PCMIN 09 14 1993 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION- CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California September 14, 1993 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows. Commissioner Ellson led the flag salute. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Ellson, Marts, Abels, and Chairwoman Barrows. B. Commissioners Abels/Marrs moved and seconded a motion to excuse Commissioner Adolph. Unanimously approved. C. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa,' Associate Planners Greg Trousdell and Leslie Mouriquand-Cherry, and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS B. Continued Tentative Tract 27840; a request of TD Desert Development (Chuck Strother) for approval of a tentative tract map to create 127 single family residential lots and miscellaneous lots on 55 + acres. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Man's asked staff to clarify the changes to the Conditions of Approval staff was requesting. 3. There being no further comment, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public heating. Chuck Strother, applicant, addressed the Commission regarding his project and asked for clarification on Condition #37, last paragraph, PC9-14 1 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 regarding off-site street improvements which were recommended by the Engineering Department. Mr. Strother then question Condition #20 and went on to explain to the Commission why the condition was being required and gave his reasoning as to his alternative to Condition #20. 4. Chairwoman Barrows asked staff to clarify the alternatives offered for Condition #20. Staff explained that Condition #20 was recommended for amendment by the Engineering Department. The condition deals with acquisition and dedication of street right-of-ways. Presently at the southwest comer of the site adjacent to Washington Street, there is a triangular shape piece of land which is privately owned and needed to widen Washington Street. This property is in front of the subject property but under a separate ownership not associated with the project. Staff explained that the Engineering and Planning and Development staff met with Mr. Strother prior to the Planning Commission meeting to discuss acquisition of this triangular shape piece of land. Based upon a review of the Development Agreement, it was staff's position the applicant should acquire the land and deed or dedicate the right-of-way to the City for street improvements. The applicant did not agree with staff's interpretation of the Development Agreement and wanted the City to acquire this piece of land and then he would construct the required street improvements. A third option of sharing the costs was being presented to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. 5. Following discussion with staff and there being no further questions, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing. 6. Commissioner Ellson asked if the agricultural requirement was the standard requirement. Staff stated it was. 7. Commissioner Marrs asked if staff had any comment on Condition #37. Staff stated the condition requires was intended to provide for incidental improvements to make a safe and finished road transition. Commissioners asked staff to modify this condition to reflect this transition. 8. The Engineering Department and Planning and Development Department did recommend further conditions be added and/or amended. Condition #38.A.2. was amended clarifying the extent of the half-street improvements along Washington Street. The condition noted that the improvements must be between Avenue 48 on the north and the southern boundary adjacent to Park La Quinta, including the triangular shaped piece of land which is under the ownership of a separate individual. PC9-14 2 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 Condition #38.A.3. was modified regarding signal costs. Since the specific plan specified the extent of the costs it was deleted from this condition as part of the tentative tract map. Condition #38.A.4. was amended to include Adams Street improvement requirements. Condition #38.B. 1-3. were added to stipulate on-site street widths. The on-site street widths were not previously noted in the draft conditions. Condition #67 was added to require a stripped golf cart lane along the main collector road as required by the specific plan. Condition #68 was added to require a pedestrian and bicycle path system within the project. This condition was also required as a result of the specific plan requirements. The conditions and requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District were added as Condition #69. The Coachella Valley Water District conditions were for the most part, relatively standard. A flooding easement for the portion of the golf course, which will act as an evacuation channel, will be required. Additionally, the applicant will need to provide other facilities for the expansion of the domestic water system, such as wells, reservoirs, and booster pumping stations. Lastly, the landscaping and irrigation plans will need to be submitted to the District for review to insure efficient water management. The applicant stated he had no objection with these revisions. 9. Commissioners discussed with staff the alternatives to Condition #20. Following this discussion, the Commission recommended the third option which would require the City and applicant to share in the acquisition of the land. Under this option, the applicant will be responsible to front all costs for acquiring the land. One third of the cost of the acquisition of the property shall be the applicant's responsibility (one third is needed for the street improvements). The City will grant a credit to the applicant in the amount of two thirds of the cost of acquisition. The credit will be made against the applicant's other obligations (i.e., fees, etc.) with respect to this development. The means of granting this credit is to be determined at a later date. There shall be no out-of-pocket expense to the City in acquiring the needed right-of-way or future credits. 10. Following discussion, it was moved/seconded by Commissioners Marrs/Abels to adopt Resolution 93-032 recommending approval of Tentative Tract 27840 subject to the modified conditions as stated above. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Ellson, Man's, Abels & Chairwoman Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Adolph. ABSTAINING: None. PC9-14 3 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 B. Continuing Change of Zone 91-066 and Plot Plan 93-502; a request of Jascorp for a Change of Zone from R-l, R-2'8,000 and C-P to R-2 for approximately 12 acres, and a Plot Plan to develop a 124 unit one and two story low and moderate income apartment complex. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell stated the applicant had requested a continuance of the project to September 28, 1993. The public hearing was opened by Chairwoman Barrows. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Marrs/Ellson to continue Change of Zone 91-066 and Plot Plan 93-502 to September 28, 1993. Unanimously approved. C. Vesting Tentative Tract 27031 (Minor Change. Amendment #1); a request of Mr. E. George Marzicola on behalf of the Washington Square property owners for a one year time extension. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. _ 2. Commissioner Ellson asked staff to clarify the Avenue 47 access. 3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing. Mr. George Marzicola addressed the Commission regarding the request. 4. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing. 5. Commissioners Ellson/Abels moved and seconded a motion to adopt Resolution 93-033 recommending approval of Tentative Tract 27031 (Minor Change, Amendment #1) first extension of time, subject to conditions. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Ellson, Marrs, Abels & Chairwoman Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Adolph. ABSTAINING: None. D. Public Use Permit 93-016; a request of Bernardo Gouthier for approval of a sculpture park with an art school, garden gallery, and administrative offices. PC9-14 4 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand-Cherry presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Marts asked staff to clarify the width of the exit and the purpose of the shuttle system. Staff stated they were requiring the exit to be 15-feet and the shuttle system was to transport the students to the school and keep the parking lot close to the street. 3. Commissioner Ellson asked if there was any problem with the waste disposal company getting access. Staff stated Waste Management of the Desert had no problem. 4. Commissioner Ellson asked if the entire caretakers facility would be constructed in the first phase. Staff referred the matter to the applicant. 5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing. Mr. Bernardo Gouthier, in answer to Commissioner Ellson question, stated the first phase would consist of only the highlighted area. Commissioner Ellson then pointed out that the restroom facilities for the caretaker were not included in that portion. Mr. Gouthier amended his stated and included the complete building in the first phase. 6. Mr. Gouthier asked for clarification on Condition//32. Staff stated Mr. Gouthier's street improvements existed and he would have no off-street requirements except for landscaping. Following discussion, it was recommended that Condition//32 be deleted. 7. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing. Commissioners Ellson/Abels moved and seconded a motion to adopt Minute Motion 93-042 approving Public Use Permit 93- 016, subject to the deletion of Condition//32, the increasing of Phase I to include the entire classroom, storage, and caretakers facility, and Condition #35.A. 1 being changed to 15-feet. Unanimously approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT: None V. BUSINESS SESSION: A. Continued Tentative Tract 23913 (Quinterra)-Phase II; a request of Forecast Homes for approval of architectural plans for single family residences. PC9-14 5 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. There being no questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows asked that only those who had something new to add to the previous comments address the Commission at this time. 3. Mr. Ed Kibbey, representing Building Industry Association stated that the building industry depends upon builders being able to process their projects, through the City process according to their established regulations. This was also true for the property owners as well. He felt the City should base their decision on what the Code called for. 4. Mr. Russell Robertson, representing Quinterra, submitted additional petitions to the Commission and stated he felt that any units approved for development should be compatible with the existing homes. He submitted a picture comparison of the existing homes and those built by Forecast Homes in Moreno Valley. 5. Mr. Michael Damson, Cactus Flower, stated his opposition to the project based on incompatibility. 6. Mr. Dwight Robb, La Quinta Vistas, stated his objection and fear that what was happening to Quinterra would happen in his project. He felt there must be an alternative to the smaller units being mixed with the larger. 7. Mr. David Alpert, Acacia, stated his opposition to the project. He has invested his life savings in his home and he had purchased a certain life style by buying in the Acacia development. He further stated he was losing equity due to the economy, why should the developer profit from his misfortune. 8. Mr. Doug Phillips, attorney for Quinterra (Best, Best & Krieger), reviewed the letter submitted by the property owner (Pti Merit Bank) on behalf of Forecast Homes. He stated that even though the banks can't afford to build a larger unit, the property owners can't afford to lose any more equity in their homes. He went on to reiterate that the City Zoning regulations stated that if a project was not in harmony or compatible with the existing homes, then the Planning Commission was required to deny the project. PC9-14 6 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 9. Mr. Lance Eldred, Topaz, stated his desire to see the City adopt a protective ordinance on how to deal with this issue which will be repeated in every unfinished tract. He did not feel there was a solution to the problem and Forecast Homes should conform to the Zoning Ordinance. The units did not fit. 10. Mr. Bruce Strickland, applicant, gave the Commission some comparison figures relative to the surrounding tract house sizes. He stated he was not changing the density of the area, and the units were compatible. He went on to discuss the issues raised regarding the photograph display submitted by Mr. Robertson. He further stated that no where in the Zoning Ordinance does it state that a unit is incompatible due to size. He stated that the City doesn't guarantee an investment to the property owners. There were fundamental rights on both sides of this issue and the Commission needed to address those issues. 11. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows asked the Commission for their comments. Commissioner Abels stated the City was in the process of refining its Zoning Ordinance and he felt it necessary to deny the project at this time. He felt the issue needed to be resolved with new City regulations. He stated the City was very much for growth, he would like to see the tracts as they were originally planned. 12. Commissioner Ellson stated her agreement with keeping the tracts as they are. She empathized with the homeowners as they are the City. She went on to share what she felt was an average house size for the area. Following discussion with the Commissioners it was felt that no more than a 30% differential in house sizes should be allowed within an existing tract. 13. Commissioner Marrs expressed his concern that a solution could not be reached. He felt a builder should be able to build on his property. He felt there was no reason why a decision on a minimum house size could not be reached to bring the project in conformance with the existing hOmes. Commissioners Ellson and Abels stated their agreement. 14. Chairwoman Barrows stated her agreement with the 30% differential on the size of the homes to be built. She stated her empathy for both sides and felt there needed to be a reasonable compromise on both sides. PC9-14 7 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 15. Commissioner Ellson stated the Zoning Ordinance did not address the size of a home to be built within an existing tract. She felt the architectural review within the existing tracts needed to address the existing homes (i.e., CC & R's document). 16. Following an agreement between the Commissioners that the project should be approved, Commissioners discussed with staff the Conditions of Approval. Conditions were amended as follows: a. Condition #13: block wall would be required for all fencing of perimeter and interior walls. b. Condition #15: Metal roll-up doors would be required for all garages. c. Condition #7: Plans for the 1,868 square foot unit or larger would be required next to or adjacent to any existing units. d. Condition 14: 18" overhangs would be required. e. Condition 9: Gray roof tile would be deleted from the color board. f. Condition #16: The minimum house size would be 1,650 square feet. g. Condition 17: All additional house plans not already approved by the Planning Commission would be resubmitted for Planning Commission approval. h. Condition #12: the use of River Rock and the new "red" brick would not be allowed. 17. Following the discussion regarding the conditions, Commissioners Abels/Man's moved to adopt Minute Motion 93-043 approving Tentative Tract 23913, Phase II subject to the amended conditions as stated above. Unanimously approved. 18. Planning Director Jerry Herman discussed with the Commission their findings to base their approval on. They are as follows: PC9-14 8 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 a. The Conditions of Approval for Tract 23913 .grant the authority to the Planning Commission for review and approval of the architectural residential units proposed for construction within the development. b. The Planning Commission has reviewed and approved the architectural residential style and size of the homes to be constructed within the tract on December 11, 1990. c. The development contains 116 lots of which 18 homes have been constructed per the approved architectural residential style. e. The proposed smaller residential units are not in harmony, conformance, or compatible in size or architectural style with the existing developed units or the units approved by the Planning Commission. f. The Planning Commission further finds that the minimum house size shall be 1,650 square feet which is in harmony, conformance, _ and is compatible with the existing development. 19. Commissioners Abels/Ellson moved to adopt Minute Motion 93-044 approving the findings as stated above. Unanimously approved. 20. The Commissioners asked staff to relay to the Council their request to review the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to minimum house sizes to include a stipulation that would protect homeowners within an existing tract. Chairwoman Barrows excused the Commission for a ten minute break. The Commission broke at 9:25 P.M. and reconvened at 9:35 P.M. B. Street Name Change 93-003; a request of La Quinta Golf Properties for approval of a Resolution Intent to set a public hearing to consider a street name change from Schwabacker Road to Quarry Lane. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. PC9-14 9 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 2. There being no questions of staff, Commissioners Abels/Ellson moved to adopt Resolution 93-034 approving the Resolution of Intent to set October 26, 1993, as the date for a public hearing on Street Name Change 93-003. Unanimously approved. C. General Plan Consistency Finding; a request of Coachella Valley Water District for approval of General Plan consistency findings for water and sanitation projects throughout the City. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. There being no questions of staff, Commissioners Ellson/Abels moved to adopt Minute Motion 93-045 approving the proposed Coachella Valley Water District projects as being in compliance with the La Quinta General Plan. Unanimously approved. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Commissioners Ellson asked that the minutes be amended on Page 6, Item #26, the word "objection" should be changed to "opinion"; Page 3, Item #8, should be "La Quinta Del Oro" not "La Quinta Del Rey". There being no further corrections Commissioners Abels/Ellson moved and seconded a motion to approve the Minutes of August 24, 1993 as corrected. Unanimously approved. VII. OTHER- None VIH. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Man's to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on September 28, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:36 P.M., September 14, 1993. PC9-14 10