MCCARTHY• IIII I I I'll'I IIIII IIII 50 j HOME- OCCUPATION PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF LA OUR t2-05 Cello toted P.O. •ox 1504 . QW18964A. 922. hJ6191.64 - t246 564-2246 PLANNING DIVISION 6187 Sad each condition listed on the reverside side of this ors to see if the proposed activity can canply with-the=C-tty Occupation Regulations. $35.00 fee/®0 RECI_} TYPE OR PRINT IN INK s � n. DEC r 7 1'38,1 APPLICANT'S NAME Vance L. iicCarti,,v PHONE 564-1624 CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPERTY OWNER Q. p,� Ks PHONE - PROPERTY ADDRESS +- Alvarado, PLANNING 3 DEVELOPMENT DEPT (Street) La Ouinta Ca. 92253 (City) (State) (tip) Type of residence (Single. Multiple, mobile home, etc.) Single J�¢(� Type of business Mobile Disc Jockey Brief description of how the business will operate contact s—nr ; n tha, r hordes contact with the public is one out of the home. Number of persons involved in business 2 • List names Nancy McCarthy, of persons employed Paul McCarthy Square footage of usable floor area in house (exclude garage) 1165 validation Stamp Location and square footage of area of 005182 10 0402 12-07-89 i0 business activity in home (example: J.0 CASH i TOTAL 1 35.00 bedrooms; 125 square feet) Bedroom 90 Square Feet Description of machinery, equipment, and supplies being used in the business operation Speakers & stereo Equipment, Records, Tapes Tai rrnnhnna I have read and understand and agree with the conditions by which a home occupation is allowed (Conditions on reverse side). December 7, 1989 APP I ANT SIGNATURE 7 DATE If Applicant Is other than property owner, authorization of owner or agent required. OWNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation, or failure to comply with conditions listed on reverse shall be grounds for revocation of permit. APPROVED Initials - Date CONDITIONS A ACHED DENIEDInitials Date LQHOMOCC.PRT r CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA CODE COMPLIANCE FOR BUSINESS LICENSE • I, the undersigned hereby state that I have read the following: The issuance of a License to do business in the City of La Quinta does not exempt the owner of the business from the burden of responsibility to comply with all Codes and Ordinances of the City pertaining to the use of this property.. Conducting a business within the City without a certificate of occupancy issued by the Building Department when required, will cause the owner to cease all operations.upon notice from the City. Phone number _(A1A) 564-1624 AS A PART OF THE CITY STAFF REVIEW OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR A NEW (OR BUSINESS LICENSE RELQEWAL) , THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED: 1. Name of Applicant Nancy L. McCarthy 2. Name of Firm Starlight Productions 3. Business Location 54-550 Alvarado Ave. 4. Mailing Address P.O.Box 1091 La Quinta, Ca 92253 NATURE OF BUSINESS (Excluding Apartments, Motel, Hotel & Trailer Parks) 1. General activity (e.g., laundry, retail) Entertainment 2. The use involves the following conditions: a. Maximum number of persons employed 2 (Incl. owners) b. Does the use involve: (Check one or more) (1) Construction Wholesale Manufacturing Transportation Finance, Real Estate - Retail Warehousing Services to Individual or Businesses (2) Packaging . Processing Ccanpounding Blending Assembly Painting or Conditioning c. Are the products produced 'frran raw material NO , previously Prepared Products NO? Explain, if yes d. Does the use involve .flamable.liquids? tin Quantity Type and Character How stored e. List . the . primary .machine,.including power equipment Speakers and Stereo Equipment Maxinaan horsepower f. Total building. floor area 1365 sq. ft. - Sales . area % Office area _% Fabrication and Assembly % Storage 3% Other % g. Restrocatts avilable vP 09/07/89 AVAILABLE OFF-STREET PARKING SPACE: 1. Number of off-street spaces on this parcel 3 , Other located feet from the property, or in CBD Parking District. 2. Condition of parking area:_X_Paved, Gravel, X Dirt. OUTSIDE STORAGE: NO products or materials are stored outside. �/y �� srtv. 1- What materials, products or trucks are stored outside?. 1 van -for transport of 2. Is the storage area fenced or walled by block, wood; Equipment wire, or is it open? APARTMENT HOUSES, biO=S , HOTELS AMID TRAILER PARKS: 1. Use classification- No. of units- No. of buildings - Motel, Hotel, Apt, Trailer Park (circle one) (spaces) (trailers) --- PLANNING DEPARTMENT USE 1. FIRE by date • 2. HEALTH by date 3. PLANNING 6-4_- by. 6t date Planning Case approval ht�-4 14'-/6cD l 2 - — 9 Case Number Date Approved 4. Building by date Certificate of Occupancy Number Date Issued • • AVAIIJABLE OFF-STREET PAM(ING SPACE: 1. Number of off-street spaces on this parcel 3 , Other located feet from the property, or in CBD Parking District. 2. Condition of parking area:_paved, Gravel, X Dirt. OUTSIDE STORAGE: NO products or materials are stored outside. s� 1. What materials, products or trucks are stored outside? 1 van for transport 2. Is the storage area fenced or walled by block, w)od, Equipment wire, or is it open 1-2- APARTMENT HDUSES, M=S, H=,S AND TRAILER PARKS: 1. Use classification- No. of units- No. of buildings - Motel, Hotel, Apt, Trailer Park (circle one) (spaces) (trailers) PLANNING DEPARTMENT USE . • • 1. FIRE by date 2. HEALTH by date 3. PLANNIl !9 by 4. date /z - -7- e 9 . Planning Case approval ff� 4-/0tD / 2 - -7- 8 9 Case Number Date Approved Building by date Certificate of occupancy Number Date Issued • December 11,1989 To City of La Quinta; Paul & Nancy McCarthy are the tenants occupying the residence at 54-550 Avenida Alvarado La Quinta,Cal 92253. They will be operating a business at same location. The Name of the Business is Starlight Productions. There will be NO MODIFICATIONS to 'the structure of -the home. (one) spare room will be used for office space, consisting of primarily an answering machine, one desk and filing cabinets. Equipment used in this Business consists of Stereo Equipment and Speakers, and Disco Lights which are -stored in garage when not in use. All of this business is run outside of the home, at various hotels and country clubs. The home office is no open to the public. The home office is used primarily for setting up appointments for'each performance. I give approval for the tenants named above to use one room for a home office. Desert Property (Managers P.O. Box 1555 saeQe�t �c®doi�Pos®® La Oulnta, CA 92253' APPROVED BY j Jam s Cathcart La Quinta Palms Realty 51001 Eisenhower Drive La Quinta. 564 4104 fIN (::i� • W VlwAA 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 January 2, 1990 Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCarthy 54-550 Alvarado La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT 89-100 Dear Mr. & Mrs. McCarthy: 1•h4A.s is to notify you that the above referenced application is approved. A copy of the approved application has been attached for your records. • Should you have any additional questions, please contact the undersigned. • Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:bja cc: Code Enforcement File BJ%LTRWN.)45 - 1 - MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253