PCMIN 05 11 1993 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
May 11, 1993 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows who led
the flag salute.
A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Mosher,
Ellson, Marrs, Adolph, and Chairwoman Barrows.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa,
Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand-Cherry,
and Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
Commissioner Marrs moved and Commissioner Mosher seconded a motion to reorganize the
Agenda by moving Public Heating Item//4 to become Item//3 and Item//3 to become Item//4.
Unanimously approved.
A. Tentative Tract 26188; a request of Santa Rosa Developers, Inc. for a first
extension of time.
1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand-Cherry presented the information
contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning
and Development Department.
2. There being no questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public
hearing. No one wished to address the Commission regarding the matter
and the public hearing was closed.
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Planning Commission Minutes -
May 11, 1993
3. Commissioner Adolph asked Staff if they had any knowledge of whether
the tract would be completed. Staff stated they had not had any contact
with the applicant.
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioners
Mosher/Adolph to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 93-019
recommending to the City Council reconfirmation of the Environmental
Analysis, and approval of Tentative Tract 26188, first extension of time,
subject to conditions.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Ellson, Marrs, Adolph, &
Chairwoman Barrows. NOES:
None. ABSENT: None.
B. Tentative Tract 23971. Extension //3; a request of Deane/La Quinta L.P. by
Deane Homes for approval of a third and final one year extension of time for a
tentative tract which subdivides 70 acres into 228 single family lots.
1. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. Commissioner Ellson questioned Staff about Condition #27 as to why only
two trees were required. Staff stated that five should be required on a
corner lot and would amend the conditions.
3. There being no further questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened
the public heating.
4. Mr. Steve Robbins, ESCO Engineering, representing the applicant, stated
they had no objections to the revised Conditions of Approval.
5. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the
public hearing. Commissioners Marrs/Ellson move to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 93-020 recommending to the City Council
concurrence with the Environmental Determination and approval of a third
and final extension of time for Tentative Tract 23971, subject to
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 11, 1993
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Ellson, Marts, Adolph, &
Chairwoman Barrows. NOES:
None. ABSENT: None.
C. Tentative Tract 25691; a request of Richard L. Deman for approval of a second
one year extension of time for a tentative tract to subdivide +__9 acres into 39
single family lots.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. There being no questions of Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public
3. Mr. Richard Deman, applicant, stated he had no objections to the
Conditions of Approval and further stated his request for extension was
__ based on his dependence of the tract to the east developing in order to
hook up to the sewer system. Commissioners discussed with Mr. Deman
the problems that were involved regarding the sewer.
4. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the
public hearing. Commissioners Ellson/Mosher moved to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 93-021 recommending to the City Council
approval of a second one year extension of time for Tentative Tract
25691, subject to conditions.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES' Commissioners Mosher,
Ellson, Marrs, Adolph, &
Chairwoman Barrows. NOES:
None. ' ABSENT: None.
D. Plot Plan 93-495 (Revision) and Master Sign Program 93-210; a request of Simon
Plaza, Inc. (Philip Pearl) for approval to develop a mixed use commercial project
on approximately 5.6 acres zoned C-P-S.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
-- Development Department.
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 11, 1993
2. Chairwoman Barrows questioned Staff about the theme plaza. Staff stated
there was a 50-foot landscape strip on Highway 111 that would reduce
down to 20-feet along Washington Street. Staff stated the comer should
be maintained as required by the City's General Plan. Chairwoman
Barrows asked Staff if the plaza should have the same fencing as the One
Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center had. Staff stated it was not necessary
as long as some sort of landscaping and wall was required by the
3. Commissioner Adolph asked what happened to the property owner who
owned the comer parcel (Desert Outdoor Advertising). Staff stated they
had not received any additional correspondence from them since their
original complaint regarding the City's right-of-way requirements.
4. Commissioner Adolph asked if the sign program before them was the
same as the old application. Staff stated it was with some modifications.
5. There being no further questions for Staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened
the public hearing. Mr. Philip Pead, applicant, addressed the following
conditions with the Commission:
a. Condition //13: The applicant preferred to hire their own
archaeologist. Staff stated they had no objection as long as they
were selected from the City list.
b. Condition #24.D. The applicant questioned the limitation of the
height of the restaurant. He stated to the top of the tower it was
48-feet and it would be difficult to incorporate the design with the
mechanical equipment. Commissioners questioned what the height
was to the roof line below the tower structure. Staff stated it was
24-feet. The Commissioners discussed leaving the condition as
written but adding verbiage to exclude minor architectural
c. Condition #24.N. The applicant asked that the condition be
changed for the parking structure ramp to allow him to pick up the
color of the building and provide arches in order to let it blend in
with the overall design of the center. Commissioner Ellson stated
she would prefer landscaping were used to screen the ramp.
Chairwoman Barrows agreed as she felt the wall would become a
problem with graffiti.
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 11, 1993
d. Condition//24.0. The applicant requested that he be allowed to
use foam molding instead of pre-cast stone window trim. Also he
would prefer to use molding on the window and he would like to
eliminate 24.0.6 and 7. He further stated he was uncertain as to
what was being required of him in Condition #24.0.3. Staff stated
they had no objections. Commissioner Ellson asked for
clarification as to what type of molding and windows were better.
Chairwoman Barrows stated she would like to have Condition
24.0.6 to remain in as a reminder to the applicant to conserve
energy (Title 24).
e. Condition #36.C. The applicant stated that due to timing he would
like to request 30-days. Commission and Staff had no objections.
f. Condition #39. The applicant requested that he be responsible for
those improvements that were from the existing curb to the
proposed curb line only. He stated he felt it was an unfair amount
to require centerline to proposed curb as they had already paid for
these improvements once. Staff explained to the Commission the
history of how the costs had been determined.
g. Condition #41. The applicant requested that they be required to
pay a smaller percentage of the improvements as they were so far
west of the signal. Discussion followed between the applicant,
Commission and Staff as to a fair percentage.
h. Condition #56. The applicant asked for clarification on the
condition. Staff stated this was a standard condition required of all
i. Condition #65. The applicant requested clarification of the
condition. Following discussion it was determined that the
condition would be changed to require perimeter landscaping for
the parking structure to be reviewed and approved by the Design
Review Board.
j. Conditions #67, #69, #70, #71. The applicant requested
clarification. Staff explained the changes that had been required
due to new State law.
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 11, 1993
6. Mr. Steve Robbins, ESCO Engineer, stated he was representing the
Washington Square project and they would be opposed to changing the
percentage of the cost that the project is required to pay for the Simon
Drive signal as they were being required to pay 10% for the Washington
Street signal.
7. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the
public hearing.
8. Commissioner Ellson stated her empathy for the number of times this
project has gone through to gain approvals, but she would like to see more
art work incorporated in to the architecture of the building. She would
like to see a water feature included at the corner.
9. Commissioner Mosher stated he felt the applicant had been extremely
cooperative with all the changes that had been required of him and he was
very pleased with the changes that had been submitted in this proposal.
Commissioner Man's agreed.
10. Chairwoman Barrows expressed her concern that this project location was
an image corridor and she felt the building was still too massive. In
addition, she missed the plaza area for the workers which was part of the
original case (PP 91-466).
11. Commissioner Adolph stated this was the focal point and entrance to La
Quinta and the project has a nautical look and needs to be more
compatible with the rest of the community. In addition, he felt the
signage was an afterthought.
12. Following discussion, Commissioner Mosher moved and Commissioner
Marts seconded a motion to adopt Minute Motion 93-022 approving Plot
Plan 93-495 (Revision), subject to the amended conditions:
Condition #13: The City is to review and approve the selected
Condition #24.L.' Eliminated.
Condition #24.N.' That landscaping would be used to screen the parking
Condition #24.O.1-Eliminate.
.2-Add grid molded windows.
· 6 & .7-Eliminate.
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May 11, 1993
Condition #36.C.: Time limited extended to 30-days.
Condition #39: Street improvements from existing curb line to proposed
property line including the applicant being responsible for the sidewalk.
Condition #41: Changed from 25 % to 12.5 %.
Condition #65: Landscaping would be required for the perimeter grade
planting for the parking structure to be reviewed and approved by the
Design Review Board.
Condition #72: allowing project identification sign to be incorporated into
the theme plaza with the stipulation that an artist be hired to help design
and landscape the plaza.
13. Chairwoman Barrows asked if there was any discussion regarding the
motion. Commissioner Ellson asked Staff what the Commissions
alternatives were. Staff stated they could vote yes or no on the motion.
If it falls another motion can be made. Chairwoman Barrows clarified
that the Design Review Board would still review the final proposal.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, and
Marts. NOES: Commissioners
Ellson, Adolph, and Chairwoman
Barrows. ABSENT: None.
14. Discussion followed between the Commissioner and Staff regarding the
changes they would like to see in the project. Following the discussion,
it was determined that the medical office building should be reduced to
three stories with the applicant being allowed to pick up the square
footage in other on-site areas (e.g., over the parking lot).
15. Commissioner Adolph moved and Chairwoman Barrows seconded a
motion to adopt Minute Motion 93-023 approving Plot Plan 93-495
(Revision) with the amended conditions as stated above and the addition
of the medical office building being reduced to three stories with the
applicant being able to reorganize the square footage.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher,
Ellson, Adolph, and Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: Commissioner
Marrs. ABSENT: None.
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Planning Commission Minutes _
May 11, 1993
Mr. Fred Simon, Simon Motors, addressed the Commission regarding the preceding
project. He stated the Commission did not realize the specific problem they created
regarding reduction of square footage. With the City's requirements of 150-feet from
the property line the Commission did not realize the conflict they were creating for the
developer to comply with all the City ordinances. He strongly felt the judgement on this
project was contrary to the best judgement to the citizens of La Quinta.
A. Conditional Use Permit 93-006; a request of Taco Bell/Fancher Development
Services, Inc. (Mr. Scott Duffner) for approval of a roof design modification to
the future Taco Bell restaurant.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. The Commissioners discussed the changes to the roof line with Staff.
3. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Adolph/Marrs to adopt Minute Motion 93-024 approving Conditional Use
Permit 93-006 as conditioned. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Marrs moved and Commissioner Adolph seconded a motion to
approve the Minutes of April 27, 1993 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A motion was made by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Marrs to adjourn
this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a joint meeting of the City Council,
Planning Commission, and Design Review Board on May 25, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. at the La
Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was
adjourned at 10:00 P.M., May 11, 1993.
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