PCMIN 09 22 1992 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION- CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California September 22, 1992 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows. Commissioner Mosher led the flag salute. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Mosher Ellson, Marrs, Adolph, and Chairwoman Barrows. B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Principal Planner Fred Baker, Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary Betty Anthony. C. Consultants: Jon McNamara, Tim Campbell, Kate May, Mark Peterson, and Matt Burt. m. PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairwoman Barrows excused herself due to a possible conflict of interest and turned the meeting over to Vice Chairman Mosher. A. Draft General Plan and Final EIR; a request of the City to approve the FEIR and General Plan for the La Quinta General Plan. 1. Mr. Jon McNamara, Mr. Tim Campbell, and Ms. Kate May presented the information relative to the General Plan and FEIR. A copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. There being no questions of consultants, Vice Chairman Mosher opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Forrest Haag, representing Landmark Land Company addressed the Commission regarding Landmark's concern of having their property on the southeast and northeast comer of Jefferson and 52nd Avenue and the northwest comer of Jefferson and 50th Avenue remain commercial. PC9-22 Planning Commieeion Minutee September 22, 1992 3. Commissioner Ellson questioned Mr. Haag if these changes had not been at the request of Landmark in exchange for other zoning consideration. She further asked how the commercial zoning at 50th Avenue and Jefferson fit in with Landmark's long range plans. Mr. Haag stated there plans were for a variety type of commercial area with possibly a home improvement and office use. 4. Ms. Mary Francis Fenedy, property owner on Tampico west of the new City Hall site, addressed the Commissioner regarding commercial zoning for her residentially zoned property that was "sandwiched between commercial property and the new Civic Center. She had made application to rezone the property but the cost was too excessive. Discussion followed as to the location of the property, the size of the property and the shape of the lot. 5. Mr. D. G. Saad, property owner on Tampico, shared the same concerns as Ms. Fenedy. Commissioner Adolph asked if Mr. Saad had plans to develop the property. Mr. Saad stated that if it were zoned commercial he would move to develop it immediately as a retail use. 6. Mr. Hank Hohenstein, representing the City of Indio, read a letter from Mrs. Dorothy Papazian (Sternberg) into the record regarding her concern to maintain low density zoning along the border with Indio. He further stated their concerns regarding the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee. Discussion followed regarding the fee and the number of lanes planned for Madison Street. 7. Ms. Audrey Ostrowski, stated her concern over the amount of land that was being zoned commercial. 8. Mr. Tim Bartlett, speaking for different land owners, stated his concern that a number of people who own property were unaware of the changes that are proposed to their property. Discussion followed relative to the notifying process and the Commercial/Park zoning. 9. Mr. Michael Bangeter, asked the Commission to consider keeping the commercial zoning on the property he was representing at 52nd Avenue and Jefferson PC9-22 2 Planning Commission Minutes September 22, 1992 10. Mr. Ray Hanes, representing A. G. Spanos Company property at the southeast corner of Miles Avenue and Washington Street. He asked the zoning remain consistent with what was approved on the tentative tract map. In addition, their property at Lake La Quinta be retained as commercial. Discussion followed as to the exact location of the request. 11. There being no further discussion, Commissioner Adolph stated his concern that each of these requests needed to be reviewed separately. He felt it was unfair to group all the requests together and approve the General Plan without independently identifying these requests and evaluating them. 12. Vice Chairman Mosher stated his agreement regarding these requests and asked Staff if they could prepare an informational packet to the Commission showing the respective properties as they are zoned now and what is proposed. 13. There being no further comment it was moved by Commissioner Marrs and seconded by Commissioner Adolph to continue the matter to a special meeting to be held September 28, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta YMCA Child Care Development Center. Unanimously approved with Chairman Barrows abstaining. Chairman Barrows returned to the meeting. Vice Chairman Mosher moved to reorganize the Agenda and place Item #3, Public Use Permit 92-013 The La Quinta Senior Center, as Item g2, and Item #2, Change of Zone 92-072 and Tentative Tract 27613, as Item #3. Unanimously approved. Break: 8:25 - 8:35 P.M. B. Public Use Permit 92-013; a request of the La Quinta Senior Center for approval of a public use permit to allow the construction and operation of a 10,600 square foot senior center. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioners Adolph and Ellson questioned different uses in relation to the floor plan. PC9-22 3 Planning Com~ission Minutes September 22, 1992 3. Mr. John Walling, architect for the project, gave a description of the project and went over the floor plan. 4. Mrs. Madlyn Smith, Senior Center Director, addressed the Commission regarding their concern about Meals on Wheels and the logistics of operating the different programs. DisCussion followed relative to the way the different programs function. 5. There being no further discussion, Chairwoman Barrows opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. 6. There being no further comments, it was moved by Commissioner Ellson and seconded by Commissioner Man's to adopt Minute Motion 92-031A approving Public Use Permit 92-013, subject to the attached conditions. Unanimously approved. Chairwoman Barrows excused herself due to a possible conflict of interest and turned the meeting over to Vice Chairman Mosher. C. Change of Zone 92-072 and Tentative Tract Map 27613 - The Tradition of La Quinta; a request of J. B. Gold to redesignate from R-I*++10,000 and R-2* 20,000 to R-2 Multiple Family Dwellings and redesignate from Hillside Conservation to R-2 (Multiple Family Dwellings) and approve the development of +446 acres of a 746.6 acre site into 399 single family lots and an 18 hole golf course. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Vice Chairman Mosher asked if two story units would be allowed. Staff stated they would not be allowed near Avenida Bermudas. 3. Commissioner Adolph asked what the developer planned to do with the Hacienda Del Gato house and who would actually own it. Staff stated it would be best if the Applicant answered these questions. 4. Vice Chairman Mosher asked how the Applicant planned on enforcing the 'No Parking' with the minimum width roads as planned. Where do the maintenance and utility service people park? Discussion followed relative to the street width, and the problems caused by narrower widths. PC9-22 4 Planning Commission Minutes September 22, 1992 5. Vice Chairman Mosher questioned the cul-de-sac turning radius being reduced from 90-feet to 76-feet. Staff stated this was actually the same size radius when its provided in private streets. 6. Vice Chairman Mosher opened the Public Hearing. Mr. J. B. Gold addressed the Commission and gave a brief summary of the project. Vice Chairman Mosher asked if the Applicant agreed with the conditions as Staff had prepared. Mr. Gold stated that most of them were acceptable. 7. Commissioner Adolph asked what the Applicants intentions were for Hacienda Del Gato. Mr. Gold stated it was their intent to refurbish and restore the building and use it as a sales office presently and in the future it would be his home or one of the partners in the project. Commissioner Adolph agked if he had any objections to deed restrictions being placed on the property. Mr. Gold stated he had no objections. 8. Mr. Ronald Gordon, resident to the north of the project, stated his concern for the water drainage from the project to his property. He stated a berm had been started but needed to be finished. He also stated his concefi~ regarding noise. He understood a wall was to be constructed and asked if it would be completed with this project. Also would the two story tennis units block his view? Mr. Mike Smith, engineer for the project, stated two story units were probably over a 1000-feet away and should not block their view. He also stated they would be required to have a noise study completed on the project. 9. Mr. Carl Cox, stated his concern about redesignating any hillside area. Mr. Smith clarified the rezoning and stated it was not actually rezoning but realigning to follow the toe of the mountain. 10. Ms. Sandy Swan, resident to the north of the project stated her concerns regarding the following: a. How many full time residents? 1.) Approximately 1/3. b. The berm and bicycle path? 1.) To be completed. c. What type of lighting will the tennis court have? 1.) Will conform with Dark Sky Ordinance. d. The flood control lakes? e. The drainage system on Rondo? PC9-22 5 Planning Commieeion M£nutee September 22, 1992 f. The improvement landscaping, wall, and berm. 1.) Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer gave a description of the drainage system. g. The height of the clubhouse, and the height of the two story units. 1.) 28-feet maximum h. A noise study/abatement. 1.) Will be completed before project is finished. i. The square footage of the homes to be built. 1.) 1200 square feet minimum, but probably much larger. j. What was the key punch system for the Fire Department on the gates. 1.) This is a requirement of the Fire Department. k. The rezoning of the hillside. 1.) There was no rezoning only realigning to follow the toe of the mountain. 11. Mr. Gordon asked how they could be kept informed on the project. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that City Council hearing notices would be mailed. 12. There being no further comments, Vice Chairman Mosher closed the Public Hearing. 13. Commissioners discussed the street widths and how best to control the "No Parking' problem. Following discussion it was recommended that an additional condition be added stating, U Any changes to the 'No Street Parking' requirements must have the approval of the City Engineer and Fire Marshal on all streets less than 36-feet.' 14. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell asked the Commission to clarify whether they wanted Conditions 80 and 81 added with the wording changed regarding retaining the citrus trees and having Palo Verde trees added to the street frontage. The Commission stated they wanted them added, as amended. 15. There being no further comments, it was moved by Commissioner Adolph and seconded by Commissioner Ellson to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 92-030 recommending approval of Change of Zone 92-072 and concurrence with the Environmental Analysis Planning Commission Resolution 92-031 approving Tentative Tract Map 26713, subject to the amended conditions. PC9-22 6 Planning Commission Minutes September 22, 1992 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Ellson, Marrs, Adolph. NOES: None. ABSENT: None ABSTAINING: Chairwoman Barrows. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT: - None V. BUSINESS SESSION A. Minor Temporary Outdoor Event 924345; a request of Thunderbird Artists (Judi Combs) for approval of fine art shows at the Plaza La Quinta Shopping Center from November, 1992, to March, 1993. 1. Principal Planer Start Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. He also stated that Staff would require the relocation of the pon-a-toilets as well as prohibiting the loading/unloading of vehicles next to Washington Street. Discussion followed as to possible traffic problems. _ 2. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that Condition #13 allowed the City to shut down and review any problems that may occur during the shows. 3. Following the discussion it was suggested that a condition be added requiring the artists to use the south side of' the parking lot for loading and unloading and to discourage patrons from parking there and causing traffic problems. 4. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Man's to adopt Minute Motion 92-032 approving MTOE 924)45, subject to the amended conditions. Unanimously approved. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections Commissioner Man's moved that the Minutes of September 8, 1992 be approve as submitted. Commissioner Adolph seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PC9-22 7' Planning Commiesion Minutee September 22, 1992 Planning Director Jerry Herman notified the Commissioners of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Conference at the Indian Wells Hyatt Grand Champions on October 30, 1992. Anyone interested in attending was to notify the office at their earliest convenience. Vlll. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Adolph to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a special meeting on September 28, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta YMCA Child Care Development Center. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:41 P.M., September 22, 1992. PC9-22 8