PCMIN 02 23 1993 CC MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION- CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California February 23, 1993 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows who led the flag salute. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Mosher, Ellson, Marrs, A<lolph, and Chairwoman Barrows. B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Start Sawa, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary Betty Anthony. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Tentative Tract 26444, Extension #1; a request of La Quinta Estates Partnership for approval of a one year extension of time for a subdivision of approximately 32 acres into 98 single family lots. 1. Associate Planner Leslie Cherry presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Marrs inquired about the school fees being increased. Staff explained why the fees had been increased. 3. Following the discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Marrs to adopt Resolution 93-005 recommending to the City Council approval of one year extension of time for Tentative Tract 26444, Extension #1. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Ellson, Marrs, Adolph, & Chairwoman Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINING: None. PC2-23 1 Planning Commission Minutes February 23, 1993 B. General Plan Amendment 92-041. Preannexation Zoning 93-073. Sphere of Influence g9, and Annexation gg; a request of Travertine Corporation to amend the La Quinta General Plan Land Use and Circulation Map adding a new area for a Sphere of Influence and Annexation and designating the new area as Low Density Residential and Open Space, and zoning the area R-1 and HC (Hillside Conservation). 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Ellson asked Staff to clarify the County zoning and projects they had approved for the area. 3. Commissioner Adolph stated his concern that if the property was not annexed, the County could zone the property for whatever density they desired. Staff clarified the annexation process and what the City proposed to zone the property as. 4. There being no further questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing. Commissioner Adolph asked Mr. Berkey if he intended to parcel/sell off any of the land. Mr. Berkey stated he did not have any plans for the land. 5. Ms. Kathryn Kelly, representing the Sierra Club, stated her concern that the annexation could affect the future of the existing trails and the environmental damage that could take place if an environmental analysis is not done. Commissioner Ellson asked Ms. Kelly to identify the trails. 6. Ms. Bern Schwenn, representing the Coachella Valley Natural History Association, identified the trails for the Commissioners. Ms. Schwenn went on to explain to the Commissioners the problems that could be imposed on the public for accessibility, the danger to the different animal species that exist, and her concern for the zoning density that was proposed. 7. Commissioner Adolph questioned Ms. Schwenn as to whether she was opposed to the annexation or the zoning. Ms. Schwenn stated she had no objection to the annexation but wanted to be sure that a complete environmental assessment was done on the area. She felt that if a Negative Declaration was passed on the area that when a project was proposed for the area, an environmental assessment would not be done. PC2-23 2 Planning Commission Minutes February 23, 1993 8. Commissioner Ellsonas~ 'Ms, Schwenn what she would suggest the City do to protect the area. Ms. Schwenn stated she felt the Federal government should buy the land and/or acquire easements. 9. Commissioner Mosher stated he felt that an extensive environmental impact report was premature at this time. The City should wait for a · development application in order to determine what the affect on the environment would be at that time. Staff clarified for those attending what a negative declaration and environmental impact report were and how and when they are completed. 10. Mr. Hal Summers, La Quinta resident representing the Coachella Valley Hiking Club, stated his concern about the zoning and the possible loss and/or access to the trails. 11. Commissioner Ellson asked Staff if development of the area would improve the roads and open the area up for more traffic to the trails. Staff explained that a project would bring access to the area but would not guarantee that accessibility to the trails would be provided. 12. Mr. Paul Leyn, property owner in the annexation area, stated that some consideration should be given to the property owners to allow them to develop their land as they desire. 13. Mr. Richard Meyer, property owner in Section 33, stated he supported the annexation and also wanted to preserve the hiking trails and felt the area would be better served by the City of La Quinta rather than the County. 14. Mr. Jack Becker, property owner in Sections 33, 3, and 32, stated his support of the annexation as he felt it would give the City better control over what happened to the land. He further stated that these property owners put their money into this land in hopes of being able to someday develop the property as an investment~ 15. Mr. Roger Downing, property owner in the annexation area, stated that he had tried to construct a road to his property under the County but was unable to get approval. He stated he was in favor of the annexation but wanted very low density. 16. Mr. Sean Abaii, property owner of 160 acres to the southeast of the area, stated his support of the annexation. 17. Mr. Steve Merritt, property owner in the annexation area, stated his support of the annexation. PC2-23 3 Planning Commission Minutes February 23, 1993 ? 18. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing. 19. Commissioner Adolph asked Staff if the area had to be rezoned. Staff stated yes and explained the. annexation and prezoning process. Commissioners discussed with the Staff the reasons for zoning and filing a negative declaration at this time. Commissioner Ellson inquired if there was a way to add a stipulation to require protection of the trails and wilderness. Staff stated a policy could be made in the General Plan to flag this. 20. Commissioner Mosher stated he felt language should be added to protect the trails. 21. Commissioner Ellson moved and Commissioner Adolph seconded a motion to continue this matter to their next meeting of March 23, 1993, in order to give Staff time to review ways of protecting the trails and wilderness in the area. Unanimously approved. Chairwoman Barrows recessed the meeting from 8:48 P.M. to 8:52 P.M. C. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 93-033; a request of the City to amend the Municipal Code (Title 9, Planning and Zoning) pertaining to screening and/or prohibition of roof mounted mechanical and similar equipment in commercial and residential zones. 1. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Marrs asked Staff asked if the existing equipment and satellite dishes would be grandfathered. Staff stated that satellite dishes would be addressed separately at a later time. 3. There being no further questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing. There being no one wishing to speak on the subject, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing. 4. Commissioner Mosher moved and Commissioner Adolph seconded a motion to adopt Resolution 93-006 recommending to the City Council approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 93-033 regarding screening and/or prohibition of roof mounted and ground installed mechanical and similar equipment and confirmation of the environmental determination. PC2-23 4 Planning Commission Minutes February 23, 1993 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Ellson, Marts, Adolph, & Chairwoman Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINING: None. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT: - None V. BUSINESS SESSION: A. Continued General Plan Consistency Finding for Coachella Valley Water District; a request of the Coachella Valley Water District for General Plan Consistency Finding for CVWD projects. 1. Mr. John Corella, Domestic Engineer representing CVWD, explained that the District had 9 wells that pump to a main reservoir off Bermudas and they will be working with the City on the aesthetics and street improvements regarding the construction of the projects. He stated that the proposed reservoir would be below grade level visually; the reservoir would have a berm if it is visible; and they will submit plans to the City when CVWD proposes to build. They are looking into the erosion of the current berm to see why the well is now visible. 2. Commissioner Adolph asked if the pumping stations are above ground. Mr. Corella stated they were and went on to explain the process. He stated the well sites are usually a half acre in size and soundproofed to ambient level at the perimeter wall. 3. Commissioner Ellson asked if the landscaping would be replaced on the existing and future sites. Mr. Corella stated they would plant native landscaping. 4. Chairwoman Barrows stated she would like to see native landscaping used in all instances. She further stated her concern about the new roads being constructed. Mr. Corella stated they will be using the existing roads except for the lower well which will have some scaring but the alternative would be to create a new site for the well which would create a greater disturbance. 5. Commissioner Mosher asked if the system was a gravity flow. Mr. ~ Corella stated it was. 6. Discussion followed between the Commissioners and Mr. Corella regarding the operation of the reservoirs. PC2-23 5 Planning Commission Minutes February 23, 1993 7. Following the discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Man's to adopt Minute Motion 93-012 determining that the projects as proposed by CVWD are consistent with the General Plan. Unanimously approved. B. Street Vacation 93-023; a request of Keith Companies to vacate Wagon Road and a public easement in favor of the Southern Pacific Land Company south of 52nd Avenue, east of the Coachella Canal. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Ellson inquired about a discrepancy in the maps. Staff stated they were an earlier version. 3. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Ellson and seconded by Commissioner Adolph to adopt Minute Motion 93-013 approving Street Vacation 93-023 as being in compliance with the General Plan and the Vista Santa Rosa Specific Plan. Unanimously approved. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Commissioner Ellson asked that the Minutes of February 9, 1993, be amended on Page 6, Item #B to read" .... of colors being installed throughout the City and there should be some way of requiring the shopping centers to have the centers exterior colors neutral." There being no further corrections, it was moved by Commissioner Marrs and seconded by Commissioner Ellson to approved the Minutes as amended. Unanimously approved. VII. OTHER- None VIII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Adolph and seconded by Commissioner Mosher to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on March 23, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:34 P.M., February 23, 1993. PC2-23 6