back
the one story units to 22 feet from 25. Principal Planner Sawa
explained that if Staff was going to allow additional two story
units Staff felt the remaining units should be reduced. He
further stated that the CC & R's for the project restricted the
height below 22 feet.
3. Chairperson Steding opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Joe
Ministrelli, 74-900 Highway 111, Suite 113, Indian Wells,
Applicant, displayed pictures he had taken of the project to help
explain his request. His request was to allow the home owner the
option of building a two story for those lots that are in a hole
situation adjacent to 50th Avenue. Chairperson Steding asked
the Applicant if he was in favor of the Staff recommendation.
Mr. Ministrelli stated he would like to have all the units along
50th Avenue have the option of being two story. Planning
Director Jerry Herman clarified that this height limitation only
applied to the units along 50th Avenue. Discussion followed as
to the height limitations existing and the recommendations by
4. Commissioner Dowd asked the Applicant if the owners of Lot 10,
which was sold, intended to build a two story unit. Mr.
Ministrelli stated he did not know.
5. Mr. Gordon Stein, 44-858 San Juan Avenue, Palm Desert,
building designer, inquired of Staff why the original condition
was placed on the project. Principal Planner Sawa explained that
at the time it was not known what the grading would look like and
since the Duna La Quinta tract and this tract did not have a
street between them a restriction of one story was necessary for
continuity. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that the Duna
La Quinta project when approved in 1985 limited the units along
50th Avenue to one story and the General Plan identifies §0th
' Avenue as a Secondary Image Corridor trying to keep the height
of the buildings down. Discussion followed regarding the height
elevations between the three projects. Mr. Stein went on to
discuss the issue of the lights and noise from the Boys & Girls
Club from across the street and their plans to make sure the
homeowners would be aware of this.
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6. Mr. Lon Varnador, Bajada Realtors, sales agent for the project,
--- addressed the problems they were facing with the houses' hole
effect. He requested that the Planning Commission allow the
option of two story units.
7. Chairperson Steding closed the Public Hearing and opened the
issue for Commission discussion.
8. Commissioner Dowd stated her concern regarding Lot 10 which
she felt was the lot most affected by all the noise and light. She
felt all the houses should be one story and the back of the wall
should be landscaped heavily as the only view even from a two
story unit would be the telephone pole.
9. Commissioner Ladner asked the Applicant what the price of the
homes and lots would be. The Applicant stated the Iota would be
approximately $100,000, with homes in the $400,00-$500,000
10. Commissioner Barrows questioned the use of canopy trees to be
used as screens for the windows and should this be conditioned.
Principal Planner Sawa stated this was an option. Discussion
followed as to the need to eliminate windows or provide additional
trees and if they need to be conditioned.
__ 11. Commissioner Mosher stated that when he stood on Lot 10 he
could not see the signals. He felt there was a problem with the
present height limitation of 25 feet. He further felt the view from
the houses was to the south and there was no need to have a view
to the north. The designers idea is to have minimal windows to
deaden the impact of the light and noise problems to the north.
He saw no problem with letting the lot owner make a
determination as to whether to build a one or two story unit as
both are allowed to be 25 feet. He felt this would ailow the
homeowner larger usable lot area by having a two story home.
He saw no difference and felt it was only reasonable to allow the
builder the option as either way he could only go 25 feet.
12. Chairperson Steding asked Staff to clarify how allowing a two
story unit at 25 feet instead of a one story unit of 9.5 feet would
pull the lot out of the hole. Planning Director Jerry Herman
stated that if you look at the subdivision you will see the lots on
50th Avenue. The lots to the south can have a two story,
therefore the homes adjacent to 50th Avenue only have a view of
a two story house, unless you have a two story house.
Chairperson Steding stated the question was then if the homes to
the south are allowed 35 feet the problem would still exists. In
addition if all units are only allowed 25 feet what difference would
it make if the units to the east or west are one story or two
story. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that the concern
--' was that the developer to the west is Hmited to one story and if
the developer to the east is allowed a two story, then a precedent
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is being set and a tunnel effect would take place.
13. Commissioner Mosher asked what the height limitation was for
Brock homes. Staff stated they had a height limitation of 20 feet.
Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that ff the Commission was
considering allowing the second story units, a condition is
needed to be placed on the size of the windows on the north side
and limit the entire project to 25 feet height limitation.
14. Commissioner Mosher asked the Applicant ff they could live with
the limitation of 25 feet for the entire project. Mr. Ministrelli
stated he would prefer to have 35 feet. He would like to add
additional landscaping along 50th Avenue for the two story units.
15. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that ff the problem was to
create a view for the homes along 50th Avenue to the south, but
if you allow 35 foot units to the south, you eliminate the view.
Mr. Ministrelli stated that the way the homes are situated you
have a view between the houses. Mr. Herman stated then a one
story unit would be fine. Discussion followed
16. Commissioner Barrows asked if Staff knew the height of the
Brock Homes. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated they
should be 25 feet.
17. Commissioner Ladner stated she felt the problem was more with
the lot size rather than a height problem. She felt the lot size
was forcing the builder to build a two story house. Two story
units are not common to the desert and are not a desirable house
once you have owned one.
18. Commissioner Dowd moved and Commissioner Barrows seconded
the motion to adopt Resolution 91-010, approving Tract 26016,
Amendment #1 subject to the Staff recommendation allowing two
story units on Lots 11, 13, & 15, reducing the one stories to 22
feet, canopy trees planted to the rear yards of Lots 11, 13, & 15
or in the common landscaped area north of the perimeter wall to
provide screening from uses across 50th Avenue, and amending
the CC & R's to include disclosure.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Dowd, Barrows,
& Chairperson Steding. NOES:
Commissioner Mosher & Ladner.
Chairperson Steding stated that she agreed with Commissioner
Mosher to the extent that there is no difference between the 25
feet one story or two story within the development. Her concern
was with the precedent that was being set for previous
development agreements that we have and have not yet been built
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A. Plot Plan 91-460; a request of Shell Oil Company for approval of a
service station and car wash on the northwest corner of Highway
and Adams Street within 111 La Quinta Center.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. There being no discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher
and seconded by Commissioner Dowd to adopt Minute Motion 91-
014 to approve Plot Plan 91-460 subject to the Staff
recommendations. Unanimously approved.
There being no corrections, it was moved by Commissioner Barrows and seconded
by Commissioner Ladner to approve the Minutes of April 23, 1991, as submitted.
A motion was made by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Ladner
to adjourn to a regular meeting on May 28, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City
Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta
Planning commission was adjourned at 7:57 P.M.
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