PCMIN 12 28 1993 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION- CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California December 28, 1993 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows who lead the flag salute. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Adolph, Ellson, Marrs, Abels, and Chairwoman Barrows. B. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Mary Wagner, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS- A. Continued - Zoning Ordinance Amendment 93-039; a request of the City to amend Title 9, Planning and Zoning of the La Quinta Municipal Code regarding minimum house size and compatibility with residential subdivisions. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. Staff informed the Commission that amendments to the ordinance had been made and were distributed. In addition written comments had been received and were distributed. 2. Mr. Ed Kibbey, representing Building Industry Association (BIA), requested that the Planning Commission continue this matter again and set up a committee to review the document and make recommendations. 3. Mr. Allen Levin, representing BIA, went through the document and commented on Page 1 Items//5, Page 2 Items//6 and #7, Page 3 Item #1, Page 4 Item 2d, Page 5 Items//4 and//6, Page 6 Item #8, and in addition there were no provisions for appeal to the standards. PC12-28 1 Planning Commission Minutes Decembero28, 1993 4. Mr. Russel Robertson, resident, asked that if a committee is formed that the residents would like to be included on that committee, and asked if there was any way to have more input from the residents regarding projects to be approved by the City. 5. Mr. Michael Marix, builder in the Valley, requested that a committee be formed to evaluate and give input into the ordinance. 6. Mr. Joseph Irwin, La Quinta resident, asked that the Commission not delay this any longer. In addition the ordinance should require no less than a 10% deviation in house sizes. 7. Mr. Neil Ludlam, La Quinta resident, spoke in favor of the ordinance and in particular the minimum house size. 8. Mr. Robert Tyler, La Quinta resident, spoke in favor of the ordinance but questioned some aspects of it. Objected to the fee schedule. 9. Ms. Christine Clarke, representing STAMKO Development, felt the ordinance should be divided into two dealing with two separate issues. Expressed her concern that the City should be diversified in regards to the house size and provide housing for all aspects of the financial spectrum. If the minimum square footage is 1400 then allow a deviation for diversity. 10. Mr. Jay Foster, La Quinta resident, expressed his concern that their investment in their home might be downgraded. 11. Mr. Curb McCalless, 78-575 Villeta, asked that the area be maintained with the high quality of homes that are built in this area now. 12. Mr. Bob Dupay, 44-960 Tortolla, objected to lowering the minimum house size as it will reduce home values. 13. Chairwoman Barrows asked staff to explain the availability of staff reports to the public prior to the meetings. Staff explained that all copies are available to the public on the Friday prior to the meeting. 14. Ms. Sally Young, real estate broker, stated her concern for the ordinance and asked that the Commission separate the two issues. She felt the minimum square footage for the City should be dealt with separately. Her concern was that a minimum of 1400 square footage puts the house price range out of the market for what can be sold. PC12-28 2 Planning Commission Minutes December.28, 1993 15. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing and opened the discussion to the Commission. 16. Commissioner Adolph stated he felt the major concern was the amount of affordable housing that was available in La Quinta. After checking with a local realtor he was told there were 80 homes in La Quinta averaging between $70,000 and $100,000. Therefore there was affordable housing in La Quinta. But, in the existing tracts where new homes are to be built, or next to an existing tract, it should be: "New housing being added to an existing tract development shall not be less than 10 percent of the square footage of the minimum size house within that development and that the proposed minimum square foot houses shall number in direct proportion to the existing minimum house size houses percentage wise. There shall be no limit to the larger houses. Due to particular lot configurations, unknown at the time, a developer may petition through the planning process for a conditional variance to the minimum house standards in order to make a particular lot livable." 17. Commissioner Marrs stated he felt the 10 percent below the smallest house was needed but there was no need to have the 10 percent above the largest. Discussion followed and a consensus was made that no limit should be placed on the largest size house allowed to be built. 18. Commissioner Abels stated his agreement that 10 percent deviation from the smallest unit should be allowed. 19. Staff asked for clarification on the direct proportion to the houses built. Commissioner Adolph explained and discussion followed. 20. Chairwoman Barrows stated her concern about limiting the number of units a developer can build of a specific unit type. Commissioner Ellson agreed that a broader interpretation would be better and agrees with the 10 percent deviation from the smallest unit and that no house would be smaller than allowed in the R-1 zone. It was determined that the market conditions would determine the mix and this would allow some flexibility for the developer and home buyer. 21. Commissioner Ellson asked that the wording for #8 in the section regarding Development Standards for Compatibility Review Process be revised to read, "no unit may be less than 10 percent smaller than the existing smallest unit". Discussion followed as to possible wording. Following discussion it was determined to change the wording to: "The PC12-28 3 Planning Commission Minutes December_ 28, 1993 smallest single family dwelling units proposed within a partially developed subdivision may deviate in size so that the proposed units are no more than 10% smaller in size than the smallest previously built unit in the subdivision." 22. Chairwoman Barrows asked what opportunity the developer would have to increase the percentage. Staff stated there was no process to deviate from the required percentage. Discussion followed as to whether an appeal process should be provided. 23. Chairwoman Barrows asked the Commissioners how they wanted to address a new development abutting or adjacent to an existing development. 24. Commissioner Adolph suggested the following wording: "The minimum square foot house within the new development shall not be less than the minimum square foot house in the adjacent development. The minimum square foot house shall not exceed 20 percent of the total tract development. Should the new development abutt two or more existing developments, then the average of the minimum square foot houses in each tract shall be used as a benchmark to establish within 10 percent, the minimum square foot house that can be built. The minimum square foot house would be no less than 1300 square feet in any case." 25. Chairwoman Barrows asked for clarification of what abutting developments was. Commissioner Adolph explained. Commissioner Ellson stated she felt this was taking it a step too far. Discussion followed regarding controlling the size of units of new developments. 26. Chairwoman Barrows suggested the Commission take each issue under Compatibility one at a time. The following determinations were as follows: Item #1: The Precise Plan process shall be used for all single family dwelling units proposed for construction unless the compatibility review process was required. Item #2: No changes. Minor and Major Design Deviation: PC12-28 4 Planning Commission Minutes December_28, 1993 An introduction sentence was added to this section to read, "The Planning and Development Department shall make the determination of whether a design deviation is major or minor using the following criteria:" Items #1 and #2: No change Compatibility Review Process Item #2c: A detailed site plan delineating all siting aspects of the development (i.e., setbacks, topography, fencing locations, locations provided for ground mounted mechanical and heating/air conditioning systems, parking, accessways, adjacent streets, utilities, and drainage. Item #2d: A conceptual site landscaping plan, showing a listing of quantities, species, location and plant sizes to be incorporated into the final landscaping of the project. The final approved landscape plan must be stamped "approved" by the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner's office prior to thc issuancc of a building pcrmit final inspection. Item #2e: When new units are proposed adjacent to existing unit(s) show, with cnough in detail, the architectural relationship of the existing and proposed unit(s). This may be done with photos, new elevations, etc. Items #3. #4. #5. #6: No change. Completeness of Application: No change. Development Standards for Compatibility Review Process: Item #1: No change Item #2: A two story house cannot be constructed adjacent to or abutting a lot line of an existing single story home constructed in a prior phase of the same subdivision, unless proof can be provided showing that a two story unit was proposed for the lot by the prior builder. Items #3: No change. PC12-28 5 Planning Commission Minutes December. 28, 1993 Item //4: Ncw homcs shall bc thc same size and architectural detailing (including garages) whcn located on thc samc side of thc strcct and abut existing unit(s) within a partially built out phase or a new phase of thc subdivision. When homes exist on cithcr side of a vacant lot a proposed unit must bc compatible with thc larger existing unit. Item//5: A proposed single family dwelling unit must contain similar b.~e compatible in terms of: a. architectural material such as roof material, window treatment and garage door style. b. Colors c. Roof lines as the existing units, or units which are approved for construction as determined on the plans and materials board, within the same subdivision unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission. Item //6: At least one specimen {24" box) tree shall be provided in the front or street side yard in addition to as part of the landscape requirements of the zone. Item #7: No change. Item //8: Thc singlc family dwclling units proposed within a partially developed subdivision cannot deviate by more than ten pcrccnt (10%) from thc square footagc of thc existing or approved units provided thc deviation docs not create a unit smaller than thc smallest unit constructed within thc subdivision (i.e., if thc units approved range from 1,200 to 2,300 square feet, and thc smallest unit constructed is 1,250 square fect, thcn thc smallest unit that could bc constructed is 1,250 square feet and thc largest is 2,530 squarc fect). Changed to read: The smallest single family dwelling units proposed within a partially developed subdivision may deviate in size so that the proposed units are no more than 10% smaller in size than the smallest previously built unit in the subdivision. Item//9' No change. PC12-28 6 Planning Commission Minutes Decembero 28, 1993 Review by the Design Review Board and Planning Commission Review. No change. Public Hearing Process. Discussion regarding enlarging the area to be notified, but due to the cost it was left at 300 feet. Appeal Process: No change. Fees: No change. Single Family Dwelling Unit Development Standards: Item gl: Minimum gross livable area shall be 1,400 1.300 square feet, excluding the garage, as measured from the exterior walls of the dwelling. Item #2: Bedroom dimensions: a minimum of tcn foot clcar width and dcpth dimcnsions bedroom size of 100 square feet, as measured from the interior walls of the room. Items #3.//4: No change. Item #5' Access between house and garage: a separate pedestrian door into the garage shall be provided as either an interconnecting door providing direct access between the dwelling and garage, or a pedestrian door leading outside to a paved walkway arca cnclosed within a secured, walled arca and which provides direct access to a keyed entry into the dwelling. Item #6: Mechanical and related equipment: when ground-mounted, heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted and screened from all sides. When equipment v,,et4s is located on pitched roofs and o_rr equipmcnt on flat roofs wells and/or screening must be provided on all sides must bc screcned. The screening must be an integral part of the architectural design of the house. Item #7: Thc cavc cnd of all dwclling roofs which run parallcl with intcrior sidc propcrty lincs, mcasuring a distancc of fivc fect or lcss from thc common propcrty linc, shall bc equipped with a rain guttcr, and downspout directed to an approved drainagcway. -- Item #8. g9. #I0. #1 I. #12. and #13' No change. PC12-28 7 Planning Commission Minutes December_ 28, 1993 Item #14: Delete until the R-1 Zoning update. Extcrior matcrials: siding shall bc stucco, plastcr, rock, masonry or a similar matcrial. Wood, or othcr similar matcrial(s) may bc used for facia trim, but may not makc up morc than tcn pcrccnt (10%) of thc surfacc wall of any sidc of thc houm. Roofing matcrials shall cithcr bc clay or concrctc tilc (Class "A") for pitched roofs as dcfined by thc Uniform Building Codc (UBC). Thc Planning Commission may approvc altcrnativc roof matcrials using thc adjustmcnt proccss contained in thc SR Zonc rcgulations. Item #15: Delete until the R-1 Zoning update. Eavcs: roof cavcs must cxtcnd a minimum or' 18 inchcs from thc wall cxccpt for flat roof houscs. Single Family Dwelling Unit Approval Process One of the following methods shall be used to review new single family dwelling unit proposals prior to the issuance of a building permit. Item #1: The precise plan process (Section 9.42.110) shall be used for single family dwelling units proposed for construction on a lot within the City unless the compatibility review process is required, a) an approved specific plan; b) a subdivision recorded aftcr May 1, 1982, whcrc thc unit has reccived City architectural approval and no changc is proposed; c) thc SR Zoning District; d) a subdivision recorded prior to May 1, 1982; and c) minor dcsign dcviation. Item//2: No change. 27. Commissioner Ellson thanked everyone who assisted in compiling this document to help the City come to a compromise between the builders, residents, and the City standards. 28. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ellson/Abels to amend Title 9, Planning and Zoning of the La Quinta Municipal Code regarding minimum house size and compatibility with residential subdivisions by adoption of Resolution 93- 046, as amended, and recommend approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 93-039 to the City Council. Commissioner Adolph expressed his objection to some of the recommendations in the amendment. PC12-28 8 Planning Commission Minutes Decembero28, 1993 ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Ellson, Marts, Abels, Chairwoman Barrows. NOES: Commissioner Adolph. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. A motion was made by Commissioner Ellson and seconded by Commissioner Marts to request the City Council form a committee as recommended by the Building Industry Association to review the R-1 Zoning Ordinance update as prepared by the consultants. Unanimously approved. Chairwoman Barrows excused the Commission for a five minute break. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT: - None IV. BUSINESS SESSION A. Sign Application 93-215. Amendment gl; a request of Laguna de la Paz to amend and relocate the previously approved permanent monument sign for the existing residential development. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Adolph asked what landscaping was on the site at present. Staff explained that it consisted of lawn, trees, and palms. 3. Commissioner Abels asked what the lighting of the sign would be. Staff explained that they did not submit a lighting program for the proposed sign. Discussion followed regarding possible landscape lighting. Following the discussion, it was recommended that Condition #2 be changed to read, "approved by the Planning Director". 4. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Marrs/Adolph to adopt Minute Motion 93-056 approving Sign Application 93-215, Amendment #1, subject to conditions as amended. Unanimously approved. B. Approval of Architectural Plans; a request of Mr. Jimmy R. Crowell, Century- Crowell Communities for approval of architectural plans for Phase VII of the La Quinta Highlands Tract 23269 - La Quinta Del Rey. -- PC12-28 9 Planning Commission Minutes December_ 28, 1993 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Ellson asked if in light of the discussion on the Compatibility Ordinance, whether the two story house on Lot 238 would be an issue. Staff explained that the precedent had been established in the tract and homeowners and buyers were aware that two story units were planned for these lots. 3. Mr. Jimmy Crowell, applicant addressed the Commission regarding his request. 4. Ms. Allyson DeVinney, resident of La Quinta Vistas, stated her objection to the project due to the lack of parking in the cul-de-sac. She felt the garage conversions would create a problem for the need for additional parking on the street and there was none available in the cul-de-sacs. She stated that the square footage of the proposed homes should be the same as the existing houses and three car garages should be included with the plans. 5. Mr. Robert Tyler, resident of La Quinta Vistas, thanked Mr. Crowell for being responsive to the residents concerns as well as the Planning Department staff. He stated his concern that the garage conversion was being done to increase the square footage of the homes that was necessary to meet the City requirements, but the floor plan they were using are smaller than the surrounding homes. He did not feel these homes met the proposed compatibility standards being proposed by the City. 6. Mr. Crowell, applicant addressed some of the issues raised by the residents. He stated he would be willing to put in the concrete necessary to accommodate a three car garage to allow additional on-site parking. He further stated he would be willing to use wrought iron /'or any fence gates. 7. Commissioner Ellson asked the applicant to clarify Plan 5L as to whether or not a bathroom would be provided in the loft area. Mr. Crowell stated there was no provision for a bathroom on his loft plans. 8. Commissioner Ellson questioned the parking space generated by the size of the houses proposed. Discussion followed regarding the house plans and the possible parking problem on the existing cul-de-sac and possible solutions. PC12-28 10 Planning Commission Minutes December.28, 1993 9. Following the discussion, the Commissioners requested that the developer provide detailed site plans for Lots //173, //175, //177, //185 for the Planning Commission's review. 10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Adolph/Ellson to adopt Minute Motion 93-057 approving the architectural plans for Phase VII of the La Quinta Highlands Tract 23269 - La Quinta Del Rey, subject to conditions and that the developer submit a detailed concept site/landscape plan for Lots #173, //175,//177, and #185. Unanimously approved. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of December 14, 1993, Commissioners Ellson/Abels moved and seconded a motion to approve the Minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. VII. OTHER- None __ VIII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Marts/Adolph to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on January I1, 1994, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 11:41 P.M., December 28, 1993. PC12-28 11