PCMIN 10 09 1991 MINUTES JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION October 9, 1991 Mayor Pena called the joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission together at7:03 P.M. ROLL CALL: Councilman Bohnenberger, Sniff, Rushworth, Franklin, and Mayor Pena Planning Commissioners Mosher, Ladner, Ellson, Marts Chairwoman Barrows Principal Planner Fred Baker introduced the consultants for the General Plan update, Mr. John McNamara, Mr. Tim Campbell and Mr. Mark Peterson of BRW, Inc. to the Council, Commission and audience. Mr. McNamara discussed the handout that had been distributed on Visions and Goals and gave a brief overview of the General Plan process. That process had started with the: -- Master Environmental Assessment- Inventory analysis of all existing conditions Summarize Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Visions, Goals, and Objectives He stated tonight's meeting was a continuation of the Visions, Goals, and Objectives portion of the General Plan process. He went on to state the definition of Visions, Goals, and Objectives and that tonight's meeting would concentrate on Visions and Goals only. The topics discussed were: Land Use Economic Development Circulation Infrastructure and Public Services Open Space Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Natural Resource Conservation Environmental Hazards The discussion was opened for public participation. Audrey Ostrowski spoke regarding homes, industrial, and businesses, cottage industries, and home occupations should be addressed in the General Plan Update. Seyed Safavian spoke concerning the compatibility of vegetation areas and water conservation goals; addressing historical preservation issues, plus an urban design/aesthetic element should be included in the General Plan. The element should also address conformity with the City's natural resources, climate, etc. Goal Cir.3 should address the integration of the alternative modes of transportation and Goal Cir.4 should refer to specific corridors which require interjurisdictional planning. Helen Nelson spoke regarding more parks for children and the provision of equestrian trails and bikeways. Joseph Wassell addressed the Council/Commission regarding the noticing of these public meetings. He stressed better communication. Gary Arise felt that all utilities should be located underground. In addition, he asked if there were lists which include threatened and rare wildlife and plant species, similar to lists of endangered species. Another concern was the solid median on Washington Street being replaced by continuous left turn lanes allowing for easier access to adjacent properties. Janet Phelps spoke concerning a clean-up day in La Quinta to fight blight in the Cove area. Enforcement of codes aimed at preventing blight should be a priority of the City. Peter Murray asked if Geal OS. 3 was possible to preserve Date Palm groves and citrus orchards and shouldn't the property owners be responsible for the maintenance of the property. Also, Goal NRC. 7 being feasible to preserve prime agricultural soils. Lucia Moran asked why the Washington Street Corridor Specific Plan and the Village Specific Plan were not incorporated in the General Plan Update. Councilman Bohnenberger stated the light (illumination pollution) should be addressed. Mayor Pena stated his concern that the equestrian trails in Goal Cir. 3 be included in the Recreation Element. There being no further comment, Mayor Perm thanked everyone for their participation. Mr. McNamara stated the next meeting would be December 11, 1991. This joint meeting of the City Council/Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. PCMIN109JT 2