PCMIN 04 27 1993 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
April 27, 1993 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows who led
the flag salute.
A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Ellson,
Marrs, Adolph, and Chairwoman Barrows. Commissioner Ellson moved to
excuse Commissioner Mosher. Commissioner Marrs seconded the motion and
~__ it carried unanimously.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa,
Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
A. Tentative Tract 24890-2. Extension //2; a request of J. M. Peters to create ten
condominium lots from 7 condominium lots.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
Department. He further explained the changes made to the draft
Conditions of Approval.
2. Commissioner Ellson inquired when the perimeter landscaping on Park
and Tampico would be installed. Staff responded that the perimeter
landscaping is the responsibility of Landmark Land Company who is
under the control of the Resolution Trust Company and therefore the
landscaping will not be done at this time.
-- 3. There being no further questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened
the public hearing. Mr. Bob Trapp, representing J. M. Peters stated he
was there to answer any questions of the Commission.
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April 27, 1993
4. Commissioner Adolph inquired why the applicant wanted the request.
Mr. Trapp responded that the original lots were larger and the market
demand and financing requires the smaller lots.
5. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the
public hearing. Commissioner Ellson moved to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 93-011 recommending to the City Council
approval of Amended Tract 24890-2, subject to conditions. Commissioner
Marrs seconded the motion.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Ellson,
Man's, Adolph, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioner Mosher.
B. Tentative Tract 25499 (Revised); a request of Sunrise Company (Mr. Allan
Levin) for a second one year extension of time.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. There being no questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public
heating. Mr. Allan Levin, representing Sunrise Company, stated he was
there to answer any questions of the Commission.
3. Commissioner Adolph inquired what the applicant's position was
regarding their involvement with Landmark Land/RTC as far as future
development. Mr. Levin stated only a portion of their property was tied
up with the RTC. He further stated their long term goals were to develop
the land as the market permitted. Discussion followed regarding the type
of development that could take place.
4. There being no further discussion, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public
heating. Commissioner Ellson moved and Commissioner Adolph
seconded a motion to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 93-013
recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract 25499
(Revised) Extension//2, subject to conditions.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Ellson,
Marrs, Adolph, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioner Mosher.
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April 27, 1993
C. Conditional Use Permit 93-006: Taco Bell; a request of Fancher Development
Services for approval to construct and operate a fast food restaurant with a drive-
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Adolph asked Staff if the sign program would come back
for review. Staff stated it would be before the Planning Commission
again if a monument sign is requested. Commissioner Adolph questioned
the need for two-sided directional signs.
3. Commissioner Adolph stated his concern that the mechanical equipment,
electrical panel boards, etc., should be screened. In addition, the planters
did not provide enough room for adequate landscaping. They would need
to be increased in size on the front and two side elevations. He further
questioned why the handicap ramp was in the middle of the parking space
and of different dimensions. Staff stated the applicant would answer these
__~ questions.
4. Mr. Scott Duffner, Vice President of Fancher Development Services,
spoke on behalf of Taco Bell regarding the Conditions of Approval.
Regarding Condition #10, he understood that the Design Review Board
had approved the berming and planter treatment for the drive-thru
window. Discussion followed regarding the berming and planter. Mr.
Duffner then questioned Condition #19; he felt there would not be enough
time between ordering and picking up the food if he was required to have
four car stacking. In regard to Condition #20, Mr. Duffner requested a
one step element on the tower.
5. Commissioner Adolph questioned Mr. Duffner regarding the two-sided
directional signs. Mr. Duffner stated the reverse side could say "thank
you". Discussion followed regarding entrance sign locations.
6. Commissioner Adolph stated his disbelief that landscaping could screen
the electrical panel. Mr. Duffner stated they would screen it.
7. Commissioner Adolph stated his objection to the tower parapets. He felt
they should be tied into the roof line. Mr. Duffner stated he would be
-- willing to revisit the design and bring it back before the Commission.
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April 27, 1993
8. Commissioner Ellson asked Mr. Duffner if he would consider relocating
the electrical panel to the west elevation and use a vine treatment to screen
the panels. Mr. Duffner stated that vines do not work well in hot
temperatures. Discussion followed regarding different methods of
screening the back of the building.
9. Chairwoman Barrows asked Mr. Duffner to use a different type of grass
than "Fountain Grass" as the City was trying to eliminate its use as it was
an invasive grass. She further asked Mr. Duffner if he knew what the
difference was between the amount of pollutants put out by a parked and
restarted car and an idling car. Mr. Duffner stated that the studies
showed that an idling car was less polluting than a restarted car under
drive-thru conditions such as theirs.
10. Commissioner Marrs inquired as to the average time of service. Mr.
Duffner stated between 27-37 seconds.
11. There being no further questions, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public
12. Commissioner Adolph stated he had no problem with a one step
architectural element, but that some type of change to roof line at the
tower elements should be required.
13. Following a discussion regarding the Conditions of Approval,
Commissioner Marrs moved and Commissioner Adolph seconded a motion
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 93-013 approving Conditional
Use Permit 93-006, and confirming the Environmental Determination,
subject to the Condition as amended below:
Condition #15: The provisions of the Transpacific Development
Company sign program shall be met, but a sign adjustment will be
permitted for the freestanding menu sign and the on-site directional signs.
Only one side of the directional sign should have directional information
and the other side can have other customer information (e.g. "Thank
You"). The location shall be approved by the Director of Planning and
Development. A south elevation building sign will not be permitted if a
freestanding monument sign is installed.
Condition 20. The facade arch shall have a one step architectural
element on each side of the building and the facade architecture shall
return and tie into the proposed roof structure. The Planning Commission
shall review the design change at a future meeting under a Business Item
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Condition 21. The future landscape plan should include both the
proposed landscaping plus the existing parkway landscaping on Highway
111. No fountain grass shall be used in the project because it is invasive
to other desert landscaping materials; landscaping shall be used to screen
the wall-mounted electrical boxes so that they are not visible from
Highway 111.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Ellson,
Marrs, Adolph, & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioner Mosher.
Chairwoman Barrows abstained from consideration due to a possible conflict of interest.
COmmissioner Ellson, as senior member took over chair of the Commission.
D. General Plan Amendment 93-043. Change of Zone 93-075. Conditional Use
Permit 93-005. Tentative Parcel Map 27727, Tentative Tract 27728. Street
Vacation 93-025; a request of Winchester Asset Management (for La Quinta Golf
Properties) for approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the Open Space
designation to Low Density Residential; a Change of Zone from Hillside
Conservation to R-I-20,000 and R-5; a Conditional Use Permit to allow
development including an 18-hole golf course; a Parcel Map to allow the division
of Section 29 into 4 parcels; a Tentative Tract to allow the division of portion of
Section 29 into 65 single family residential lots; a Street Vacation to vacate a
dedicated paper street adjacent to the site (Adams Street and 58th Avenue).
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. Commissioner Adolph asked Staff what additional information could be
obtained by having a complete EIR prepared for the project. Staff
explained that the Negative Declaration is an extension in scope and all
the concerns were mitigated in that document. Therefore, no additional
information would result from doing an EIR.
3. Commissioner Adolph expressed his concern that Mr. Green and Mr.
Meyer's properties would be denied access. Staff explained that access
was being provided through the subdivision as agreed upon by the
applicant and conditioned in the approval.
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April 27, 1993
4. Chairwoman Ellson opened the public hearing. Mr. Craig Bryant,
representing the applicant explained the project.
5. Mr. Ray Barmore, representing Desert Riders Association, thanked Mr.
Bryant for his cooperation in working with them regarding the
preservation of the "Boo Hoff Trail". He further explained that the
Association maintained the local trail after the construction. Trails
construction was funded by donations.
6. Mr. Bill Hillman, representing the Desert Riders Association, stated he
was a little concerned regarding the location of the trail in conjunction to
the golf tee. An alternate route was available should the developer wish
to pursue the possibility.
7. Mr. Boo Hoff, representing the Desert Riders Association, thanked Mr.
Bryant for his spirit of cooperation in preserving this trail which had been
named for him. He further stated he would be willing to donate the funds
(up to $3,000) to move the trail.
8. Mr. Richard Meyer, property owner to the south, spoke to the
Commission regarding his concern for access to his property, the location
of the maintenance facility as it related to his property, and use of
Schwabaker Road.
9. Mr. John Sanborn, engineer representing Mr. Meyer, stated his concern
for access to Mr. Meyer and Mr. Green's properties, and further
suggested that all utility accesses and roads being brought into the project
should be made available to Mr. Meyer.
10. Mr. Craig McArthur, attorney representing Mr. Green the property owner
to the southwest stated his concern that access be provided to the
properties to the south. He stated it only made sense to have Mr. Green
and Mr. Meyer share in the cost of installing and maintaining the security,
utilities, streets, and the entrance gate. He felt there should be separate
individual accesses for the Green and Meyer property. He further stated
that all utilities being brought in should be sized to accommodate all three
properties. Finally, Mr. McArthur discussed the issue of drainage. He
felt the project is not addressing drainage from his clients property.
11. Mr. George Berkey, property owner in the area, stated his support for the
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April 27, 1993
12. Mr. Craig Bryant, replied to the concerns stated above. In regards to the
utilities, it felt this was up to the utility companies. He preferred one
access for Mr. Green only as Mr. Meyer could obtain his access from
Jefferson Street. Drainage would be handled per City codes and
ordinances. With regard to the maintenance facility it was located 20 feet
lower than Mr. Meyer's property which will serve as a natural barrier.
Mr. Bryant was pleased to hear that Mr. Green will share in the cost of
installing and maintaining those amenities that affect his property.
13. Commissioner Adolph stated his approval of the maintenance facility being
placed in the front part of the project and questioned Mr. Bryant as to
why the entry gate was so far from the project. Mr. Bryant stated they
were trying to accomplish an entry similar to the La Quinta Hotel.
14. Commissioner Adolph asked who was putting in the utilities and who will
maintain them. Mr. Bryant stated they would be paying for their
installation but the District owns and maintains them.
15. Chairwoman Ellson asked if there would be a wall around the residential
lots. Mr. Bryant stated there would be a landscape wall on a portion of
the south, north, east boundaries of the Section 29 site.
16. Chairwoman Ellson asked how the entry road could be realigned if they
owned the right-of-way and who actually owned the road. Mr. Bryant
stated they owned the entry road and therefore would do a realignment.
Chairwoman Ellson then inquired if any land swapping could be done in
order to gain access for Mr. Green. Discussion followed regarding the
access problem.
17. Commissioner Adolph asked Staff where the Boo Hoff Trail was located
and where it would be moved to. Staff showed the Commissioners the
present location and the proposed location.
18. Discussion followed relative to providing access to the properties to the
south. Mr. John Shaw, Keith Companies showed the Commission and
Staff how alternate access could be accomplished for the properties.
19. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Ellson closed the
public hearing.
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20. Chairwoman Ellson expressed her concern for Mr. Meyer and Mr. Green
being able to develop their property. She further questioned Staff if
access roads stay with section lines or can then veer from them. Staff
stated they could veer. Commissioner Adolph shared the same concern.
21. Commissioner Marrs stated he felt the present conditions protected Mr.
Green and Mr. Meyer.
22. Planning Director Jerry Herman discussed with the Commissioners each
application and the amended Conditions of Approval that applied to each
application individually.
23. Following the discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Marrs and
seconded by Commissioner Adolph to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 93-014 recommending approval to the City Council of General
Plan Amendment 93-043 as requested by the applicant.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Marrs,
Adolph, and Commissioner Ellson.
Commissioner Mosher
ABSTAINING: Chairwoman
24. Commissioner Marts moved and Commissioner Adolph seconded a motion
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 93-015 recommending to the
City Council approval of Change of Zone 93-075 as requested by the
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Ellson,
Marrs, and Adolph. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioner Mosher
ABSTAINING: Chairwoman
25. Commissioner Adolph moved and Commissioner Marrs seconded a motion
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 93-016 recommending approval
to the City Council of Conditional Use Permit 93-005 subject to conditions
as amended.
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ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Ellson,
Marrs, and Adolph. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioner Mosher
ABSTAINING: Chairwoman
26. Commissioner Marrs moved and Commissioner Adolph seconded a motion
adopting Planning Commission Resolution 93-017 recommending approval
to the City Council of Tentative Parcel Map 27727 subject to conditions.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Ellson,
Man's, and Adolph. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioner Mosher
ABSTAINING: Chairwoman
27. Commissioner Adolph moved and Commissioner Marrs seconded a motion
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 93-018 recommending approval
of Tentative Tract 27728 to the City Council subject to conditions as
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Ellson,
Marrs, and Adolph. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioner Mosher
ABSTAINING: Chairwoman
28. Commissioner Marrs moved and Commissioner Adolph seconded a motion
to adopt Minute Motion 93-021 determining that 58th Avenue and Adams
Street adjacent to the proposed project site axe not necessary for public
street purposes and therefore may be vacated. Unanimously approved (3-
0-1 with Chairwoman Barrows abstaining and Commissioner Mosher
A. Commissioner Marrs moved and Commissioner Adolph seconded a motion to
approve the Minutes of April 13, 1993 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
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A motion was made by Commissioner Adolph and seconded by Commissioner Man's to adjourn
this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on May 11, 1993, at 7:00
P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning
Commission was adjourned at 11:18 P.M., April 27, 1993.
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