PCMIN 12 14 1993 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
December 14, 1993 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows who lead
the flag salute.
A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Adolph,
Ellson, Abels, and Chairwoman Barrows.
B. Commissioner Abels moved to excuse Commissioner Man's. Commissioner
'-- Ellson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
C. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell,
Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Zonin, Ordinance Amendment 93-039; a request of the City to amend Title 9,
Planning and Zoning of the La Quinta Municipal Code regarding minimum house
size and compatibility with residential subdivisions.
1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public
hearing. Ms. Chris Clark, STAMKO Development Company, stated her
objection to the ordinance. She stated that they owned land that was not
a part of any pre-existing subdivision and would like to develop their land
to accommodate all income levels. She further stated that the projections
for the Coachella Valley were for a 50 % growth increase for the f~rst time
buyers and "empty nest" buyers and the 1400 minimum square foot house
size would eliminate these people from being able to own a home. Fixed
income people need the smaller house. Ms. Clark felt 1200 square feet
should be the minimum house size.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 14, 1993
3. Mr. David Darren, representing PriMerit Bank, stated his objections to
the ordinance based on a letter received by the Commission from Mr.
Robert Loewen, stating their legal objections.
4. Mr. Allan Levin, representing Building Industry Association, stated his
objection to the ordinance and expressed his objections to:
a. Development Standards: #1 - the minimum house size is to high
and recommends 1200 square foot.
#5 - objected to having the pedestrian access door being covered.
This would prevent the planting of any trees.
#7 - rain gutters and downspouts should be an architectural and
builders prerogative. This should not be the Planning
Commission's decision.
b. Approval Process: #1 - the precise plan process needs to be
clarified; if the unit has prior approval why does it need additional
c. Compatibility Review Process: #2.b. - four-point elevations
including adjacent existing units, etc. is asking too much detail.
#2.d. - requiring final landscaping plans at this time is to great an
expense. This should be a conceptual plan only.
d. Development Standards for Compatibility Review Process: #2 -
two story houses being constructed next to existing. This is unfair
if the original builder planned a two story house then the
homeowner of the existing house would have known a two-story
house was planned for that area and the new owner would not be
#4 - built-out subdivision garage sizes, obligates you to build only
the same size garage that was previously approved. In addition,
the 100-foot radius around the lot, the Planning Commission
should only address the houses on the same side of the street or on
the opposite side of the street where they face each other.
#5 - requiting the same window and roof material allow for no
#7 - requiring a 24-inch box tree - the new developer should not
be required to put something in that the previous builder was not
required to do.
#9 - 10% deviation - this should be a minimum of 25 %.
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December 14, 1993
#10 - Planning Commission allowed to determine which units can
be built. The City should not be in a place of determining
marketability. It puts the City in a liability situation if the units
cannot be sold.
5. Mr. Michael Marix, representing the Building Industry Association, stated
his objection to staff ignoring their extensive comments on the ordinance
and to allow him only three minutes to address such extensive questions
is not fair. He requested that the Commission continue the matter to
allow more time for everyone to review the ordinance.
6. Ms. Jeannine Robertson, representing some of the North La Quinta
property owners, stated her objection to the Building Industry's
statements. She stated that Inco Homes was building and selling larger
size homes in other areas and proposing smaller ones for La Quinta. She
presented a comparison list of minimum house sizes from the cities of the
Coachella Valley. She stated the North La Quinta property owners
strongly supported this ordinance and asked that the Planning Commission
require the 1400 square foot minimum house size.
7. Ms. Carol May, attorney for STAMKO Development, stated her concern
that they had not heard of this ordinance before last week and asked that
the Commission continue this matter to give them more time to review the
8. Mr. Bruce Strickland, representing Forecast Homes, stated his objection
to the ordinance as it related to his project directly which is under appeal
to the City at this time. He strongly supported the BIA comments.
9. Commissioner Abels stated he felt the Commission needed to determine
the minimum square foot house size. He agreed with staff, but also
agrees with the STAMKO representatives and felt the deviation should be
10. Commissioner Ellson asked staff to clarify the requirements for affordable
housing. Staff briefly stated the Commission/Council would set these
requirements during the conditional use permit process. There are no
minimums until that time. Commissioner Ellson asked if the homes would
be subsidized and how do you determine affordability. City Attorney
Dawn Honeywell stated this was determined by criteria set by the State
and each applicant would have to meet these standards. Discussion
followed regarding these requirements.
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December 14, 1993
11. Commissioner Adolph asked if these requirement for low income housing
applicants was brought up before or during the application process. Staff
stated the application could not be processed unless this information was
known from the beginning. Discussion followed.
12. Commissioner Ellson asked if affordable housing in the R-1 Zone could
be constructed on smaller lots. Staff stated that this would be determined
through the conditional use permit process. The possibility did exist.
13. Mr. Allan Levin, BIA, asked what would happen to the person who is
making to much money for affordable housing but not enough to buy a
1400 square foot house.
14. Commissioner Adolph stated there was a problem with establishing design
criteria for new developments and for the existing unfinished subdivisions.
He felt there needed to be a method to meet both needs.
15. Chairwoman Barrows asked if the Commission could collectively take a
tour of the area. Staff stated the logistics of doing that would be difficult.
16. Ms. Jeannine Robertson, stated that affordable housing was not the issue
and the Commission needed to deal with the issue of minimum house
17. Ms. Chris Clarke, stated her support for the North La Quinta residents
who were in a different situation that she, as they were part of an
unfinished subdivision. She, on the other hand, was trying to build on
vacant land and needed the ability to develop what the market would allow
and provide housing for those who needed smaller houses.
18. Commissioner Ellson asked if a tract could be conditioned in such a way
that those conditions are in existence for the life of the tract. Staff stated
this is what created the problem.
19. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell reminded the Commissioners that the
tracts are governed by conditions the City places on them based on the
Zoning Code adopted by the City. If the Commission wanted to establish
new standards then the Zoning Code would have to be amended.
20. Commissioner Abels asked if individual ordinances were needed to
address the two issues. City Attorney Honeywell stated that one
ordinance was needed with two sections addressing both issues.
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December 14, 1993
21. Commissioner Adolph asked if there was a problem with the legality of
the Commission setting these standards. City Attorney Honeywell stated
the Commission had every right to set these standards. Mr. Michael
Ma_rix stated that the issue of regulating downsizing had not yet been
tested in court and yes it did open the City up for possible litigation. City
Attorney Honeywell stated that the property would have to be downgraded
by the City to the point that there was no value for this to be an issue.
22. Commissioner Adolph asked Mr. Strickland how he liked dealing with the
requirements of Rancho Cucamonga. Mr. Strickland stated that Rancho
Cucamonga was very difficult to deal with but they allowed the full range
of houses sizes to be built.
23. Chairwoman Barrows asked staff if this item could be continued to a study
session. City Attorney Honeywell stated this was a public hearing and
any discussion would have to be held during a public hearing.
24. Commissioner Ellson questioned the limited amount of exterior materials
and the restriction of wood gates and asked staff what the rationale was
-- behind it. Staff stated that additional information would be available at
the next meeting.
25. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abels/Ellson to continue this public hearing to the meeting of December
28, 1993. The motion carried unanimously.
B. Street Name Change 93-004; a request of Lake La Quinta (Jim LaI.~ggia) for
approval to change Via Soud to Via Avante.
1. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public
heating. As no one wished to address the Commission regarding the
issue, the public hearing was closed.
3. There being no further discussion, Commissioners Abels/Adolph moved
and seconded a motion to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 93-044
recommending approval of Street Name Change 93-004.
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Planning Commission Minutes
December 14, 1993
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Adolph, Ellson,
Abels, Chairwoman Barrows. NOES:
None. ABSENT: Commissioner Marts.
C. Tentative Tract 27835; a request of TD Desert Development for approval of a
tentative tract map for seven residential air space condominium lots, racquet club
lot, and miscellaneous lots on 36-t- gross acres.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
Department. Staff informed the Commission that a condition was going
to be added regarding artifacts until staff found that the specific plan
covered the matter.
2. Commissioner Adolph asked how access to the channel would be
restricted. Staff stated that CVWD had not addressed that.
3. Commissioner Adolph asked if the condition regarding the artifacts was
specific as to how the artifacts would be cared for. Staff stated it would
be specific regarding what type of discovery work would be done on the
east versus what had been done on the west side of the development.
Commissioner Adolph stated his concern that a condition be added
whereby any artifacts found would be held in La Quinta and not sent out
of town. Chairwoman Barrows stated the City needed to consider how
these artifacts would be stored.
4. Commissioner Ellson asked if there was any provision for the storage of
bicycles in the vicinity of the racquet club. Staff stated they were not
aware of any provisions at this time but a condition could be added to the
plot plan (PP 93-516).
5. Commissioner Ellson asked if the parking for the pool will be in a central
location and if the pool and tennis club would be open to the Casita
members. Staff stated they would defer to the applicant.
6. There being no further questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened
the public hearing. Mr. Chuck Strother stated he was in agreement with
all the conditions.
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December 14, 1993
7. Mr. Strother went on to answer the above questions. He stated that any
screening of the evacuation channel would.have to be approved by CVWD
and at present they have not done any land planning for this portion of the
tract. They would probably plant the channel as part of the golf course
to the east with the planting going up to the backyards of the homes. If
any portion was sold then they might install boundary wails.
8. Mr. Strother stated that in reference to the racquet club and the associated
amenities, that ail the amenities were for the exclusive use of ail owners
of Rancho La Quinta and the golf members.
9. Chairwoman Barrows asked if the development was planned so that
bicycles could be ridden throughout. Mr. Strother stated they were
included in the circulation plan and he would have no problems with a
condition being added requiring bicycle racks, since they were planning
on providing them anyway.
10. Chairwoman Barrows asked if there was any provision for the use of golf
carts instead of vehicles for the internai circulation. Mr. Strother stated
they would encourage it and the streets would accommodate it.
11. There being no further questions, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public
12. Commissioner Ellson asked if staff had any problem with the parking.
Staff stated they did not.
13. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Adolph/Abels to recommend approvai of Tentative Tract
27835 to the City Council by adoption of Planning Commission Resolution
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Adolph, Ellson,
Abels, Chairwoman Barrows. NOES:
None. ABSENT: Commissioner Marts.
D. Plot Plan 93-495; a request of Simon Plaza for approvai to amend Condition #36
regarding the dedication of Washington Street right-of-way.
-- 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that staff had received a request of
the applicant to continue this matter to the Commission's meeting of
January 11, 1994.
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December 14, 1993
2. Commissioner Adolph asked if any further discussion had been held with
the applicant regarding what had been given to them. Staff stated they
had not.
3. Commissioner Abels asked what would happen if the Commission denied
the request. Staff stated the applicant would be in default with the
conditions and staff would have to consult with the City Attorney.
Discussion followed.
4. Commissioner Ellson asked if the applicant was conditioned to contribute
to the construction of the corner and if it was done in two phases would
it not be more expensive. Staff stated it would be more expensive.
5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened
the public hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Commissioners
Abels/Adolph moved to continue Plot Plan 93-495 to January 11, 1994.
Unanimously approved.
A. Plot Plan 93-516; a request of TD Desert Development for approval of
preliminary landscaping plans for the main entry road and Casita area and
approval of landscaping and architectural plans for the racquet club area.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. Commissioner Ellson asked that a condition be added requiring bicycle
3. Mr. Strother stated he was available to answer any questions.
4. Commissioner Adolph stated his concern about approving the plot plan
without seeing a more detailed plan. Discussion followed regarding the
food service area, columns, dormer vents, and whether the item should be
continued. Mr. Strother stated his need to have approval so he could
proceed with his project. Commissioner determined that a conceptual
approval could be made with progress drawings submitted at a later date.
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December 14, 1993
5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Ellson/Abels to approve Plot Plan 93-516 by the adoption
of Minute Motion 93-054, with the addition of a condition requiring
bicycle storage and with progress drawings be resubmitted. Unanimously
B. Sign Application 93-225; a request of Norwest Financial, Inc. for approval of a
corporate sign for Norwest Financial.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. Commissioner Abels asked if the height of the letters was the same as the
other tenants. Staff stated it was.
3. Commissioner Adolph asked what the width of the tenant's building was.
Staff stated they were uncertain but the sign did not take up the entire
width of the frontage as only 75 % was allowed.
4. Commissioner Ellson asked that staff supply the Commission with photos
of the buildings and the adjoining buildings when presented with this type
of request.
5. Mr. Jim Engle, Imperial Sign Company, stated he was available to answer
any questions of the Commission. Commissioners asked if the banners
were only temporary. Mr. Engle stated they were for temporary
identification only.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Adolph to approve Sign Application 93-225 by
adoption of Minute Motion 93-055. Unanimously approved.
A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of November 23, 1993, Commissioners
Ellson/Adolph moved and seconded a motion to approve the Minutes as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
Commissioners discussed with staff items that could be discussed during the study session
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December 14, 1993
Commissioner Ellson asked that staff look into having "signs" added to the agenda for the
Planning Commissioners Institute Conference in March, 1994. Staff reminded the
Commissioners that only three Commissioners would be allowed to attend.
A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Adolph/Abels to adjourn this regular
meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on
December 18, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting
of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:50 P.M., December 14, 1993.
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