PCMIN 07 13 1993 MIN1JTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
July 13, 1993 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows.
Commissioner Adolph led the flag salute.
A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Adolph,
Ellson, Marrs, Abels, and Chairwoman Barrows.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Start Sawa,
Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairwoman Barrows opened the nominations for the office of Chair.
Commissioner Ellson nominated Kade Barrows. Commissioner Adolph seconded
the motion. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Man's moved to
close the nominations and Commissioner Adolph seconded the motion. Katie
Barrows was elected unanimously.
B. Chairwoman Barrows opened the nominations for [he office of Vice Chair.
Commissioner Abels nominated Commissioner Adolph. Commissioner Marts
seconded the motion. There being no further nominations Commissioner EIlson
moved to close the nominations and Commissioner Abels seconded [he motion.
Don Adolph was elected unanimously.
A. Plo~ Plan 93-498; a request of Stonington Properties for approval of a plot plan
application to allow construction of a 7,000 square foot building.
Planning Commission Minutes
July 13, 1993
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. Commissioner Ellson asked if the landscaping around the transformer was
inconsistent with the plans. Staff asked that the applicant address the
3. Commissioner Adolph asked if the plans were final drawings or
conceptual. Staff stated they were the final drawings.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened
the public heating. Mr. Gene Scarcelo, representing Stonington, stated
his building was designed to meet the needs of the potential clients.
5. Chairwoman Barrows asked what the use of the use of the building would
be. Mr. Scarcelo stated it would be retail.
6. Commissioner Ellson questioned the amount of window exposure. Mr.
Scarcelo stated that his clientele preferred as much window as possible to
allow as much visibility into the store as possible for the clients. He
noted that a five foot overhang was provided over the windows.
7. Commissioners discussed with the applicant the landscaping around the
transformer. The applicant stated he would have no problem adding
additional landscaping.
8. Commissioner Adolph questioned the tree sizes and stated he would like
to see 24" box trees planted. The applicant stated he would plant
whatever was required of him. Discussion followed regarding the quantity
and sizes.
9. Commissioner Adolph asked the applicant to explain what was planned for
the trash enclosure. Mr. Scarcelo stated it would be a stuccoed block wall
with a concrete driveway.
9. Commissioner Adolph inquired if the colored rendering was correct. Mr.
Scarcelo stated it was done to match the shopping center.
10. Commissioner Adolph inquired about the roof plan and asked what the
slope of the roof was. The applicant stated it was designed to be at such
a slope as to drain the water. Commissioner Adolph asked if the
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Planning Commission M£nutem
July 13, 1993
mechanical equipment would show over thc top of thc roof. Mr. Scarcelo
stated the building was designed so the roof would hide the equipment.
Commissioners discussed the roof access, the height of the arch over the
entrance, how the hip would be tied into the roof, whether color changes
will be a reveal, and where the downspouts would be located with the
11. Commissioner Adolph asked that where the utility area was inside the
landscape easement area, the building should be pushed north 6-inches to
move it outside the easement area.
12. Following the discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Ellson/Adolph to adopt Minute Motion 93-035 approving Plot Plan 93-498
subject to the Conditions of Approval and the following additional
conditions or clarifications:
a. All trees are to be 24" box size.
b. The building shall not encroach into the 28-foot landscape setback
c. The transformer shall be adequately screened with landscaping, if
d. The roof mounted equipment shall be below the roof line.
Unanimously approved.
A. Councilman Stanley Sniff addressed the Planning Commission regarding the
historic moment of this last meeting of the Commission in the old Council
Chambers. Councilman Sniff reminisced on the history of the Planning
Commission. Commissioners discussed with Councilman Sniff some issues
regarding the new City Hall.
B. Mr. David Levin, Lake La Quinta resident, stated his concern for the
enforcement of development guidelines. In particular he stated the landscaping
at the One Eleven La Quinta Center shopping center. He pointed out several
deficiencies in the landscaping that needed to be addressing. Staff stated they
were aware of the problem and were addressing the issue with the developer.
A. Sign Application 93-215; a request of Roger Snellenberger for approval of a sign
adjustment to allow a permanent wall sign on Washington Street north of
Eisenhower Drive.
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Planning Commission Minutes
July 13, 1993
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. Commissioner Adolph asked if the sign was temporary or permanent and
whether it was on the property line. Staff stated the applicant was asking
for a permanent sign with staff recommending a temporary sign and the
sign was on the property line. Staff went on to explain the Commissions
3. Commissioners Abels asked staff to clarify which wall the sign would be
placed on. He further stated there were too many signs and the monument
sign would be enough. He could not see how the sign would increase the
4. Commissioner Man's stated he felt the sales sign was adequate.
Commissioner Ellson stated she felt there should be no temporary sign but
a permanent sign with the projects logo located on Washington Street.
Discussion followed regarding the Commissions preference to have a
permanent monument sign identifying the project rather than any
temporary sign.
5. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Ellson
and seconded by Commissioner Abels to adopt Minute Motion 93-036
denying Sign Application 93-215.
A. Commissioner Ellson asked that the Minutes be amended on page 2, Item B.2.
to delete the word "to", also page 5, Item 3 be amended to read "Commissioner
Ellson stated the project would blend better with the environment if beige tones
were used'. There being no further changes or amendments, Commissioners
Marrs/Ellson moved and seconded a motion to approve the Minutes of July 13,
1993 as corrected. Unanimously approved.
A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Marrs/Ellson to adjourn this regular
meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on July
27, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting of the La
Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 8' 12 P.M., July 13, 1993.
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