PCMIN 06 11 1991 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
June 11, 1991 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Steding.
The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Mosher.
A. Chairperson Steding requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners
Mosher, Dowd, and Chairperson Stealing. It was moved by
Commissioner Dowd to excuse Commissioners Ladner and Barrows from
the meeting due to person problems. Unanimously approved.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan
Sawa, Associate Planner Glenda Lainis, and Department Secretary Betty
Commissioner Mosher moved and Commissioner Dowd seconded the motion to reverse
the order of the Public Hearing for Items #3 and #4. Unanimously approved.
A. Variance 91-015 for Tentative Tract 26524 and Tentative Parcel Map
26525; a request of Chuck Strother for a perimeter wall exceeding six
feet in height.
1. Associate Planner Glenda Lainis presented the information
contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning and Development Department.
2. Chairperson Stedi~g opened the public hearing. The Applicant,
Chuck Strother, addressed the Commission and gave his reason
for asking for the variance. There being no further comments,
Chairperson Steding closed the public hearing and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
3. Commissioner Mosher stated he felt the request of the Applicant
was reasonable and greatly appreciated the design of the tract to
save as much of the orchard as he had.
4. There being no further comments, Commissioner Dowd moved and
Commissioner Mosher seconded the motion to adopt Resolution 91-
013 approving VarianCe 91-015 to allow a wall higher than six feet
for Tentative Tract 26524 along 50th Avenue and around the
Coachella Valley Water District well site.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Dowd, Mosher,
& Chairperson Steding. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioners Barrows &
Ladner. ABSTAINING: None.
B. Tentative Tract 26853; a request of A & H Desert Properties '90 for
approval of a tentative tract map to subdivide 19.3 acres into 52 custom
single family lots.
1. Associate Planner Glenda Lainis presented the information
contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning and Development Department. An additional condition
regarding the Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard was recommended.
2. Commissioner Mosher asked Staff what the minimum lot size was.
Associate Planner Lainis stated they were 12,000 square feet.
3. Chairperson Steding opened the public hearing. Mr. John
Mugni, 80-556 58th Avenue, a neighbor of the project addressed
the Commission stating his concern regarding losing so much
agricultural land, the water table dropping, and asking why he
had not been notified of the project. Chairperson Steding
explained that his residence was outside the 300 foot radius that
the City is required to notice landowners. She further stated
that the Coachella Valley Water District had written a letter to
the City stating that there was enough water to handle this
4. Mr. Greg Halliday, engineer for the project, addressed the
commission regarding concerns the Commission had pertaining to
the utilities. Mr. Halliday noted that ff Landmark Land did not
finish their project north of the project site, they had alternative
plans for providing the utilities.
5. Commissioner Mosher asked ff the streets were to be private and
if there would be a homeowner's association. Mr. Halliday stated
they would be private streets and there would be a homeowner's
association but there would not be a 24-hour manned guard gate.
Discussion followed regarding access routes and the original
parcel map across 58th Avenue that had been approved in March,
1990, which had prior rights for the access routes.
6. Commissioner Dowd inquired how this property would be affected
by the Equestrian Overlay. Planning Director Jerry Herman
stated that no one in this area had horses and therefore would
not be affected by the Overlay.
7. There being no further questions, Chairperson Steding closed
the public hearing. Commissioner Mosher moved and
Commissioner Dowd seconded the motion to adopt Resolution 91-
014 recommending to the City Council concurrence with the
Environmental Analysis and approval of Tentative Tract 26853,
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subject to the attached conditions with the addition of Condition
#53, that a biological assessment shall be prepared by a qualified
biologist to determine existence of any Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard
on the site. Mitigation measures as recommended by assessment
shall be complied with.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Dowd, Mosher,
& Chairperson Steding. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioners Barrows &
Ladner. ABSTAINING: None.
C. Zoning Text Amendment 91-018; a request of the City of La Quinta to
amend Chapter 9.160, Off Street Parking, to permit mitigation payment
for parking space deficiencies in the Village Zoning District.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information
contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning and Development Department. Mr. Herman indicated
that a legal opinion from the City Attorney had been received.
2. Chairperson Steding asked Staff if the City had established any
policies in regard to when they would spend the money to
establish these parking spaces. Planning Director Jerry Herman
stated that at present the City had no policies in place. He
further stated what the City's options were in regard to this
3. Chairperson Steding opened the public hearing. Mr. Ben
Urmstrom, architect for Plot Plan 91-458, asked the Commission
if the City knew when they would set the amount for providing
parking spaces. Discussion followed between Staff, Commission
and Mr. Urmstrom as to the solutions and options Mr. Urmstron
and Mr. Barnes had.
4. Chairperson Steding closed the public hearing and opened the
matter for Commission discussion. Commissioner Mosher stated
that the logical solution would be to proceed with the development
of the parking district for the Village.
5. There being no further discussion, it was moved by
Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Dowd to
adopt Resolution 91-015 amending Chapter 9.160, Off Street
Parking, by permitting mitigation payments for parking space
deficiencies, amending the various Commercial Village Subzones
to permit said flexibility and concurring with the environmental
determination that a Negative Declaration is appropriate for
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Dowd, Mosher,
& Chairperson Stealing. NOES: None.
- ABSENT: Commissioners Barrows &
Ladner. ABSTAINING: None.
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D. Plot Plan 91-458; a request of Robert A. Barnes for approval of a
building addition at 51-370 Avenida Bermudas.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information
contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning and Development Department.
2. Planning Director Jerry Herman then explained where City
; parking was planned and the options that were available to the
developer to provide the necessary parking.
3. Commissioner Dowd asked Staff if the residences on the east side
of this building are zoned for commercial. Planning Director
Jerry Herman stated the entire area is zoned commercial.
Discussion followed as to Condition #Sb requiring street
improvements. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated the
Applicant would only be responsible for improvements adjacent
to his building.
4. Chairperson Steding asked Staff if Condition #11 required the
Applicant to pay parking mitigation fees on only 8 parking spaces
because the original conditions bind him to 5. Planning Director
Jerry Herman stated that an agreement was already in place
binding him to the original 5. He then pointed out what the
Commission's options were in regard to this.
5. Chairperson Steding opened the public hearing. Mr. Benjamin
Urmstrom addressed the Commission regarding Condition #Sb.
Chairperson Steding asked Mr. Urmstrom if he had discussed
this with the Engineering Department. Commissioner Mosher
asked if the Applicant had a problem with the wording or was he
clear with what the Engineering Department was asking. Mr.
Urmstrom stated that the Applicant would abide by the condition
as it relates to the improvement of his property.
6. Chairperson Steding asked if the Applicant had a concerns with
the conditions requiring the parking. Mr. Urmstrom stated they
had no problem with the solution the City had worked out.
Chairperson Steding asked whether the Applicant approved of
the mitigation measures to provide the parking or the proposal to
have the Applicant actually construct the parking spaces on City
land. Mr. Urmstrom stated that an entire lot was needed and if
parking was provided behind the Chamber building they would
probably not be used by the tenants of the Barnes building.
7. Chairperson Steding asked if Mr. Urmstrom understood that the
City was only asking the Applicant to improve the drainage swale
on the frontage of the property not solve the water problem on
Avenida Bermudas. Mr. Urmstrom asked if Avenida Bermudas
south of the alley was 32-foot half width. Planning Director
Jerry Herman stated that it is 32-feet half width. Mr. Urmstrom
then asked if the other 12-feet was the swale. Mr. Herman stated
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that this 12-feet was nOt dedicated to the City and the Applicant
would be expected to improve that portion.
7. Mr. Robert A. Barnes, the owner of the building, addressed the
Commission regarding the off-site parking spaces.
8. Chairperson Steding closed the public hearing and opened the
matter for Commissioner discussion. Commissioner Mosher stated
he felt the proposal made economical sense and commended the
Applicant for taking such a economical risk.
9. Commissioner Mosher stated his concern that a solution for the
parking needed to be addressed and addressed in such a way as
to not be a burden to the Applicant. Commissioner Dowd felt that
Commission impress on the City Council's mind that this parking
problem needed to be addressed immediately and possibly this
project should be the means by which this could be addressed
now. Discussion followed as to the options available to Mr.
Barnes for the provision of parking spaces.
10. There being no further discussion, it was moved by
Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Dowd moved
to adopt Minute Motion 91-016 approving Plot Plan 91-458 subject
to the attached conditions with the amendment to Condition #11
to read:
"The Applicant/Owner shall build 13 parking spaces on
City owned property subject to City approval. Failure to
receive City approval for the construction of 13 parking
spaces, the Applicant/Owner shall pay parking mitigation
fees for eight parking spaces as provided in the Off Street
Parking Chapter in the Municipal Code subject to Zoning
Text Amendment 91-018 adoption."
and that a Negative Declaration be filed in conjunction with the
project. UnaDirnously approved.
Approval of Planning Commission Minutes of May 28, 1991. Commissioner Dowd
moved by Commissioner Mosher the motion to approve the Minutes of May 28, 1991,
as submitted. Unanimously approved.
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Planning Director Jerry Herman stated the information before them was Staff's
consensus of what concerns the Commission had expressed regarding the Draft EIR's
for Specific Plans 90-015, 90-016, 90-017. Commissioners expressed their approval
of the comments.
A motion was made by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Dowd to
adjourn to a regular meeting on June 25, 1991, at 5:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City
Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California followed by a joint meeting with the
City Council at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta Middle School. This meeting of the La
Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
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