April 9, 1997
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Vice Chairman Sales, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Irwin, Osborne, Frame, Lewis (5:40) and Vice Chairman
ABSENT: Chairwoman Brown and Board Members Rodriguez
OTHER PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Debbie DeRenard, Secretary
In response to Vice Chairman Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that the Investment
Advisory Board meeting notice is posted in the Palm Desert Post - La Quinta
addition on Thursdays. A notice of the meeting is also posted on the bulletin
boards at Albertsons', the Chamber of Commerce and City Hall.
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on February 12, 1997 and March 12,
1997 for the Investment Advisory Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Osborne to approve the
Minutes of February 12, 1997 and March 12, 1997 as submitted.
Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board April 9, 1997
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for January 31, 1997 and February 28,
Board Member Frame advised that since the Board received both the
January and February Treasury Reports he was able to review and
compare the two reports, He further advised that there was a forecasted
two million dollar debt service payment that is now at zero.
Mr. Falconer advised that he transferred the funds a month earlier to the
Bond Trustee.
Board Member Frame advised that he was unsure of how much preview
the Board has over this, but in terms of understanding the Treasurers
Report better, when changes of this size occur they should be hi-lighted.
The Board concurred on hi-lighting any dollar amounts that have changed
or creating a separate section of the report for forecasted changes that
are of a substantial amount.
Board Member Frame advised that adding a column that shows the re-
forecasted amount would be helpful too.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Frame to approve the
Treasurers Reports dated January 31, 1997 and February 28, 1997.
Motion Carried Unanimously.
B. Fiscal Year 97/98 Investment Policies
In response to Vice Chairman Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that the City
Council looks to the Investment Advisory Board and Staff for any
proposed changes. He further advised that the current Investment Policy
has been easy to work with.
In response to Vice Chairman Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that the
Investment Policy before the Board has no unapproved changes.
Mr. Falconer advised that the City is required to adopt the Investment
Policy each year by State Code.
Investment Advisory Board April 9, 1997
Mr. Falconer asked that the Board give Staff clarification on (1)
Commercial Paper investments, (2) the two year maturity and (3) the
LAIF investment percentage.
Board Member Irwin advised that he would like the definition of surplus
funds added. He further added that surplus funds became an issue with
the Board after the approval of the Investment Policy.
Mr. Falconer advised that the second page of the Treasurers Report
clarifies the surplus/percentages.
In response to Board Member Frame, Board Member Irwin advised that
at previous meetings, Staff indicated the cash position and advised the
Board that the City was running afoul of the rules on surplus funds as
distinguished from surplus funds. He further advised that he would like
to see the definitions in the current Investment Policy.
Mr. Falconer advised that there is a definition of surplus funds in the
Policy on page 15, footnote one.
Board Member Irwin questioned why the Board had clarification problems
at the last two meetings if the definition of surplus funds was in the
Mr. Falconer advised that he recalls that the City had almost reached the
maximum percentage of investments in LAIF and T-bills and the other
options were Commercial Paper and government securities.
Board Member Irwin advised that the reason the City was maxing out
was because of the definition of surplus funds.
Board Member Osborne questioned if another column is needed in the
Treasury Report to indicate total investment and surplus funds.
Board Member Irwin advised that would be a possibility.
In response to Board Member Frame, Mr. Falconer advised that the State
mandates the surplus definition and the State has set the limitation on
surplus funds.
Investment Advisory Board April 9, 1997
In response to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer advised that he will
research the State limitations.on investments.
The Board concurred that two columns on the Treasury Report indicating
total/surplus funds would be easier for the Board to review.
The Board discussed Commercial Paper investment percentages and
concurred to leave Commercial Paper in as an investment vehicle at the
same percentage level by a 3 to 2 vote. Board Member Lewis, Osborne
and Frame voting YES and Board Members Irwin and Sales voting NO.
Board Member Frame suggested adding a footnote for investments such
as LAIF that states that investments not authorized if they are part of
another entities investments are permitted as long as they don't exceed
that given percentage of the total portfolio. He expressed concern about
entities investing in investments that are not approved by the City.
Board Member Irwin stated that this is how it has been all along with
Board Member Frame agreed and advised that a footnote should be added
indicating this so that the Board will periodically check the investments.
Board Member Irwin advised that if the City is going to have a Policy to
not invest in certain types of securities, than there should be a policy to
not invest in an entity that invests in that type of security.
Board Member Lewis advised that he agrees with Board Member Frame
and he further explained that Staff does not have the time and may or
may not have the expertise needed for some of the investments. Certain
direct investments were eliminated because of this. He further stated
that an entity such as LAIF or a mutual fund has the staff to understand
these investments.
Board Member Irwin advised that he understands what Board Members
Frame and Lewis are explaining, but in the context of LAIF they invest in
securities that the City would not even consider.
Vice Chairman Sales questioned the investment percentage of LAIF. He
further added t'hat the City Council is probably going to lower the
Investment Advisory Board April 9, 1997
Board Member Irwin advised that the decision will be made by the City
Board Member Osborne advised that he doesn't see a problem with the
investment percentage of LAIF. Based on the last review of LAIF and its
investments, yields and planning, he doesn't see a need to change.
Board Member Irwin advised that he continues to believe that the City
doesn't need to have a significant piece of the portfolio in LAIF. He
further stated that he could not support a policy that would permit a
significant investment in LAIF. He added that he doesn't want to have
the hassle of LAIF at the Investment Advisory Board meeting~. He will
wait for the City Council meeting.
Board Member Lewis advised that a significant amount of money has
already been moved out of LAIF.
In response to Vice Chairman Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that the City
went from an investment high of 22.3 million in January 1996 to 11
million in January 1997. The City is averaging 25 - 30% of surplus
investments in LAIF. He further advised that Staff is trying to maintain
the percentage at 25 to 30%.
Vice Chairman Sales questioned why the investment percentage limit is
40% in LAIF.
Mr. Falconer advised that Staff tries to maintain the 25 to 30% level.
Staff desires to have some percentage to work with, but if the Board
suggests reducing the LAIF percentage to 35%, Staff is prepared to work
with this percentage.
Board Member Irwin stated that a year ago Staff said that they were
prepared to reduce LAIF to 25% and there was a lot of credibility lost
when Staff changed it.
In response to Mr. Falconer, Board Member Irwin advised that it has been
a year.
Mr. Falconer advised that Staff has reduced the LAIF percentage from
80% down to 25%.
Investment Advisory Board April 9, 1997
Board Member Frame stated that he doesn't think Staff reneged on what
they said they .were going to do. He further advised that he remembers
Staff advised that they were going to try and reduced the LAIF
percentage to 25%. He added that he feels Staff has kept their promise.
Board Member Irwin advised that he went back to the tapes.
Vice Chairman Sales advised that he remembers Staff saying that their
target was 25%.
Board Member Osborne advised that the LAIF balance 'in February was
Board Member Irwin advised that at one point LAIF was settled and then
it became unsettled because Staff made the change.
Board Member Osborne advised that Staff is doing a fine job with LAIF
and they have brought the percentage down substantially.
Board Member Frame suggested that the Board stick with the guidelines
and not try to manage the day to day activities.
Board Member Irwin advised that if the LAIF percentage would be 30 -
35% at June 30th and with a definite limitation of 25% by the end of the
year, he would have not be opposed to it.
Vice Chairman Sales questioned if the motive is to take the Policy to the
City Council and have them changed the percentage.
Mr. Falconer advised that the Staff is prepared to reduce LAIF to 35%.
Board Member Osborne suggested reducing LAIF to 35%.
Board Member Irwin stated that we will just have to take it to Council
and let it go at that.
Vice Chairman Sales stated that he is tryincj to prevent that. He would
rather have the Board deal with the Policy. This is the Board purpose to
handle the Policy and he would rather see the Board do their job.
Investment Advisory Board April 9, 1997
Board Member Lewis advised that the Board would be derelict in their
duties to not pass on some kind of recommendation to the City Council.
Board Member Irwin agreed.
Board Member Lewis advised that the Board agrees to reduce the
percentage in LAIF, Staff has done an outstanding job in reducing the
percentage. Staff is keeping the LAIF level down to 25 - 30% when the
level is 40%. Staff is not abusing the percentages that have been given.
He further advised that Commercial Paper is an option for investments
and if the Board lowers the LAIF level to far, the City would have to
resort to investing in Commercial Paper.
Board Member Irwin advised that the City could invest in more treasury
Board Member Lewis advised that rates will be hiked up in the next
couple of months.
Vice Chairman Sales suggested that Staff discuss this and bring it back
to the Investment Advisory Board with two figures, one being what the
policy should be for the next year, and the other what Staff's goal is for
the following year after that.
Board Member Lewis advised that the Board needs to set the Policy.
Staff can come back with their goals, but the Board needs to make the
decision. It would be wrong for Staff to recommend the policy as it's the
Boards responsibility to recommend a policy number to the City Council.
In response to Board Member Frame, Mr. Falconer advised that Staff
would recommend LAIF percentage be 35% for FY 97/98.
In response to Board Member Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that Staff
cannot make a LAIF percentage goal for the FY 98/99 Policy year at this
Vice Chairman Sales advised that he has no objections to chancjincj the
LAIF limit to 35% for the Fiscal Year 1997/98.
Investment Advisory Board April 9, 1997
Board Member Frame advised that he would like to know what Staff's
strategy plan is regarding investments.
Board Member Lewis advised that the lower that the LAIF percentage is
the more drastic the change is to the day to day operations.
Board Member Irwin questioned if the percentage in treasury bills could
be increased.
Board Member Lewis advised that percentages are for the purpose of
safety and diversification. If you are not diversified, you can run into
credit risks and interest rate risks. No investment should have an
investment percentage of 100%.
Board Member Irwin advised that treasury bills at one point were at 90%.
Board Member Lewis advised that it's his opinion that treasury bills
should be lower.
After further discussion, the Board unanimously concurred on lowering
the LAIF level to 35%.
Mr. Falconer advised that Staff would bring back the proposed changes
at the May 14, 1997 meeting.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Osborne to continue
the 1997/98 Investment Policy to the next Investment Advisory Board
Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Sweep Account Presentation - Damon Santos, Wells Fargo Bank
In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Falconer advised that the
hard dollar costs are for armored car service and the lock box service.
Mr. Falconer advised that the City will need to decide to keep the sweep
balance at $50,000 or zero.
In response to Board Member Frame, Mr. Falconer advised that it's his
opinion that the reason other Cities don't use the Sweep Account is
because it's easier to use LAIF.
Investment Advisory Board April 9, 1997
Board Member Osborne advised that he would prefer the account, staying
at a $50,000 balance. Banks have been known to make errors and by
having a balance of zero, there is no room for errors.
Vice Chairman Sales suggested leaving the balance up to Staff.
Mr. Falconer advised that this will be taken to the City Council and he
asked for a recommendation from the Investment Advisory Board. He
further advised that the City will close the money market account and
convert the checking aCcount to the sweep account with the U.S.
Treasury. The City Council is always interested in how the Investment
Advisory Board feels about issues.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Osborne to
recommend that the City convert the checking account to a sweep
account and close the money market account and use the U.S. Treasury
Money Market fund as the sweep vehicle with the target balance of
$50,000. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Month End Cash Report - February 1997 and March 1997
In response to Vice Chairman Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that this report
is prepared because Staff cannot get the Treasury Report completed due
to the Month End. This reports give the Board the balances in a timely
In response to Vice Chairman Sales, Board Member Irwin advised that he
has complimented Staff before for producing the report. He further
advised that the report is very useful.
B. Request for Proposals for Audit Services
Mr. Falconer advised that the City Council wanted to retain the current
auditors, Conrad and Associates and requested Staff to 'negotiate the
contract. The Contract was successfully negotiated with Conrad and
Associates and has been approved.
Investment Advisory Board. April 9, 1997
C. Staff's Response to Board/Commissions Handbook
Noted and Filed
D. Pooled Money Investment Board Report - December 1996
Board Member Irwin questioned the "strips" on page 6 and the
percentage rate for pooled loans on the LAIF report.
Board Member Frame suggested that Mr. Falconer research the report
and bring it back to the Board.
E. CMTA Conference - April 14 - 18, Palm Springs, California
Mr. Falconer advised that Board Member Brown and Board Member Irwin
will be attending the conference.
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that during the course
of the annual audit, the auditors will contact the custodian directly.
Board Member Irwin requested a letter from the Auditors that states that they
have examined the records of the custodian and they are satisfied that as of
June 30th, 1997 the amount of securities is correct.
Mr. Falconer advised that there is a footnote in the Financial Statements that
states the balances.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Irwin to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.