PCMIN 01 12 1993 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
January 12, 1993 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows;
Commissioner Adolph led the flag salute.
A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Mosher,
Ellson, Marrs, Adolph, and Chairwoman Barrows.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman and Principal Planner Stan Sawa,
Associate Planner Leslie Blodgett, and Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
A. Conditional Use Permit 92-004; a request of Carl's Jr. Restaurant for approval
to construct and operate a fast food restaurant with a drive-thru.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. Commissioner Marts asked Staff if the building changes would come back
before the Planning Commission. Discussion followed regarding the roof
3. Commissioner Marrs asked Staff to clarify the request for the playground
equipment relating to its height and color.
4. Commissioner Ellson asked Staff about the location of the trash enclosure.
Discussion followed regarding the location of the trash enclosure and
traffic visibility by both the dumpster and parked cars.
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January 12, 1993
5. Commissioner Marrs asked Staff to clarify where the shading of the pick-
up areas would be. Staff and Commissioners discussed the shaded area
as well as the retaining wall and bermed area.
6. Commissioner Ellson asked why the building sas excessively high. She
felt it detracted from the appearance.
7. There being no further questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened
the public hearing.
8. Mr. Frank Oley, project manager for Carl's Jr., discussed the following
issues with the Commission:
a. Line of sight for the trash enclosure.
b. Regarding the height of the building, they conformed with what
was requested by the Design Review Board and create
compatibility with the shopping center.
c. Regarding the awning colors, the sign program allows red and it
is a predominate color used in the center. The proposed awning
colors help to identify the building to passing motorists.
d. The retaining wall will be combination of block wall and berming.
e. In reference to the flag pole, the Design Review Board granted 13-
feet above the roofline. They would like the original request of
40-feet permitted.
9. Mr. Oley asked Staff to clarify why the sign program would have to come
back for approval. Staff discussed the discrepancies. Mr. Oley went on
to explain the double drive-thru window to the Commissioners as well as
the playground equipment.
10. Chairwoman Barrows asked what type of screening would be used for the
playground. Mr. Oley stated it would be a dease landscaping at the base
with high growth. The exact details would be worked out with Staff.
11. Commissioner Mosher asked what the height of the flag pole would be.
Mr. Oley stated they are requesting 40-feet. Commissioner Mosher asked
for clarification of the shade over the pick-up windows. Staff stated it
was a code requirement and it provided shade for the patron at the
windows as well as the workers.
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January 12, 1993
12. Commissioner Ellson asked what color the building would be painted. It
was stated the stucco would be an off-white. She then asked what the
material of the playground structure would be and what if other colors
could be used. Mr. Oley explained the material to be used and stated that
when dealing with children they prefer the bright colors. Discussion
followed regarding possible alternatives.
13. Commissioner Marts asked what was the difficulty with the wrought iron
fence. Staff discussed with the Commissioners the Design Review
Board's request to have alternative fencing looked into.
14. Discussion continued between the Commission, Staff, and the Applicant
regarding the playground equipment, landscaping, and the color of the
proposed awnings.
15. Commissioner Adolph stated his concern that the playground and the
building were to high and needed to be reduced in height to balance with
the center.
16. Mr. Colm Macken, TDC Development clarified with Staff the sign request
and stated he felt it was in compliance with the sign program. Discussion
followed regarding the sign program, the number of signs requested, and
the size of the signs.
17. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the
public hearing and opened the matter for Commission discussion.
18. Following lengthy discussion regarding signs, awnings, playground
equipment and color, Planning Director Jerry Herman clarified the
Commission's changes.
a. Condition #13: the flag pole allowed to be 40-feet high.
b. Condition #15: the horizontal awnings which are visible from
Highway 111 (on the east and west sides) shall be beige with a red
c. Condition #17: the TDC sign program shall be met but a sign
adjustment will be permitted for the freestanding menu sign.
d. Condition #18: the playground equipment shall not exceed two
levels or 15'7" and the fence shall be painted beige or white.
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January 12, 1993
19. Following the discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mosber and
seconded by Commissioner Marrs to approve the Conditional Use Permit
as amended.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Marrs, & Chairwoman Barrows.
NOES: Commissioners Ellson &
Adolph. ABSENT: None.
B. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 92-029; a request of the City to amend Chapter
9.117, Overlay Zone for Equestrian Uses on Smaller Lots.
1. Associate Planner Leslie Blodgett presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commission members discussed with Staff the change in the one acre
parcels, what constituted a residence in regard to caretaker residences, and
whether the fence ordinance was compatible with the Ordinance.
3. Before Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing, Planning Director
Jerry Herman clarified for the members of the audience the zone change
and the amendment.
4. Mr. Bob Kuhl, Monroe Street, stated he was in favor of the annexation
of his property as long as his lifestyle could remain the same and he was
in agreement with the Ordinance Amendment which would allow this to
continue. He did question the limitation on stallions. He felt this should
be extended or omitted.
5. Commissioner Marrs asked if Mr. Kuhl's property would be grandfathered
in or would the Ordinance affect his property. Staff stated the way the
Ordinance wa written, Mr. Kuhl's operation would be affected, but the
Ordinance could be rewritten to address stallions.
6. Mrs. Wanda Reese, 50th Avenue, expressed her concern regarding the
keeping of stallions. Commissioner Marts asked how many acres Mrs.
Reese had. She stated she had 7.5 and was leasing the 5 acres next door.
Commissioners discussed the practical requirements of keeping a stallion
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January 12, 1993
7. Mrs. Debbie Striven, Indio Hills, stated she kept her stallion at Mrs.
Reese's stables and would like to continue doing so.
8. Mr. Donald Scfivens, Indio Hills, stated his concern for losing his place
of stabling his stallion.
9. Mr. Frank Gavin, representing Mr. Merv Griffin, stated he managed Mr.
Griffin's stables which included three stallions, a breeding program and
their desire to continue doing so.
20. Dr. James Clark, Veterinarian, clarified some issues regarding stallions
for the Commission. He stated that the most important issue was that
there be proper housing and help sufficient to handle the stallion. He
suggested that inspections or permits be added to the Ordinance.
21. There being no further comments, Commissioner Marrs moved and
Commissioner Ellson seconded a motion to continue the public hearing to
their meeting of January 26, 1993. Unanimously approved.
C. Change of Zone 92-073; a request of the City to add the Equestrian Overlay Zone
District designation to existing zoning designations in order to create two new
1. Associate Planner Leslie Blodgett presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Ellson asked Staff if there was any way for a person in
Equestrian Overlay District (EOD) #3 to get a horse to the trails. Staff
at present there was no trail system on 50th Avenue. Discussion followed
regarding establishing a trail system to link up YAth ones being created in
La Quinta.
3. There being no further questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened
the public hearing.
4. Mr. Sonny Kanlian, Jefferson Street, stated his opposition to the horses
and stated which properties around EOD #3 did not want horses. He
would be willing to work with the horse people to develop a program that
could work. He suggested a limit as to the number of horses and a time
_ limitation as to how long the horses would be permitted.
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Planning Commission Minutes
January 12, 1993
5. Ms. Melitas Forster, 50th Avenue, stated she felt it was unfair to take
away the horse owning people's lifestyle. She saw no reason why
commercial, residential and the horse community could not co-exist.
6. Mrs. Kathy Cole, 50th Avenue, stated her desire to continue with the
lifestyle they have which included the keeping of horses. She also felt
golf courses and residential properties could co-exist.
7. Ms. Martha Tureen, Palm Desert, stated she was a school teacher and
questioned how much time and money the City was paying to repair all
the damage done by the graffiti and here was a lifestyle that provided
children/teenagers with an alternative to destructive behavior. She further
stated that with the rate of urbanization that was taking place, the City
should not lose the opportunity to keep the rural atmosphere and lifestyle
that was there. There were a number of alternative lifestyles available in
La Quinta and these should be maintained. She then read a letter from
Mr. Lance Brown, Vice Principal La Quinta Middle School, who also
expressed his desire to see the keeping of horses kept in La Quinta.
8. Mr. Keith Reese, 50th Avenue, expressed his desire to continue his
current lifestyle for himself and his family and grandchildren.
9. Mr. Bill Popowich, Palm ~, stated his daughter boards her horse in
EOD #3 and wanted her to be able to continue with to enjoy the clean and
wholesome atmosphere.
10. Ms. Jill Popowich and Tamara $oto, Palm Desert, stated they were
boarding their horses within EOD #3 and would like to continue with their
desire to ride and work with animals. As teenagers, there are so few
wholesome activities to get involved in.
11. Ms. Kay Menefee, works for Indio Police Department as a dispatcher and
took up horseback riding as a means of relieving stress. She would like
to be able to continue this lifestyle.
12. Mr. R. N. Simpson, stated his wife boarded her horse within EOD #3 and
as they were retired, this was her chosen recreation and she would like to
be able to continue doing so.
13. Dr. James Clark, Veterinarian, stated his support to the comments that
had already been given and urged the Commission to keep the rural
atmosphere for this generation as well as future generations. He stated
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Planning Con~lssion Minutee
January 12, 1993
other areas where ,equestrian uses exist with commercial and residential
uses. He stated that the City of Indio had created an equesaxian area
adjacent to EOD #3 and was trying to establish a trail system.
14. Ms. Carole Herrera, La Quinta, stated she purchased ten azres in the
EOD fi2 area and had just built a home and planned on keep/ag horses.
She stated that all the homes in this area that maintained horses were well
kept and an asset to La Quinta.
15. Mr. Chad Skarin, stated his agreement with what had been szid.
16. Mrs. Sheila Brashear, Indio, boards her horse in EOD fi3 ~nd a large
portion of her recreation time was spend with the horses and in addition
she served with the Riverside County Sheriff's Posse and tkis location
allowed her close accessibility to her horse. She further stated that with
so much of the rural area being developed there was a need for the
equestrian people to maintain their lifestyle. She reiterated tim there was
a need to establish a trail system.
17. Mrs. Julie Reeske, La Quinta, read a letter from Mr. Matt Morris who
had to leave before speaking. He stated his support of t~ Overlay
18. Mr. Mike Reeske, La Quinta, stated he grew up in this area and
remembers how the area was open to hunt, hike, and horseback riding and
now so much was being lost to development. He urged the Commission
to keep the rural atmosphere.
19. Mrs. Julie Reeske, stated she was employed at Rancho Del Sol on 50th
Avenue and wanted to maintain her employment and recreational choice
for herself and her family.
20. Mr. Bob Kuhl, Monroe Street, stated his agreement with the Overlay and
stated further that the City of Indio Empire Polo fields was bringing all
the major horse shows to Indio which would be something I.a Quinta
might want to capitalize on.
21. Mr. Sonny Kanlian, Jefferson Street, stated that he didn't like to see
development take place either as he grew up in a crowded area, but
change comes and he had to accept it. He further stated his Mllingness
to work a compromise with the horse people.
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Planning Conmmission Minutes
January 12, 1993
22. There being no further public comment, Comn~ssioner Mosher moved
and Commissioner Ellson seconded a motion to continue this matter to
their meeting of January 26, 1993. Unanimously approved.
A. Tentative Tract 23269; a request of Century Homes for review of house mix
change and architectural elevations for proposed Unit/5.
1. Associate Planner Leslie Blodgett presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2.Commissioner Ellson asked for clarification on the space between the
living room and bedroom.
3. Mr. Bob Diehl, applicant, gave a description of the project for the
4. Following the discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Ellson and
seconded by Commissioner Mosher to adopt Minute Motion 93-001
approving the house mix change for Tentative Tract 23269 and new Unit
#5 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Approval of Landscape Design for Center Medians; a request of the City for
approval of landscape design for Washington Street center medians between
Highland Palms and 48th Avenue.
1. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. Mr. Tom Doczi, TKD Associates presented the design plan to the
Commission and explained why the Design Review Board requested the
Date Palm and the more intensified lighting. Discussion followed
regarding the Date Palm and the lighting.
3. Chairwoman Barrows asked what type of irrigation would be used. Mr.
Doczi stated it would be drip.
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January 12, 1993
4. Commissioner Mosher asked Mr. Doczi to explain the area designed for
maintenance vehicles.
5. Commissioner Ellson asked if there would be a problem with the
maintenance of the Palm trees.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Ellson
and seconded by Commissioner Adolph to adopt Minute Motion 93-002
approving the landscape design for the center medians as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
C. General Plan Consistency; a request of Coachella Valley Water District for
approval of installation of force main and sewage lift station.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on f~e in the Planning and Development
2. Commissioners asked Staff if there would be housing over the station and
to identify the location of the station. Discussion followed.
3. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher
and seconded by Commissioner Adolph to adopt Minute Motion 93-003
approving the installation of the force main and sewage lift station as
being consistent with the General Plan.
D. La Quinta 66-Acre Master Plan; a request of the City for review of alternate
plans for the City owned property located north of 48th Avenue west of Jefferson
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. Commissioner Adolph asked Staff if the commercial property would be
easy to market. Staff stated it would be.
3. Commissioners discussed with Staff the alternate plans.
4. Commissioner Adolph expressed his concern for the number of traffic
_ signals on Jefferson Street.
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January 12, 1993
5. Commissioners discussed the following suggestions:
a. Move 48th Avenue access at the golf driving range to the east.
Could possibly have a frontage road.
b. Too few parking spaces at the post office.
c. Could the park facility be included in the senior are~.
d. Could the driving range be a public range.
e. Different fence around the post office.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Marts
and seconded by Commissioner Ellson to adopt Minute Motion 93-004
recommending Alternate #4 to the City Council. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Mos~Ser asked that spelling errors on pages 3 and 4 be corrected.
There being no furtt'.er corrections Commissioner Mosher moved that the Minutes
of December 8, 1992, be approve as submitted. Commissioner Ellson seconded
the motion and it carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Commimioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Adolph to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on January 26,
1993, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quhta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting of
the La Quinta Planning Commiss3on was adjourned at 11:05 P.M., January 12, 1993.
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