PCMIN 11 12 1991 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
November 12, 1991 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows.
The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Ellson.
A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners
Mosher, Ladner, Ellson, Marts, and Chairwoman Barrows.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan
Sawa, Associate Planners Glenda Lainis, Greg Trousdell, and
Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
Chairwoman Barrows asked for a motion to reorganize the agenda to include the
discussion of the cancellation of the December 24, 1991 Planning Commission meeting.
Commissioner Mosher moved and Commissioner Ellson seconded the motion to amend
the agenda as stated. Unanimously approved.
A. Public Use Permit 91-008 and Variance 91-018; a request of La Quinta
Christian Church Fellowship for approval of an expansion to an existing
church plus associated parking area on a 0.74 acre site and a variance
request to allow: A) Increased building height limit to 23 feet, and B)
to postpone the construction of a 6 foot high masonry wall on the south
side of the project.
1. Associate Planner Glenda Lainis presented the information
contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning and Development Department.
2. Commissioner Ladner asked Staff if the conditions that were
imposed by the County in 1973 had been complied with. Staff
stated that all the landscaping had not been completed or died.
Staff further stated that the present Applicants were not
involved with the original .application.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 12, 1991
3. Commissioner Ellson asked for clarification as to how many lots
were involved. Staff stated that the original application only
consisted of one lot. Since that time the Church had received the
additional lot.
4. Chairwoman Barrows inquired about the school licensing. Staff
stated that the school was not required to be licensed. They
only needed to file an annual letter or affidavit with the County
stating they were in operation.
5. Commissioner Mosher asked if the City Attorney had been
contacted regarding this issue and what her opinion had been.
Staff informed the Commission that they had been in contact with
the City Attorney and she had asked the Commission to continue
the matter to give her more time to research the matter.
6. Commissioner Marts stated that he did not feel the school was
part of the application before the Commission. Staff stated the
school was only before the Commission if they chose to consider
them jointly. It was to the discretion of the Commission whether
to consider them jointly, separately, or to not take up the issue
of the school at all.
7. Commissioner Mosher asked if the height limitations imposed on
this area were governed by City zoning ordinances or by the
property owners CC & R's. Staff stated the zoning was imposed
on this area when the SR Zone was created.
8. There being no further questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows
opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Jack Clark spoke on behalf of
the Applicant and addressed the issue of the school. He stated
the school would be restricted to 25 students and requested that
Staff impose this limitation in the Conditions of Approval. As to
the letter or affidavit to the County, it had been sent that day
and a copy was presented to the Commission. They had complied
with all laws required of them to their knowledge.
9. Commissioner Ellson asked if the school needed to be licensed.
Pastor Mark Collins stated the school was associated with the
Accelerated Christian Education program and received their
curriculum from them.
10. Commissioner Marts asked how the school obtained accreditation.
Pastor Collins stated that the only requirement needed of the
school was a letter to the County stated they were operating a
school. When a child leaves their school to go on to higher
education, they only have to take a test and pass it. He stated
that their students had scored extremely well on ail tests.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 12, 1991
] 1. Mr. Clark went on to state that the Church had met with as many
of the neighbors as would attend their meeting, and tried to work
out aH the objections. In light of some of the objections, they
were withdrawing the Variance application. He went on to state
the other objections that had been raised at the previous meeting
and how they had tried to solve them.
12. Chairwoman Barrows questioned the 17 foot height limitation.
Discussion followed as to building heights.
13. Commissioner Mosher questioned the Applicant regarding the
parking being able to accommodate the school and church. Mr.
Clark stated that there were only 3 or 4 cars during the school
hours. He further stated that the Church had surpassed the
amount of landscaping originally conditioned on the Church.
Commissioner Mosher stated that he felt the Church should be
required to paint the existing building the same color as the
proposed structure, screen the air conditioning equipment, and
provide the landscaping that was suggested by Staff.
14. Mr. John Bund, architect for the project addressed the
Commission regarding some of the conditions. He asked if the
noise study would still be required if the Applicant provided the
walls on three sides. Staff stated that if walls were provided on
three sides and a 36-42" wall and berm were provided for the
frontage, the elimination of the noise study was possible. Mr.
Bund then inquired if the Fire Marshal requirements for a fire
hydrant would be required. He felt this would be accomplished
as a matter of the City improvements for this area. Staff stated
this was up to the Fire Marshal, but the potential for this to be
included in the City improvements existed. Mr. Bund then
inquired if the Commission would consider the phasing plan to
accomplish all the work as he requested at the last meeting.
15. Mr. Dan Hooper, neighboring resident, addressed the
Commission and stated that he felt the Applicant had mitigated ali
of his objections and he would support the approval of the
16. Ms. Roselyn Davis, neighboring resident, spoke in opposition to
the project stating her concerns regarding noise, traffic,
parking facilities, the unknown growth of the church, and
having a playground in her front yard. Commissioner Mosher
inquired how long Ms. Davis had lived in this house. She stated
she had moved to this house in June, 1991.
17. Ms. Catalina Porras, Church member, spoke in favor of the
Church and stated how the Church had ministered to the
Community and she was dismayed at the neighbors objections.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 12, 1991
18. Ms. Susie Sanford, neighboring resident, read a statement
regarding her objections. She compared the location of this
Church to locations of various churches in Indio. In addition she
stated she was concerned about the unknown growth of the
Church and showed pictures of the church showing what she felt
was a lack of upkeep.
19. Mr. Clark addressed the Commission again and showed the
original plans of the Church and stated the Church's growth
would be restricted by the number of people it would hold.
20. There being no further comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the
Public Hearing and opened the matter for Commission discussion.
21. Commissioner Ladner inquired why the Applicant had not
completed the affidavit. Mr. Clark stated they had chose to
write a letter instead following the procedure that was followed
by most private schools.
22. Commissioner Mosher asked what the seating capacity of the new
sanctuary would be. Mr. Clark stated it would be 110.
23. Commissioner Ellson asked Staff if the City's zoning regulations
allowed churches in residential area. Staff stated they would be
allowed under the Public Use Permit application in any zone. She
felt that as there was obvious objections to this type of use in a
residential area, maybe the City should consider rewriting the
regulations. Staff stated this was a finding the Commission could
use to deny the application if they so chose to do so.
24. Commissioner Ladner asked if the City made any allowances for
homeowners who did not have the money to complete required
improvements. Staff stated they did not.
25. Chairwoman Barrows questioned whether the school should be
considered with the application before them. Staff responded
that it was at the Planning Commission's discretion.
26. Commissioner Ellson asked if the current building would be
replaced at some future date. Mr. Clark stated that there plans
were to replace the building at a future time when funds were
27. There being no further discussion it was moved by Commissioner
Ladner and seconded by Commissioner Ellson to continue this
matter to the meeting of November 9.6, 1991, to allow further City
Attorney input regarding the school use.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 12, 1991
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Ladner, Ellson, Marts, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT:
B. Building Moving Permit 91-001; a request of D & M Morgan for
permission to move a 1,200 square foot building located at 78-435 Cameo
Dunes Place to 54-038 Avenida Bermudas.
1. Associate Planner Glenda Lairds asked that the matter be
continued as the Applicant had not paid the fees (which were just
established by the City Council) required to process the permit.
2. Commissioner Mosher moved and Commissioner Marts seconded a
motion to continue the matter to November 26, 1991.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Marts,
Lad her, Ells on, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT:
C. Preannexation Zoning 91-068 and General Plan Amendment 91-039; a
~-equest of Valley Land Development for a change in the boundaries for
the zoning classification of a new zoning classification and land use
designation for a portion of the property adjacent to Washington Street,
north of Fred Waring Drive.
1. At the request of the Applicant, Commissioner Marts moved to
continued the Public Hearing to the meeting of November 26,
1991. Commissioner Ellson seconded the motion.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Marts,
Ladner, Ellson, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT:
D. Specific Plan 88-012 and Tentative Tract 23995; a request of A. G.
Spanos Construction Company for approval of a First One Year Time
1. Associate Planner Glenda Lainis presented the information
contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning and Development Department.
2. Commissioner Marts asked Staff if there was any assurance that
the bike path would be completed and would connect at both
ends. Staff stated there was a master plan and as developments
took place the bike path would be created.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 12, 1991
3. Mr. Ron Rouse, legal counsel for the Applicant, addressed the
Commission regarding their request. He stated he did not feel it
was appropriate for the Commission to address issues other than
the time extension as this matter had already received all the
necessary approvals.
4. Commissioner Ellson expressed her concern regarding the
density of the multi-family portion of the project. She strongly
expressed her opinion that there were too many people confined
in to small an area with no consideration for open space or parks.
Discussion followed between Mr. Rouse and the Commission
relative to this subject.
5. Commissioner Mosher asked what the prior zoning for the project
had been. Mr. Rouse explained what the zoning had been and
the process they had followed to obtain the current zoning.
6. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and
seconded by Commissioner Marts to adopt Planning Commission
Resolutions 91-053 and 91-054 recommending to the City Council
concurrence with the Environmental Analysis and approval of
Tentative Tract 23995, First Extension of Time subject to the
amended conditions and Specific Plan 88-012, subject to the
amended Conditions of Approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Marts,
Ladner. NOES: Commissioner Ellson
& Chairwoman Barrows. ABSENT:
E. Variance 91-020; a request of Jack Sobelman for approval of a variance
to the maximum building height in the SR Zone for a residence under
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. There being no questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened
the Public Hearing. Mr. Jack Sobelman, applicant, addressed
the Commission regarding his request.
3. There being no discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Ellson
and seconded by Commissioner Mosher to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 91-055 approving Variance 91-020, subject
to conditions.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 12, 1991
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Marts,
Ladner, El]son, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT:
A. Street Name Change 91-002; a request of Wilma Pacific for a street name
change and the setting of a date to consider the name change.
1. Associate Planner Glenda Lairds presented the information
contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning and Development Department.
2. There being no discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Marts
and seconded by Commissioner Mosher to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 91-056 setting the date of December 10,
1991, as the time and place for hearing the request to change the
street Via Marquessa to Lake La Quinta Drive.
_ ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Marts,
Ladner, Ellson, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT:
B. Minor Temporary Outdoor Event 91-032; a request of Thunderbird
Artists for an Amendment to Conditions of Approval for the Art Shows
at Plaza La Quinta.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. There being no comment, Commissioner Mosher moved and
Commissioner Ellson seconded a motion to adopt Minute Motion 91-
047 approving the Amendment to Condition #7 for Minor
Temporary Outdoor Event 91-032. Unardmously approved.
A. Commissioner Mosher moved and Commissioner Marts seconded a motion
to approve the Minutes of October 8, 1991 and October 22, 1991, as
submitted. Unardmously approved.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 12, 1991
A. Chairwoman Barrows introduced the matter of cancelling the December
9.4, 1991 Planning Commission meeting. There being no discussion, it
was moved by Commissioner Marts and seconded by Commissioner Ellson
to cancel the Planning Commission meeting of December 9.4, 1991.
Unanimously approved.
B. The Commission discussed the survey prepared by Staff on building
heights. At the conclusion of the discussion, it was requested by the
Commission that Staff prepare a color coded map for the Commission
which shows the various projects at their height limits.
C. A brief discussion follo~ved as to billboards on Highway 111. Staff
stated the billboards are removed as projects are approved.
A motion was made by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Marts to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on
November 26, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This
meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 9: 40 P.M., November
12, 1991.