PCMIN 08 24 1993-- MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampieo, La Quinta, California
August 24, 1993 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows.
Commissioner Ellson led the flag salute.
A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Ellson,
Man's, Abels, and Chairwoman Barrows.
B. Commissioners Ellson/Abels moved and seconded a motion to excuse
Commissioner Adolph. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa,
Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Tentative Tract 25953. Extension//2; a request of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hirsch for
approval of a one year extension of time.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public
hearing. Mr. Hirsch addressed the Commission regarding his desire to
build his project when the economy improves. They were progressing
with the final map and it should be completed soon.
3. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the
public hearing. Commissioners Abels/Man's moved to adopt Planning
- Commission Resolution 93-031 recommending approval of this second
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August 24, 1993
extension of time for Tentative Tract 25953 to the City Council, subject
to conditions.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Ellson,
Marrs, Abels & Chairwoman
Barrows. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioner Adolph.
B. Tentative Tract 27840; a request of TD Desert Development (Chuck Strother) for
approval of a tentative tract map to create 126 single family residential lots and
miscellaneous lots on 55+ acres.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa stated the applicant had requested a
continuance of the project to September 14, 1993. The public hearing was
opened by Chairwoman Barrows. There being no discussion, it was
moved and seconded by Commissioners Ellson/Abels to continue Tentative _
Tract 27840 to September 14, 1993. Unanimously approved.
Commissioners Ellson/Abels moved to reorganize the agenda by placing Business Item #3 as
Item gl. Unanimously approved.
A. Tentative Tract 23913 (Quinterra) a request of Forecast Homes for approval of
architectural plans for single family residences.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Marrs asked staff to clarify where the River Rock would
be used. Staff explained the location and stated there had been a minor
modification to the plans which added 50 square feet to four of the plans.
3. Chairwoman Barrows asked what the size of the eaves was. Staff stated
it depended on the plan but to make the house appear larger an 18-inch
eave is proposed. Chairwoman Barrows stated there needed to be more
shading and an 18-inch overhang was needed.
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-- Planning Commission Minutes
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4. Mr. Bruce Strickland, Vice President of I.and Acquisition for Forecast
Homes, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He stated 60-80% of their
buyers were first time buyers and their company offered a total of five
plans ranging in size from 1,000 square feet to 1,660 square feet.
5. Commissioner Ellson asked if a patio cover in the rear was offered. Mr.
Strickland stated not at present, but it could be. Chairwoman Barrows
asked if their homes in Phoenix offered the patio cover. Mr. Strickland
stated they did not.
6. Commissioner Ellson stated the La Quina Del Rey project (Century
Homes) offered a small home and only sold three and asked if the
applicant had considered this in their marketing. Mr. Strickland stated he
was aware and further stated that the larger units were not selling either.
Discussion followed regarding the homes built in La Quinta Del Rey.
7. Mr. Doug Phillips, Best, Best & Krieger, spoke on behalf of the Quinterra _
homeowners. He stated the project would adversely affect the existing
homes and submitted a petition with 181 individual signatures. He
-- reminded the Commission that the City Code allows the Planning
Commission to change or deny the application. The existing homes were
at least 1,000 square feet more than those planned by the developer and
the existing neighborhood did not consist of first time buyers but
established homeowners who had put their entire investment into their
homes. He went on to quote what the original homeowners had been
promised by the Quinterra developers when they bought their homes.
8. Mr. Dale Thornburgh, La Quinta Del Rey property owner, stated he had
searched for a location and tract that would suit his family needs and
bought a home in the La Quinta Del Rey tract. Mr. Thornburgh stated he
was in the real estate business and he felt there was a market for the
larger homes if they were built.
9. Ms. Joan Berndt, Quinterra homeowner, stated the smaller, low price
homes would affect her loan. The larger homes have better construction
and architectural design, with higher quality appliances. The lower prices
will bring a transient type population into the neighborhood because they
will not have the finances to maintain the homes. She felt the present
homeowners could expect a 10-20% decrease in value in their homes.
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10. Mr. Russell Robertson, Quinterra homeowner for three months, stated the
planning should stay consistent with Phase I. The Design Review Board
when, reviewing the project, did not take into account the needs of the
existing homeowners. The applicant was not sensitive to the existing
homeowners. Mr. Robertson stated he felt the difference between the loss
in property values due to economic problems versus "cookie cutter" type
homes being built reducing their value further was unfair. Chairwoman
Barrows asked if Mr. Robertson had any suggestions to offer to the
developer to solve the problem, such as a size of home that would be
acceptable. Mr. Robertson stated if he had to compromise the minimum
would be 1,800 square feet. He stated the smallest existing plan was
2,100 square feet.
11. Mr. Daniel Bresnahan, Rancho Ocotillo property owner, stated so far the
arguments had been over price, size, and quality of the homes. He was
concerned about the promise that had been broken to the existing
homeowners. He wanted the value and neighborhood to be maintained
and asked the Commission not to reduce the standards of the
neighborhood. He and his neighbors would rather see the land stay vacant
as it is, rather than having anything of less value built.
12. Mr. Kim Lee Job, Quinterra homeowner, stated he was a banker and had
seen what happens to a development when lower value homes are built in
conjunction with higher valued homes. He stated his opposition to the
13. Ms. Allyson Devenney, La Quinta Vistas homeowner, stated her
opposition to seeing Century Homes or Forecast Homes develop in any
part of her existing tract or any of the neighboring tracts.
14. Mr. Kirk Dimmitt, Rancho Ocotillo property owner, stated his opposition
to the development. He understood the economic downturn in property
values, but asked that the Commission not impose an artificial downturn
on their area.
15. Ms. Jennie Erwin-Plantz, Topaz homeowner, stated her concern that her
development had a similar downsizing plan starting and she was in
opposition to it happening in her tract. These were not first time buyer
in these developments but retirees and homeowners who put life savings
into their homes and they can't afford to lose their property value.
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16. Ms. Bev Beam, Rancho Ocotillo homeowner, stated she had been a realtor
for 21 years and can realistically address the value depreciation based on
her experience in the area. She stated that when the smaller homes were
built by the Highlands area, the homes were devalued by as much as
$100,000. She quoted several instances where property values had
decreased to the point people were selling their homes at a loss to
maintain their credit ratings. These people were losing everything they
had in their homes. The appraisals can't meet the value. Commissioner
Marts asked if Ms. Beam felt this was due to the economy and not
because of the smaller homes. Ms. Beam stated she knew the economy
was having an affect on the market, but also felt the smaller homes would
add to the problem.
17. Ms. Marty Butler, Rancho Ocotillo homeowner, stated the northern
section of the City was developed for the upscale homes. She did not feel
the City was in support of the citizens of this area. The out-of-town
builders do not care about the existing homeowners, they just buy the land
cheap and take advantage of the City. Property values had already
decreased but will decrease even more if the smaller homes are allowed
to be built. The City has affordable housing and does not need this. She
stated her concern that they had no representation at the City.
18. Mr. Louis Glick, La Quinta Vistas homeowners, stated he had researched
the area and settled in La Quinta and was very happy until now. He had
heard that Century Homes was about to develop in his tract with a lesser
quality home and he felt there was no place for the lesser value next to the
higher quality homes. He further stated he had received a letter from
Forecast Homes offering him a dinner and $40.00 for participating in a
Focus Group survey discussion regarding issues most important to
choosing a home. Chairwoman Barrows asked if Mr. Glick had the letter
and would he submit it to the Commission. Mr. Glick did so.
19. Mr. Bruce Maize, builder, stated his support of the project. He felt the
question before the Commission was whether the Commission wanted
affordable housing. He felt the quality could be maintained as the same
contractors build the higher quality homes. He asked where the first time
buyer would fit in.
20. Ms. Diane Schmidt, Building Industry Association Desert Council
president, stated her support of the project in that it helped meet the
market demand by meeting needs. She also stated that Forecast Homes
had an excellent record and built quality homes and they worked hard to
mitigate negative perceived ideas. She further felt that size had nothing
to do with pride in a neighborhood.
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21. Ms. Sally Young, a land broker in Palm Desert, stated her sympathy for
the homeowners, but the whole State was experiencing property
devaluation. The economy dictates what is built and most of the unbuilt
lots are now owned by the banks because the builders could not complete
their tracts. The land is presently one half the original purchase price.
There are no guarantees that prices will not go down. Developers and
landowners have the right to build what will sell in todays market. A
variety of price range does not have to decrease the value of existing
22. Mr. Tim Bartlett, real estate broker, stated his support of the project.
23. Mr. Joe Dunson, Topaz homeowner, stated he was a lender and the
trouble was not affordable housing, but putting them in the same
neighborhood as larger homes. The economy was already hurting the
homeowners, don't add to the trouble. Make affordable homes available
but not next door. _
24. Ms. Mary Black, Topaz homeowner, she bought the largest unit available
at $240,000 and there is a vacant lot next door. They moved to the desert
to have a better lifestyle for their family and her husband commutes to La
Mirada to work in order to live here. They experienced the market
devaluation in Long Beach due to first time buyers and don't want the
same here.
25. Mr. Strickland, applicant, rebutted by saying that first time buyers are not
bad citizens. He went on to explain the letters that were sent out were to
encourage people to attend their survey meetings (focus groups) which
were used for market analysis. He further stated that they use the same
contractors for both the expensive and low cost houses to maintain the
quality in their homes. All buyers have the option to raise the quality of
their homes by purchasing added options. He felt the same quality houses
would be compatible with the neighborhood even though there was less
square footage.
26. Commissioner Ellson stated her empathy for the homeowners and gave a
history of how north La Quinta developed and came into La Quinta. She
stated her opinion to mixed housing and felt a variety of people was good
for any community.
27. Commissioner Abels stated he remembered the original master plan for
the area. He felt the solution was a special ordinance similar to what was
enacted for the Cove to control the type of construction that would be
allowed. He stated his concern for the builders as well.
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28. CommiSsioner Marts stated he was sympathetic to the problem but did not
agree with the thinking of the opponents as he believed things had been
exaggerated. He believed varied sizes can be compatible. He felt the
homeowners were misguided as to devaluing property values. He felt the
homeowners were blaming the devaluation of their homes on homes that
hadn't even been constructed yet.
29. Commissioner Abels asked staff to look into the SR Zoning Ordinance and
see if it could help in this instance.
30. Chairwoman Barrows asked staff what the original applicant and approval
was for this tract. Staff stated the original application was a statement just
to convey that the new developer proposed the existing units.
Chairwoman Barrows addressed the audience and stated the Commission
was looking to the homeowners for a solution. All of the Commissioners
had been to the area and looked for themselves. There is a need for
diversity in housing while representing the existing homeowners interest. ~_-
31. Commissioner Ellson questioned the variety of housing at PGA West and
its success was due to their CC & R's that enable the environment to be
controlled. Staff stated this was a planned condominium community that
allows for these type of controls. Property owners own the home only
and the association pays for the maintenance of the lots. Commissioner
Ellson asked if this was possible for this area. Staff stated the Quinterra
project had CC & R's and architectural review and at present they were
in the control of the bank until the residents take over with some
exceptions. Commissioner Ellson asked if these CC & R's could control
maintenance and parking of cars, etc. Staff stated the CC & R's gave
them the ability to bring civil litigation against offenders and force the
property owner to comply. The City does not have any control.
32. Commissioner Ellson questioned the applicant as to whether they were
building any larger units anywhere else. Mr. Stricldand stated they had
built a larger home in Perris and South San Bernardino County.
Commissioner Ellson asked if they would be appropriate for the desert.
Mr. Strickland pointed out that the range of sizes for these homes was
from 1,180 to 1,860 square feet. Mr. Strickland stated he felt he was
trying to make the transition as easy as possible. He would be willing to
use the 1,800 square foot plan where he was planning on using the Plans
5 and 6.
33. Mr. Doug Phillips, Best, Best & Krieger, representing the Quinterra
property owners, stated the units were incompatible and did not fit. He
reiterated the Commission could deny the request as the City's Plot Plan
and Design Review Code stated they had the fight if the units were not
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compatible. He went on to quote a court case where.a larger house in San
Francisco was out of place with smaller units and even though the City
Code allowed it the City could deny it based on its incompatibility. The
Court of Appeals stated if the Planning Commission finds it not in
harmony it can deny the request. Mr. Phillips stated the project could
relocate to another area of the City.
34. Mr. Jim Rice, Rancho Ocotillo, asked the applicant what the size of the
lots were. Mr. Strickland stated they were the original minimum lot sizes
of 7,200 square feet and larger.
35. Ms. Marty Butler, Quinterra homeowner, asked the Commission to form
a group of homeowners to meet with them and help plan the area for what
could be built in this area. Commissioner Marrs reminded the people of
the number of meetings that were held asking residents to help the City
plan for the area in the General Plan process. Ms. Butler stated she had
no objection to the zoning and what was planned for the area, but don't
put something in where a value exists and decrease that value. She stated
her concern that she felt her rights were being taken away from her as she
had no ability to chose, the decision was being forced upon her.
36. Commissioner Ellson stated her agreement with the idea of working with
the residents to solve the problem. She felt there needed to be
constructive discussion so everyone could live with the decision.
37. There being no further discussion, Commissioner Abels moved to continue
Tentative Tract 23913-Quinterra, Phase II to September 14, 1993, with
the stipulation that each development tract in this area would send two
representatives along with the developer, and meet with the Planning
Commission at their regularly scheduled study session on September 13,
1993, at 7:00 P.M. to work toward a compatible solution. Commissioner
Ellson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. It was suggested
that the representatives and developer come to the study session with
Chairwoman Barrows dismissed the Commission for a ten minute break.
B. Specific Plan 84-004 "Rancho La Ouinta"; a request of TD Desert Development
(Chuck Strother) for approval of preliminary landscaping plans for Washington
Street frontage.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
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2. Commissioner Ellson asked staff to clarify where the meandering sidewalk
3. Commissioner Abels asked if the sidewalk matched up with Parc La
Quinta. Staff stated it Would.
4. Chairwoman Barrows asked if the applicant wished to address the
Commission. Mr. Chuck Strother gave a presentation to the Commission
regarding the proposal.
5. Commissioner Ellson asked if the plant "Apentia" as requested by the
Design Review Board would be replaced. Mr. Strother stated he would
be revising the plant pallet when he met with Coachella Valley Water
District regarding the landscaping.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Ellson/Abels to adopt Minute Motion 93-039 approving
Specific Plan 84-004 "Rancho La Quinta" preliminary landscaping plans
for Washington Street frontage subject to conditions. Unanimously
-- approved.
C. Specific Plan 84-004 "Rancho La Ouinta"; a request of TD Desert Development
(Chuck Strother) for approval of residential units.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
Department. Staff also informed the Commission that the sizes quoted in
the staff report were slightly different than those they were reviewing at
this meeting.
2. Commissioner Ellson stated she would like to see 1/4" scale drawings in
order to know what she was approving.
3. Chairwoman Barrows asked staff to explain the corrected square footage.
Commissioner Ellson stated she would like to see the changes that the
Design Review Board requested on the Estancia Plan. Mr. Chuck
Strother, applicant, went over the plans with the Commission and
explained the changes. Discussion followed regarding the changes.
_ 4. Chairwoman Barrows asked what the overhang would be. Mr. Strother
__ stated they were three feet and two feet for the detached garages.
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5. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Ellson
and seconded by Chairwoman Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 93-040
approving Specific Plan 84-004 "Rancho La Quinta" architectural
elevations for residential units, subject to conditions. Unanimously
D. Sign Application 93-215; a request of Roger Snellenberger for a sign adjustment
to allow a permanent monument sign on Washington Street, north of Eisenhower
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Abels asked staff to clarification the location of the sign
and power box at the corner. Mr. Jeff Petrus, representing the applicant,
showed the location and gave a brief explanation of why the sign was _
3. Commissioner Ellson questioned the location as being the same location
as the Building Industry Association signs and in addition if this sign was
allowed, the for sale sign (billboard) would be removed. Staff stated the
temporary sales sign would expire on its own.
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Ellson to adopt Minute Motion 93-041 approving
Sign Application 93-215 to allow a permanent monument sign, subject to
conditions. Unanimously approved with the addition of Condition #6
which requires that if the sign is built on Washington Street, no additional
permanent signs will be allowed on Eisenhower Drive.
A. Commissioners Ellson/Marrs moved and seconded a motion to approve the
Minutes of July 27, 1993 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Mr. Jeff Petrus stated his concern that the problem with the Quinterra tract
needed a solution and the builder could afford to build the larger size homes.
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B. Staff informed the members to review the brochure on Transcon 2000 regarding
the' conference on Future Transportation Technology and let staff know if they
wished to attend.
A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Marrs/Abels to adjourn this regular
meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on
September 14, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting
of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:38 P.M., August 24, 1993.
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