PCMIN 12 10 1991 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
December 10, 1991 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows.
The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Ladner.
A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners
Mosher, Ladner, Ellson, Marts, and Chairwoman Barrows.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan
Sawa, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary
Betty Anthony.
A. Continued - Building Moving Permit 91-001; a request of D & M Morgan
to move a 1,200 square foot building presently located at 78-435 Cameo
Dunes Place to 54-038 Avenida Bermudas.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information in the
Staff report and stated that Staff requested to table this matter
until the Applicant had paid the fees and was ready to process
the application.
2. It was moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by
Commissioner Marts to table this matter till further notice.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Marrs,
Ladner, Ellson, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None. AB SENT:
B. Preannexation Zoning 91-068 and General Plan Amendment 91-039; a
request of Valley Land Development to change the boundaries for the
zoning classification and a new zoning classification and land use
designation for a portion of the property adjacent to Washington Street.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 10, 1991
1. At the request of the Applicant, Commissioner El]son moved and
Comn~ssioner Ladner seconded a motion to continue the Public
Hearing to the meeting of January 14, 1992.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Marts,
Ladner, Ellson, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None. AB SENT:
C. Plot Plan 91-466 and Variance 91-019; a request of Simon Plaza to
develop a mixed use commercial complex which will include the
development of multiple story buildings and a five level parking
structure on 5.5+ acres zoned Scenic Highway Commercial. A variance
is requested to reduce the on-site off-street parking standards and to
deviate from the setback requirements of the Municipal Code.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information
contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning and Development Department.
2. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer presented the information
contained in the traffic study and stated there was a correction
relative to the turning movements. A copy of the report is on file
in the Engineering Department.
3. Commissioner Mosher asked if the radius at the intersection
would cut into the property. Mr. Speer stated it would and the
property line would be closer to the octagonal restaurant/bank
4. Commissioner Ellson asked if the bus turnout and turning lane
would be in conflict. Mr. Speer stated there would not be a
deceleration lane so as to cause a conflict.
5. Commissioner Marts asked if the radius would encroach in the
setback. Mr. Speer stated it would encroach for about 37 feet.
Discussion followed regarding the setbacks.
6. Commissioner Ellson asked if Simon Drive would be a full turning
movement on Washington Street. Mr. Speer stated it would until
the median was constructed. Discussion followed regarding the
traffic flow and bus turnouts for this and the neighboring
7. Chairwoman Barrows opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Fred Simon
Sr., property owner/Applicant, addressed the Commission
regarding his concern for a right turn in and out access only.
He asked that a signal be allowed on Simon Drive that would be
synchronized with the Highway 111 signal.
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Planning Commission Minutes
December 10, 1991
8. Mr. Philip Pead;:'ApPlicant, gave a description of what the
project proposed. He introduced Mr. Rudy Leeway, Brunswick
Bowling Center, who gave a presentation on the operational
merits of the bowling alley. Commissioner Ellson asked if the
bowling alley would be applying for a liquor license. Mr. Leeway
stated they would be serving alcohol. Mr. Pead continued with
his presentation.
9. Commissioner Mosher inquired about the original approvals in
1982 in regard to the 3.4 acres dedicated for the right-of-way.
Mr. Pead stated that Mr. Simon had already spent a great deal of
money for the original improvements to get it where it is today.
10. Mr. Pead then went on to discuss the conditions that he had
objections to. Those conditions were: #14, #16, #18, #25.A.,
C., E., F., J., #38, #41-45, #49, #53, #64, and #65.
11. Commissioner Ellson asked how tall the existing Simon building
is and how tall will the proposed building be. It was stated the
existing Simon Motors building is between 35 and 38 feet high and
the proposed buildings will be the same height. She then asked
how the parcels were split and who owned them. Mr. Paul Seltzer
stated the corner parcel was owned by Pomona Federal Savings
and Loan. The remainder is owned by a partnership of Mr.
Simon, Mr. Sanborn, and Mr. Seltzer. Commissioner Ellson
asked if they would be developing the project. Mr. Pead stated
they would be hiring a developer to build the project.
12. Commissioner Mosher asked where the 3.4 acres that was
dedicated was located. Mr. John Sanborn, Sanborn & Webb,
stated that 66 feet of Washington Street and the full width of
Simon Drive was dedicated to the City. Discussion followed as to
how much more land was being required by the City.
Commissioner Mosher then asked who approved the preliminary
and final map. Mr. Sanborn stated that the final map was
processed through the City. Discussion followed as to who
requested the dedications and how they came to be.
13. Mr. Paul Seltzer, attorney and part owner, addressed the
Commission regarding the dedications imposed on the project. He
stated they would be willing to dedicate to the City the additional
right-of-way on Washington Street and the 65 foot radius
required at the corner in return for the setback and height
reductions. Discussion followed as the value of the property and
the potential income from that property.
14. Commissioner Mosher questioned why any City or County would
require the road improvements to be installed on Simon Drive.
Mr. Simon stated that the County not only required a road but an
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December 10, 1991
88 foot wide road and in addition they were forced to supply a
water line from Dune Palms Road to Washington Street in order to
supply the La Quinta Plaza shopping center with water.
15. Commissioner Ellson asked if the conditions imposed on them were
greater than conditions imposed on any other developer. Mr.
Simon stated this was a difficult question to answer but he felt
they were excessive.
16. Commissioner Ellson asked Mr. Pead to expand on the medical
services that were indicated on the plans. Mr. Pead stated they
were working with a medical center to bring limited services to
the area. Discussion followed as to possible tenants and also
alternative site plans.
17. Commissioner Ellson stated her concern for the intensity of the
building density. She asked if the project could be viable with
a lower amount of building square footage. Mr. Pead stated they
felt the square foot area was what they feel the property is
18. Mr. Steve Robbins, Esco Engineering, spoke on behalf of the
Washington Square owners to the south, expressing their
concerns about a two story building within 150 feet of Washington
Street and that it will be in conflict with other approved projects
on Washington Street. Other objections were:
a. The landscape setback reductions
b. The stormwater retention basin (off-site)
c. The full turn access at Simon Drive and Washington
d. The 8 foot bike lane should be the same along Washington
as everyone else.
He further stated that one half of the property dedicated for
Simon Drive belonged to the Washington Square property
owners. In addition, the water line extensions are required by
Coachella Valley Water District as growth dictates development.
19. Mr. Pead addressed the issue of the stormwater retention and
stated they are working with the City to solve this problem.
20. Commissioner Mosher inquired about the 154 parking spaces they
are lacking. Mr. Pead stated they felt time share parking would
be acceptable to the City and that they would submit their
calculations soon.
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December 10, 1991
21. Commissioner E]ls0n asked ~f the restaurant is proposed only to
be a dinner house, what is to keep it from serving lunches and
thereby changing the parking requirements. Mr. read stated
this should be controlled through the Conditional Use Permit
22. Chairwoman Barrows stated her concern regarding the intensity
of the proposed uses and the size of the parking structure. She
asked if they had pursued any of the suggestions of the Design
Review Board in regard to providing additional parking
underground (sub-grade). Mr. Pead stated they were already
one level below ground and in reality the structure is no higher
than the proposed building.
23. Commissioner Ellson stated her concern for openness for a view
through the project. Mr. MerLin Barth, architect for the project,
addressed the design issues and further explained the layout of
the buildings to show where there were views through the
buildings. Discussion followed as to this location being a focal
point entrance to the City.
24. There being no further comments, Chairwoman Barrows closed
the Public Hearing.
25. Commissioner Mosher inquired of Staff regarding joint use of
parking being provided for in the City ordinances. Staff stated
that the Ordinance does provide for joint use but the Applicant
has not provided Staff with the information to make this
26. Commissioner Mosher asked how much land is in the setback on
Washington Street right-of-way. It was stated approximately
20,000 square feet. Discussion followed as to methods the City
could use to obtain the right-of-way.
27. Commissioner Ellson asked whether the bike path would fall
within the setback area. Staff stated it would not. Discussion
followed regarding the area to be used for bike paths and bus
28. Commissioner Mosher asked the Applicant if they have a fitness
center and bowling alley tenant. Mr. Pead stated they have both
tenants secured.
9.9. Chairwoman Barrows asked the Commission to express their view
on the Variance request. Commissioner Ladner stated she
objected to making exceptions and felt the project should conform
to the City requirements. Chairwoman Barrows, Commissioner
Ladner, and Commissioner Ellson stated their objections to the
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December 10, 1991 -
building mass and project density. Commissioner Mosher would
Hke to see the project conform to the requirement of all one story
structures within 150 feet of a major arterial, the parking
requirements being resolved, and the retention basin resolved
with Engineering. Commissioner Ellson would like to see the
square foot distribution of the buildings rearranged.
Commissioner Marts expressed his appreciation to the Applicant
for working with Staff and feels his project will be contribution
to the community and would like to see these issues resolved.
30. Due to the above stated concerns of the Commission and their
desire to see the project approved the Commission felt the project
should be continued to allow Staff and the Applicant time to see
if they could work out some of these problems.
31. There being no further discussion, it was moved by
Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Ladner to
refer Plot Plan 91-466 and Variance 91-019 back to Staff to
resolve the concerns of the Commission and bring this issue back
to the Planning Commission at their meeting of January 14, 1992.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Ladner, Ellson, Marts, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT:
D. Public Use Permit 91-012; a request of the Boys and Girls Club for a
24,000 square foot clubhouse, administrative offices, and future
outdoor swimming pool and pool building.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Ellson inquired if the schools went to year round
attendance would there be a problem with the parking. Staff
stated this was a possibility.
3. Chairwoman Barrows opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Reuel
Young, architect for the project, gave a presentation of the
project. He further stated that in the planning of the project
year round school attendance was addressed and it was felt that
the adjacent areas would provide enough parking. He asked that
the one-way traffic condition be changed from east to west to
west to east. He also asked for clarification of Conditions #1 and
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December 10, 1991
4. Assistant City Eh~n~i~ ~teve Speer addressed Condition of
Approval #12 and stated that Park Avenue would need to be
widened to allow a turning pocket and have a total width of 40
feet. It is presently 32 feet. Commissioner Ladner asked why
Staff did not create additional lanes. Staff stated that by
creating additional lanes you would probably be creating a
problem of cars traveling at a greater speed.
5. Commissioners expressed their approval of the design and
thanked Mr. Young for the work he had done.
6. Mr. Young asked for a clarification of Condition #17 as it could
alter the landscape design if the citrus trees were to be removed.
He asked if as they fill for the pad the playground would remain
at the same level, could this serve as the retention basin. Staff
stated this could be worked out with Engineering. Chairman
Barrows asked the Applicant to retain as many trees as possible.
7. Commissioner Ellson asked if the future pool would be an olympic
size pool. Mr. Young stated that the pool was designed to be six
lanes and 25 meter long which is the standard race length.
8. Commissioner Ellson asked Mr. Young to familiarize the
Commission on the heat transmission of a standing seam roof.
Mr. Young stated they are a saucer in shape and in a desert
climate they get hot fast and cool fast. The way it is constructed
the heat would not be held in. In addition, it would be a great
help on maintenance.
9. Mr. Bob Ross, financial consultant, addressed the Commission on
the good results they were having with other Boys & Girls Clubs
utilizing the standing seam roof.
10. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows
closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Marts stated that the
Design Review Board approved of the project whole heartedly.
11. Mr. Young asked to clarify what the exterior material would be.
He stated their preference would be to use concrete block due to
maintenance and other considerations but they would Hke to have
the option to use concrete block or stucco. The Commission had
no objection as long as the color would remain the same.
12. There being no further discussion, it was moved by
Commissioner Marts and seconded by Commissioner Mosher to
adopt Minute Motion 91-050 approving Public Use Permit 91-012
subject to the amended Condition #3 and with the addition of a
condition allowing the exterior material to be concrete block.
Discussion followed as to the widening of Park Avenue.
Unanimously approved.
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December 10, 1991
E. Street Name Change 91-002; a request of Wilma Pacific for approval to
change the street name of Via Marquessa to Lake La Quinta Drive.
1. Chairwoman Barrows opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Dennis
LaMont, Wilma Pacific, addressed the Commission regarding the
street name change.
2. There being no discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Ladner
and seconded by Commissioner Ellson to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 91-062 recommending to the City Council
approval of Street Name Change 91-002.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Ladner, Ellson, Marts, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT:
A. Sign Application 91-159; a request of Simon Plaza to install a shopping
center identification sign, directional signs and multiple building signs
for a future office/commercial facility planned on five and one half
1. At the request of the Applicant, Commissioner Ladner moved and
Commissioner Marts seconded a motion to continue this matter to
January 14, 1992. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Ladner asked that the Minutes of November 26, 1991, be
approve as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Planning Director Jerry Herman explained that at the request of the
Commission, he had contacted the Fire Marshal asking for their
recommendation regarding their need for sideyard setbacks. Mr.
Herman read the Fire Marshal's response regarding ratios and setback
requirements. Discussion followed regarding setbacks and options the
Commission could take.
B. Planning Director Jerry Herman asked the Commission if they would like
a preliminary review of major projects before they go to a public
hearing. At the request of the Commission this would be placed on the
January 14, 1992 agenda.
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December 10, 1991
A motion was made by Commissioner Ladner and seconded by Commissioner Marts to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on
January 14, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This
meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:27 P.M.,
December 10, 1991.
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