PCMIN 09 28 1992 MINUTES
A special meeting held at the
La Quinta YMCA Child Care Development Center
49-955 Park Avenue, La Quinta, California
September 28, 1992 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Vice Chairman Mosher.
Commissioner Marts led the flag salute.
A. Vice Chairman Mosher requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Ellson,
Marrs, Adolph, Vice Chairman Mosher. Commissioner Marrs moved to excuse
Chairman Barrows from the meeting. Commissioner Adolph seconded the motion
and it carried unanimously.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Fred Baker,
Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit, and Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
C. Consultants: Tim Campbell and Kate May.
A. Draft General Plan and Final EIR; a request of the City to approve the FEIR and
General Plan for the La Quinta General Plan.
1. Vice Chairman Mosher gave a brief synopsis of the last meeting and
reopened the Public Hearing.
2. Mr. Peter Zelles, resident, spoke on behalf of the residents on the south
side of Tampico. He stated the need to change the property to a
commercial zoning to avoid incompatible zoning. Discussion followed as
to the delineation of the Village Specific Plan area. Planning Director
Jerry Herman gave a brief description of the different zones within the
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Planning Commiesion Minutes
September 28, 1992
3. Mrs. Mary Fenedy, Tampico property owner, stated her desire to have
her property zoned commercial.
4. Ms. Arlene Tuff, Tampico property owner, stated her desire to have her
property zoned commercial.
5. Mr. Ray Hanes, representing A. G. Spanos, accepted the proposed zoning
for the property at Miles and Washington, but wanted to retain the
commercial zoning for the Lake La Quinta property.
6. Ms. Virginia Garbutt, Tampico property owner, stated her desire to have
commercial zoning on her property.
7. There being no further discussion, Vice Chairman Mosher closed the
Public Heating and the Commission commenced to discuss each property
individually (reference map attached.
8. Property #1 & #5 (southeast comer of 50th Avenue and Jefferson):
Discussion regarding the irregular shape of the properties and the
possibility of the entire area including Lots 2 and 3, as a commercial
zone. Commissioner Ellson gave a description of how she felt the traffic
circulation and zoning should fit together. Following the discussion, it
was decided to leave the category as it as proposed (Neighborhood
Commercial) and allow the opportunity for the property owners in Lots
2 and 3 to consider rezoning their property to multi-family sometime in
the future.
9. Commissioner Marrs stated that even though the General Plan was laying
down guidelines for zoning the City, citizens should remember these are
guidelines. If a developer can provide a viable project and show
justification for a rezoning, the property could potentially be rezoned.
10. Property #3 (northwest comer of Washington and Highway 111) would
remain with the proposed Community Commercial.
11. Property #4 (Southwest comer of 50th Avenue and Jefferson Street) would
remain as proposed, Tourist Commercial.
12. Property #5A (northwest comer of 50th Avenue and Jefferson Street):
Commissioner Ellson stated she felt the property should be classified as
Tourist-Commercial. Tim Campbell explained to the Commission the
difference between Tourist Commercial and Neighborhood/Community
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Planning Commission Minutes
September 28, 1992
Commercial. Following the discussion it was determined to leave the
approximately 20 acres property as proposed, Neighborhood Commercial.
13. Property 6A and gl3 (on Highway 111 between Adams Street and Dune
Palms Road): left as proposed (Mixed/Regional Commercial) as there
would be no change from the existing General Plan to the proposed
General Plan.
14. Property 6B and 7B (southeast corner of Washington Street and Miles
Avenue) would stay as proposed High Density Residential and Park
15. Property g7A (Washington Street between 48th Avenue and 47th Avenue-
Lake La Quinta). Commissioners discussed the various commercial uses,
height limitations, and affects on the surrounding residential property.
Following the discussion it was determined that Lot 282 would be
designated Neighborhood Commercial; Lot 283 would be designated
Office; and Lot 284 would be Community Commercial. It was pointed
out by Mr. Campbell that the Low Density Residential designation on Lot
_ 282 was a graphics error and that Office designation was intended. After
further discussion, the Commissioners concurred that Lot 282 should be
16. Property g7c (Jefferson Street between 53rd Avenue and 54th Avenue)
would remain LOw Density Residential with Rural Residential Overlay.
17. Property #8 (southeast corner of 50th Avenue and Washington Street);
would remain Office.
18. Property g9 and gl l (Tampico Street to the west of the City Hall);
following discussion regarding access points to the property on Tampico
and Buena Ventura and surrounding property, it was determined to leave
the property Residential.
19. Vice Chairman Mosher took this opportunity to direct Staff to relay to the
City Council the Planning Commission strong recommendation that the
City Council revisit the Village Specific Plan and consider these properties
at that time.
20. Property gl0 (southwest of Lake Cahuilla) would remain as proposed,
-- Open Space.
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Planning Commieeion Minutee
September 28, 1992
21. Property #12 (near 48th Avenue); Commissioners discussed the
designation of the site and stated it should be designated as a historical site
and not a recreational site by further delineating the "Park' definition.
22. Planning Director 'Jerry Herman asked the Commission to review the
Policy changes that were presented to them. Following discussion the
following was recommended:
a. Policy 2-1.1.1 approved as recommended.
b. Adding a policy requiring "Employment Support Services".
c. Assign the land use designation of Low Density Residential
to approximately 40 acres located at the northeast corner of
Madison and 55th Avenue.
d. 'Policy 2-6.4.3 changed to reflect the Response to
Comments, EIR Appendix C, Page C-16, Response #45.
23. Commissioner Ellson questioned Page 2-11, Policy 2-1.3.1 as to how Staff
proposed to integrate the residential with the commercial. Staff stated
Policy 2-314 addresses that concern. She further asked that on Page 3-23,
Policy the word "Park" be added. In addition on Page 3-24 she
asked that a bicycle path corridor be added on 47th Avenue between
Washington Street and Adams Street.
24. There being no further discussion it was moved by Commissioner Adolph
and seconded by Commissioner Marrs to adopt Minute Motion 92-033
recommending to the City Council certification of the Final EIR for the
1992 La Quinta General Plan in accordance with the findings set forth in
the Staff Report. Unanimously approved with Chairwoman Barrows being
25. Commissioner Ellson moved and Commissioner Adolph seconded a
motion to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 92-032 recommending
to the City Council approval of the adoption of the 1992 La Quinta
General Plan.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Ellson,
Man's, Adolph. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Chairwoman Barrows None ABSTAINING:
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Planning Commission Minutes
September 28, 1992
Planning Director Jerry Herman notified the Commissioners and the remaining audience that this
matter would go before the City Council on October 6, 1992, at their 7:00 Public Hearing time.
A motion was made by Commissioner Ellson and seconded by Commissioner Adolph to adjourn
this special meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on October 13, 1992, at
7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting of
the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:00 P.M., September 28, 1992.
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